How to take protein to gain weight. How and when to take protein to gain muscle mass: dosage and time of intake? How to drink protein to gain muscle mass

With regular strength and cardio training, muscles receive a large number of microtraumas. Therefore, they need a lot of protein, which will help them recover and increase their mass. Under normal conditions, the body obtains proteins from protein-rich foods, but under increased loads it is necessary to additionally take protein supplements. If you want to give your body a bigger, leaner look, you need to think about getting the right amount of protein to meet all your body's needs.


Irina Pegova shocked everyone with her weight loss recipe:“I lost 27 kg and continue to lose weight, I just brew it at night...” Read more >>

Benefits of Protein

Protein is an essential component of every cell and every process in the body. Hair and nails are mainly made of protein. The body uses protein to build and repair tissue, primarily muscle. It helps in the production of enzymes, hormones and other chemicals. It is an important component of the composition of bones, muscles, cartilage, skin and blood.

Along with fat and carbohydrates, protein is a macronutrient that is beneficial to the body in large quantities. It can be assumed that it is necessary to regularly consume protein foods to achieve an ideal body shape. But the body needs much less protein than you might think.

The required amount of protein for the body

Most often people talk about protein when it comes to quickly building muscle mass. But the fact is that without strength training, muscles simply cannot grow. But the body does need a lot of protein to recover from intense exercise and give muscles the material to grow.

To gain weight, guys and active men need to take 1-2 grams of protein per kilogram of weight per day. Women and girls need 0.5 - 1 gram per kilogram of body per day to achieve the same effect. It is worth noting that you can get a sufficient amount of protein from a large steak, but such a protein source will contain saturated fats, which can serve as a source of excess cholesterol.

Types of protein

There are several sources of protein found in common foods. They are used to create powder mixtures. Among them:

  • Wheyprotein. He is the "king of proteins." It has the highest biological value, a measure of how well the body uses protein. It is also reported to stimulate IGF-1 (insulin-like growth factor), which enhances muscle growth. Whey has a high chain amino acid content, amounting to about 50% essential amino acids. Whey protein can be taken by people with an allergic reaction to dairy products, which only increases the popularity of the product.
  • Casein. Makes up 80% of the protein contained in milk. Protein shakes are often made based on it, due to its strong effect on muscle growth and weight gain. It has a higher glutamine content than whey. Glutamine is digested slowly because it coagulates or takes on a gel consistency once it enters the intestines. This slows down metabolism and increases the protein's exposure to the intestinal tract.
  • Proteineggs. Used in some sports nutrition formulas in the form of egg albumin. The egg has been used as a source of protein for many years. With the discovery of other proteins that provide additional benefits when consumed, eggs have become much less common in sports diets.
  • Soyprotein. Not used for muscle growth as it has low levels of methionine and for this reason is unable to greatly increase muscle mass. But soy is beneficial for normal organ function, including the heart, and overall long-term health. Most people will choose to add soy to protein shakes.

You can combine different protein sources. The main thing is to correctly calculate the amount of protein consumed per day and not exceed the norm.

Indications for use

Excessive indulgence in protein foods sometimes leads to unpleasant consequences, including uncontrolled weight gain. When creating any diet, it is imperative to include healthy foods, vegetables and fruits.

The average healthy adult is recommended to get between 10 and 35% of their daily calories from protein. If 10% per day for an adult is considered sufficient to meet the recommended daily intake, then data shows that on average people tend to approach the 16% mark.

There are several types of people who can benefit from a higher protein intake, which means getting a larger share of calories rather than simply adding extra protein to their regular diet:

  • Bodybuilders. When doing a lot of resistance or endurance training, a person breaks down muscle tissue. Protein gives it energy and material for restoration and reconstruction. If there is a lack or absence of building materials, muscles simply do not grow.
  • People prone to weight gain. There is ample evidence that high protein content helps with a low-calorie diet. Protein takes a long time to digest, providing a long-lasting feeling of fullness. It stabilizes blood sugar levels, thereby reducing the constant desire to eat during a diet. When losing weight, it is advisable to give preference to protein foods to prevent hunger and minimize muscle loss, which inevitably begins to burn with a sharp decrease in calorie intake and an increase in aerobic exercise.
  • Peoplewith poor nutrition. Anyone who eats unhealthy foods can benefit from switching to egg whites, fish and lean meats. By consuming a higher percentage of calories from protein, a person receives fewer harmful substances such as fast carbohydrates and saturated fats. Numerous studies have shown that people who replace unhealthy foods with healthy protein, complex carbohydrates and vegetable fat have low blood pressure and low levels of bad cholesterol in their blood.

