When is the next warface open cap? Fast Cup Tournament

Following the weekly fun we’ve had with the Daily Cups, it’s hard to abstain from desiring a little more. After all, being competitive means constantly aiming higher, doesn’t it? As a result, we’re excited to announce the next global event: Warface Open Cup and the Masters League!


Season 1 will consist of four stages: Challenge Cups I through IV, eliminating all but two teams in each Challenge Cup. There will be regional restrictions, and Warface Open Cup will take place in three officially supported regions: Europe, North America and Asia. The winners of the Masters League and the Playoffs will be invited to compete in the LAN finals in Moscow!

There will be up to 128 teams allowed to compete in the European Challenge Cups, 8 selected teams will have a round-robin style of a tournament - each contestant will play against all others - in the Masters League. First six teams move to the next season.

Challenge Cup EU Schedule:

  • Challenge Cup I: 7-8 th of October
  • Challenge Cup II: 21-22 nd of October
  • Challenge Cup III: 4-5th of November
  • Challenge Cup IV: 18-19 th of November

Masters League EU Schedule:

  • 25-26 th of November
  • 2-3rd of December

NA Challenge Cup will comprise up to 32 teams, with 4 emerging teams competing in the Playoffs - 2 from each Challenge Cup.

NA Schedule:

  • Challenge Cup I: 4-5th of November
  • Challenge Cup II: 18-19 th of November
  • Playoff: 25-26th of November

Asia Challenge Cup will have an elimination tournament for 32 to 64 teams on the 18th and 19th of November, 4 teams will compete in the final playoffs on the 25th and 26th of November.


If you want to host a competition of your own in Warface, feel free to contact us at [email protected]. As long as your event or competition does not violate the rules, we’re willing to consider providing the tournament server, commentators as well as add to the prize pool (in-game currencies only).

Fill out the application form below if interested:

  1. Host name
  2. General event information
  3. Regulations
  4. Schedule (cannot conflict with My.com official tournaments)
  5. Event platform/site
  6. Platforms you are going to stream the tournament to.
  7. Commentators and links to their Youtube and/or Twitch channels
  8. Referee roster
  9. Prizes provided by the organizer (Your prize fund up to 5000 Kredits will be doubled)
  10. The amount of participating teams (not fewer than 32)


1. General information on the Daily Cup tournament.

1.1. Game version: Russian version of Warface.

1.3. The team consists of 5 players from the main squad; it is allowed to add 2 players as substitutes.

1.4. Tournament maps for the “Demolition” mode:

"Bridges 2.0";
"Trailer Park";
1.5. Tournament maps for the Conquest mode:

1.5. Tournament maps for the Blitz mode:

1.6. All players who have reached level 26 are allowed to participate in the Tournament.

2. Permitted weapons and equipment.

2.1. It is allowed to use any weapon and ammunition available in the game.

3. Prohibitions.

3.3. The participation of an undeclared player or a player from another team registered in this Tournament is prohibited.

3.5. Incorrect public statements about the game, organizers and participants of the Tournament are prohibited.

3.6. The organizers reserve the right to increase the length of time a team remains on the ban list.

3.7. It is prohibited to disclose information about the hall where the fights are taking place to anyone other than the judge and members of your team.

3.8. Any deviations from the rules are prohibited. This may result in disciplinary action up to and including disqualification.

3.9. Intentional use of any in-game errors, as well as errors in related software, is prohibited.

4.Disciplinary sanctions.

4.1. For violation of clause 3.1 - disqualification of the team, blocking of the account.

4.2. For violation of clause 3.2 - disqualification of the team.

4.3. For violation of clause 3.3, the team is disqualified, and the player who was called as a replacement is also disqualified.

4.4. Clauses 3.4, 3.5, 3.6 - upon the first violation, the team is given a warning; upon a repeated violation, the team is removed from participation in the Tournament.

4.5. For violation of paragraphs. 3.1-3.10 the judge determines the punishment at his own discretion, depending on the severity of the violation.

4.6. For violation of paragraphs. 3.1–3.10 The administration reserves the right to permanently disqualify the offender from participating in tournaments.

5. Other points.

5.1. If you crash, the player has the opportunity to re-join the game.

5.2. If the connection is unsuccessful, the match does not stop; the team can replace it with the player specified in the application for participation in the Tournament.

