Bisset Donald. Everything's upside down

About the author.
V. Medvedev's story appeared more than 40 years ago (1961). But among those on whom its publication depended, a dispute arose: to publish the story about Barankina or return it to the author.
Many people were confused by this non-fairy tale, true story. Ordinary obstinate guys, inveterate losers, without the intervention of any wizards, with the help of simple spells invented by themselves, turn into... sparrows, then into... butterflies, and then into... ants.

Fortunately, the book was published and has become a favorite of children for several generations.
The book went through a number of editions; it has been translated into more than 20 languages. A cartoon was filmed, and even an operetta appeared.
Years passed, and the author decided to continue the adventures of Barankin. The second part appeared, entitled “The Super-Adventures of a Super-Cosmonaut.”
Both stories by Valery Medvedev are full of humor and fantasy.

Literary carousel
Let us also call on our imagination to the rescue and take a ride on the literary carousel.
Elephants, horses, camels, monkeys are waiting for their children friends. But our fabulous literary carousel has its own characters. Who will ride what will be determined by lot:
- who is on butterflies,
- who is on the sparrows,
- who is on the ants.

Good luck, our literary carousel!
Each team takes turns answering questions.

1. What was the name of the section in the wall newspaper where photographs of Barankin and Malinin were posted? / "Humor and satire." 2. “How in opera it turns out...” What is this about? / On Sunday morning - a lesson with M. Yakovlev, and then - planting trees.“This is what happens, it means, like in an opera, it turns out... “No sleep, no rest for the tormented soul!”
3. What inscription was on the wall of the house where Barankin lived? /Barankin is an unfortunate dreamer!!! 4. Who was hiding under the guise of a sparrow with blue eyes? / Kostya Malinin. 5. What trials did the “humanoid butterflies” face? /Sparrow; boys (“Crush the Silkworm”); hunger: vegetable gardens are being poisoned; bees, hibernation; young people 6. By whom and for what were the ants Kostya and Yura punished? / They stopped work and went to bed. Council of the Elder Ants. 7. Continue the comparison (according to Barankin):
“I’m sitting on a bench with my eyes closed, I have goosebumps all over my body, like crazy ones, running around like... / the guys are on a big break."

(When answering, you can use the text).

8. “Kostya worked like.../ the most real ant." 9. “Barankin! Are you flying like... /pie with cabbage?/ Press all the pedals. Nectar is coming!
10. “Steam was pouring out of me, and my heart was jumping like ... / lid on a boiling kettle."

1. Who owns the words: “Oh, you ruined such a beautiful newspaper? / Era Kuzyakina - editor-in-chief of the wall newspaper. 2. “Whose cow would moo, as they say, but his would be silent.” To whom would these words of Yura and Kostya be addressed and why? /Addressed to Venka Smirnov. This Venka's performance last year was even worse than that of Barankin and Malinin.
3. Barankin suggested that Malinin spend Sunday like a human being. How is that? /“That means for real. Let’s give ourselves a real day off and take a rest, as we should, from this arithmetic, from Mishka Yakovlev... let’s take a rest from everything in the world.” 4. “Chap-chap-nonsense notation” - what is it about? . /Old man (= old sparrow) rolled his eyes and began to tweet about how diligent and obedient sparrows were in his time, how smart they all were, how they weren’t foolish, but now they’re all foolish.
5. What terrible death was the class leader, Zinka Fokina, preparing for Kostya? / “We’ll catch it – and put it in the stain, then in the dryer, then in the straightener...” 6. Why did Kostya get into a fight with the red ants? Instinct? /No. A man spoke in Kostya. Injustice.

