The most famous sports venues in the world. Sports park What should a sports park be like?

Boulevards are linear green areas created along highways, residential streets and embankments, and pedestrian routes in residential areas. Boulevards are intended for pedestrian traffic, walks and short-term recreation of the population.

In urban planning practice, several types of boulevards have developed in the urban environment:

Boulevards along streets and highways, mainly of regional significance;

Boulevards along embankments along the banks of rivers and reservoirs, lakes, seas - seaside boulevards;

Boulevards in the form of rings, covering the central parts of historical cities and fortifications created on the site - ramparts.

According to their layout, boulevards can be divided into:

Boulevards with a regular layout and symmetrical placement of the main garden roads and alleys

Boulevards with asymmetric placement of the main alley;

Boulevards with a free layout, including elements of a regular and landscape layout

The length and width of the boulevard are determined depending on the class of the highway and street, its planning solution and the architecture of the adjacent buildings. All structures must be harmoniously combined with green spaces, as the main planning component of the territory.

Entrances to the boulevard should be provided along its long sides every 150...300 m. On regional highways and on streets with heavy traffic, entrances to the boulevard must be linked with pedestrian crossings and stops public transport. On the short side of the boulevard - the “head” - the main entrance is arranged in the form of a wide platform, where a fountain, a flower bed is designed, or a monument is erected.

Boulevards on highways with heavy traffic must be shifted from the axis of the highway, between the roadway and the sidewalk, for example, towards a shopping center or towards a residential area. On busy highways, it is possible to install two boulevard lanes relative to the axis of the street. This is due, first of all, to the accessibility of the boulevard area for pedestrians. Boulevards on residential streets can be located along the axis of the street.

In city centers, boulevards-esplanades are created, with a predominant parterre solution to reveal the architectural and artistic qualities of the development. The open type of spatial structure of plantings predominates.

The main planning elements of boulevards are: the main pedestrian path (planning axis), secondary and additional paths for short-term recreation, entrances in the form of wide paths or platforms. The width of the tracks is set depending

on the intensity of pedestrian traffic. It is recommended to place rest benches, fountains and pools at the entrances to the sites and along the main path. The main path of the boulevard must have durable structures, covered with tiles or crushed stone special mixtures. Secondary paths may have crushed stone coverings made from special mixtures.

When designing boulevards on streets and highways, it should be taken into account that plantings should play both a decorative and sanitary-hygienic, protective role. Along the perimeter of the boulevard strips on the side of the roadway, trees and shrubs are provided that are resistant to dust and gases.

When designing boulevards, the density (density) of plantings, as well as the age and size of planting material, are set individually, depending on the purpose of the boulevard and its location in the urban environment.

Boulevards on embankments. Boulevards of this type actively shape the environment and give it a unique character.

Boulevards along the banks of rivers, lakes, and seas, in many respects in their layout and purpose, resemble wide boulevards on streets in residential areas. However, their difference is that they are directly adjacent to the coastline of one of their sides and should visually combine riverine landscapes and the urban environment. Such “linear” gardens are also created on the banks of large bodies of water. Three main layout schemes for embankments-boulevards can be distinguished:

    symmetrical, with a central alley;

    asymmetrical - the planning axis is shifted towards the coastline;

    free - on wide strips over 50 m.

Boulevards, or linear gardens, along embankments are not recommended to be combined with highway traffic. The coastline and strip along a river or lake (sea) must be used exclusively for recreation and walking. Entrances should be provided both on the long side, along the coastline, and on the short sides bordering the territory. Recreation areas are provided on the territory of the boulevard-embankment, from which perspectives on the water surface are revealed. Part of the layout of such a garden includes descents to the water in the form of stairs, as well as piers, parking lots, cafes, etc.

The volumetric-spatial structure of boulevard plantings on embankments is mainly of open and semi-open types. In conditions of excessive solar radiation, it is necessary to provide closed spaces, especially in public recreation areas and along walking alleys.

Today, when the accelerating pace of life prompts us to preserve our inner potential and health - physical and mental, the transition to a healthy lifestyle is important.

The external form of manifestation of this trend in recent years has been the development of sports infrastructure in the country as a major international, all-Russian, regional sporting events, and locally at the level of small territories.

