Extracurricular activity on the theme "thin ice". The river is flowing we are lying, the river is freezing we are running The river is flowing we are lying ice on the river we are running the answer


extracurricular activity

on the topic: “Thin Ice”

Hello! I am very glad to meet you. Before we begin to analyze our interesting topic, we must divide into 3 teams. Now each of you will come up to me and draw a square from the box, those who draw a red square will sit at a table with a picture of Ice and will be called the “Ice” team, those who draw a green square will sit at a table with a picture of “Snowflakes” and will be a team “Snowflakes”, and whoever draws a yellow square will sit at the table with a picture of snow, and will be the “Snow-Measurement” team. And so we come up to me one by one. So we were divided into teams. Your task for each team is to actively participate in our competitions and answer questions correctly. For correct answers you will receive tokens, and at the end of the event we will recognize the winners.

Now you can try to guess the topic of our meeting yourself. Let's begin.

He was once water

But suddenly he changed his appearance.

And now under New Year

On the river we see...


It flowed, it flowed
And lay under the glass.

(River under ice)

The river flows - we lie,
Ice on the river - we are running.


What are we talking about? Yes, and we will call our meeting " Winter river and safety measures on ice."

Today we found ourselves at the river. Close your eyes and imagine what the river looks like in winter and early spring.

(It is frozen, covered with ice, and there are no plants on its banks).

What danger can await us on the river in winter?

( You can fall through the ice).

What do you thinkwhy can you fall through the ice?

(Ice is fragile and melts when exposed to heat.)

Right. This must be remembered. In order to avoid getting into trouble, you need to follow the rules of behavior on ice. It will help you and me to learn these rules...ahhh.....do you hear who is coming to us - this is a piece of ice.

Hello guys. I'm an ice cube! And I really want to know if you know how to behave on the ice.

Human! You are not a penguin.
Don't walk among the ice floes alone!

Why can't you walk alone on the ice?

(If trouble happens, there will be no one to come to the rescue).

What rule do we derive from this?

(You cannot walk on the ice alone, unaccompanied by adults.)

Well done! You've probably seen that people continue to fish even in winter. What's left on the ice after they've gone fishing?


Don't walk on ice in winter:
Could you get into trouble?
In a hole or in a wormwood -
And you will waste your life.

What will be the second rule?

(We must avoid places where thin ice, go around the holes).

Guys, you and I skate on the ice and don’t fall through anywhere.
So ice is not brittle everywhere?

One picture shows a pipe through which water flows. It's probably warm and the ice around the pipe has melted.
– In the second picture there are small bushes and reeds.
– In the third picture there are snowdrifts.

In those places where the springs flow,
And streams run to the river,
Or where the plant is located -
Know that the ice there is fragile.

Let's summarize our conversation. Where is thin ice found?

(Rule one: you cannot walk on the ice alone, without adults.
– Rule two: avoid places where the ice is thin. These are places under snowdrifts, near bushes, near water drainage, near springs and streams flowing into the river, near the shore, holes).

Physical education minute

Well done. You friendly teams, and now look at the board, we have a crossword puzzle here and you and I must solve it, who from whose team will raise their hand and answer correctly will go to the board and write the word in the crossword puzzle, and also receive a token.


    The field became black and white:

It rains and snows.

And it got colder -

The waters of the rivers were frozen with ice.

The winter rye is freezing in the field.

What month is it, tell me?


    A strange star fell from the sky,
    It fell on my palm and disappeared.


    There was a white blanket on the ground,Summer has come - it's all gone.


    Fishes live warmly in winter:The roof is thick glass.


    It's very cold, isn't it?All the paths were covered with snow.Only yesterday I was a drop,And today it’s like glass.I am Snezhinka's sister,Hardened water.


    White carrotIt grows in winter.


    It flows, flows - it won’t leak out, Runs, runs - it won’t run out. It pours into it, it pours out of it. She trudges along the ground on her own.


Well done guys who guessed everything!
And now we are with youLet's try to determine how to properly cross frozen bodies of water.We will now give you various suggestions on how and where you need to cross bodies of water, and your task is to choose only the correct proposals. And it is advisable to cope with this task faster than all groups. The group that completes the task faster and correctly receives a token.


Let's check how and where we should cross bodies of water, in your opinion. Now each team will read one sentence to us.

