Akhmat (football club). Football club "Terek" will change its name to "Akhmat Chechen Football Team"

Russian Club football premier league“Terek” will change its name starting next season. Instead of the sonorous name of a mountain river originating from a glacier on the slope of the Caucasus ridge, the Grozny team will be called FC Akhmat in honor of the former head of Chechnya, the father of the current president of the republic Ramzan Kadyrov.

This important news was announced by Terek General Director Akhmed Aidamirov.

“The club’s council made a decision and sent a letter to the RFPL and the head of the republic with a request to approve our decision.

In the near future the club will be called “Akhmat” (Grozny).

Licensing took place as "Terek", but there will be no problems with this. We hope that we will do everything before the championship. This decision was made based on requests from fans,” R-Sport quotes.

Talks about renaming the club began in March 2017.

Then the vice-president of the team announced the possibility of changing the historical name of Terek.

The head of the Chechen Republic, Ramzan Kadyrov, soon denied his attitude to this initiative, saying that only the Terek board of directors would decide the issue of renaming the club in honor of his father.

“This is the prerogative of the club’s board of directors. Only he makes a decision on this issue. I did not give an answer to such requests. The authors motivate their initiative by the fact that in the republic there is a network of clubs "Akhmat" for various types sports that are successfully developing have gained worldwide fame.

Fans also remind that the first president of the republic, Hero of Russia Akhmat-Khadzhi Kadyrov, played a huge role in the revival of Terek. I say again that the decision remains with the board of directors,” Kadyrov emphasized in an interview with his press service.

According to Daudov, it can be assumed that fans of the Grozny team have been discussing the issue of changing the name of their favorite club on social networks for a long time and ultimately decided to prepare an official appeal to the management of Terek. Soon a collection of signatures was organized, and when there were a sufficient number of supporters of the renaming, the club’s board of directors received a corresponding appeal.

Now Daudov has already officially confirmed the upcoming change of the club’s name, devoting a separate post to this on his Instagram:

“The pure Chechen blood of our fathers flows in our veins! And in our hearts, the name Akhmat!!! Allahu Akbar!

However, in the largest community of Terek fans in social network VKontakte publishes posts with the slogans “Terek once, Terek forever”, “I am a Terek fan” and the hashtag “#ournameTerek”.

Also on the group’s wall are the personal opinions of fans skeptical of the name change. For example, user Seryozha Bekhterev calls this decision a “revolution” and asks not to change anything:

“The last word is still in favor, maybe he will make a wise decision and veto the renaming of Terek.”

In general, the highest football authorities should get involved (intervene) and stop the extravagant plans separate group persons to make a formal revolution, since Terek has not changed since 1958. It was under this name that Terek won the Russian Cup in 2004, soon became a full participant in the Premier League and took the highest place in its history - fifth place.”

In any case, the process of renaming a club is not the easiest procedure, and fans will still have time to challenge this decision, as announced by the honorary president of the Russian Football Union () Vyacheslav Koloskov.

“Renaming a club is not a mechanical action. This requires a decision from both the League Council and the Russian Football Union. Here follows a whole series of sports and legal events.

Remember, there was “Torpedo-Metallurg”, then “Torpedo-Luzhniki” and so on. Unfortunately, this is part of football. “Torpedo” is “Torpedo”, we are used to hearing this name as the name of an outstanding team in its time,” NSN quotes.

Terek will have to say goodbye to the name it has had since 1958. It was this name that became the first in the history of the club, which somehow symbolized its national identity. Before this, the club bore very common names in the country: “Dynamo” (from 1946) and “Neftyanik” (from 1948 to 1958).

Now the team will acquire a name identical to the name of its home stadium, Akhmat Arena, and will add to the collection of organizations named in honor of the former head of the Chechen Republic, after whom a street in Moscow, a bridge in St. Petersburg, a regional public fund, a motor ship of one of the transport companies, one of the largest mosques in Israel, opened in 2014 near Jerusalem, as well as a white star - a supergiant from the constellation Leo.

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This news was announced by Terek General Director Akhmed Aidamirov. According to him, the Board of Directors of the Club made a decision; letters were sent to the RFPL and the Head of the Republic with a request to approve it.
Ramzan Kadyrov did not keep himself waiting - on June 6, on his Instagram page, he announced that the Grozny FC is now called “Akhmat”. According to Kadyrov, the decision is not immediate, it is based on appeals from many thousands of fans. Before delivering its verdict, the Board of Directors held a number of meetings and discussions.
He recalled that for almost 60 years the Club was called “Terek”, before that it bore the names “Dynamo” and “Neftyanik”.
“For 70 years there have been ups and downs, tragic years and a period of triumphant victories. In 1994, our team was banned from playing in the Russian Championship. In fact, it ceased to exist. During the most difficult period in the history of Chechnya and the Chechen people, the First President of the Chechen Republic, Hero of Russia Akhmat-Khadzhi Kadyrov, overcoming enormous difficulties, recreated football club“, emphasized the Head of the Chechen Republic.
The head of the Chechen Republic emphasized that it was he who was responsible for not just the revival, but the creation anew, from scratch, of the football team. And three years later, ahead of schedule, FC entered the Premier League and also won the Russian Cup. In the 2016-17 season. the team takes fifth place.
“I sincerely congratulate everyone who cares about the Akhmat football club, and there are millions of them!” concluded the author of the post, Ramzan Kadyrov.
Magomed Daudov published the new team symbol on his Instagram.
The proposal to rename the team to Akhmat was also supported by Nokhcho, a fan club of the Grozny Football Club.
“We are, of course, in favor, there can’t even be any doubts. We believe that this is a 100% correct initiative. Until it came to specifics, until there was “what if suddenly.” But if it comes to specifics, we will definitely support,” TASS quotes the leader of the “Nokhcho” fan movement, Umar Khadzhiev.
Meanwhile, Terek vice-president Khaidar Alkhanov expressed the opinion that the club should not be renamed.
“Everywhere we hear that Akhmat left undefeated, and if tomorrow the Akhmat football club misses goals, I would not want to hear the words that the Club, which bears the name of the Hero of Russia, the first president of the Chechen Republic, lost. If they ask me, I will only agree with this opinion. Plus, there are no teams in the world that don’t lose, and the Club, which is called “Akhmat”, must be worthy of this name. Therefore, I would keep the name “Terek”,” Khaidar Alkhanov justified his opinion in an interview with TASS.
In any case, the process of renaming an FC is not the easiest procedure, and fans will still have time to challenge this decision, as the honorary president of the Russian Football Union (RFU) Vyacheslav Koloskov informed Gazeta.Ru.
“Renaming the Club is not a mechanical action. This requires a decision from both the League Council and the Russian Football Union. Here follows a whole series of sports and legal events,” NSN quotes Koloskov as saying.
And yet, judging by the development of events, Terek will have to say goodbye to the name it has bore since 1958. Before this, the club bore very common names in the country: “Dynamo” (from 1946) and “Neftyanik” (from 1948 to 1958). The name “Terek” was the first in the history of the Club, which somehow symbolized its national identity.

