Sports nutrition for gaining muscle mass. How to take sports nutrition correctly The best sports supplement for muscle growth

Why is it important for an athlete to eat right? What should be included in an athlete's daily diet. Types of sports supplements, their features, purpose and functions.

Sports nutrition is quite popular today. It includes various substances and concentrates produced using specific technology for people who prefer to engage in strength sports. Sports nutrition is taken with one desire - to increase strength and performance, as well as build muscle mass.

What types of sports nutrition are there?

During training, athletes will need a huge amount of energy, which ordinary food cannot replenish. In order to develop normally and achieve success, athletes need calories and substances that the body uses as a building block to build muscle groups.

Most novice athletes look at these ingredients with caution, thinking that nutritional supplements are the same pharmacological drugs that professionals use. However, this is far from the case.

What is nutrition for athletes? Supplements intended for athletes consist of natural ingredients. The only difference from ordinary food is their concentration, due to which they are quickly and completely absorbed, without having to spend energy on digesting them.

There are several types of sports nutrition that are vital for all athletes, especially beginners:

  • Protein complexes;
  • BCAA.
Let's look at each of these types in more detail.

What does a gainer consist of?

Gainer is a complex of protein-carbohydrate components that help increase weight and compensate for energy costs. Carbohydrates in the product composition, as a rule, occupy from 50 to 70%, and high-quality protein from 15 to 50%. Sometimes the gainer contains small amounts of vitamins, creatine, and other components.

What is Gainer for? The use of a gainer helps athletes, even those just beginning, to dramatically improve their strength performance and achieve body weight gain. This happens due to the high-calorie composition of the product and the presence of building protein in it. Therefore, it is recommended to use the gainer during training or immediately after it.

The gainer supports muscle renewal by replenishing the body with protein, which is easily digested, thereby creating an energy reserve for more intense workouts.

Those who are starting to take a gainer for the first time should note that this supplement is only suitable for athletes with a lean physique. Athletes who are prone to obesity are better off avoiding consuming this product, because all carbohydrates will be collected in the form of excess fat accumulation. In this case, it is better to take protein complexes and consume slow carbohydrates.

How does creatine affect the athlete’s body?

Creatine is one of the most beneficial supplements used to build lean muscle mass. What is creatine and what is its role? The thing is that creatine monohydrate, entering the body, under the influence of metabolic processes turns into creatine phosphate. The body, in turn, needs it to produce adenosine triphosphate (ATP), which supplies muscle tissue with energy so that it can contract more.

Based on this chain, it follows that creatine is an essential nitrogen-containing acid that takes part in the energy processes of both muscle and nerve cells. Creatine helps release more energy in less time for peak performance. The effect of using creatine is also called “explosive energy”.

Thus, by taking creatine, the athlete feels strong and gives his best in training. Uses “explosive energy” and thereby achieves enormous results in a short period of time.

The role of protein in the athlete's body

Another important substance for an athlete is protein complexes. What is protein? Proteins are amino acids linked together in a chain. For a better understanding, it should be clarified that protein is the same protein.

Protein is the main building block for creating muscles, so it should always be contained in sufficient quantities in the body of an athlete who wants to build muscle tissue in order to subsequently obtain such desired results as increasing strength, speed, or simply increasing the size of skeletal muscles (hypertrophy).

In fact, protein is a universal supplement; it is suitable for both weight gain and weight loss. It all depends on how you take it. In the first case, add it to high-calorie foods, but if your goal is to reduce fat, you need to use protein supplements instead of regular meals. With this diet, you do not receive carbohydrates and fats, thereby creating conditions for fat burning.

People who have just started weightlifting will benefit from taking whey protein compounds (casein) - this is a highly concentrated protein produced from whey. Such proteins have a high absorption rate in the gastrointestinal tract. This creates a huge concentration of independent amino acids in the blood and, accordingly, in muscle tissue. Thus, increasing productivity and duration of training.

BCAA amino acid complex

Amino acids are components of proteins, so they, like protein, are necessary for weight gain. However, what are BCAAs? The BCAA complex consists of the three most important amino acids:
  1. Leucine;
  2. Valin;
  3. Isoleucine.
The importance of this supplement lies in the fact that these amino acids are not synthesized by the human body. These three amino acids complement each other, so they are combined into a single complex.