Speaking about landscape design - as a unique activity for preserving the natural landscape in the urban environment and creating unique images of the harmony of nature in various scales of public and private areas - in relation to the sports environment, a list of known to us is drawn sports facilities, the creation of which involves the use of tools and techniques of landscape architecture and design. These include planar structures (stadiums, universal sports grounds, tennis courts), which have become developed and popular in the domestic environment, and are dynamically developing sports complexes(universal sports and health complexes, specialized complexes, athletics arenas, fitness rooms) and adjacent areas. A special place in terms of complexity, novelty or scale in the landscape and architectural practice of Russia is occupied by such sports facilities as hippodromes, golf courses, skate areas, and outdoor tennis courts.

In our opinion, in the context of modern trends in the development of sports infrastructure, it is important to ensure mass accessibility to sports facilities so that their use becomes possible for citizens and works in solving social problems in developing a sports culture, healthy image life, self-improvement and spiritual development of the nation. From this point of view, what is important, in our opinion, is the creation and development of integral natural complexes - sports parks located in areas accessible to residential areas, which could act as:

  • an active social place for personal development;
  • a center for the development of many sports simultaneously;
  • daily training grounds for city residents;
  • a place for active family walks.

To support my words, I would like to give an example of foreign practice - approaches to organizing public places active recreation and sports in New York City (USA), which we got to know while on an internship at the American landscape and architectural company Balmori Associates in July-August 2009. Surprisingly, in the conditions of mass development, territories for mass relaxation, activity, and recreation of citizens are uniquely preserved and consciously allocated.

Unlike the development of other urban areas, it is here that the features of the landscape design of sports facilities are clearly expressed: 1) complexes of sports and cultural recreation areas are successfully combined; 2) a harmonious combination of “green” zones and visitor routes has been built, taking into account their participation in various sports; 3) compliance with requirements regarding noise and wind protection, distribution of sunlight is ensured; 4) the planning and development technologies used take into account the potentially high degree of loading of the park territory by visitors and ensure the long-term sustainability of its landscape.

An example of modern trends in landscape design of sports parks in an urban environment in New York City is the famous Central Park, which occupies more than 3 square meters. km area, is the “core” and “island” of the city’s nature. At first glance, this is a natural complex, but upon closer inspection there are kilometers of paths for jogging, cycling, skateboarding , roller skating, horseback riding. The park preserves the features of the natural landscape of rocky outcrops, hills, and forest areas, but at the same time, fields for playing football, rugby, and golf have been created to suit the needs of park users, and both sports and entertainment and playgrounds have been organized for children. The natural background surprises visitors with fauna - squirrels, “walking” badgers, “singing” forest and swimming birds.

In recent years, maximum utilization projects have gained particular popularity. New York City waterfront. On both banks of the rivers (Hudson River, East River) washing Manhattan, there are embankment parks stretching for many kilometers - Hudson River Park,East River Park, Riverbank State Park, - which uniquely preserved the historical features of the place and combine modernity, environmental friendliness, harmony of natural content, complete functionality in use, the individuality of the continuation of the city’s architecture and its balance with the watery nature of the elements surrounding the island. Thanks to thoughtful work, the implemented projects of these parks have created a unique atmosphere of accessibility and ease of playing sports for any person, regardless of age, his social status, or position in society.

Without exception, the complex of sports parks provides additional opportunities for active recreation and sports for people with disabilities, who, on an equal basis with ordinary citizens, have the opportunity to use all the capabilities of functional areas, engaging in athletics or participating in team sports sports games. In the evenings and on weekends, sports parks are a gathering place for teenagers and adults on playgrounds for playing volleyball, basketball, skateboarding, and roller skating. The territory of piers on the water, on which the work of football fields and golf clubs is organized, is effectively used on a city scale, and their placement is harmoniously included in the space of coastal parks. It is noteworthy that many sports grounds in parks in winter period quickly transform into mass-use skating rinks. A striking example is Bryant Park, located in the center of New York among skyscrapers, where in the summer a recreation area is regularly open on the lawn ground floor, yoga classes, sports dance classes for youth, conducting tennis tournaments, cultural events, and in winter - the open area of ​​​​the lawn turns into a skating rink to the delight of users for free skating, holding competitions, festive performances.