The history of the team dates back to 1946, then it was called Dynamo. Since 1948, the team bore the name “Neftyanik”, and in 1958 it was renamed “Terek”. In 2006, the team was named after Akhmat-Khadzhi Kadyrov. In June 2017, the club received a new name - “Akhmat”.

For 46 years, from 1946 to 1991, the team participated in 36 seasons (1946, 1957-1991) of all-Union football competitions (championships) of master teams at various levels, with the exception of tournaments at the Major League level. Grozny residents took part in 19 USSR Cup competitions. Terek was one of the leaders of the Second League of the Union Championship. The Grozny team also successfully participated in all-Russian competitions - “Terek” is the champion of the RSFSR in 1974.

In 1978, the team took a high 5th place in the First League of the Union Championship. From 1980 to 1991, Terek played in the Second League of the Union Championship. In 1992 and 1993, Grozny residents participated in the competitions of the First Russian league(West), and in 1994 - the Second League.

In mid-1994, teams from Chechnya, including Terek, were banned from participating in Russian football competitions - this was due to the difficult socio-political situation in the republic. Until 1999, the team played in major league championship Chechen Republic of Ichkeria. So, in 1997, “Terek” became the winner in the national championship of Chechnya. 1999 turned out to be less successful for the team: thus, according to the results of the first round of the republican championship, Terek took fifth place out of 14 participating teams.

On August 15, 2000, the football club was registered at the federal level. From that time on, the process of reviving the team began all-Russian level. In 2001, the football club acquired its own base in Kislovodsk(Stavropol region). In 2001, Terek took 5th place in the second league in the South zone, and the next year won the zonal tournament. In 2003, Terek, in its debut season in the first division, almost reached the Premier League. A draw in the last round in Krasnodar against Kuban dropped Terek from second to fourth place. However, the very next year the Grozny team took first place ahead of schedule seven rounds before the end of the season and won a ticket to the Premier League. At the same time, Terek set a number of records in history domestic football. The unbeaten streak was 21 games. And the Terek striker Andrey Fedkov set a scoring record in the first division, scoring 38 goals during the season.

A year later, Terek played in the Premier League, but at the end of the season, Grozny left the elite Russian football. The parting turned out to be short-lived, and 2007 became successful for Terek. Having taken second place in the first division under the leadership of Talgaev, the Grozny team returned to the Premier League.

From 2004 to November 2011, the president of Terek was the leader of Chechnya Ramzan Kadyrov, now honorary president of Terek. Since November 28, 2011, the president of Terek - Magomed Daudov.

During the 2008 season, the team changed head coach, he became Vyacheslav the Terrible. “Terek” took its highest place that year - 10th line in the standings. The team finished subsequent seasons several steps lower over and over again. Terek was led by different coaches - Anatoly Baidachny , Shahin Diniev , Isa Baytiev , Ruud Gullit.

In the fall of 2011, he became the head coach of Terek famous specialist and former goalkeeper of the Russian national team - Stanislav Cherchesov. Until 2011, Grozny residents performed at the reconstructed Dynamo stadium, named after Sultan Bilimkhanov in 2007. On May 11, 2011, the opening of the stadium took place. Akhmat Arena", accommodating 30 thousand spectators and meeting the standards UEFA.

In the 8th round of the 2012/2013 championship, Terek sensationally topped the standings, winning away on September 14 Zenith"with a score of 2:0. However, in the 20th round, Terek took 8th place, settling in the middle standings and finishing the championship at this place.

On May 31, 2013, a contract with the coach was signed Yuri Krasnozhan. He replaced Stanislav Cherchesov in the post.

After the 14th round of the 2013/2014 championship, Terek was in 14th place, gaining only 9 points. On October 28, 2013, the club management dismissed Krasnozhan. The new head coach is Rashid Rakhimov. . Terek finished the championship in 12th place, retaining its place in the Premier League.

The team started the 2014/2015 Russian Football Championship very successfully, taking 4th place after the first six rounds and 5 points behind the leader. However, at the end of the season the team took 9th place, gaining 37 points.

Russian Football Championship 2016/2017“Terek” started with a noticeably updated roster. Albanian striker joined the team