Using BCAAs will help:

  • Increase muscle mass (conditions are created for the appearance of new cells);
  • Replenish energy reserves;
  • Increase glutamine levels;
  • Burn excess fat;
  • Protect your muscles from destruction.
Scientists have proven that about 35% of the muscle group consists of the BCAA amino acid complex. This is quite a large figure, since 25% of the energy is released from these amino acids during training.

No one argues that in sports, in order to achieve results, you can do without additives. However, it will take much more time. Try to choose the right nutrition for yourself, and you will be surprised how your body will react to training, how it will transform more and more each time.

Video review of American and European sports supplements (proteins, gainers).

The key to success in Bodybuilding is to REGULARLY push yourself to your limit. If you follow a hardcore regimen and your diet provides your body with all the calories and nutrients it needs, you will get the MAXIMUM from sports nutrition. And this can give you a significant advantage. Novice Bodybuilders often believe that the key to success in bodybuilding is sports nutrition, lacking one of the two most important components (proper training and diet), but they are deeply mistaken. The best way to grow is to first take care of the 2 main components, and only then grab sports nutrition.

#1 Start the day with SERUM

Whey is the best sports nutrition to start your day with. You slept for 8 hours and did not provide your body with amino acids for muscle building and other important processes. While sleep allows the body to grow and repair itself, it leads to a catabolic state in which muscle mass is broken down to provide the necessary amino acids to be converted into energy. Whey is one of the best and fastest-digesting proteins, providing you with amino acids for fuel and growth. This will prevent the body from “raiding” the muscles for the production of amino acids. Kickstart growth early in the day by taking whey protein before showering or brushing your teeth.

Mix whey protein with water for quick digestion. At this time of day, avoid consuming fats, complex carbohydrates and fiber, as this will only slow down protein digestion and absorption, working against your goals. Take 30-50 grams of whey protein immediately upon waking.

#2 Multiply results with MULTIVITAMINS

20 minutes have already passed, you took a shower and got dressed. It's time for breakfast. You need to eat a nutritious meal that contains mainly protein (eggs) and complex carbohydrates (oatmeal and whole grain toast). A couple of pieces of fruit would be very helpful. Fructose will directly replenish glycogen stores in the liver, which will turn off all catabolic processes and help activate the anabolic mode faster. And, of course, don’t forget about the best sports nutrition - multivitamins. Vitamins and minerals should be consumed with breakfast for 2 reasons: they are easier to digest with a nutritious meal, you provide the body with nutrients at the very beginning of the day, thereby having a better effect on muscle growth and improving immunity.

Breakfast should consist of proteins, complex carbohydrates and fruits + a vitamin and mineral complex.

#3 Build more muscle with CREATINE

The benefits of creatine are well known to everyone. By taking creatine before and after your workout, you will receive the best benefits from sports nutrition. First, creatine provides water to the muscles, making them temporarily stronger. And when you train with higher weights and repetitions, you have a better effect on stimulating muscle growth. Second, post-workout, creatine provides nutrients to muscle cells to more effectively promote recovery. Additionally, research shows that creatine has antioxidant-like protection and enhances the benefits of cardio exercise. In combination, creatine is another best sports nutrition in bodybuilding.

Take 2-3 grams of creatine with whey protein before training and the same amount after (also with protein).

#4 FIBER - to the start

Fiber also makes the Top Sports Nutrition list. It provides a number of bodybuilding benefits, including better digestion. It also slows down the digestion process, causing the body to process protein more slowly. This is especially important because at night the body does not receive the necessary nutrition. Eating fiber before bed along with a protein shake will protect your muscles from the catabolic effects. In any case, fiber should be consumed with a full meal (or with a protein shake before bed) to most effectively slow down the supply of amino acids.

Fiber will allow amino acids to circulate in your blood longer, helping protect your hard-earned muscle mass from overnight breakdown.

