Gas weapons are permitted in Belarus. The procedure for purchasing rifled hunting weapons has been changed

The permit system was founded back in the 60s, when the USSR existed. After its collapse, Russia, Ukraine and Belarus inherited many legal principles, and if in Russia there were fundamental changes regarding the licensing activities of authorities, then in Belarus the structure remained unchanged. Under the Ministry of Internal Affairs, licensing departments have been created at police departments that deal with the licensing and registration of civilian weapons.

The rules for the acquisition and storage of weapons are prescribed in the law “On Weapons”, which has registration number 61-Z, dated November 13, 2001.

Naturally, today this law is relevant in one of the latest editions, but this has nothing to do with our question. Article 14 of this law sets out all the rules for the acquisition of civilian weapons, as well as ammunition for them.

Quoting the article will not bring the desired understanding that needs to be conveyed to citizens so that they have the opportunity to obtain a weapons permit in Belarus. We will use the basic provisions and, based on them, describe a detailed algorithm for registering weapons.

First a hunting permit, and then a license

Civilian weapons are not limited to hunting species, these are traumatic weapons, gas weapons, edged weapons, sports weapons and self-defense weapons. For all of the above types, you must obtain a special permit from the Ministry of Internal Affairs. But for hunters, this path will be somewhat longer, since in order to obtain a license for a hunting weapon, you need to prove that it will be used only for hunting activities, and for this you will need to present a hunting permit issued in advance. That is why we will begin the story of how to obtain a weapons permit in the Republic of Belarus with secondary issues.

By contacting the territorial executive authority through the Ministry of Forestry. Let us immediately note that there are age requirements for candidates. The citizen must be an adult. A foreign citizen also has the right to obtain a hunting license; he must have all permits valid in his country. Persons who have a residence permit in the Republic of Belarus are also given the right to obtain a certificate.

Your passport must be presented when submitting any application. The situation with hunting permits was no exception. A package of documents is collected here, so you should make photocopies of all completed pages of your passport.

The training of hunters, as well as the training of future gun owners in Belarus, is treated conscientiously, so a simple unsubscribe will not do. It will not be enough to simply familiarize yourself with the hunting rules. You must complete a training course (you can even do it remotely) and then pass an exam.

Photos measuring 3 x 4 cm must be in color. Two photographs must be provided. Headwear or sunglasses are not allowed.

Hunting permits, unfortunately, are not issued free of charge. Its registration will be possible only after payment of the state fee.

Returning to the training, it should be emphasized that the theoretical course includes knowledge of legislation, knowledge of safety precautions, first aid, as well as some questions on animal biology. The licensed enterprise Belgosohota is practically a monopolist in this area. It operates in several regions of the republic. Not long ago, the official website was launched, where anyone can study remotely.

Upon successful passing of the exam, which is organized in the form of answers to questions on the ticket, the citizen is issued a hunter's certificate. It will be valid for 10 years, but only if you have a special card for recording violations and recording the payment of the fee. By the way, the next payment is made every 12 months.

Passing a medical examination

The received hunter's certificate is just a document necessary for obtaining a license (except for its value during hunting). But it does not yet give the right to purchase weapons. The above permission, as we have already mentioned, is needed to register a hunting rifle. In the case of purchasing other types of weapons, the paperwork procedure begins with a medical examination.

A medical certificate can be obtained at a regular clinic. To do this, you must contact the pre-medical office and indicate that the commission is being held to obtain a weapons permit. The citizen will be given a list of doctors, among whom a psychiatrist and a narcologist are required to be present. Only after checking all the specialists does the therapist issue the coveted certificate.

Submission of documents

In principle, everything is almost ready to apply for a license. You must report to the local police department at your place of residence. The attendant will tell you which office to contact. Usually, next to the office where licensing issues are dealt with, there is an information stand. There you need to find a sample application and draw it up in advance.

Please note that the issuance of a weapons license, as well as the issuance of a hunting license, is paid. Having found out the payment details from the employee, you must pay the state fee.

Submitting an application is accompanied by the provision of some other documents.

  • These include a passport, or rather a photocopy of the completed pages.
  • Two photographs measuring 3 by 4 cm are submitted. They must be in black and white format (not to be confused with photographs for a hunter’s ID).
  • A hunter's certificate is presented when applying for a permit to purchase hunting weapons.
  • The medical certificate must, naturally, contain such testimony from doctors that it is permissible to purchase weapons.

It is important to remember that citizens who do not have experience in owning weapons will not be able to immediately purchase rifled weapons. To begin with, you need to own a smooth-bore weapon for 5 years, and then register a rifled weapon. But the break in service should not exceed one year.

