All Fix Price stores in Russia. Fix price - reviews Fix price hotline

“Fix Price” is a large retail chain represented in Russia, mainly engaged in the retail sale of non-food products. The management company is Best Price LLC, which has its head office in Moscow.

Distinctive feature The “Fix Price” network is to use a “fixed price store” format, also called a “single price store”. This format was first proposed in 1879 in the USA and very quickly spread to North America and Western Europe. At the beginning of its activities, FixPrice set a price of 30 rubles, in February 2016 - 50 rubles.

So low prices are obtained through our own import of the entire range of goods in large volumes (excluding intermediary companies) and low transaction costs.

The company has introduced a quality control system for supplied products. Specifications with the required characteristics of the goods are attached to supply contracts. Maximum control is ensured through the involvement of independent laboratories. Regular tastings are held to evaluate and compare products. In addition, factories producing goods are audited by internal or external specialists. It includes incoming control of raw materials and technological processes, verification of administrative procedures, worker hygiene and transportation conditions.


The company Best Price LLC appeared relatively recently. It was founded by Artem Khachatryan and Sergey Lomakin in 2007. Before that, they were co-owners of the Kopeyka chain and sold it in order to introduce a completely new store format to the Russian retail market, which had long gained popularity in other countries. The first outlet of the Fix Price network opened in December 2007.

Network structure

At the beginning of 2016, the Fix Price network included 2,075 stores in more than six hundred locations Russian Federation. All stores are standardized, their average area (with rare exceptions) ranges from 200 to 300 sq.m. They are located near residential areas and in crowded places.

I am a former employee of Fix Price at the address Saratov region, Engels, st. Telmana, 137, shopping center "Aurora". I was fired for unknown reasons and was not given a pay slip. Without even explaining the reason. Apparently a client complained about me. As I remember. This client came into the store with her child. The child's shoelaces were untied. I stood with my back and laid out the goods in the hall. I remember very well the sound of hitting the floor. I turned around, and this child was rising from the floor. There were boxes nearby. They were folded at the edge, as there was a delivery of goods. This woman began to shout and be rude in an orderly tone, then crucified all the boxes in different corners. Even those that came with goods. Later she attacked me with her fists. I walked past and said that I would remove the boxes. I clearly smelled alcohol from her, and not a weak one. She called the administrator and said that I sent her three letters. This did not happen. After all, the main rule of the seller is that the Customer is always right.
The next day, the manager of the Lugom store, Natalia, called me into the office. In the same rude manner, she told me that I was fired. She explained the reason that the client I mentioned above complained about me on the Internet. I looked through all the sites with complaints, called technical support and looked into the complaint book. There was no such complaint anywhere. The manager also said that I was taking someone else’s place. That if it weren’t for the order from the authorities from above, she would not have accepted me. The next day I came to get my medical book. Since I was not given an employment contract from my very first working day, I asked to at least give me a payslip, to which I was told that I was speaking with ambition and that those who hired me should give me this slip. That is, the authorities are from above. Regarding the job, they called me from the main Moscow office and told me the address where a person was needed. I went and the manager received me with a dissatisfied face.
As for the person of the store. No one wanted to relieve me, even when I was working with a temperature of 39 and 6. They whispered behind my back. They sold it at a discount (written-off product) and when the manager arrived, they immediately removed it. This money went into the manager's pocket. They didn’t want to explain what and why to me. One employee of Tryastsa, Yulia, completely turned her nose up at me and, as it later turned out, complained about me to the manager and administrators. Administrator Svetlana Suslova repeatedly scolded me for what was not explained to me from the very beginning. And I had no idea what was possible and what was not. I have no complaints or complaints about the seller Yulia Samchuk and the administrator Irina Nazarova, as their attitude towards me was good.