#5 Growing with GLUTAMINE

Along with creatine, it is one of the best “representatives” of sports nutrition. Glutamine is the most abundant amino acid in the body and is used for a variety of physiological processes. Glutamine provides the following benefits for bodybuilders: better digestion, increased immunity, improved recovery, energy supply, supplying muscles with important metabolic messengers. In addition, glutamine helps in the production of bicarbonate, which can reduce fatigue during intense exercise. It also helps muscles be better loaded with glycogen after exercise.

This is why it is important to take glutamine before and after going to the gym. Your body can make this amino acid from other amino acids, but it does so by taking them out of storage, breaking down muscle mass in the process. Supplementing with glutamine gives your body what it needs without destroying the hard-earned muscle it creates.

Take 5-10 grams before training and the same amount after. Add creatine to protein shakes or water and take throughout the day. Increase the dosage gradually, then stick to a daily dose of 40 grams.

#6 Don't forget about CAFFEINE

It is one of the main and most effective nutritional supplements. In our case, caffeine is the best sports nutrition for bodybuilding. It is excellent for growth as it can help increase workout intensity and concentration. Caffeine helps you lose fat effectively by emptying fat stores and using them as energy. Sure, too much caffeine can make you jittery and alert. To get the most out of your caffeine use, use it once or twice a day, preferably early in the day.

Drink 1-2 cups of coffee or take 200-400 mg as a pre-workout supplement. To combat fatigue - 200 mg as needed. For fat burning - from 100 to 300 mg every 4 hours.

#7 SERUM for training

The best sports nutrition for the body is whey protein before and after strength training. It is at this time of day that bodybuilders have the highest nutritional needs, and whey is a great solution and helps add more muscle mass. Since whey protein is digested quickly, taking it before training will immediately provide the body with amino acids for rapid recovery and muscle building.

Another whey shake after training will push the recovery and growth processes to a new level. The best thing is to take whey protein with fast-digesting carbohydrates (carb energy drink containing fast-digesting carbohydrates, such as Vitargo, dextrose and maltodextrin). This will quickly supply your muscles with protein and help replenish glycogen stores that were depleted during training.

Take 20-40 grams of whey protein before your workout along with 40-80 grams of simple carbohydrates. After training - the same thing. You can also add glutamine and creatine to your shake.


When you exercise, you put stress on your body, thereby creating harmful free radicals. Antioxidants such as vitamin C and E help fight free radicals. A multivitamin most likely already contains these essential nutrients, but taking an extra dose throughout the day is a great way to provide your body with vitamins. Take antioxidants with your lunch (or post-workout shake) as they are most effective when taken along with calories.

Consume 500 mg of vitamin C and 400 mg of vitamin E with a whole meal or post-workout whey shake.


Bodybuilders and other athletes are known to be deficient in zinc and magnesium. Physical activity increases the need for these minerals. In addition, minerals tend to be lost through sweat, creating an even greater deficiency. Zinc and magnesium sports nutrition, such as ZMA, helps overcome the effects of overtraining and can increase levels of anabolic hormones, including free testosterone and insulin-like growth factor-1. ZMA also helps improve sleep quality (additional recovery aid). Keep in mind that ZMA works best on an empty stomach, especially in the absence of calcium, which blocks zinc absorption.

Take ZMA on an empty stomach 30 minutes before your last protein shake. Follow the instructions to find out the dosage. Most brands contain 30 mg of zinc, 450 mg of magnesium and 11 mg of vitamin B per serving.

#10 Time for CASEIN

Casein protein, like whey protein, is a fraction of milk protein and can equally be considered the best sports nutrition. Unlike whey, casein protein is digested more slowly. Consume fast-digesting protein before and after training and first thing after waking up, and slow-digesting protein at other times of the day and always before bed, since your body will be without nutrition all night. The longer amino acids remain in the blood, the less likely it is that the body will “reach out” to muscle mass for its amino needs. You can also use casein as a meal replacement if you skip your lunch or dinner to provide your body with a slow and steady source of amino acids.

Take 30-50 grams of casein protein with or without carbohydrates (for weight - with carbohydrates, for weight loss and fat burning - without carbohydrates) before bed.

Stick to this sports nutrition, train smart and dedicated, and results are guaranteed.

Many gym goers do not consume sports nutrition, protecting themselves from “chemicals”, and some replace them with full meals. Both of them are wrong.