It turns out that adding a small amount of protein supplements to regular food can be beneficial for people over 50 years of age. This significantly slows down the inevitable loss of muscle mass. In a study conducted at the University of Arkansas, adults aged 52 to 75 who doubled their recommended daily protein intake were able to build muscle mass in just 4 days.

For people in this age group with high cholesterol or other risk factors for heart disease, it is recommended to consume legumes, seeds, whole grains, nuts and fish for protein.

Selection and methods of application

The consumption of protein products is so strongly associated with training culture that it is difficult to imagine an athlete who would not consume protein bars or shakes. Moreover, protein supplements are used by ordinary people with a sedentary lifestyle.

Despite its widespread popularity, few people know how to properly use protein to achieve the best results. Most people start drinking protein shakes without thinking about why or when they need protein powder.

The most obvious reason to consume protein is the body's need for extra protein throughout the day for athletes who are actively gaining muscle mass. At a passive pace of life, they are absolutely not needed. If you can meet your protein needs with fresh produce while taking whole food protein 3-4 times a day, that will be sufficient.

How to choose the right product

When choosing the right sports nutrition, everything is quite simple. Despite what labels may say to the contrary, all protein powders are the same. Protein powders are based on protein, whether it's whey, soy or another protein. You can see the beautiful scientific terms “hydrolyzed” and “rapidly absorbed”, but this does not affect the effect of taking it.

When purchasing protein supplements, you should choose a reputable company that has good production technology. In this case, buyers are encouraged to review research from third-party certification companies such as Informed Choice and see for themselves the quality of the product. Companies buy products off the shelf like a typical consumer and conduct tests to ensure the jar contains what the label advertises.

Once you've narrowed your search to a few brands, there are some facts you need to know about nutritional supplements. You should pay attention to several characteristics - low fat and carbohydrate content.

Terms of use

After purchasing a suitable protein powder, you should understand the rules for using the supplement. They are usually recommended for use during the period of the most active use of protein by the body. There are several of them throughout the day, so you can choose the best techniques for yourself.

  1. 1. In the morning. After waking up, the concentration of glycogen in the body decreases sharply, which can lead to loss of muscle mass. Therefore, it is advisable to start your morning with a protein shake. This breakfast is prepared very quickly and will appeal to people who don’t have extra time in the morning. You can also add fresh fruits to saturate the body with useful elements.
  2. 2. Before and after training. Taking protein an hour before your workout will give your body the energy and material to build muscle. And since the body’s reserves are depleted during training, it is recommended to drink a cocktail after it to replenish the balance of protein and energy.
  3. 3. Before bed. In cases where the intake is at night, it is recommended to use casein. It will take a long time to digest and nourish the muscles throughout the night.

Shakes can be used instead of meals or in addition to regular meals when gaining weight. Recommended recipe for men and women:

Men. 2 tablespoons protein powder, 1-2 cups any vegetables, 2 handfuls fruit (fresh or frozen), 2 tablespoons vegetable fat (nut butter or seeds) and a liquid component (almond milk, regular milk, water).

Women. 1 scoop of protein powder, 1 cup of vegetables, a handful of your favorite fruit, 1 tablespoon of vegetable shortening and liquid ingredient.

All ingredients are crushed and mixed with a blender, after which the cocktail is ready for use. It is advisable not to stretch the drink over several uses, but to use it at a time.

Workout supplements are often seen as a male-centric industry, but protein powders are effective for women, too. The only difference is that women have different daily protein intake rates. On average, they need less protein per kilogram of body weight (mainly due to differences in body composition).

For this reason, women are initially advised to use one spoon of the mixture instead of two. The selection of the required amount is purely individual and it may turn out that an athletic woman will need more protein than an inactive man.