Thus, the mass availability of sports facilities - through the organization of sports parks - is a unique opportunity for the development and preservation of the nation. Achieving functionality, completeness of the idea, and individuality of the sports park is determined at the stage of landscape design. In this regard, in order to create an integral multifunctional natural recreation and sports complex at the project development stage, it is recommended to adhere to the following principles of territory design:

  • When developing a territory design concept, study the “portrait” of a potential user and form, taking into account his preferences in the project, a set of functional zones, their order and range of placement. Include areas for active recreation and sports for everyone age groups- children, teenagers, adults
  • Ensure accessibility of the park's sports facilities relative to residential areas. Limit sports grounds and jogging paths from public transport roads; distinguish between the movements of pedestrians and actively moving people on bicycles, rollerblades, and skateboards. The location of the facilities ensures ease of loading and the ability to quickly evacuate people. Establish conditions for ease of maintenance of sports park facilities
  • Place sports facilities in tracts of greenery or recreate a natural environment around them through the use of coniferous trees, decorative foliage shrubs, cereals, perennial wildflowers or alpine flowers in the landscape design (do not use abundantly fruiting, early-shedding and thorny plants)
  • Combine sports facilities with areas of the natural environment (natural or artificial reservoirs, natural reliefs, alleys), ensuring a decorative environment at any time of the year. Provide for easy transformation of summer sports facilities into plots winter species sports and recreation. Maintain the orientation of sports facilities according to the cardinal directions
  • When developing the technical part of a landscape project, provide for the use of natural materials in the arrangement of the territory - wood, stone, gravel chips.

These sports facilities, stadiums, and arenas have become the venue for the most iconic and popular matches, competitions, and fights. List of the most famous sports venues in the world.


The largest football stadium in Brazil and the largest stadium in the world. The stadium was built specifically for the 1950 FIFA World Cup. Capacity - 78,838 spectators.

This stadium was built in 1907. Twickenham is the home of English rugby. The stadium's capacity is 82,000 spectators.

The only golf course to host one of the four major golf championships each year. Well-groomed green grass, coupled with water hazards and other obstacles, will create a unique environment for golfers and golfers.

This is where the World Snooker Championships have been held since 1977. Snooker competitions at the Crucible can attract up to 1,000 spectators.

5. MGM Grand Garden Arena, Las Vegas, USA.

The MGM Grand Garden Arena has hosted many high-profile boxing matches. One of them is the “Fight of the Century” between Floyd Mayweather and Manny Pacquiao.

The stadium, with a capacity of almost 100,000 spectators, hosts American football competitions.

The oldest baseball stadium, opened in 1912.

8. Circuit de Monaco, Monte Carlo, Monaco.

A popular Formula 1 track. Due to the incredibly narrow streets, overtaking on this track is very dangerous. Cheltenham has the status of one of the greatest racecourses where horse racing competitions are held. The stadium seats more than 50,000 spectators.

Private sports club, located in the London suburb of Wimbledon. Today, this oldest club has 19 tournament and 16 practice courts. Center Court is a 15,000-seat stadium.

Sports parks are venues for sports, physical education, health, and cultural and educational events in green areas.

Green spaces on the territory of sports parks must meet functional, sanitary, hygienic and planning requirements (Fig.).

City sports parks are created taking into account their optimal availability. The service radius of sports facilities complexes should not exceed 1500 m. Transport accessibility of city and regional sports parks and individual complexes should be 20-30 minutes. Of great importance for large sports parks is the rational organization of public transport routes and the construction of spacious parking lots in order to ensure quick loading and evacuation of visitors during competitions or mass celebrations.

In sports parks, it is rational to provide for the multi-purpose use of architectural and planning elements. Thus, sports grounds used in summer can serve as skating rinks in winter; some service pavilions in winter can be converted into sports equipment rental premises. To save money on landscaping along a paved main alley with intense pedestrian flows, it is rational to create parallel paths with a stable grassy surface for use on competition days or festivals. The regular nature of the layout of a sports park can be softened by the creation of a picturesque landscape in the peripheral zone: artificial hills and ponds, gently curving paths, areas for free recreation
contours, picturesque flower beds, various types of paving with the addition of small architectural forms.
The main element of this type of park is a sports core with a football field, running tracks, places for light activities athletics, stands for spectators. In addition to the sports center, the sports park can accommodate training football fields, additional sports grounds, open and closed swimming pools, skating rink, athletic field, etc. In the natural landscape area, an open theater of mass action can be created, in the complex of which food points, an information service, and places for active recreation are located. If there are water spaces on the territory of the park, hydropark sports complexes can be created. Hydroparks, the area of ​​water spaces of which can be over 50%, have a sports specialization with a predominance of water sports devices or a recreational specialization with a predominant development various types recreation on the water.

Structure of sports parks can develop on the basis of regular or mixed planning techniques. When organizing a sports zone, regular planning techniques are usually used, and zones for walking and certain types of recreation - free planning techniques; including the creation of picturesque landscaping compositions and in the form of group and single plantings of trees and shrubs, lawn and flower compositions.