One or two servings of supplements per day will not harm the body, because they consist of natural ingredients. But excessive consumption will contribute to the deterioration of the body’s ability to process regular food.

Sports nutrition is essentially a “functional food.” Its difference from traditional food is in the increased concentration of the main component and nutrients. In addition, it is absorbed 100% and in a very short time.

Sports nutrition includes dietary supplements, food concentrates and nutraceuticals created specifically for those who are actively involved in physical activity. They are designed, in tandem with training, to burn fat, increase the body’s endurance, increase muscle mass, etc.

Sports nutrition for muscle growth

You should choose sports nutrition for weight gain based on your constitution. If you have a lean physique, to gain weight, it will be more effective to take protein-carbohydrate complexes, which are not recommended if you tend to be overweight.

There are several classes of sports supplements aimed at muscle growth. Among them:

  • amino acids (BCAA, glutamine, etc.);
  • pre-workout complexes (testosterone boosters, arginine, creatine, etc.);
  • vitamin and mineral complexes.


Protein is one of the main supplements needed by those working on muscle growth. It is obtained by evaporating moisture from natural proteins: dairy products, soy, legumes.

Protein contains the maximum amount of amino acids, which synthesize new muscle tissue and prevent old ones from breaking down.

This supplement can serve as a daily replacement for one full meal, or be used when there is no time or energy to prepare healthy food.

  1. The most popular type is whey protein isolate.. It contains 70 to 90% pure protein. No other natural product can offer such a concentration.

How to take protein to gain muscle mass? Protein must be diluted with cold liquid: water or skim milk, and preferably juice before training. Protein is absorbed within 40 minutes, unlike meat, which the body processes in 2-3 hours.

Therefore, protein foods should be eaten 1.5 hours to an hour before training, and protein for gaining muscle mass is best taken immediately 40 minutes before. Thanks to this, you are unlikely to feel hungry during the training.

  1. There is also whey protein hydrolyzate. This is a fermented (already broken down) protein, the components of which are in the form of peptides, so they are absorbed almost instantly.

You should not get carried away with it, since such “absolutely ready-made” products, by reducing the production of its own digestive enzymes, will force the body to forget how to process protein.

  1. Casein protein is the slowest protein. Its advantage is that it takes a long time to digest, so it is recommended for consumption at a time when the next meal is still far away. It is indispensable as a meal before bed. Casein takes longer to digest, so the mechanics of gaining weight with it is to reduce catabolism during sleep.

Analogues of casein protein are milk and cottage cheese. By receiving cottage cheese before bed, it is easier for the body to recover, because protein absorption occurs slowly and efficiently.

  1. Collagen protein is not a stand-alone muscle growth supplement. It is usually used together with isolate or casein to strengthen ligaments, joints and connective tissues, and skin.

It is impossible to say unequivocally which protein is better for gaining muscle. It all depends on your individual body characteristics, schedule and ultimate goal.

Some manufacturers offer complex mixtures consisting of two or three types of protein. So, isolate + casein = milk protein.

The amount of protein that should be taken per day is individual. And this is connected with the desired body weight. Simply put, you need to consume as much protein as you want to weigh, for example, to maintain a weight of 75 kg you need 112.5 grams. pure protein (for intense training at the rate of 1.5 grams of protein per kg of weight). For weight gain up to 80 kg, respectively, 120 grams. But there are features:

  • Protein is found in all foods and this must be taken into account when adding sports nutrition to your diet.
  • With increased protein consumption, the liver and kidneys are overloaded, so you need to monitor their condition and at least add fiber to the diet to improve the removal of protein breakdown products.
  • And most importantly, you need to exercise so that the protein goes to building muscles and not to growing sides.

Protein shakes are needed to adjust your diet towards a high-protein diet, which mainly helps to remove fat tissue without losing muscle, but to gain weight as quickly as possible, you need to add carbohydrates.

Gainer for weight gain for skinny people

If protein is enough to maintain and slightly grow muscles, then for serious anabolic work you also need carbohydrates, which are responsible not only for increasing mass, but also for the amount of energy.