7. “Muska!” - I had time to think and rushed with all my might to the side and up towards the acacia... I flew like .../stone from a slingshot.” 8. “I stood up on my hind legs. I straightened my tired back. And he shouted loudly to the whole field, like .../Peter I near Poltava.” 9. “The butterfly hummed threateningly and butted me, then it rested its head on my head and squeezed me out of the flower, like .../toothpaste from a tube.” 10. “There were a lot of flowers in the flowerbed - beautiful, white, and blue - and from all of them there was such a wonderful nectar smell, like... / from mom’s cookies in the kitchen.”
“Ants” 1. What proposal did Yura Barankin have in this regard? /“I propose to remove our cards so that the newspaper will be beautiful again! Or, as a last resort, cross out the slogan! - “Study only for “good” and “excellent” grades. 2. What verbs rained down on the unfortunate head of Yu. Barankin from morning to evening? / Wake up, get dressed, go, bring it, take it, buy it, sweep it, help it, teach it, don’t fidget, don’t cheat, don’t be rude, don’t be late... 3. How did Yura Barankin realize that he had turned into a sparrow? /Inhuman thoughts began to appear: chirp a little in sparrow language; inhuman desires and intentions: to fly up from a bench and fly through the air a little, then to sit on the very top of a birch tree, then to live a little in a birdhouse, to peck oats...
4. Under what circumstances did the sparrow Barankin use the “barrel” combat technique? / Fight for the birdhouse. 5. “We wanted to move away from the anthill, but here something happened to us
6. an incomprehensible thing...” What? / Instinct 7. “I covered my face with my hands and roared, roared for the first time in my life.” Why did Barankin roar? / Lost a friend. 8. “The sparrows began to scold Kostya and me even louder, and our “mommy” gave us such a beating that the fluff flew out of Kostya and me like... /from pillows.” 9. “He was sitting on the bank of a puddle, all smeared with flower pollen, one of his wings stuck out, and the other hung like.../ a dog's ear." 10. “Kostya Malinin stood tensely next to me, but then suddenly spun in place, like.../ a dog that wants to catch itself by the tail.” 11. “I think I’m starting to go crazy from this hunger. To come to my senses, I took it and shook myself, like.../ dog after bathing.

General questions:
1. Name nicknames - teasers. /Example minister - M. Yakovlev;
photo - Count, Your Manifestation - Alik;
lunatic youths,
Yakovlev is from a family of excellent students).
2. What spells sounded from the lips of Yura and Kostya?

I don't want to study, I want to be a bird! I'm sure the sparrow lives without worries! Here I am! Here I am turning into a sparrow!
I'm sure the moth lives without worries! Here I am! Here I am! I'm turning into a moth!
I don’t want to be a moth either night or day! Everyone in the world is better off being a drone, of course.
Oh, mommy! I don't want to be a butterfly! It's good to be creepy! Butterfly is not good!

3. Which one is the most important?
Not at night! Not during the day! Don't want! Be! An ant!
I want! Forever!
Be Human!

The heroes of the book understood a simple truth - It’s wonderful to be human.
Sometimes we get tired, we want to get rid of everyday hassles, it seems to us that in this world someone lives cheerfully and carefree. But that's not true.
And at the end - a surprise: crispy bagels and a cartoon.

1. Korshunov M. Happy is the circle of happy people // Medvedev V. Fantasies of Barankin. – M., 1985. – P.3-6.
2. “Be a man, think” // Medvedev March. – M., 1983. – P.3-6.
3. Sivokon S. Looking for a man: Valery Vladimirovich Medvedev (Born in 1923) // Sivokon S. Our cheerful friends. – M., 1986. – S..

Everything's upside down

Once upon a time there lived a crow named Alice. The world has never seen a lazier crow. Sometimes she fell asleep on the fly, and had the most outlandish dreams.

One day she fell asleep so soundly that she flew head over heels, and while she was flying she had a dream - a head over heels dream...

Murr the cat loved to catch mice. She saw two mice in the laundry basket and slowly crept up to them.

Look, there's a cat! - said one mouse to the other. - Now we will catch her!

Murr was surprised. "What nonsense! Do mice hunt cats?" she thought.

But when the mice chased her, she ran away in surprise without looking back.

“Well, life, everything is going topsy-turvy!” - Murr thought.

Then she came across a huge dog, Woof. Woof growled angrily at Murr.

Murr was ready to run away and hide in a tree, but suddenly she thought: “If everything in this world is going wrong, Woof himself will run away from me.”

And Murr rushed at Gav, and Gav, of course, ran away.

“Miracles are happening in this world!” thought Murr. “Cats hunt dogs, mice hunt cats. I’ve never seen anything like it in my life!”

Then she looked down the road and saw a milkman, a cart and a horse.