5.3. If a team is missing one player, then it is given 20 minutes to get ready. If after the specified time the team is unable to field full composition, then she receives a technical defeat.

5.4. If a player is eliminated from the match before the start of the 1st round, the match starts again.

5.5. A player blocked at the time of registration is not allowed to participate in the Tournament.

5.6. The organizers reserve the right to request photographs of the full team from the match venue (computer club/training base). If photographs are not provided, the team will be disqualified.

5.7. The organizers reserve the right to change the names of the teams, their logos and rosters, as well as the “nicknames” of the players participating in the Tournament.

6. Procedure for consideration of appeals.

6.1. All claims regarding the results of the match must be made within 20 minutes after the end of the match. The complaint is submitted to the official mail of the tournament [email protected].

6.2. When applying for foul play the specific player, time, reason and reason for suspicion must be indicated. The team captain may ask the referee to analyze the video files for the presence of prohibited software on the opponent, and the maximum allowed number of players to be checked is three.

6.3. The competition referee has the right, at his discretion, to apply one or more penalties to the players or team, or limit himself to a warning.

6.4. Discussion of the final decision on any situation made by the referee may result in disqualification of the team.

7.In case of technical defeat, the opposing team is declared the winner of the match. The score is fixed 1:0.

8. Additional terms.

8.1. All captains must be online half an hour before the start of the Tournament.

8.2. All captains must have Do Not Disturb turned off and have an empty spot on their friends list.

8.3. Before the start of the match, the captains independently determine the playing room. At the end of the match, captains independently upload screenshots of the final screens and the score of the match on the website esports.mail.ru. The screenshot should clearly show the final score and the nicknames of the representatives of both teams.

8.4. Screenshots of the final screens must be uploaded no later than 10 minutes before the start of the next round.

8.5. If both teams in a pair do not upload screenshots of the final screens, the match is considered invalid and both teams receive TP.

8.6. Captains independently decide whether to set the “Free connection” and “Allow joining” functions in the room.

8.7. A team that receives a TP at any stage of the tournament automatically loses all prizes for the current tournament.

9. The tournament is a system of knockout matches (play-offs).

9.1. The number of participants in the tournament is limited. No more than 64 teams will be able to take part in each of the three Daily Cups.

10. Match format.

10.1. The team captain must independently add the captain of the opposing team to the list of friends.

10.2. All matches are played with Friendly Fire enabled and Fixed Camera enabled.

10.3. The game is played by 2 teams of 5 people each.

10.4. All games are played in the Best of 1 format (you need to win one card).

10.5. Maps for each game are set in advance, written in the Tournament Rounds and visible in the Tournament Bracket on the website esports.mail.ru (for example, in the first Round all matches take place on the “Outskirts” map, in the second - on the “Bridges 2.0” map, etc.) d.). The team that will be the first to choose a side is determined automatically by the system. You can see information about her choice in your Match on the website esports.mail.ru

10.6. The winner is the team that wins 11 rounds.

10.7. The first place team in any Daily Cup that week is ineligible for all Daily Cups that week and the following week. Also ineligible to participate in all Daily Cups this and next week are teams that contain at least 50% of the players of the team that won one of that week's Daily Cups (more than 2 out of 5, 2 out of 6 or 3 out of 7).

11. Tournament schedule.

11.1. The schedule is not fixed: matches start at 19:00 Moscow time and continue until the winner is identified.

11.2. Tournament schedule may be subject to change due to fewer registered teams.

11.3. The results of the draw and the Tournament grid will be published on the day of the Tournament.

12. In non-standard situations or situations not described in the current version of the regulations, the administration has the right to solve the problem at its own discretion.