In this case, gainers are needed, that is, protein-carbohydrate supplements for especially thin people to gain weight. They not only contribute to weight gain, but also replenish energy reserves. These sports supplements are recommended for those who are engaged in an intensive program. Gainer is the best supplement for gaining weight for skinny people.

They are also worth paying attention to “ectomorphs”, that is, people with a very thin physique who have difficulty gaining weight. Gainers combine protein with fast carbohydrates and a vitamin and mineral set, which generally creates a favorable environment for muscle growth.

For those who are prone to gaining excess weight, this supplement is contraindicated, as it can cause an increase in fat mass in them.

Some “make” gainers themselves, making a cocktail of sweet fruit, honey, protein and liquid, but ready-made mixtures have a much higher calorie content.

For the fastest possible weight gain for a thin person using a gainer, it is optimal to take it in the morning, before and after training. Moreover, the daily diet of regular foods cannot be cut. On rest days, morning and evening receptions will be sufficient.

Amino acids

Amino acids are the components of protein. They optimize the metabolism in the body in such a way that all incoming substances are efficiently absorbed without turning into fat.

Metabolism mainly involves 22 amino acids, 9 of which are essential, that is, the body cannot recreate them itself, but waits for it to come from outside.

Most of us are unlikely to check the amount of amino acids obtained from food, which is why dietary supplements in capsule and liquid form have been developed.

The highest peak effectiveness of amino acids occurs post-workout, when a protein or protein “window” occurs during recovery.

  • Our muscles are 35% leucine, isoleucine and valine. The complex of these three amino acids is called BCAA. They prevent muscle breakdown (catabolic process), so sometimes they are consumed even during training, dissolved in water. These amino acids stimulate muscle growth and fat burning, improving metabolism.

Whey protein isolate contains some BCAAs, but most athletes take them additionally. Before and after training, they should not be mixed with protein; you can use this complex of sports supplements (protein + BCAA) instead of the last meal.

But the use of amino acids, according to numerous reviews, does not give a clear result.

  • Another important amino acid is glutamine. Its use does not promise dramatic muscle growth, but it helps restore and replenish glycogen reserves in the muscles, enhances the secretion of growth hormone, improves immunity, and adds vigor.

Pre-workout supplements

Special pre-workout complexes affect the athlete’s tone due to components that stimulate physical and mental activity, such as caffeine (opponents of sports nutrition, for example, prefer to drink a double espresso before training), taurine, geranamine, beta-alanine. Sometimes they also contain BCAA and a small dose of creatine.

You should take such supplements no later than 6 hours before bedtime.

Otherwise, there is a chance of spending the night with insomnia.

Creatine is found in small quantities in meat and fish (only in animal protein), but many prefer a “pure” supplement, noting its noticeable effectiveness.

Some people think that creatine is a supplement for beginners who have a hard time with their first workouts in the gym. In fact, this is nutrition for experienced bodybuilders. It gives them a new impetus in conditions of addiction. Creatine for weight gain should only be taken in conjunction with a strength training program.

Do not exceed the dosage or use creatine for too long a time, as this may cause digestive problems.

  • Arginine and other nitric oxide donors are recommended for men. Their effectiveness is based on activating the production of growth hormones and testosterone.
  • A testosterone booster also promotes testosterone synthesis before training.

Vitamin and mineral complexes

Vitamin-mineral complexes for athletes are formulated taking into account heavy physical activity, so the concentration of active substances is higher than in regular vitamins.

They necessarily contain retinol (vitamin A), which plays the role of an antioxidant (as well as E), and also has a beneficial effect on bone health and vision.

Vitamins of group B are responsible for converting nutrients into energy, D - for the proper absorption of phosphorus and calcium, K - for the synthesis of proteins.

Their use is a must, as they perfectly strengthen the immune system, which means they will protect you from joint injuries and sprains.

  • Most athletes also take daily Omega-3. Fatty acids promote recovery, reduce stress hormone levels, improve skin condition, normalize blood pressure, and have a positive effect on fat metabolism. Many athletes take fish oil capsules three times a day.
  • ZMA is a combination of magnesium-zinc-vitamin B6, which is ideal for increasing the secretion of IGF-1 and testosterone. After training, this supplement will help you recover and also set you up for proper rest.
  • Also, many who work with heavy weights use drugs that strengthen ligaments and joints: collagen, chondrotin, glucosamine.