Do not forget to take care of the arrangement of the storage place for the purchased weapons. The most important requirement is the presence of a metal box or safe. This box must have a locking mechanism to prevent unauthorized entry and, moreover, to protect the weapon from children. The box is screwed to the floor or to the wall, depending on its shape and dimensions. The safe is inspected by a local inspector. The examination procedure is initiated by employees of the permitting department, and not by the applicant. Based on the results of the inspection, the policeman draws up a report, which he submits to the department.

A citizen also does not have to prove his right to obtain a permit in terms of his lack of a criminal record or administrative offenses. Relevant requests are also carried out by department employees. The check takes place quite quickly, since the department is under the authority of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. If the request does not reveal any incriminating information, then after a while the citizen will receive permission allowing him to go to a gun store and buy the desired weapon.

Registration of purchased weapons

The essence of the licensing system, in addition to issuing licenses, comes down to recording all civilian weapons. Each purchased barrel must be registered. It must be submitted for inspection so that experts can determine whether its technical parameters comply with the indicators stated in the documentation.

In order to go to the police department after purchasing a barrel, the owner has only 10 days. It is not recommended to violate these temporary norms, since the fines for non-compliance with the rules for registering weapons are quite significant.

After the barrel is registered, you need to wait some more time. It cannot be used either in self-defense or hunting. By and large, it is not possible to store it yet, since the citizen has not received a license to store and carry it; it will be ready after registration in a few days. Don't forget that the license has a limited validity period. After three years, this document will have to be renewed. This procedure is very similar to the algorithm for obtaining permission described above.

Customers purchasing air pistols in our online store and other individuals often have a number of identical questions regarding legal regulations, rights to use, purchase and carry the products offered. In this regard, the team of our company will try to decipher the “Law of the Republic of Belarus on Weapons” as clearly as possible and give clear answers to the most common questions.

1. Is permission required to purchase a product such as pneumatics in Belarus?

Dear customers! The product presented on our site is not subject to mandatory registration, and its purchase does not require medical certificate, permission from internal affairs bodies. Remember:

A) Pneumatic weapons with muzzle energy exceeding 7.5 J are subject to registration.

B) Weapons with muzzle energy below 3 J are not pneumatic weapons, but belong to products structurally similar to pneumatic weapons.

C) Our store sells pneumatic pistols with muzzle energy up to 3 J, so by ordering purchases on our portal, you can protect yourself, your family, and those around you from problems with the law.

D) The sale of air pistols is carried out to persons whose age is at least 18 years. In case of doubtful circumstances, the courier site has the right to ask the buyer to provide a passport.

2. I want to buy a pneumatic gun in Belarus and walk around the city in crowded places with the new toy. Will I have problems if I meet with internal affairs officers?

There will be problems only if:

1. The air pistol will be in full combat readiness, that is, loaded.

2.The pistol will be carried without a holster.

3.You will shoot at passers-by or damage other people's property.

Remember! Even if you comply with the norms of the legislation of the Republic of Belarus, but internal affairs officers have a biased attitude towards you, do not be alarmed and do not defend your rights, but ask:

1.Show your ID.

2. Find out the reason for the detention.

3.Show the product passport. If you don’t have your passport with you, drive home and hand the pistol passport to the person who made the arrest and seized the pistol.

4.Do they want to check whether the weapon complies with the law? Yes, please, let them check, but they will not forget to return it to you along with your passport, as well as a document confirming the legality of the experiment.

5. After checking the pneumatics, your property must be returned, otherwise you have the right to file a complaint with higher authorities. Do not forget to write down the details of the person who carried out the arrest and save copies of the protocol, which may be needed in the future.

4.Can I kill someone with my new toy?

Air pistols, which can be purchased in the online store website, are designed to improve shooting skills and active recreation. The use of this type of weapon to injure citizens of the Republic of Belarus, foreigners, stateless persons, and other people’s property will lead to the imposition of administrative penalties and criminal liability in accordance with the severity of the harm caused.

Remember! Such games can have irreversible consequences for you! You can kill and maim a person with a stick, a stone, a slingshot, and even a spoon. Do not use air pistols to shoot at people and animals, because someday this will lead to the fact that even such harmless toys cannot be purchased without special permission.

5.Will it break a champagne bottle?

We do not test each gun for penetration, as this will cause you to receive a used item. If you shoot at glass bottles, do not forget to clean up the fragments and debris after yourself. When shooting at plastic bottles, fill them with water, otherwise the gun will not pierce the container, but will throw it out of place.

Information can be sent to the email address [email protected].

6.Where can you shoot with an air pistol?

In accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Belarus, you can shoot from air pistols in specially equipped places, outside the city, outside populated areas, but the distance to the nearest living soul must be at least 300 meters.

Don't check lethal force pneumatic guns from the window of your house, entrance, on the street! Otherwise, you risk harming others, other people’s property, and even loved ones, for which you will incur criminal and administrative liability.

7.Do I need a safe to store an air pistol with a muzzle energy of up to 3 J?

No need for a safe! If you have children or people who are capable of using the product without your permission, do not know how to use it, or can harm themselves and others, hide it in an inaccessible place.

8.I want to buy an air pistol for my child, but he is under 18 years old, what should I do?

Remember! The use of air pistols by minors is prohibited unless there is an adult nearby who can bear responsibility for the child. Do not let children use pistols freely, to show off to girlfriends and friends, even when unloaded.

9. Is there anything more powerful?

It is not and will not be more powerful until changes are made to the law on “Weapons” of the Republic of Belarus.

10. Are there gas springs?

If you haven’t found anything for yourself in our assortment, it doesn’t mean that we are hiding something in our bins. Gas springs and pistons for air rifles have the right to sell only hunting stores with a license.

11. I was caught with a pistol, it was confiscated, and now I am threatened with criminal liability. What will happen?

The only thing we can advise you is to seek help from lawyers. Only they can take responsibility for your future. We cannot guarantee that our opinion will be objective.

12. Where can the air pistol be loaded?

A loaded air pistol can be stored at your home, as well as at an organized shooting range or shooting range. In a car or around the city, transportation is carried out in a discharged state, covered and together with the product passport. In this case, when meeting with employees of internal affairs bodies, questions are excluded.

13. Is hunting with air guns allowed on the territory of the Republic of Belarus?

Hunting with air guns is prohibited. Such killing is not humane, because the animal may suffer while dying or escape wounded, after which it will die from infection.

We wish you a pleasant stay and successful shopping in the online store!

Which question do you think is most often asked by people purchasing pneumatics? Is it possible to use a product similar in design to a weapon up to 3 J for self-defense? We will try to clarify the answer so that buyers of pistols and rifles no longer have doubts. If you have any questions, ask them in the comments.

Pneumatics - the effectiveness of gas-cylinder analogues of weapons

I would like to start with the fact that the myth about the effectiveness of pneumatics in the event of illegal actions on the part of another person should have been dispelled long ago. It doesn’t matter what sellers in markets or online stores with a dubious reputation tell you, it is important to understand:

1. It’s definitely not possible to shoot a criminal or cause serious physical damage to his health. The caliber of the balls is small, and the dual energy is so ineffective that, if you take into account all the known laws of physics, you would have to be a genius in order to calculate the necessary trajectory of the projectile and its passage through the body to the vital organs. You won't even be able to slow down your attacker!!! Remember, pneumatics are designed to sport shooting and entertainment, but not for self-defense!

2. If you want to scare, such games can end in tears for you. A person who is going to break the law and threatens you with violence most likely has some experience, is cruel and is ready to do anything to finish the job he started. Most likely, the toy will be declassified, and you will be “punished” with even greater cruelty.

3. Not a single air pistol can compare with legal self-defense weapons, both in terms of efficiency and from the point of view of the law. Get permission, buy a safe if necessary, read the laws and you will be the most protected person on planet Earth.

Air pistols - legal aspect

Before showing off your air pistol to others, study the Criminal Code of the Republic of Belarus.

What is self-defense? - The right to protection in case of an attack on your health by other persons. In accordance with Article 34, paragraph 2 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Belarus, a citizen does not commit illegal actions if the defense is justified by the circumstances and its permissible limits are not exceeded.

In accordance with the law “On Weapons”, namely Art. 7, as a self-defense weapon you can use:

1. Gas pistols, revolvers.

2. Mechanical sprayers, aerosols (gas cartridges).

3. Stun guns.

Important!!! All civilian weapons listed above must comply with the standards of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus, so their purchase will be legal only if they are certified in the territory of our state. When using products that do not have a quality guarantee, there is a high probability of problems, despite the prevailing circumstances under which they are used.


1. We have banned traumatic weapons - they have been equated to firearms since 2012.

2. All other types of weapons that you did not find in the list above are prohibited for use for self-defense.

3. Air pistols and rifles are not suitable for self-defense.

4. You cannot use a rubber stick for self-defense, since this requires special skills that only law enforcement or security personnel have. To clarify the issue, we advise you to contact the internal affairs authorities.

A medical examination, handling skills and permission will be required for:

1. Gas pistols (no more than 2 pieces).

2. Gas revolvers (no more than 2 pieces).

The validity period of the permit is 3 years.