Powder and a complete meal

Considering all the benefits of protein shakes, some people began to practice eating powdered food on an ongoing basis. But in this case, the body does not receive the nutritional elements that regular homemade meals are rich in.

Sometimes there is a significant loss of nutritional value when replacing natural nutrients and vitamins with powdered analogues. For this reason, it is recommended to drink no more than two cocktails per day. The idea is to find a balance between consuming formula and complete food sources in your daily diet.

With the advent of the protein-carbohydrate window after a workout, protein shakes and geyser bottles of tonic drinks have become a necessity for going to the gym. Even though this is a simple recommendation, many have taken it too seriously. It seemed like skipping extra protein after a workout would ruin your efforts.

Protein supplementation has been shown to be beneficial, especially for better recovery from strenuous strength training and for potential gains in muscle mass.

If you don't have the opportunity or desire to drink a shake after a workout, you can drink it at home or have a high-protein snack. It depends on personal preference. It used to be that protein shakes were quickly digested in the stomach and fueled muscles for recovery. New research shows that this is not true and that you can take protein in any convenient form.

Both the consumption of protein shakes and high-protein meals are considered acceptable and healthy. Either approach will work, so you can choose the more convenient option. Stomach sensitivity also plays a role. Due to the characteristics of the body, some people have to take part of the daily protein requirement immediately after training. In these cases, a shake would be a suitable way to get your protein fix quickly.

And a little about secrets...

The story of one of our readers, Inga Eremina:

I was especially depressed by my weight; at 41, I weighed as much as 3 sumo wrestlers combined, namely 92 kg. How to completely lose excess weight? How to cope with hormonal changes and obesity? But nothing disfigures or makes a person look younger than his figure.

But what can you do to lose weight? Laser liposuction surgery? I found out - no less than 5 thousand dollars. Hardware procedures - LPG massage, cavitation, RF lifting, myostimulation? A little more affordable - the course costs from 80 thousand rubles with a nutritionist consultant. You can, of course, try to run on a treadmill until you go crazy.

And when will you find time for all this? And it's still very expensive. Especially now. That's why I chose a different method for myself...

People who are actively involved in sports consume special nutrition to improve results. It definitely contains protein.

The supplement is an additional source of energy for creating muscle connections.

How to take it correctly

The dosage depends on the weight of the human body.

Studies have shown that an increase in muscle volume occurs when consuming a daily dose of 1.5 grams per 1 kg of body weight. Increasing loads helps to increase the dose by 0.5-1 grams.

Intensified training forces the body to adapt to changing conditions. The new muscle fibers created help you endure greater physical exertion.

Improper use of protein - protein - disrupts the formation of muscle cells. As a result, the human body will be exhausted.

To avoid this, the average athlete will have to consume a large amount of protein per day. These are huge portions of protein foods that are impossible to take.

Therefore, there is a need to replace it with protein supplements containing an increased amount of protein.

Types of protein

The division into groups occurs according to the product from which the additive is made. Each type is available for separate purchase.

Formally, protein is:

  • fast;
  • slow.

The first type is whey – is absorbed in the body in a short time by almost 100%.

The second is casein – has a complex composition, so splitting into components takes a long time.

“Fast” proteins

The reference protein is found in eggs, so egg is considered the standard. The additive is hypoallergenic.

The body will not accept excess.

The table shows the relationship between the amount of protein and the rate of protein intake.

Protein in the morning before or after meals

You should take a casein type of supplement in the morning. Due to the rapid breakdown in the body, it is better to take a dose before meals - immediately after waking up.

You can make a milkshake with the required portion added. A bodybuilder's breakfast should contain proteins - boiled eggs, omelet. Oatmeal, buckwheat porridge, and muesli are also suitable.

The human body went without food during the night, so in the morning it is important to restore the protein balance. This can be done with the help of correctly used.

The result will be a charge of vigor and readiness to perform exercises.

Pre-workout protein

There is no need to consume a protein shake before the activity itself, it will not be beneficial.

However, if two hours before training you did not have lunch consisting of high-protein foods, you should take care of the condition of your muscles and drink a portion of the mixture.

It will provide the athlete's body with the amount of protein necessary to maintain energy.

If your last meal was 3-4 hours before you started exercising, you should also take a protein supplement. It increases the amount of amino acids in the bodybuilder's body.