13. The organizers reserve the right to make adjustments to the regulations during the Tournament.

1. General information
1.1. Game version: Russian version of Warface.
1.2. All matches of the tournament are played in the “Demolition” mode.
1.3. The team consists of 5 players from the main squad; it is allowed to add 2 players as substitutes.
1.4. Tournament cards:

  • Lanes
  • Bridges
  • Factory
  • Outskirts

1.5. The cards for each game are determined by the elimination method. The team higher up the grid chooses the starting side. The opponent is given the right to be the last to cross out the game card.
1.6. Players over 14 years of age who have reached level 25 in the game and have citizenship of the following countries are allowed to participate in the tournament:

  • Russian Federation
  • Armenia
  • Azerbaijan
  • Belarus
  • Estonia
  • Georgia
  • Kazakhstan
  • Kyrgyzstan
  • Latvia
  • Lithuania
  • Moldova
  • Tajikistan
  • Turkmenistan
  • Ukraine
  • Uzbekistan
  • Abkhazia
  • South Ossetia

1.7. When registering, each team member must provide a scan of their passport, otherwise the team will not be allowed to participate in the competition.
1.8. Visa issues (if necessary) are resolved by the players themselves.

2. The tournament is a system of knockout matches (play-offs).
2.1. The tournament consists of 2 qualifying stages and the final in Moscow.
2.2. In each of the qualifying stages, 2 quotas for the final part will be played.
2.3. First qualifying the stage will pass March 8-9, the second will take place a week later, March 15-16.
2.4. The number of participants in the tournament is limited. A maximum of 512 teams will be able to take part in each qualifying stage.
2.5. The quota includes accommodation for 5 team members and travel expenses.
2.6. A team can take part in only one of the qualifying stages at its discretion.

3. Match format
3.1. All games are played in the Bo2 format (best of two games).
3.2. When creating a match, you must select the "Clan Battle" setting.
3.3. The game is played by 2 teams of 5 people each.
3.4. Matches take place on the map selected during deletion. One match consists of 2 sides - for defense (Blackwood) and attack (Warface). At the end of the first match, a changeover is made, the teams re-create the game room, and the teams begin the second match on opposite sides.
3.5. All matches are played with friendly fire turned on and chat turned off after the death of a character.
3.6. The winner is the team that shows best result on the sum of two matches.
3.7. If, after two matches, the teams have an equal number of rounds won, an additional match is scheduled.
3.8. The additional encounter consists of two sides (Blackwood and Warface). Players start as the sides chosen at the start of the match.
3.9. The semi-finals and the match for third place are held in the Bo3 format (you must win on 2 maps).

4. Tournament schedule
1 game day:

  • 1st round - 512 teams (1/256)
  • 2nd round - 256 teams (1/128)
  • 3rd round - 128 teams (1/64)
  • 4th round - 64 teams (1/32)

Game day 2:

  • Round 5 - 32 teams (1/16)
  • Round 6 - 16 teams (1/8)
  • Round 7 - 8 teams (1/4)
  • Round 8 - 4 teams (1/2)

4.1. Tournament schedule is subject to change due to fewer registrations.

4.2. Draw and detailed schedule game days qualifying rounds will be published the day before the tournament.

4.3 The schedule can be changed if there are fewer applications from teams.

5. Allowed
5.1.1 Use of all standard character models
5.1.2 Use of weapons and ammunition not listed in the list of prohibited items.

6. Prohibited
6.1. Usage the following items:
-All items and weapons for crowns
-All automatic and semi-automatic sniper rifles
-Underbarrel grenade launcher
-Anti-personnel mines, stun grenade
-Special appearance that hides items worn on the character
-Seasonal items
-All items that protect against the first hit
6.2. All prohibited items will be automatically deleted when copied to the tournament server.
6.3. Everything that is prohibited by the laws of the Russian Federation is prohibited.
6.4. Disrespectful attitude towards tournament participants and judges is prohibited.
6.5. It is prohibited to disclose information about the hall where the fights are taking place to anyone other than the judge and members of your team.
6.6. Any deviations from the rules are prohibited. This may result in disciplinary action up to and including disqualification.

7. Disciplinary sanctions
7.1. For violation of clause 6.3 - disqualification of the team from the tournament, blocking of the account on the main server.
7.2. For violation of clause 6.4 - upon the first violation, the team is given a warning; upon a repeated violation, the team is removed from the tournament.
7.3. For violation of paragraphs. 6.5, 6.6 - depending on the strength of the violation, the judge varies the punishment at his discretion.