Nutrition = result

Sports nutrition is called “sports nutrition” because it is suitable only for those who work hard in the gym. Without physical education, its use is useless.

“If you feel sorry for yourself during training, you will get pathetic results!” Arnold Schwarzenegger

Just like a complete switch to these supplements is contraindicated for athletes. Despite the ideal composition, the supplements do not contain all the beneficial substances that the body needs. And easy digestion of food can relax the digestive organs, which do not need to make any effort to process sports nutrition.

Ideal nutrition for gaining muscle mass consists of 6 meals. What to eat to gain weight.

One or two meals can be replaced with whey protein or gainer. Besides, without fail worth consuming vitamin and mineral complexes. Drink them in courses, changing them periodically.

How to create your own “diet” of sports supplements

  1. They should be introduced into your diet gradually.
  1. First, add vitamins and replace 1 meal with protein (or gainer if you have a thin build).

It is better if this is a meal before or after a workout, because the time before and after exercise is the most important time for eating in the process of gaining weight. It is at these moments that the body uses all the substances entering it to build muscles. For a beginner this will be enough.

  1. After a week, also replace the last sixth meal (before bed) with casein protein.

Many people prefer to eat cottage cheese before bed in combination with healthy fats, such as nuts or nut butter. It can be replaced with casein. This “night” protein will fight catabolic processes until the morning, until isolate and carbohydrates come to its aid.

  1. After a month, you can begin to heavily load the body. So make it a habit in the morning after the traditional glass of water to immediately take on sports nutrition. After sleep, a hungry body begins to greedily eat its own muscles.

To save yourself from “self-food”, you need to add some fruit, which will immediately raise your sugar level and protein, which the body will use as fuel instead of ready-made muscles.

  1. On a non-workout day, drinking one protein shake is enough.

If you are keen on bodybuilding, then you will need the entire range of supplements presented:

  • protein + BCAA + glutamine + arginine immediately after waking up;
  • protein + BCAA + creatine + glutamine + arginine + testosterone booster + complex carbohydrates before training;
  • gainer, creatine, glutamine + BCAA + casein + vitamins during the first 30 minutes after training;
  • casein + glutamine + arginine + ZMA before bed, casein at night (if you suddenly wake up) or at a time when a full meal is still far away.

The amount of drugs is usually calculated per 1 kg of weight. So whey protein and gainers recommend consuming 1.5 g for every kilogram of your own weight. This amount must be divided into at least two doses. The rest will not be absorbed by the body, or rather, it will simply be eliminated.

Before using supplements, carefully read the instructions and consult a specialist. For example, your trainer, who will tell you exactly what your body needs for further physical improvement. After all, every organism is individual and there is no one-size-fits-all system.

And using my 12 years of coaching experience (and 25 years of independent training experience), I will turn you into a sports nutrition expert. Lesson one - never use the phrase “sports nutrition”. These are supplements, “supplements”, and this word is more consistent with the main task of such products - to close holes in your diet, the lack of certain vitamins, microelements, amino acids and other things (believe me, everyone has such gaps). I would conditionally divide consumers of sports supplements into two groups:

1. You have been training for a long time and persistently (3-4 times a week without skipping) for a specific result - for example, you dream of bench-pressing a barbell weighing 150 kg or running a marathon 42 km 195 m. You can and need a lot of what will be discussed below. I will offer specific sets of sports supplements to solve each problem (see “Recipes”).

2. Beginners, even if they train hard, in the first six months you should get by with only both types of proteins: “quick” before breakfast, “long” at night. They make up for the protein deficiency that any Russian man has. I recommend the same diet to those people who go to the gym once a week, “for themselves” (however, if you are overweight, consult a nutritionist first).

Well, I recommend that both categories take (after consulting with a doctor) cardio- and chondroprotectors, regardless of the training program. Let's move on to the powders and bars. If any product known to you is missing from this material, it means that I consider it unnecessary.