Well done! You all answered correctly! But, unfortunately, our event has come to an end. And we would like to give you prizes, count the number of tokens for each team. And so the team won….. Well done, let’s guys clap the team and give prizes, our team takes second place…. And they also receive prizes, and the third place team…. And let’s give them a round of applause, they worked so hard, and give them prizes. And now, for those who were interested in the event, take a sketchy picture of a man from the desk and attach it to our ice floe, and for those who were not interested, sad for the event, take the same little man and attach it near the ice floe, i.e. into the river.

Subject. "Winter River andmeasuressecurityon the ice".

Goals. To form in children an understanding of the rules of safebehavior on water and ice in winter


    warnabout the dangers that await humans near bodies of water;

    introduce students to the causes of accidents;

    cultivate a caring attitude towards life and health.

Equipment. Presentation “Caution! Thin ice!”, cartoon “Smeshariki – ABC of Safety”, memo “Caution! Thin ice!

Board design


Rules of conduct when crossing a body of water on ice:

- You need to walk along well-trodden paths.
– It’s better to cross the ice on skis.
– To cross, you need to take a long stick with you.
– We must avoid places where the ice is thin.
– Don’t walk on the ice alone.

Skating is only permitted in designated areas.
– You need to cross the pond at marked places where people always walk.

this may help you repeated tests again demonstrated the absence of antibodies to the hepatitis B and C viruses, as well as HIV, the sperm will be able to be used in the IVF program. Of course, it will not be possible to view photographs of candidates, since donation is anonymous (and this is fully consistent with the interests of both parties)

483 thousand answers found

Mystery. It's pouring river - We we're lying down. Ice on the river - we let's run. What is this?

When it’s summer and the river isn’t frozen, you can’t skate, but in winter it’s even possible on the ice. Although personal experience I can say that riding along the river is not very convenient.
In order to guess the answer to the riddle: " It's pouring river - We we're lying down, ice on the river - we let's run? ", you need to think about what or who can run on ice, and is completely useless in the summer.


guess the riddles - ice on the river... - School Knowledge.com

guess the riddles - ice on the river we let's run, pours river We we're lying down- a stone belt surrounded a hundred cities and villages.
ice on the river - we let's run, pours river - We we're lying down- these are skates.

Riddles about sports and tourism:: Everything for children. Children's resources.

It's pouring river - We we're lying down, Ice on the river - we let's run.
Two new maple soles, two meters high: I put two feet on them - And run through the big snow. We are nimble sisters, Craftswomen who can run quickly, In the rain - we're lying down, In the snow - let's run, This is our regime.


Personal website - Riddles about sports and health

I have two horses, Two horses, They carry me across the water, And the water is hard, Like stone. It's pouring river - We we're lying down, Ice on the river - we let's run.


It's pouring river - We we're lying down, Ice on the river - we let's run. - Answers to the game...

All answers to riddles consist of one word, the number of letters for each solution is indicated by underlining. Level 53. It's pouring river - We we're lying down, Ice on the river - we let's run. The correct answer to this riddle is skates. Indeed, in the summer, when there is no ice on the river and water flows into it, the skates lie idle, and when winter comes and river freezes, we take them out and go for a ride on the river ice.

Answer to level 53 riddle game ( It's pouring river )

Riddle level 53: It's pouring river - We we're lying down, Ice on the river - we let's run. The correct answer to this riddle is Skates. They are the ones that lie on the shelf all the time, except in winter, when ice appears.

Riddles for children

A sheet of paper is brought to our apartment in the morning. On one such sheet there is a lot of different news. (Newspaper). He has a swing and a bed, It’s good to lie on him, He’s in the garden or in the forest He’ll swing in the air. (Hammock). They hit Yermilka on the back of the head, He doesn’t cry, He just hides his nose.
It's pouring river - We we're lying down, Ice on the river - we let's run.


U. Today we found ourselves at the river. Close your eyes and imagine what the river looks like in winter and early spring. (It is frozen, covered with ice, and there are no plants on its banks). U. What danger can await us on the river in winter?

If you create your own association for each word and store them in different corners of your memory, then you are guaranteed frequent failures.

Making and guessing riddles is a favorite pastime of many children. Riddles introduce children to the world around them, broaden their horizons, train resourcefulness and intelligence, observation and memory.