They, in turn, contribute to the effective recovery of muscle fibers at the end of the workout.

Proteins after training

Protein synthesis promotes the breakdown of muscle cells in the body. To prevent this from happening, drink a protein shake immediately after completing a set of exercises.

The anabolic state of muscles lasts up to 48 hours. But the body’s maximum demand for additional material – protein – is present in the first 2 hours.

This process, called the training window, must be accompanied by the use of whey protein supplements.

Taking protein before bed

Consuming casein proteins before going to bed is beneficial for an exercising person . During sleep, the body continues its recovery processes.

To help him revive lost fibers and acquire new ones, you need to take a protein shake.

The nutritional supplement helps keep protein levels normal. A long process of sleep is forced fasting. The amino acids obtained from casein protein will enter the bloodstream overnight.

What foods contain protein?

Food of animal origin contains the largest amount of proteins per 100 grams of product. These include all types of meat, including fish, milk and products made from it, eggs.

Protein-rich foods:

  • nuts – cashews, pine nuts, walnuts, almonds, hazelnuts;
  • legumes – peas, beans, lentils;
  • vegetables - cucumbers, cabbage, avocado, zucchini;
  • figs

During training aimed at increasing muscle mass, it is necessary to follow a diet high in protein foods. A specialist can help you compile it.

Attention! Chaotic eating and unbalanced nutrition will not help build muscle.

How to choose and buy whey protein for a beginner

. Consumption will depend only on the type and quantity.

Bodybuilders who have experience taking different protein shakes can easily determine the supplements that are suitable for their body. But what should a beginner do?

When choosing a protein, you should follow these tips:

  1. Buy products only in specialized sports nutrition stores. The consultants there know everything about their products.
  2. Study the composition. A good concentrate should contain low levels of fat and carbohydrates (1-5 grams), high levels of protein (20-30 grams).
  3. Use protein mixtures of natural origin. The composition of such a substance should not contain more than 10 components.
  4. Pass a medical examination and consult with a trainer.

Compliance with these rules will help you choose a protein that is suitable in composition and action. There are a lot of unknown companies on the protein supplement market.

It is better to ignore them and use time-tested companies.

Reasons for the lack of the desired result

The root cause of the absence is the insufficient amount of protein consumed by the athlete.

When the protein dose is increased to 20 grams per day, muscle fibers increase. If protein is taken in the maximum amount, but there is no result, then the reason is different.

An incorrect training program, the amount of physical activity, and intensity affect the growth of muscle mass.

Adjusting the training regimen, changing the coach, or changing the gym will help solve the problem.

In addition, the speed of achieving results is influenced by a person’s weight, physique and the quality of sports nutrition.

Buying cheap supplements means deliberately harming your own body.

Is there any harm possible?

Protein is a building element in the human body.

Its use in itself cannot harm. But intensive protein intake can negatively affect kidney function, so people with kidney disease or other chronic ailments should first consult with their doctor.

Taking protein may trigger an allergic reaction. In this case, it is necessary to carefully study the composition.

Perhaps a person has an individual intolerance to one of the components of the supplement. A similar reaction can occur even to the highest quality product.

Attention! It is necessary to monitor the condition of the body and change supplements if adverse reactions occur.


It is important to decide on the purpose of future training – whether it’s weight gain or weight loss, undergo a series of examinations, consult with a trainer.

Depending on this, try it out. Over time, the athlete understands which type of supplement is right for him.

However, beginning bodybuilders are often interested in the rules for using this type of sports nutrition. Find out how to drink protein to gain muscle mass.

First of all, I would like to say that you must ensure that your body receives a sufficient amount of protein compounds from regular foods. Protein mixtures will only help supplement your diet with this nutrient. Approximately two hours before the start of the training, you need to eat food containing protein compounds and carbohydrates. And now we will tell you about the rules for taking protein supplements during the period of gaining muscle mass.

How to drink protein to gain muscle mass

Protein after workout

After physical exertion, the body is exhausted and its energy reserves need to be restored in a short time. At this time, the body absorbs all nutrients as quickly and efficiently as possible. We recommend using a double portion of a protein supplement at once in combination with fast carbohydrates. An hour after this, you need to eat a full meal.