8. Other points
8.1. If a player crashes, they have the option to rejoin the game. Substitutions can only be made when changing sides.
8.2. If the connection fails, the match does not stop. The team finishes the match with the current squad; when changing sides, the team is allowed to make a substitution, but only with a player appearing in the team’s application.
8.3. If the team is missing one player, then the team is given 10 minutes to get ready. If a team cannot field its full squad for the game, it will be given a forfeit.
8.4. If a player is eliminated from the match before the start of Round 1, the match starts again.
8.5. It is prohibited to use an undeclared player or a player from another team playing in this tournament (continuing to participate or having already completed participation), in case of such a violation the team will be disqualified, and the player who was called as a replacement will also be disqualified.

9. Procedure for considering appeals
9.1. All claims regarding violation of the rules of the game must be made within a maximum of ten minutes after the end of the match. The complaint is submitted through a specially designed form on the website pvp.mail.ru.
9.2. The judge's decisions on any situation, including those not described in these rules, are final and not subject to discussion.
9.3. A player blocked at the time of registration is not allowed to participate in the tournament.
9.4. Discussion of the final decision on any situation made by the tournament referee is grounds for disqualification.

10. Disciplinary action
10.1. In case of technical defeat, the team is removed from the tournament, the opponent is declared the winner of the match. The score is recorded as 6:0.

11. Additional terms
11.1. All captains must be online half an hour before the start of the tournament.
11.2. To communicate with the judge, you must use one of the listed messengers (skype, mail agent, icq).
11.3. Before the start of the match, the captains independently determine the playing room. At the end of the match, the judge is provided with screenshots of the final score
11.4. The organizers reserve the right to make adjustments to the regulations during the tournament.

All provisions of the regulations are relevant for Tournament participants using the Russian-language version of the game and permanently residing in the countries listed in clause 1.5. Competitors who do not meet these conditions must follow their region's version of the regulations.

Regulations: general information

1. General information on the tournament "Open Cup: Season XII".

1.1. Game version: Russian version of Warface.

1.3. The team consists of 5 main players, with the addition of 2 substitutes.

1.4. Tournament cards:

  • "Bridges 2.0";
  • D-17;
  • "Factory";
  • "Outskirts";
  • "Destination";
  • "Pyramid";
  • "Castle".

1.5. Players over 14 years of age who have reached level 26 in the game and have citizenship of the following countries are allowed to participate in the Tournament:

  • Russian Federation;
  • Armenia;
  • Abkhazia;
  • Azerbaijan;
  • Belarus;
  • Georgia;
  • Kazakhstan;
  • Kyrgyzstan;
  • Moldova;
  • Tajikistan;
  • Turkmenistan;
  • Ukraine;
  • Uzbekistan;
  • South Ossetia.

1.6. When registering, each team member must provide a digital copy (scan, photograph) of their passport, otherwise the team may not be allowed to compete.

1.7. The digital copy must show a photograph, full name, full date of birth, citizenship, series and number of the passport. The image size is at least 500 by 500 pixels, but not more than 1000 by 1000 pixels.

1.8. All data must be readable.

1.9. A team and/or player can only participate in one stage of the Tournament at a time: Pro League, Masters League or one of the Challenge Cups (the registration process can take place in the format of one stage of the Tournament on esports.mail.ru).

1.10. If at the time of completion of registration a player is blocked on the main server or upon verification it turns out that he intentionally provided an incorrect copy of the document, the organizers reserve the right to remove such a player from the team.

1.11. An account on which suspicious activity was recorded before the start of the Tournament is not allowed to participate in Open Cup series tournaments (including Pro League, Masters League and Challenge Cup). There are no fixed periods of ban on participation in tournaments. If suspicions are removed from an account, the account owner is notified separately.

1.12. Visa issues (if necessary) are resolved by the players themselves.

1.13. The fact of participation in the Tournament means that the participant consents to the processing of his personal data, namely their collection, systematization, accumulation, storage, clarification (updating, changing), use, blocking, destruction by the organizer solely for the purposes of this qualifying stage and in accordance with the requirements of the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

Pro League

10. Qualification for the Pro League.

10.1. The top 10 teams take part in the Pro League.

Masters League

15. Qualification for the Masters League.

15.1. There are 16 contending teams taking part in the Masters League.

15.2. Masters League is formed from teams that took 9-10th places in the Pro League previous season, teams that took 3-6th places in the Masters League of the previous season and teams that took first places in the Challenge Cup of the previous season.

