Special training for supervisors. Special training for supervisory managers I

In accordance with Part 7.1 of Article 20 of the Federal Law of December 4, 2007 No. 329-FZ “On Physical Culture and Sports in the Russian Federation” (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2007, No. 50, Art. 6242; 2010, No. 19, Art. 2290; 2012, No. 53, Art. 7582; 2013, Art. 2866; Art. 4025; ; No. 27, Art. 3995) I order:

1. Approve the special training programs for supervisors attached to the content.

2. Control over the implementation of this order is entrusted to the Deputy Minister of Sports of the Russian Federation P.A. Kolobkova.

Minister V.L. Mutko

Registration No. 40361

to the content of the special training program for supervisors
(approved by the Ministry of Sports of the Russian Federation dated October 30, 2015 No. 998)

I. General provisions

1. These requirements for the content of the special training program for supervisory managers (hereinafter referred to as the Requirements) were developed in accordance with Part 7.1 of Article 20 of the Federal Law of December 4, 2007 No. 329-FZ “On Physical Culture and Sports in the Russian Federation” (Meeting legislation of the Russian Federation, 2007, art. 6242; 2012, art. 2290; 2013, art. 2866; I), Art. 4025; 2015, No. 1, Art. 43, Art. 3995) (hereinafter referred to as Federal Law No. 329-FZ).

2. The special training program for supervisory managers (hereinafter referred to as the Program) must contain the sections provided for by the Requirements, including their thematic plans that determine the sequence of special training.

3. The Program is accompanied by an explanatory note, including:

purpose of the Program;

goals and objectives of special training;

a list of basic skills acquired by supervisory managers when undergoing special training;

a list of training aids and technical means necessary for special training of supervisors.

4. The program is aimed at acquiring the necessary skills and abilities in order to ensure public order and public safety during official sports competitions.

5. All-Russian sports federations develop and approve the Program taking into account the Requirements and features of holding official sports competitions (hereinafter referred to as the competition) in the relevant sport(s) at various sports facilities or competition venues.

II. Requirements for the content of sections of the Program

No. Name of sections of the Program Number of hours
total including:
Theoretical preparation Practical training
1 Legal regulation of security and protection of public order 2 2
2 Psychological preparation 4 2 2
3 Basics of interaction with special services 7 3 4
4 Specialized training 10 4 6
5 Final certification 1 0,5 0,5
Total 24 11,5 12,5

7. The thematic plan of the Program “Regulatory regulation of security and protection of public order” includes special training on the following topics:

7.1. Theoretical preparation:

legal regulation of ensuring security and public order during official sports competitions;

organization and conduct of physical education events, sports events in accordance with Article 20 of Federal Law No. 329-FZ;

the provisions of articles 2.1, 2.2, 2.3 of the Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offenses (hereinafter referred to as the Administrative Offenses Code) (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2002, No. 1, (Part I), Art. 1);

administrative liability for committing offenses provided for in Articles 20.1, 20.2.2, Part 1 of Article 20.3, Articles 20.20, 20.21, 20.22, 20.31, 20.32 of the Administrative Code (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2002, No. 1, (Part I), Art. 1 ; 2003, no. 4847; 2012, no. 3082; no. 6685; , No. 30 (Part I), No. 45, No. 6142; No. 29 (Part I), No. 27, 3995);

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 16, 2013 No. 1156 “On approval of the Rules of Conduct for Spectators during Official Sports Competitions” (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2013, No. 51, Art. 6866; 2014, No. 6, Art. 581);

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 18, 2014 No. 353 “On approval of the Rules for ensuring security during official sports competitions” (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2014, No. 18 (Part IV), Art. 2194);

rights and obligations of controllers during official sports competitions, provided for in Article 20.2 of Federal Law No. 329-F3 (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2007, No. 50, Art. 6242; 2013, No. 30 (Part I), Art. 4025) .

8. The thematic plan of the Psychological Training Program includes special training on the following topics:

8.1. Key competencies of management controllers, stress management:

8.1.1. Theoretical preparation:

communication and influence: active listening skills, influencing skills and handling objections;

leadership qualities: criticality to results, responsibility for the area under supervision, determination, persistence in solving difficult situations;

psychological aspects of observation, visual diagnostics of objects of observation;

psychological features of checking entrance tickets or documents replacing them, admission of spectators to sports facilities and competition venues.