Protein before bed

Everyone knows that eating before bed is not a good idea. However, this statement does not apply to protein compounds. If carbohydrates were in their place, then you would be guaranteed to gain fat mass. The situation is different with protein compounds.

Muscle tissue takes a long time to recover, including at night. Moreover, it is during sleep that regenerative processes occur with maximum activity. Recovery processes require large amounts of protein. It is also necessary to remember that if the body does not receive food for a long time, catabolic reactions are activated. By consuming protein before bed, you solve two problems at the same time - suppress catabolism and speed up regenerative processes. Before going to bed, we advise you to use a prolonged-release protein.

After waking up

All people, and especially athletes, need to pay special attention to breakfast. The first meal allows you to accelerate your metabolism and provide the body with energy. After an overnight fast, the body will happily accept food and quickly process it. It is not necessary to take protein supplements in the morning, but you can use regular foods. Note that professionals often use .

Protein in training

How much protein should you eat?

The body's need for protein supplements is calculated depending on your body weight. For beginner bodybuilders, about 1.5 grams per kilo is most often enough. The maximum amount of protein required by the body can be up to three grams per kilogram of body weight, but the feasibility of using such an amount of protein has not been proven. That is why in many sources you can find numbers of 2 - 2.5g.

Do not think that exceeding the dosage will be beneficial. The body can only process a certain amount of food at a time. Men should not consume more than 340 grams of protein compounds per day, and for girls this figure will be 300 grams.

A large amount of protein loads the liver and kidneys, which negatively affects the functioning of organs. In addition, acidity increases and calcium is actively washed out. Thus, when calculating the required amount of protein supplements, you must also take into account those protein compounds that enter the body with food.

Types of protein

Fast protein

Fast protein compounds include egg and whey protein. As you may have guessed, this is due to the speed of their absorption. Whey is used to produce whey protein. It is this supplement that is popular among athletes during the mass-gain period. It should be said that whey proteins can be produced in the form of a concentrate, and.

The differences between them are the degree of purity and speed of absorption. The fastest is hydrolyzate, which, among other things, is completely free of impurities. However, its cost is much higher. The best option for most fitness enthusiasts is isolate. If you are limited in finances, then you can use concentrate.

Raw chicken eggs are used to produce egg protein. This product contains a minimum of fat (no more than 0.5 percent) and has a complete amino acid profile. Note that it is the protein compounds contained in eggs that are used as a standard. All other types of protein are compared to egg protein. The only drawback of this type of sports nutrition is the cost.

Slow protein

Most often, casein is considered a slow protein, which is completely true. However, soy protein can also be added to this category of protein compounds. Soy protein is not suitable for weight gain, as it has an inferior amino acid profile, i.e. does not contain important amines. We can only recommend it to fans of a vegetarian diet.

Casein, like whey protein, is a product of milk processing. It is casein that makes up the majority of whey. Its absorption rate ranges from five to eight hours. It is recommended to take this product before bedtime during the period of mass gain. Consuming casein during the day, due to its slow absorption, can negatively affect your appetite.

Complete protein

These products consist of a mixture of fast and slow protein compounds. In certain situations, these supplements can be quite beneficial. For example, they can be used instead of casein before bed or as a substitute for a full meal if you don’t have time to eat well. However, you shouldn’t do this often, because to gain weight you need to eat a lot.

As you may have already noticed, there are many periods throughout the day when you need to take protein compounds. However, additives are not always necessary, because priority should be given to regular products. Beginning athletes can do without this sports nutrition for the first time if they have drawn up a competent nutrition program. However, in the future you will still have to start using protein supplements, since the need for protein compounds increases simultaneously with body weight, and for many it may be problematic to fill the body’s need for protein with one meal. Ultimately, taking protein for muscle gain will be most effective three times a day between meals.

It seems that even the most backward sections of the population, who now stand in lines at sports stores, have understood the benefits of protein for losing weight and building muscles. But, it is important not only to buy protein, but also to know how to drink it correctly. And not everyone knows this.

The article reveals the main secrets of white powder.

There are two reasons for this:

  • the desire to lose weight not through muscle, but through fat;
  • for a quick gain of muscle mass.

How much protein should you take?