1. Protein

Release form: powders

Why: Protein is often drunk right after a workout, saying: “Muscle mass, muscle mass!” But without carbohydrates, which everyone forgets, protein powder is practically useless in the matter of instant muscle building. Use it just to compensate for your overall protein deficiency. The body will find somewhere to put it, for example, make testosterone from it. There are “fast” and “long” proteins. The former are more biologically available and instantly provide your body with energy and building material. The latter release protein gradually, over several hours. It is not difficult to distinguish them: any whey is “fast”. Any combination containing casein protein (casein) is “long”.

How to take: “Fast” protein is consumed in the morning (1 serving 20 minutes before breakfast) and immediately after fat burning workouts. In general, I am a convinced supporter of a predominantly protein breakfast; this allows you to gently raise your blood sugar level after a night's sleep and further boost your metabolism. Drink “long” 30-90 minutes after the last meal, at night, so that the body has proteins at hand even in sleep.

I recommend: Of the sports supplements that my clients have come across, I can recommend the “fast” Zero Carb from VPX for breakfast. For the night I wholeheartedly recommend “Infusion” from SAN. True, this is more than protein - such products are called “meal replacement”. It contains different types of protein (which are absorbed at different times and therefore provide your body with nutrition throughout the night), as well as vitamins and a dosed amount of carbohydrates that does not harm your figure.

2. Complex amino acids

Release form: capsules, tablets, caplets

Why: I seriously doubt that products with such names contain many amino acids. Rather, it is a regular “fast” protein, only in a convenient package. On the road or after a long night in an ambush under the enemy's nose, where you can't get a shaker, this is a good replacement for a protein shake.

How to take: In any training regimen, except hypertrophy, - 2-3 tablets 2-3 times a day, as a replacement for protein powders. And in the midst of a long hypertrophy program - 3 tablets twice a day, with food or a gainer, and you will also drink protein.

3. Gainer

Release form: powder

Why: My favorite product! The combination of easily digestible proteins and carbohydrates not only promotes rapid weight gain, but also provides a hurricane of energy before training, and also significantly speeds up recovery after.

How to take: On training days, 30-45 minutes before training and immediately after. On rest days, 1 serving in the afternoon. In the endurance training mode, you can do it three times a day: before and after training, as well as at night. And never eat gainer for breakfast! In this case, the weight will grow exclusively on your sides.

Worth remembering

No amount of creatine with protein will ever correct technical errors or help with lack of sleep. In addition, be aware that no supplements can replace a nutritious, regular and healthy diet. And don’t forget that even harmless and certified products, if used thoughtlessly and excessively, can cause irreparable damage to health. If you suffer from food allergies, metabolic disorders, diabetes, chronic diseases of the heart, kidneys, liver or gastrointestinal tract, then before taking any sports nutrition you should definitely consult an adequate, qualified doctor.


Release form: tablets, capsules, powder

Why: BCAAs are also amino acids, but only three: isoleucine, leucine and valine. According to a number of studies, skeletal muscles contain the most of them. I use BCAAs (and encourage you to do the same) to help you lose much less muscle during your fat-burning or endurance-building periods.

How to take: When training - 5 capsules before and immediately after training. On rest days, take 2 capsules with regular meals.

5. L-carnitine

Release form: tablets, capsules, ampoules

Why: Carnitine makes it easier for your body to access fat reserves. I’m not ready to say that L-carnitine helps you lose weight, but it really increases endurance and has a beneficial effect on the health of the cardiovascular system.

How to take: 1 tablet 2 times a day with food when training endurance or strength. And for any type of training, if you feel that your heart is under heavy load (for example, on a hot summer day).

6. Creatine

Release form: powder, tablets, capsules

Why: Creatine is a precursor to creatine phosphate (CP), one of the main sources of energy for muscle work. CF provides exclusively short-term strength work (the first 3-5 repetitions of the bench press, for example). It is generally accepted that taking creatine-containing supplements can increase strength. For some this is true, but for others this supplement has no effect. Try it - maybe this food will hit you.

How to take: 2-3 g once a day, along with a gainer. Just be sure to drink at least three glasses of plain water afterwards. Creatine has an unpleasant ability to absorb fluid, which can lead to cramps, bloating, and even injury to connective tissue, for which normal hydration is extremely important.