8.2. Peculiarities of spectator behavior at competitions.

8.2.1. Theoretical preparation:

behavior of supervisors and managers in extreme and conflict situations;

psychology of the crowd, features of the emotional state in the crowd;

ways to avoid the unwanted psychological effects of crowds;

the basics of rationalization and measures to prevent antisocial behavior of fans;

reducing tension among fans;

experience of other countries in preventing antisocial behavior of fans.

8.3. Practical training:

viewing and discussing video materials on crowd behavior;

modeling conflict situations, playing and discussing.

9. The thematic plan of the Program “Fundamentals of Interaction with Special Services” includes special training on the following topics:

9.1. Actions of controllers before providing medical care:

9.1.1. Theoretical preparation:

organizational and legal aspects of first aid. Providing first psychological aid to victims;

acceptable types of assistance to victims. Inspection of the scene of the incident. Calling an ambulance.

9.2. Fundamentals of fire safety, actions of controllers in emergency situations:

9.2.1. Theoretical preparation:

the procedure for interaction with employees of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergency Situations and Disaster Relief;

the rights and responsibilities of citizens in the field of fire safety, provided for in Article 34 of the Federal Law of December 21, 1994 No. 69-FZ “On Fire Safety” (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1994, No. 35, Art. 3649; 2004, No. 35, Art. .3607);

types of pyrotechnic products, methods of extinguishing them, as well as taking feasible measures to save people, property and extinguish fires;

the main types of fire extinguishing agents, their purpose, design, locations of their placement and safety precautions when working with them.

9.2.2. Practical training:

algorithm of actions of controllers in emergency situations;

techniques for working with fire extinguishers, techniques for extinguishing and (or) neutralizing pyrotechnic products.

9.3. Interaction with law enforcement officials:

9.3.1. Theoretical preparation:

organizational and legal aspects of interaction with law enforcement officers.

9.3.2. Practical training:

interaction between supervisors and law enforcement officers.

10. The thematic plan of the Specialized Training Program includes special training on the following topics:

10.1. Basic logistics of various sports facilities and competition venues:

10.1.1. Theoretical preparation:

basic knowledge about the features of competitions in sports;

basic logistics of various sports facilities or competition venues;

access zones, the basic principles of dividing the locations of spectators into access zones, taking into account the specific location of zones by type of sport, the location of special services.

10.2. Functional responsibilities of controllers, taking into account the characteristics of the sport:

10.2.1. Theoretical preparation:

features of the organization of work during competitions at sports facilities and competition venues;

organization and implementation of work during preparation, during and after the competition;

tactics and methods of maintaining order at sports facilities and competition venues;

procedure for access to sports facilities and competition venues;

the procedure for conducting a personal inspection of citizens and examining their belongings when entering sports facilities and competition venues;

detection of counterfeit entrance tickets;

identification of counterfeit documents replacing entrance tickets;

requirements for permitted support tools;

features of working with various associations of spectators (VIPs, families of athletes, fans, active fans, fan movements, organized groups of fans);

work with spectators, service at a sports facility or competition venue, exchange of information with spectators, fan appeals, feedback;

features of working with people with limited mobility;

access control system: work with turnstiles, the procedure for accessing permits, the algorithm of actions of controllers in the event of a failure of the access system and equipment failure, the workplace of the controller;

purpose, types of devices, tactical and technical characteristics of communication means, organization of work and procedure for using the main types of communication.

10.2.2. Practical training:

conducting an inspection of the area of ​​responsibility before the start of the time for spectators to enter;

Conducting a personal inspection of citizens and inspection of their belongings;

organizing the movement of spectators after the end of the competition;

technical means of inspection (stationary metal detectors, mobile metal detectors);

algorithm for interaction with the senior controller-manager, sector, podium, zone;

actions of controllers:

in case of refusal of citizens to undergo personal inspection at the entrance to a sports facility or the venue of an official sports competition;

if there are grounds for refusing citizens access to a sports facility or the venue of an official sports competition;

upon discovery of items prohibited from being brought into sports facilities or competition venues;

upon detection of counterfeit entrance tickets or counterfeit documents replacing entrance tickets;

upon detection of suspicious objects;

in case of unauthorized entry of spectators into areas not designated in the entrance ticket or a document replacing it;

in case of violation of public order;

when accompanied by officials;

when accompanied by offenders;

when evacuating spectators;

in case of failures in the operation of the access system and equipment failure;

when there is a large number of spectators at the entrances to sports facilities or competition venues, stands, sectors or zones;

in the event of unrest in the access area to sports facilities or competition venues.