The minimum amount of protein that should be taken by those who want to build muscle is 1.5 grams per 1 kg of their body. The optimal amount is twice as much, i.e. 2 grams per 1 kg of weight.

The thing is that a person’s daily diet is richer in carbohydrates and fats than in protein. Therefore, in order to correctly calculate the amount of protein needed to take, in addition to weight, you need to know how much protein enters the body with food. In addition, protein powder does not contain as much protein as stated on the package. As a rule, 100 grams contain only 70%. Therefore, if you weigh, for example, 70 kg, 70% protein should be taken 100 g per day. If you weigh more, the amount of protein taken daily should be increased accordingly.

Another important factor to consider when choosing your protein dose is the intensity of your workout, or lack thereof, on a particular day.

Amount of protein in grams (daily value)

body weight
% squirrel
50 kg 60 kg 70 kg 80 kg 90 kg 100 kg
90% 56 67 78 89 100 111
80% 62 75 87 100 112 125
70% 71 86 100 114 128 142
60% 83 100 117 134 151 168
50% 100 120 140 160 180 200

Knowing the amount of protein received per day from food, it is easy to calculate how much additional protein you need to take, i.e. contained in protein. For men during the period of weight gain, it usually needs from 200 to 300 grams. For women, this amount is smaller - 150-200 g. The measuring spoon, which usually comes with the powder, contains 30-50 g of protein.

How to take protein correctly?

To prevent lumps from forming and make drinking protein more enjoyable, it is recommended to use a blender to prepare the cocktail. If this device is not available, a shaker will do - a blender bottle with whipping balls inside. It is enough to shake the shaker vigorously to obtain a homogeneous liquid.

You can mix the protein with water or milk, but you can also mix it with juice (many people prefer the latter option). Although the optimal amount of liquid required is usually written on the packaging, this does not matter much. You can, for example, use the following proportion: for 30-50 g of protein - 300 ml of 0.5% milk, kefir, water or juice.

It is only important that the protein is mixed with a cold or room temperature liquid, because at higher temperatures the protein coagulates (denatures), losing its properties.

Should you drink protein before or after meals?

Protein intake is not associated with meals, but it is better to do it between them. Taking the powder depends more on your goal. To facilitate the absorption of protein, it is better to divide the daily dose into several doses - 2-3. It is difficult for the body to absorb a large amount of protein taken at a time.

If you take protein immediately after finishing your workout (to close the protein-carbon window) and mix it with creatine, you can achieve explosive muscle growth. You can also take it before training. In this case, the created amino acid pool will allow you to train more effectively.

If protein intake is associated with weight loss, it can be an ideal alternative to food. You should take it instead of dinner and snacks. Thus, without increasing the daily calorie intake, you can increase the amount of protein consumed per day.

How long to drink protein?

The fact is that protein is an analogue of regular food, so it is not addictive. Therefore, you can drink it without restrictions. There will be no harm from this, but the benefits are enormous.

What happens if you stop drinking protein?

There is a common myth that as soon as you stop drinking protein, your muscles will deflate. This is not entirely true. The main thing to maintain muscle is to eat more protein-rich foods.

Which protein do you prefer?

Fitness beginners should give preference to a multi-component complex protein. By the way, they are the majority. For experienced athletes, single-component proteins - whey or casein - are more suitable.

Whey protein is a whey protein. It is digested quite quickly, so amino acids enter the body almost immediately and in large volumes. This type of protein has pronounced immune properties. In addition, it contains large quantities of BCAA acids necessary for the synthesis of muscle tissue.

There are two types of whey protein available on the market - whey protein isolate and concentrate, which is not the purest product. It contains from 40 to 80 percent protein. While the protein content in the isolate reaches 90-95%. It is clear that isolate is more preferable, since it is of higher quality and rich in proteins.

Second, i.e. casein is a complex protein obtained as a result of enzymatic curdling of milk. When casein enters the stomach, it forms a long-digesting clot, which the body provides with amino acids all this time. It is recommended to drink it at night to prevent catabolism.

Video: How to take protein correctly

Protein is a key element in the process of growing high-quality muscles. Proteins enrich the human body with essential amino acids that help restore fibers damaged during training.