The cart was pulled by the milkman, and the horse sat on the cart and urged him on: “Nn-oo!” The milkman had to hurry.

Then Murr met two children with their parents. Children reprimanded their parents:

Oh, you mischievous people! When we get home, we’ll go straight to bed, without dinner!

Oooh, we won't do it anymore! - the parents whined.

It was already dark, but instead of the moon and stars the sun was shining in the sky.

“It’s night now,” thought Murr. “And at night the stars and the moon shine, what does the sun have to do with it?”

Come on, go away! - she said to the sun.

I won’t leave, said the sun. - In that world everything is going wrong, and I will shine at night. Then during the day I will have time to play.

Then she accidentally raised her head and saw Alice flying somersaults upside down.

Hey Alice! Wake up! - she shouted.

Alice woke up, turned over and flew on as if nothing had happened. And then the sun set, the moon and stars shone, the milkman’s horse pulled the cart itself, Gav chased Murr, and Murr chased the mice until they hid again in the laundry basket. Murr was very hungry and hurried to the kitchen to feast on fish and milk.

And lazy Alice returned to her nest at the very top of the tree, made herself comfortable and fell asleep.

Carr! - she said, falling asleep. - What a funny dream it was!

Donald Bisset

Everything's upside down

Once upon a time there lived a crow named Alice. The world has never seen a lazier crow. Sometimes she fell asleep on the fly, and had the most outlandish dreams.

One day she fell asleep so soundly that she flew head over heels, and while she was flying she had a dream - a head over heels dream...

Murr the cat loved to catch mice. She saw two mice in the laundry basket and slowly crept up to them.

Look, there's a cat! - said one mouse to the other. - Now we will catch her!

Murr was surprised. “What nonsense! Do mice hunt cats? she thought.

But when the mice chased her, she ran away in surprise without looking back.

“Well, life, everything is going topsy-turvy!” - Murr thought.

Then she came across a huge dog, Woof. Woof growled angrily at Murr.

Murr was ready to run away and hide in a tree, but suddenly she thought: “If everything in this world is going wrong, Woof will run away from me.”

And Murr rushed at Gav, and Gav, of course, ran away.

“Miracles are happening in this world! - Murr thought. - Cats hunt dogs, mice hunt cats. I’ve never seen anything like it in my life!”

Then she looked down the road and saw a milkman, a cart and a horse.

The cart was pulled by the milkman, and the horse sat on the cart and urged him on: “Nn-oo!” The milkman had to hurry.

Then Murr met two children with their parents. Children reprimanded their parents:

Oh, you mischievous people! When we get home, we’ll go straight to bed, without dinner!

Oooh, we won't do it anymore! - the parents whined.

It was already dark, but instead of the moon and stars the sun was shining in the sky.

“It’s night now,” Murr thought. “And at night the stars and the moon shine, what does the sun have to do with it?”

Come on, go away! - she said to the sun.

I won’t leave, said the sun. - In that world everything is going wrong, and I will shine at night. Then during the day I will have time to play.

Then she accidentally raised her head and saw Alice flying somersaults upside down.

Hey Alice! Wake up! - she shouted.

Alice woke up, turned over and flew on as if nothing had happened. And then the sun set, the moon and stars shone, the milkman’s horse pulled the cart itself, Gav chased Murr, and Murr chased the mice until they hid again in the laundry basket. Murr was very hungry and hurried to the kitchen to feast on fish and milk.

And lazy Alice returned to her nest at the very top of the tree, made herself comfortable and fell asleep.

Carr! - she said, falling asleep. - What a funny dream it was!

Bisset DonaldEverything is topsy-turvy

Bisset DonaldEverything is topsy-turvy

Donald Bisset

Everything's upside down

Once upon a time there lived a crow named Alice. The world has never seen a lazier crow. Sometimes she fell asleep on the fly, and had the most outlandish dreams.

One day she fell asleep so soundly that she flew head over heels, and while she was flying she had a dream - a head over heels dream...

Murr the cat loved to catch mice. She saw two mice in the laundry basket and slowly crept up to them.

Look, there's a cat! - said one mouse to the other. - Now we will catch her!

Murr was surprised. "What nonsense! Do mice hunt cats?" she thought.

But when the mice chased her, she ran away in surprise without looking back.