Document overview

To ensure public order and safety during official sports competitions, competition organizers and (or) owners and users of sports facilities may involve inspectors and managers. Requirements have been established for the content of the special training program for inspectors.

The program is developed and approved by the all-Russian sports federation. It includes theoretical and practical training in the following sections: legal regulation of security and protection of public order; psychological preparation; basics of interaction with intelligence agencies; specialized training. Final certification is also provided.

We can provide specialized training for controllers in accordance with FIFA and UEFA best practices in the field of security and in accordance with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation. Our highly qualified specialists will conduct seminars and trainings for your employees.

Special training for controllers is carried out on the basis of agreements on the delegation of rights with the RFU, FHR and FHMR according to programs approved by these all-Russian sports federations.

Event Safety teachers have extensive experience in conducting special training for controllers, including in various regions of the Russian Federation, and also meet the requirements established by Order of the Ministry of Sports of the Russian Federation No. 997 “On approval of requirements for organizations providing special training for controllers and ( or) issuance and registration of certificates of controllers-managers" dated October 30, 2015 and by order of the Ministry of Sports of the Russian Federation No. 1327 "On amendments to the order of the Ministry of Sports of the Russian Federation dated October 30, 2015 No. 997 "On approval of requirements for organizations carrying out special training for controllers and (or) issuance and registration of certificates for controllers" dated December 22, 2016, and have certificates of participation in seminars for specialists in the training of controllers conducted by UEFA and the RFU.


The Controller-Manager's Certificate (hereinafter referred to as the Certificate) confirms the right of the Controller-Manager to take measures in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation to ensure public order and public safety during official sports competitions. The certificate is issued by an all-Russian sports federation or an organization that provides special training for controllers under an agreement with such a federation (hereinafter referred to as the Organization), within 10 working days after citizens undergo special training for controllers and final certification, as well as after they receive a document confirming completion such preparation.

If the Certificate is issued by the Organization, a copy of such Certificate is sent to the all-Russian sports federation within 10 working days from the date of its issue. To issue a Certificate, the managing controller submits a 3.5x4.5 cm color photograph to the all-Russian sports federation or Organization.

The certificate is issued to the managing controller or his authorized representative on the basis of a power of attorney executed in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the Power of Attorney). To receive the Certificate, the managing controller presents an identification document. If the Certificate is received by the authorized representative of the managing controller, in addition to the identification document, a Power of Attorney is presented.

In case of loss or damage to the Certificate, the managing controller is issued a duplicate of the Certificate. To obtain a duplicate of the Certificate, the managing controller must:

  • submit an application to the Organization for the issuance of a duplicate of the Certificate, indicating the circumstances of its loss or damage;
  • submit the Certificate to the Organization (if it is damaged);
  • submit a color photograph 3.5x4.5 cm to the Organization.

The application for the issuance of a duplicate of the Certificate is submitted in an original copy and signed personally by the managing controller. A duplicate of the Certificate is issued to the managing controller or his authorized representative within 15 working days from the date the Organization receives an application for the issuance of such a duplicate.

All-Russian sports federations keep records of issued Certificates in the Certificate Issuance Logbook (hereinafter referred to as the Logbook) on paper and (or) electronically in accordance with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of personal data.

The accounting journal must be stitched, the sheets must be numbered, information about the number of sheets must be certified by the signature of the head of the all-Russian sports federation (the person performing his duties) and the seal of the all-Russian sports federation. The logbook is kept in the all-Russian sports federation.

In accordance with Federal Law No. 192 of July 23, 2013, starting from January 20, 2014, a new concept was introduced: controller - manager (in FIFA terminology - steward).

Under controller means an individual who has undergone special training in the manner determined by the Ministry of Sports of Russia, and who is involved on a contractual basis to ensure public order and public safety (see clause 3. 4 N 329-FZ “On Physical Culture and Sports in the Russian Federation” ).

Controllers and administrators of the same law very broad powers have been granted: starting from carrying out, together with a police officer, personal searches of citizens and inspection of things on them, to suppressing unlawful actions of spectators, etc.

The powers, of course, are not yet the same as the police, but also not the same as the security guards (Article 20.2. Federal Law-329, read >).