15.3. Places 11-16 in the Masters League are distributed among all applicant teams through selection by points. Teams that scored greatest number points, get places in the Masters League.

15.4. The selection of teams based on the number of points is carried out by the organizers based on an analysis of the individual results of the players at the previous official tournament ("Warface Open Cup: Season 11", "Atlas Of War"). The data for each member of the main team is summarized, and the overall team rating is displayed.

a) for the Open Cup: Season XI tournament:

  • took 1st place in the Pro League - 35 points;
  • took 2nd place in the Pro League - 34 points;
  • took 3rd place in the Pro League - 33 points;
  • took 4th place in the Pro League - 32 points;
  • took 5th place in the Pro League - 31 points;
  • took 6th place in the Pro League - 30 points;
  • took 7th place in the Pro League - 29 points;
  • took 8th place in the Pro League - 28 points;
  • took 9th place in the Pro League - 27 points;
  • took 10th place in the Pro League - 26 points;
  • took 1st place in the Masters League - 26 points;
  • took 2nd place in the Masters League - 25 points;
  • took 3rd place in the Masters League—24 points;

b) for the Atlas Of War tournament:

  • took 1st place in AOW: Pro League - 35 points;
  • took 2nd place in AOW: Pro League - 34 points;
  • took 3rd place in AOW: Pro League - 33 points;
  • took 4th place in AOW: Pro League - 32 points;
  • took 5-6 places in AOW: Pro League - 31 points;
  • took 7-8 places in AOW: Pro League - 30 points;
  • took 9-12 places in AOW: Pro League - 29 points;
  • took 13-16 places in AOW: Pro League - 28 points;
  • took 17-24 places in AOW: Pro League - 27 points;
  • took 1st place in AOW: Masters League - 26 points;
  • took 2nd place in AOW: Masters League - 25 points;
  • took 3rd place in AOW: Masters League—24 points;
  • took 4th place in AOW: Masters League - 23 points;
  • took 5-6 places in AOW: Masters League - 22 points;
  • took 7-8 places in AOW: Masters League - 21 points;
  • took 9-12 places in AOW: Masters League - 20 points;
  • took 13-16 places in AOW: Masters League - 19 points;
  • took 17-24 places in AOW: Masters League - 18 points;
  • took 25-32 places in AOW: Masters League - 17 points;
  • took 33-48 places in AOW: Masters League - 16 points;
  • took 1st place in AOW: Wild Card - 15 points;
  • took 2nd place in AOW: Wild Card - 14 points;
  • took 3rd place in AOW: Wild Card - 13 points;
  • took 4th place in AOW: Wild Card - 12 points;
  • took 5-6 places in AOW: Wild Card - 10 points;
  • took 7-8 places in AOW: Wild Card - 9 points;
  • took 9-12 places in AOW: Wild Card - 8 points;
  • took 13-16 places in AOW: Wild Card - 7 points;
  • took 17-24 places in AOW: Wild Card - 6 points;
  • took 25-32 places in AOW: Wild Card - 4 points;
  • took 33-48 places in AOW: Wild Card - 3 points.


20. The tournament is a system of knockout matches (play-offs).

20.1. The teams that take first place at the end of the tournament receive quotas for the next season of the Warface Masters League.

20.2. The teams that took 2nd place at the end of the tournament play play-offs with the teams that took 9-12th places in the Masters League of the current season. The winner receives quotas in the next season of the Masters League.

20.2.1. Winners play-offs qualify for a slot in the next Masters League season

20.2.2 If there are free places in the play-off stage, they are distributed among all applicant teams by selection by points. The teams with the most points earn places in the play-offs.

20.2.3. The selection of teams based on the number of points is carried out by the organizers based on an analysis of the individual results of the players at the official tournament ("Warface Challenge Cup: Season XII"). The data for each member of the main team is summarized, and the overall team rating is displayed.