This supplement is very popular among athletes. In order for sports nutrition to bring the desired results, you need to figure out how to take protein correctly.

How to drink protein correctly depending on the type

The human body is not able to produce the required volumes of protein, so protein reserves must be replenished externally, along with food or nutritional supplements.

Protein, depending on its origin, is divided into 5 main types:

  • soy;
  • meat;
  • egg;
  • casein;
  • whey

Soy protein. This type of supplement is suitable for people who are intolerant to dairy products. It is most often used by women, as regular consumption increases the level of estrogen (female hormone) in the blood.

Features of the reception: Soy protein can only be used in combination with proteins of animal origin, because vegetable protein does not provide the body with a complete set of amino acids!

Meat protein. Characterized by an average rate of absorption. It is a very high quality amino acid supplement. Contains large quantities of essential amino acids, glutamine and creatine. BUT has a cost that is a number higher than whey, because very difficult to make. Does not contain lactose!

Features of the reception: taken in the same way as whey protein - 2-4 times a day (in the morning, between meals, after training).

Egg white. Many consider it perfect due to its wide range of amino acids and high biological value (completely absorbed). Does not contain lactose.

Features of the reception: due to its high biological activity, it does not require more than 2 doses per day (the best time is in the morning and after training).

Casein (slow protein). The main advantage of this type of protein is the long period of absorption (6-8 hours).

Features of the reception: Take before bed so that the body continues to receive the necessary “recharge” at night.

Not just isolate, but also whey protein hydrolyzate! And this means even more pure amino acids, including BCAAs. Contains a whopping 28 grams of protein per serving, 0 fat and less than 2 grams of carbohydrates. Has many interesting flavors: Cinnamon Cracker, Cookies and Cream, Banana Pie, etc.

Pure whey protein isolate provides 24 grams of protein per serving. Does not contain lactose and cholesterol. It is a low-calorie product.

What should I dissolve the protein in (water, milk or juice)?

Almost all forms of whey protein can be dissolved in water, milk or juice. The only exception is hydrolyzate, which loses its beneficial properties when in contact with milk or juice. It is taken only with water.

For other types, the ideal liquid is low-fat milk. The drink will be filled with calcium, slow carbohydrates and high protein.

If you don’t like dairy products, then feel free to use juices. A juice-based protein shake will sparkle with new flavors, and fast carbohydrates will speed up the absorption process.

Important! Protein powder and carbonated drinks are not the best combination, which can lead to stomach discomfort and bloating.

Several bonus recipes

For those who are tired of the taste of standard cocktails, we will tell you how to drink protein correctly and tasty!

Recipe No. 1

  • 40 g protein;
  • 300 ml milk;
  • 1 banana;
  • 25 g walnuts;
  • 2 tbsp. honey

Mix all ingredients and turn into a homogeneous mass with a blender. One such cocktail will replace a full meal.

Recipe No. 2

  • 250 ml kefir;
  • 40-50 g of protein;
  • 4 tsp cocoa;
  • 100 ml water;
  • stevia (sweet substitute).

Dilute cocoa powder and stevia with water and cook until boiling. Cool the resulting liquid and add kefir with protein. Beat with a blender until smooth. It tastes better when drunk chilled.

How much protein should I take per day?

Physiological scientists have figured out how to drink protein to gain muscle mass. For regular weight gain, in addition to training and a healthy lifestyle, the body needs 1.5-2 grams of protein per 1 kg of weight every day.

For example, if your weight is 70 kg, then you need 105-140 g of protein per day. Calculate how much protein you consume on average from regular food, and neutralize the deficiency with sports nutrition.

Important points!

  1. You should take protein shakes every day. It didn’t matter whether there was training or not;
  2. 40g of protein powder is not 40g of protein! Study the composition of 1 serving on the product can. On average, 40 g of powder contains about 25-30 g of protein. But each manufacturer has different indicators;
  3. You shouldn't save money in the hope that you'll make the product last longer. In this case, the effect will be minimal.


The decisive factor is not the time of intake, but the amount of protein entering the body. You should not experiment and greatly increase portions - this will not lead to negative consequences, but there is little positive in it either.

Moderate consumption of high-quality protein, hard training and adherence to a sports regime are the main components in successfully building a muscular body.