Corresponding to the powers, the law also prescribes responsibilities. In one word in everyday life a completely new figure with the status is introduced. It is clear that this is not the police yet, but it is clearly no longer a private security guard. Although you can’t call it a volunteer (since the controller-manager works under a contract, that is, for a fee). It’s just not entirely clear why there was a need to fence the garden if the private security guards of the private security organization could have successfully handled this task? Perhaps to satisfy FIFA requirements?

So who are these controllers - stewards?

And according to preliminary calculations, their number for the period of the 2018 World Cup could be up to 10,000 people! And this involvement of able-bodied and healthy people in security functions will cost a lot of money.We decided to take a critical look at the procedure for special training of supervisors and the requirements for them.

By Order of the Ministry of Sports of Russia dated April 14, 2014 No. 234 (read >) approved The procedure for undergoing special training for supervisory managers to ensure public order and public safety during an official sports competition (hereinafter referred to as the Procedure).

This document has very important practical significance. The order and level of security at stadiums will largely depend on the quality of special training and the effectiveness of the activities of controllers.

At the same time, during the analysis and practical study of this Procedure, our readers and experts had questions and complaints about its content.

1. In paragraph 2 The order states that special training for controllers is carried out by all-Russian sports federations and regional sports federations.

Which specific federations carry out and plan to carry out such training on their own and do they have the appropriate licenses for educational activities?

2. Point 3 The procedure provides for the possibility of special training for controllers-stewards “by contacting organizations that train controllers-stewards and (or) provide services to ensure order in places of public events.

What organizations are meant in this case? And what specific services to ensure order (what kind?) are we talking about in the Order?

3. In paragraph 4 The order mentions a special training program, which includes theoretical training, practical training, internships (clause 7 b), and passing a test (final certification, qualifying exam - clause 7c and clause 8). This program is approved by the organization providing special training.

What is the total duration of special training for supervisors and separately for each type of special training, internship, qualification exam, and final certification?

4. Here and in paragraph 7c The procedure regulates the receipt of an appropriate document confirming the completion of special training for supervisors. Clause 9 of the Procedure provides for the issuance of a controller-managing certificate, and clause 12 of the Procedure provides for the receipt of duplicates of these documents in case of loss of the originals.

What is the form of the document confirming the completion of special training of the controller-manager, as well as the certificate of the controller-manager, and their validity period?

What is the procedure for confirming qualifications, increasing them, and retraining supervisors.

Will a register of controllers be maintained to avoid falsifications and forgeries?

Are duplicates issued on a scheduled basis or free of charge?

5. In paragraph 10 The order states that citizens who have received a document confirming the completion of special training for controllers, as well as a certificate of a controller, have the right to be involved on a contractual basis to ensure public order and public safety during official sports competitions in all sports.

On Saturday, September 21, in Samara at the Chaika Sports Center (Upravlencheskiy village) from 10:00 to 15:00 the central regional start of the All-Russian running day “Cross of Nations” will take place. This year the Samara Space Museum and Exhibition Center became a partner of the event. In addition to the space theme, all guests of the “Cross of the Nation” will enjoy a concert program, interactive and children’s playgrounds, and master classes.

During the “Cross of the Nation”, performances by musical groups, animators and fitness club instructors, a “Space Fantasy” concert program, and a demonstration of videos about space will take place on the central stage.

From 10:00 the following interactive platforms will be open:

Virtual reality. A unique opportunity to feel like an astronaut, visit the international space station, ski on a snow slope and much more.

Samara space. Photo zone dedicated to the theme of space.

Climbing wall. A great chance to test your mountaineering skills.

GTO. Site for compliance with complex standards, information center, photo zone.

Nordic walking. Master class on Nordic (Northern) walking, instructor consultations, walking tour with demonstration of skills.

Children's country "Get involved in sports". Tug of war, inflatable and jumping trampolines, board games, mini football with a soft ball and miniature goals.

I choose health. Thanks to the specialists of the Samara Regional Center for Medical Prevention, you can freely estimate the percentage of fat and muscle mass in the body, determine lung volume, calculate the vital index, determine muscle strength, and get advice.

Home doctor. Oxygen cocktails and expert consultations on maintaining health.

Bumperball. Attraction football in inflatable balls. Everyone will be divided into two teams and play this exciting game.

American football. Master classes on playing a team contact sport.

Children's town. Playground for preschoolers and primary schoolchildren “Space Country”.

Heavyweights. Master classes from professional instructors at the Chaika gym.

Athletics school. Master classes on proper running techniques, expert consultations.