  • took 1st place in the Masters League - 26 points;
  • took 2nd place in the Masters League - 25 points;
  • took 3rd place in the Masters League—24 points;
  • took 4th place in the Masters League - 23 points;
  • took 5th place in the Masters League - 22 points;
  • took 6th place in the Masters League - 21 points;
  • took 7th place in the Masters League - 20 points;
  • took 8th place in the Masters League - 19 points;
  • took 9th place in the Masters League - 18 points;
  • took 10th place in the Masters League - 17 points;
  • took 11th place in the Masters League - 16 points;
  • took 12th place in the Masters League - 15 points;
  • took 13th place in the Masters League - 14 points;
  • took 14th place in the Masters League - 13 points;
  • took 15th place in the Masters League - 12 points;
  • took 16th place in the Masters League - 11 points;
  • took 1st place in Challenge Cup I-IV - 11 points;
  • took 2nd place in Challenge Cup I-IV - 10 points;
  • took 3rd place in Challenge Cup I-IV - 9 points;
  • took 4th place in Challenge Cup I-IV - 8 points;
  • reached 1/4 in Challenge Cup I-IV - 7 points;
  • reached the 1/8 in Challenge Cup I-IV - 6 points;
  • reached 1/16 in Challenge Cup I-IV - 5 points;
  • reached 1/32 in Challenge Cup I-IV - 4 points;
  • reached 1/64 in Challenge Cup I-IV - 3 points;
  • reached 1/128 in Challenge Cup I-IV - 2 points;
  • took part in 1/256 in Challenge Cup I-IV - 1 point.


23. Wild Card: Season XII.

23.1. Wild Card: Season XII consists of two stages.

23.2. 16 teams take part in each of the two stages.

23.3. The first stage is formed from teams that took 1-8 places in the Masters League, 4 teams that took first places in the Challenge Cup of the current season and 4 teams that won the Play-offs.

23.4. The second stage is formed from teams that took 3-10 places in the Pro League and 8 winning teams in the first stage of the Wild Card.

23.5. If there are free places in each stage, they are distributed among all applicant teams through selection by points. The teams with the most points earn spots in the first Wild Card stage.

23.6. The selection of teams based on the number of points is carried out by the organizers based on an analysis of the individual results of players in the Warface Open Cup: Season 11 tournament. The data for each member of the main team is summarized, and the overall team rating is displayed.

  • took 1st place in Challenge Cup I-IV - 11 points;
  • took 2nd place in Challenge Cup I-IV - 10 points;
  • took 3rd place in Challenge Cup I-IV - 9 points;
  • took 4th place in Challenge Cup I-IV - 8 points;
  • reached 1/4 in Challenge Cup I-IV - 7 points;
  • reached the 1/8 in Challenge Cup I-IV - 6 points;
  • reached 1/16 in Challenge Cup I-IV - 5 points;
  • reached 1/32 in Challenge Cup I-IV - 4 points;
  • reached 1/64 in Challenge Cup I-IV - 3 points;
  • reached 1/128 in Challenge Cup I-IV - 2 points;
  • took part in 1/256 in Challenge Cup I-IV - 1 point.


26. The banlist is formed from players removed from official tournaments for violating the rules of the game.

Warface Open Cup: Summer is an official Warface tournament. 1024 teams from all over Russia and the CIS will take part in it! Qualifying rounds will be held online, and the grand finale will take place in Moscow at the Mail.Ru Group office!

  • June 28-29 - 1 qualifying round
  • July 5-6 - 2 qualifying round
  • July 19 - final

The competition will be held according to the official Open Cup regulations.

The tournament prize fund will be bover 1,500,000 rubles! This includes large cash prizes for the winners, 20 trips to Moscow for finalists, in-game prizes for participants qualifying games and gifts from tournament sponsors.

Qualifying stage prizes:

1-2 places: trips to Moscow to the final for 5 participants from each team!

3rd place: 5000 credits to each team member!

4-8 places: 3000 credits for each team member!

9th-16th places: 2000 credits to each team member!

Registration for the tournament

Attention! A team can only take part in one of the tours to choose from!

Schedule of matches of the 1st (qualifying) round

Schedule of matches of the 2nd (qualifying) round

Tournament Registration Guide

Questions regarding registration and data corrections after applications close, please send to: [email protected].

Creating an account on pvp.mail.ru

Go to your profile and take a close look at your profile home page.

Proceed to the next step and provide your correct passport information.

In the next step, upload a digital copy of your passport (page spread with photo and personal details). The image must meet the specified requirements.

After this, select your character, which will be copied to the tournament server. The account is registered.

In the last, fifth step, click the button "Save" to confirm the previously entered data.