7. Glutamine

Release form: powder, granules, capsules

Why: With heavy physical activity, glutamine reserves in the body are depleted, and this negatively affects the immune system and reduces recovery abilities. Therefore, if you have more than 5 training hours per week, you should use this supplement.

How to take: Take a dose 2 times a day, morning and evening 15 minutes before meals - and you will recover normally, endure stress more easily and get sick less.

8. Energy

Release form: “jars”, powder

Why: Another favorite product of mine! A high-quality energy drink simultaneously boosts your mood, sports enthusiasm and healthy aggression. During strength training, such a product is of paramount importance. Just keep in mind - these are special sports energy drinks that are sold in special sports nutrition stores! They contain virtually no sugar, but do contain substances that support the health of the cardiovascular system. They have little in common with supermarket energy drinks.

How to take: Just half a small bottle, drunk 30-45 minutes before training, and you are ready to break any records! However, I do not recommend drinking energy drinks before every workout (maximum 1-2 times a week), and under no circumstances drink more than one drink per day.

What should you mix the powders with?

Proteins and gainers can be mixed with regular non-mineral and still water, freshly squeezed or packaged juice, as well as milk. For a gainer, the best option is water; in combination with juice or milk, the amount of carbohydrates and calories in the mixture will go off scale. Protein powder will tolerate any of the liquids listed above, unless you choose the least fatty milk. By the way, if your intestines do not tolerate milk, you can safely mix the protein with... kefir. But all other powders, especially creatine, can only be mixed with water, and they must be drunk immediately - in liquid form, additives are the least chemically stable.

9. Testosterone boosters

Release form: capsules

For what. The attitude of doctors and ordinary people towards supplements that increase testosterone levels is, as a rule, completely negative. Obviously, because they are confused with hormonal doping. However, boosters do not pump you full of extra hormones, but only gently increase the secretion of your own internal testosterone. From a physiological point of view, this means “looking younger” by several years, especially if you are over thirty. If you are 17-22 years old and healthy, you can safely do without this supplement - you already have a lot of hormones!

How to take: I consider the most useful quality of testosterone boosters to be their stimulating effect on glucose metabolism. Therefore, in my opinion, the smartest time to use them is when you are trying to get rid of excess fat. 2 capsules 2 times a day with food.

10. Protein bars

Form: you'll laugh, but these are bars!

Why: Perhaps the most convenient source of protein and carbohydrates: no need to stir or drink - tear open the package and eat to your health! Use to suppress hunger between main meals.

How to take. A couple of high-quality bars consistently discourage interest in food for exactly 3 hours, even for such an eternally hungry swallower as I am. But the daily norm, according to my observations, is no more than 2-3 bars. If you exceed the dose, you may experience problems with appetite!

* “Fast” protein - before breakfast and after training

** "Fast" protein for breakfast, "long" protein - before bed

to your health

There is also a whole range of sports supplements and near-medicinal products that you can use in your diet, regardless of the goals that you are pursuing at a certain point in time.

cardioprotectors They should be taken before training in the hot season and during periods of endurance training. These include the L-carnitine already described above, as well as preparations containing potassium and magnesium - substances responsible for the uninterrupted functioning of the heart. For example, potassium and magnesium aspartate.

vitamins and minerals I do not agree with the opinion prevailing among athletes and a number of coaches about the need to take increased doses of vitamins. Therefore, as a trainer, I prefer trivial pharmacy multivitamins in normal dosages. As a rule, this is one serving immediately after breakfast. I am not advocating for taking additional vitamins that are supposedly useful for the athlete/trainer - C, E and B separately. There are more than enough multivitamins!

chondroprotectors American coaches have a good saying: “If you don’t play sports, you’ll end up seeing a cardiologist. If you play sports, you will see an orthopedist!” So that the last part of this wonderful phrase does not affect you, regularly take chondroprotectors - supplements that facilitate the regeneration of cartilage tissue and the restoration of the ligamentous apparatus as a whole. Even if you rarely go to the gym or don’t go at all, you should take chondroprotectors to prevent diseases of the musculoskeletal system. How often? This information should be in the instructions for use.