"Mega Lada". Exhibition area of ​​motorcycles of the Togliatti speedway club.

10.00-15.00 Sports and entertainment program, children's playgrounds
11.00 Exercise with a champion
11:30 Official opening ceremony
11:45 300m start – children's race (5-6 years old)
12:00 Start of the 2000 m mass race (no age limit)
12:20 2000 m start – boys born 2002-2005
girls born 2002-2005
12:30 2000 m start – boys born 2006-2009
girls born 2006-2009
12:40 2000 m start - boys born in 2010 and younger
girls born 2010 and younger
12:50 4000 m start - boys born in 2000 and younger
girls born 2000 and younger
13:00 4000 m start - men born in 1999 and older
women born 1999 and older
13:05 4000 m start – women 35-49 years old
women 50-59 years old
women 60 years and older
13:15 Start at 6000 m - girls born in 2000 and younger
13:20 6000 m start – men 35-49 years old
men 50-59 years old
men 60 years and older
13:25 8000 m start - boys born in 2000 and younger
women born 1999 and older
13:30 Start at 12000 m - men born in 1999 and older
12:45-14:50 Award ceremony for winners and runners-up
14:50-15:00 Official closing ceremony

As part of the implementation of clause 12.2 of Art. 16 “Rights and obligations of all-Russian sports federations”, clause 4.1 of Art. 16.1 “Rights and obligations of regional sports federations”, clause 7.1 of Art. 20 “Organization and conduct of physical education events, sports events” of Federal Law No. 329-FZ “On Physical Culture and Sports in the Russian Federation” dated December 4, 2007, regarding special training of supervisory managers by organizations providing special training of supervisory managers and ( or) the issuance and accounting of certificates of supervisory managers are all-Russian sports federations, regional sports federations, professional sports leagues, as well as other organizations operating on the basis of an agreement with all-Russian sports federations.

As part of the order of the Ministry of Sports of the Russian Federation No. 997 “On approval of requirements for organizations providing special training for controllers and (or) issuance and registration of certificates for controllers” dated October 30, 2015, the Russian Football Union may delegate the right to carry out special training for controllers - managers and (or) issuance and accounting of certificates of controllers-managers to football clubs, stadiums or contracting organizations ensuring the protection of public order and safety during sporting events (hereinafter referred to as the Organization/Organizations).

To conclude an agreement on the delegation of the right to carry out special training of controllers and (or) issuance and accounting of certificates of controllers (hereinafter referred to as the Agreement), Organizations must contact the Russian Football Union with a corresponding request and provide documents confirming the Organization’s compliance with the requirements of the order of the Ministry Sports of the Russian Federation No. 997 “On approval of requirements for organizations providing special training for controllers and (or) issuance and accounting of certificates for controllers” dated 10.30.2015:

Charter of the Organization;

Documents confirming the presence in the Organization of full-time specialists or specialists with whom a civil contract has been concluded to carry out special training of supervisory managers in sections and topics of the Program, whose qualifications meet the requirements specified in the table;


Name of the Program section

Requirements for specialist qualifications

Legal regulation of security and protection of public order

Higher education (specialist's degree, master's degree) or secondary vocational education in the field of "Jurisprudence" and work experience in the specialty of at least 2 years

Psychological preparation

Higher education (specialist's degree, master's degree) or secondary vocational education in the field of "Psychology" and work experience in the specialty for at least 2 years

Basics of interaction with special services

Specialized training

Higher education (specialist's degree, master's degree) and work experience in the specialty for at least 2 years

Confirming the availability of the Organization’s website on the Internet and ensuring that the following information is posted on it:

· Charter of the Organization;

· requirements for candidates for controller-managers;

· special training programs for supervisors;

· procedures for undergoing special training for supervisors;

· procedures for issuing and recording certificates of controllers.

After completing the appropriate request and providing the necessary documents, the Russian Football Union is considering the possibility of concluding an agreement with the Organization on the delegation of the right to carry out special training for controllers and (or) issue and record certificates of controllers. This agreement specifies the procedure for special training of managing controllers, the procedure for issuing and recording certificates of managing controllers, providing the necessary reporting, as well as the responsibilities of the parties. Taking into account that the purpose of special training for controllers is to ensure public order and public safety during official football sports competitions, the Russian Football Union, when considering the possibility of concluding an agreement on delegating the right to carry out special training for controllers, reserves the right to request organizations additional documents.

For all questions related to the special training of controllers, you can contact the competition security department.