Waiting for an invitation from the captain

The team captain will send you a request to be added to the roster.

You can see all received invitations in your profile on the right side of the screen.

To join the team, you must click the "Confirm" button. Click "Cancel" if you want to exit the team.

Creating a new team

If you are the captain of a team, then after filling out your profile you can create a team on pvp.mail.ru and manage the roster, add replacements and register for the tournament.

Click on the "Create a team" button and indicate the name, number of players (according to the requirements of our tournament, up to 5 people) and the gaming discipline "Warface".

Tournament selection and registration

To register for a tournament, go to the "Tournaments" section and select the one you need.

Attention! Qualifying rounds on March 8-9 and March 15-16 are shown as two different events. Choose the tour you need!

After reading the description of the tour, click the "Registration" button. The service will display the name of your team. If everything is correct, click "Register Team".

Important! After registration is completed, the team's application will be sent for review and changes will not be possible. To change player data after this step, the captain will have to remove the team from the tournament and re-enter after making all the changes.

After applications are closed, all captains will be sent an email request for confirmation of participation. You must follow the link provided in the letter and wait for the registration to be completed successfully. The team status will change to "Participation confirmed."

Please note that if at least one of the players does not meet the requirements of the tournament (age under 14 years old, rank below 25, incorrect copy of passport or passport data, game ban), the entire team will be removed from the competition.

Age restrictions and additional conditions

Players over 14 years old can take part in the tournament. A passport is required.

You also need to have a character with a rank higher than 25 on any Warface server.

If they reach the finals, participants aged 14-15 years old can only arrive at the tournament accompanied by an adult, whose travel and accommodation are not paid for by the organizers. The accompanying person will have to send in advance to the organizers a digital copy of the power of attorney from the player’s parents to accompany him to the tournament, a digital copy of the accompanying person’s passport and an electronic ticket confirming the arrival of the accompanying person.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is it possible to participate if I do not live in Moscow?

Can. In case of reaching the final, the player’s travel and accommodation in Moscow will be paid for by the organizers.

Can I participate if I am under 14 years old?

Is it possible to participate if I am over 14 years old, but do not have a passport?

It is forbidden. A passport is required.

Is a passport photo (not a scan) acceptable?

If it is of exceptional quality and everything down to the last comma is clearly visible on it.

How do we know that our team has been selected to participate in the tournament?

After checking all the data entered by the players, a list of teams will be generated. Such teams will change their status on the pvp.mail.ru service to “Selected for the tournament.”

Is it possible to enter the tournament as a team with a reduced roster/without a team?

Only fully equipped teams will be allowed to participate in the tournament (minimum 5 people, maximum 7 including substitutions).

Can players be from different clans?

Yes. They may even be from different servers.

Will tournament players be given gaming equipment?

Player accounts will be copied to the tournament server. All weapons owned by the character, except those prohibited by regulations, will be available for use. Nothing will be released.

Will there be a broadcast from the tournament and streams of games?

Yes, they will. Where to watch them will be announced in the news.

If my account is blocked until March 8-9, can I participate in the qualifying rounds?

You can register with your team for the second qualifying round.

Will there be an opportunity to appeal the match result?

The possibility will be provided that the protest is made immediately after the end of the game and good reasons for it are provided.

How to get to the tournament server?

Players whose participation in the tournament is confirmed have access. In the Game Center, they can select "Open Cup" from the list of servers. The server is open from 17:00 Moscow time on March 7 until the end of the competition.

If the account is linked to mail on services other than mail.ru, bk.ru, list.ru, inbox.ru.

This procedure will allow you to register for the tournament with an account linked to the mail of third-party mail services.

Filing a protest against the match result

Please note that you can only appeal the result of the current round before it ends. Only the team captain has the right to appeal. You cannot submit more than one complaint about the same tour.

To file a complaint, go to the pvp.mail.ru service in the "Tournaments" section.

Select from the list the tournament in which you are at the moment participate.

Go to the "Grid" section and click the "Protest" button.

Fill out the complaint form. The “Subject” and “Comment” columns are required.

You can upload a graphic to support your complaint. When uploading an image, pay attention to the requirements for it.

The protest will be considered within 3 hours. The result will be reported in a letter to the email address specified by the team captain when registering on pvp.mail.ru.