The following are purchased without permission or registration:

1. Gas cartridges.

2. Stun guns.

Do you want to get a permit to store self-defense, sports, or hunting weapons? You need:

1. Pass a medical examination.

2. Pay a fee of 2 basic units.

3. If you are receiving a permit for the first time, you must confirm that you have the skills to use it, knowledge of the laws related to carrying, storing, transporting, and the legality of using self-defense weapons.

4. Submit an application to the relevant structures.

If you have received the consent of the internal affairs bodies to purchase, store and use self-defense means, this does not mean that now you will be able to use them at any convenient time. If you violate the rules for the use and handling of gas weapons, you may face a fine of up to 10 basic units and confiscation of the subject of the offense.

The law does not work in our favor. As practice shows, when defending yourself, stopping an assault, robbery, or beating, you risk exceeding the permissible limits of self-defense. How can you not do this when someone’s life depends on your actions?

Pneumatics for self-defense - the human factor

One thing is confusing. Models, dummies, products structurally similar to weapons, their ammunition, and shells for sports have nothing to do with weapons. Therefore, when you use a pneumatic toy as an item of defense, and your actions lead to physical harm to another person, this is equivalent to grabbing a stone or stick to repel the attacker’s blows.

If it suddenly turns out that you have exceeded the permissible limits of self-defense, a gas-cylinder analogue of up to 3 DZH will be equated to a crime weapon and most likely will become an aggravating circumstance. You'll be lucky if:

1. You were the first to write and register an application for the “hero of the occasion.”

2. You bought a gun for sport and entertainment. It’s just that circumstances coincided that he came to hand at the moment of a threat to your life from another person (and that’s the only way!).

3. There are witnesses who will confirm that you were really in danger, and the criminal forced you to use the toy.

4. The court will have a negative attitude towards the victim.

5. You will have a lawyer who can bring facts in your favor that will allow you to resolve the case with a positive result for you.

6. You have not been prosecuted, have no debts or fines, and are a respectable citizen with an impeccable history.

Remember! It is better to avoid conflict than to deal with its consequences later. If it was not possible to reduce the conflict to zero, make a conscious decision, because perhaps someone’s life depends on it.

Belarusians often get information about the acquisition, storage and carrying of weapons, including pneumatic ones, from unreliable sources: Internet sites, stories from friends, etc. What rules for pneumatic weapons apply in Belarus, said the senior inspector of the permitting group of the law enforcement department and prevention of the Department of Internal Affairs of the regional executive committee Sergey Galynya.

– Weapons are divided into military, service and civilian. Pneumatics belong to the last category and are allowed to be owned, but not as a self-defense tool, like, say, gas pistols or stun guns, but only for use in sports and hunting, when their muzzle energy is 7.5-25 J.

Such weapons are purchased with the permission of internal affairs bodies and are subject to registration. The exceptions are items of lower power and structurally similar products with a muzzle energy of no more than 3 J, signal pistols and revolvers with a caliber of up to 6 mm, which, according to the conclusion of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, cannot be used as firearms and gas weapons.

– Should we be afraid of pneumatic guns, which many consider just a toy?

– Bullet air guns not only capable of piercing the skin, but also penetrating several centimeters into the body, damaging internal organs. Even a “light” version (up to 3 J) can cause serious injuries, and if it hits the neck or head, it can cause serious injuries, the consequences of which are loss of hearing, vision and death.

The main buyers of pneumatics are young people aged 15 to 30 years. Computer games, action heroes instill in children a desire to own weapons, a desire to be cool and dominate others. But they should be reminded that the use of these “toys,” including for defense purposes, can be classified as exceeding the necessary defensive measures, hooliganism, or causing bodily harm.

– Aren’t pneumatic gun enthusiasts afraid of the possibility of going to prison?

– The problem is that sellers in markets and on the Internet often deceive their customers and say that no documents are needed for civilian weapons. As a result, ignorant people buy pneumatics over 3 J, reinforced springs, extended barrels and other “tuning” that increases power.

In fact, an increase in muzzle energy over 7.5 J entails criminal liability - up to 2 years in prison, and storage and carrying of modernized pistols - administrative liability.

Of course, both suppliers and distributors of illegal products are punished. We hold special events at retail outlets, monitor offers online, and make-to-order deliveries. Any products and items related to weapons, including aerosol cans, must have a certificate and comply with regulations. And they can only be sold in specialized stores.

For violations of the law, deprivation of licenses, the right to engage in business, fines and criminal liability are provided.

Eduard Korolevich, “Vitebsk News”, June 16, 2017
(photo – “Vitebsk News”)