Layout of the sports park center:
1 - main entrance; 2 - pre-entrance area with approaches to the stands; 3 — central sports center with stands; 4-8 - sports grounds; 9 — sports pavilion; 10 - training football field; L - children's sector; 12 - theater; 13 — attractions; 14 - open theater; 15 - dance floor; /5—restaurant; 17 — solarium; 18 - cafe; 19 - reading room; 20 - service facilities; 21 - administrative and economic area with a garage; 22 - shooting range; 23 - parking lot.

Scheme master plan Central Republican Botanical Garden of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR in Kyiv:
1 - main entrance; 2 - greenhouse; 3 - museum-herbarium; 4 - architectural and historical reserve; 5 — recreation area; 6 - protected areas with exposure to natural vegetation; 7 - exhibition areas of regulated visits; 8 — protective zones; 9 - rose garden; 10 - sirengarium; 11 - arboretum; 12 — flower hill; 13 - mountain garden; 14 - molded garden; 15 — exposition of aquatic plants.

| 05.10.2017

Gone are the days when you had to buy a membership to a fitness club to exercise. Today you can play sports completely free of charge - on sports grounds located in Moscow parks.

Gorky Park and Muzeon

This is a real Mecca for lovers of free activities. In addition to several sports grounds scattered throughout the park, there are regular free training sessions running club Nike, where experienced trainers will help you develop running technique and tactics for any distance.

In the warm season, on the lawn near the Pioneer Summer Cinema and on the veranda Vorobyovy Gory pass free classes yoga taught by certified teachers. The project presents various styles - hatha, kundalini, Iyengar, jivamukti and others.

Classes at the Pioneer are held on weekdays from 8:00 to 9:00, on the lawn near the Pioneer and on the veranda of Vorobyovy Gory also on weekdays, but from 19:00 to 20:30.

And finally, dancing. Every day on the dance floor near the Pioneer Summer Cinema you can learn modern and historical ballroom dances, master moves to Brazilian motifs, learn more about zumba, jitterbug and many other styles.

As already mentioned, classes are held every day until October 1, with the exception of rainy and excessively cold days (below 10 degrees).


CrossFit from Reebok under the guidance of professional trainers is no joke. The site, equipped with everything necessary, is located on the territory of VDNKh behind pavilion No. 9 opposite the entrance to the Port pool.

On weekdays, training runs from 18:00 to 20:00, on weekends - from 12:00 to 15:00.


Zumba-fitness - a set of energetic movements to fiery Latin American rhythms - does not require expensive classes with trainers, specialized equipment and other expenses. In essence, all that is required of you is presence and freedom. Training takes place on Saturdays, at 15.00, on the Rotunda stage.

The skate park in Sokolniki is open in any weather. Plywood figures were placed under the tent, arranged under the guidance of Moskomsport skateboard school specialist Sergei Aksenov, and a flat platform and open-air concrete structures were specially built by the IOU-RAMPS Russia team.

Fili Park

The area of ​​the park is 300 hectares, which includes several points where exercise equipment and a basketball court are located.

Izmailovsky Park

Izmailovsky Park- one of the largest parks in Moscow and Europe. Here, on the alleys of the Big Circle, one of the most well-equipped Workout sites is located:

  • Triple cascade of horizontal bars for push-ups and pull-ups.
  • Double parallel bars for push-ups and double bent bars.
  • Snake walker, wall bars, triangles, horizontal bar of classic grip and hammer grip.
  • Bench with stops for Workout push-ups, bench for relaxation and exercise.

Tagansky Park

A wonderful addition to Tagansky Park is physical education complex for everyone. A sports ground with a huge selection of exercise equipment, from horizontal bars to a treadmill for two.

Bauman Garden

The sports fields in this park often do not have free exercise equipment. In addition, free yoga classes are held here once a week in the summer.

Kuzminki Park

There are several sports grounds for Workout at different ends of the park. Horizontal bars, parallel bars, abdominal benches, butterfly exercise machines and other equipment.

Lianozovsky Park

“Fairytale Alley” is the name of the site with sports facilities. The name makes you smile, because much attention in this park is paid to children and everything that can develop them. Adults are also not left unattended: there is a separate corner with exercise equipment for them.

Park "Northern Tushino"

On the territory of the park " Northern Tushino» there are several sports grounds: Workout, treadmill, tennis court, table tennis, beach volleyball and others.

Babushkinsky Park

This park is a labyrinth of beautifully designed alleys. There's a big one here playground with an extensive range of power street exercise equipment. This is why combining rest and exercise is so easy here.