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The first and unique were the “snow maidens”. Already in mature age, at one flea market I saw “snow maidens” screwed to boots. I didn’t know about this method of fastening before. I had a “classic of the genre” - blades that were attached with a rope and a stick to ordinary shoes (in my case, felt boots). On Sunday one could observe such a picture. Dressed in a fur coat, hat and mittens, I sat in the kitchen and impatiently waited for my father to fasten the snow maidens on my felt boots. Next, descend from the second floor into the courtyard and ride along a well-trodden road, back and forth in front of the house. Frequent falls due to the fact that I constantly turned my head towards the windows - are they looking or not, how great I am? After a short time, the ropes weakened, and the skates rolled off the felt boots. Walking home (up the steps on all fours),
the procedure for fastening the skates and replacing the mittens with dry ones and going outside again. Somewhere in the middle of the day, my parents got tired of it. Then the action lost its routine and was enlivened by my falling on the floor, rolling on it and shouting: “Give me your fanny glasses!”

Having learned to fall and get up while riding the Snow Maidens, I demanded real skates, that is, with boots. And they were provided to me! Purchased? God be with you! In those blessed times when summers were hotter and winters colder, such things were not bought. They were received “by inheritance” from relatives and friends. The skates were called “eiders” and were three sizes larger (I think three...). But who then paid attention to such minor inconveniences! We rode my dad's bicycles (when it was allowed or when such a bicycle was passed down to the family) in the “under the frame” position. Can you imagine what this situation is? Yes? Can you imagine? What about your children in this situation? In short, cotton wool in the toe of the shoe, a pair of thick socks on your feet - and away you go!

Now is the time to talk about what the “eiders” were, how they were similar to the “semi-Canadians”, and how they differed from the latter.
The boots are the same as those of others. Well, or almost identical, right down to the bone. Equally long laces. This is a must. Long enough to wrap several times not only horizontally, but also vertically. Until, you know, you train your ankle! And so at least some kind of support for it. The “hockey box”, the lake, the river were “within walking distance” and the skates were put on at home. They drove to the skating rink along the roads, but hobbled back along snowy roadsides. The skate fell into the snow, but the boot held on.

Non-lyrical digression. I later appreciated the advantage of climbing from “eiders” to “boots”. Playing in one hockey team with the guys who grew up wearing “boots”. In the third period, they skated, as they say, like “a cow on ice,” and we, who came from the street, were still hoo-ha. What is called: “Strengthen your ankle from a young age.”

Now about the differences. “Eiders” differed from “half-Canadians” in the length and shape of the blade. In the “gags” the blade was longer (protruded beyond the boot), in the “semi-Canadians” it was shorter (almost level with the boot). The “eiders” have an almost straight blade (with a slight bend at the beginning and end), the “semi-Canadians” have more specific bends and a plastic “plug” on the back.
Naturally, my next skates were already “semi-Canadian”. And their size was only one size larger than my leg. At this stage, I learned the difference between sharpened skates and unsharpened ones... And also about what a “groove” is. This is a method of sharpening a blade in which a groove is selected between two edges on the blade. And the sharpening of the edges lasts longer.
By the time I became as close to the “half-Canadians” as if I had been born into them, I was faced with a problem. No, or rather, it’s a problem. Further growth in skill was unthinkable without “boots”. “Boots” are the same “Canada” blades, but already riveted to a boot (a high boot with an even higher back). Those who are “in the know” will understand me. Well, it’s simply indecent to take to the ice at the city championship of backyard teams in “semi-Canadian”! And I began a long-term siege of my parents, trying to persuade them to capitulate, that is, to buy the coveted “boots”.

16 rubles 10 kopecks, by the way. With an average salary of 70 rubles... Are you impressed?
And I got them! Trembling with impatience, I took it to a metal repair shop along with the “half-Canadians,” where they removed the blades from my old skates and put them on new boots.
But that's a completely different story.
My excursion into the country of childhood would not be complete without mentioning the skates that I had, but which I did not “use.”
Figure skates. Well, girly! Even five-year-old boys had great difficulty in being persuaded by their mothers to ride “figures” in the yard. True, there was a precedent. My friend's grandparents persuaded me to study in the section figure skating. It’s hard to even imagine what he was promised for this. But it was enough, in my opinion, for a month.
And finally, “knives”, they are also “Norwegians”, they are also “begas”. The blades are long and straight. I met it extremely rarely. After all, they are for skating on large skating rinks, but we didn’t have any in our city.
If only on the river and lake, when frost set in and the snow was in no hurry to cover the ground. I remember years like this. It was fun to play hockey, the field was marked with a goal in the middle, and the game was going on all over the lake! And only the fallen snow made it possible to limit the playing area to a cleared area.