“Well, life, everything is going topsy-turvy!” - Murr thought.

Then she came across a huge dog, Woof. Woof growled angrily at Murr.

Murr was ready to run away and hide in a tree, but suddenly she thought: “If everything in this world is going wrong, Woof himself will run away from me.”

And Murr rushed at Gav, and Gav, of course, ran away.

“Miracles are happening in this world!” thought Murr. “Cats hunt dogs, mice hunt cats. I’ve never seen anything like this in my life!”

Then she looked down the road and saw a milkman, a cart and a horse.

The cart was pulled by the milkman, and the horse sat on the cart and urged him on: “Nn-oo!” The milkman had to hurry.

Then Murr met two children with their parents. Children reprimanded their parents:

Oh, you mischievous people! When we get home, we’ll go straight to bed, without dinner!

Oooh, we won't do it anymore! - the parents whined.

It was already dark, but instead of the moon and stars the sun was shining in the sky.

“It’s night now,” thought Murr. “And at night the stars and the moon shine, what does the sun have to do with it?”

Come on, go away! - she said to the sun.

I won’t leave, said the sun. - In that world everything is going wrong, and I will shine at night. Then during the day I will have time to play.

Then she accidentally raised her head and saw Alice flying somersaults upside down.

Hey Alice! Wake up! - she shouted.

Alice woke up, turned over and flew on as if nothing had happened. And then the sun set, the moon and stars shone, the milkman’s horse pulled the cart itself, Gav chased Murr, and Murr chased the mice until they hid again in the laundry basket. Murr was very hungry and hurried to the kitchen to feast on fish and milk.

And lazy Alice returned to her nest at the very top of the tree, made herself comfortable and fell asleep.

Carr! - she said, falling asleep. - What a funny dream it was!

Current page: 1 (book has 1 pages in total)

Bisset Donald
Everything's upside down

Donald Bisset

Everything's upside down

Once upon a time there lived a crow named Alice. The world has never seen a lazier crow. Sometimes she fell asleep on the fly, and had the most outlandish dreams.

One day she fell asleep so soundly that she flew head over heels, and while she was flying she had a dream - a head over heels dream...

Murr the cat loved to catch mice. She saw two mice in the laundry basket and slowly crept up to them.

- Look, there's a cat! - said one mouse to the other. - Now we will catch her!

Murr was surprised. "What nonsense! Do mice hunt cats?" she thought.

But when the mice chased her, she ran away in surprise without looking back.

“Well, life, everything is going topsy-turvy!” – Murr thought.

Then she came across a huge dog, Woof. Woof growled angrily at Murr.

Murr was ready to run away and hide in a tree, but suddenly she thought: “If everything in this world is going wrong, Woof himself will run away from me.”

And Murr rushed at Gav, and Gav, of course, ran away.

“Miracles are happening in this world!” thought Murr. “Cats hunt dogs, mice hunt cats. I’ve never seen anything like this in my life!”

Then she looked down the road and saw a milkman, a cart and a horse.

The cart was pulled by the milkman, and the horse sat on the cart and urged him on: “Nn-oo!” The milkman had to hurry.

Then Murr met two children with their parents. Children reprimanded their parents:

- Oh, you mischievous people! When we get home, we’ll go straight to bed, without dinner!

- Oooh, we won't do it again! - the parents whined.

It was already dark, but instead of the moon and stars the sun was shining in the sky.

“It’s night now,” thought Murr. “And at night the stars and the moon shine, what does the sun have to do with it?”

- Come on, go away! - she said to the sun.

“I won’t leave,” said the sun. “In that world everything is going wrong, and I will shine at night.” Then during the day I will have time to play.

Then she accidentally raised her head and saw Alice flying somersaults upside down.

- Hey, Alice! Wake up! - she shouted.

Alice woke up, turned over and flew on as if nothing had happened. And then the sun set, the moon and stars shone, the milkman’s horse pulled the cart itself, Gav chased Murr, and Murr chased the mice until they hid again in the laundry basket. Murr was very hungry and hurried to the kitchen to feast on fish and milk.

And lazy Alice returned to her nest at the very top of the tree, made herself comfortable and fell asleep.

- Carr! - she said, falling asleep. – What a funny dream it was!