Biceps curl lying on a block. Overhead biceps curl

The peculiarity of arm curls on the upper blocks is that they need to be performed as efficiently as possible in a pumping (multiple repetition) mode. To do this, you should choose a small one and perform 3-4 sets of 12-15 repetitions each.

Execution technique

  • Go to the crossover trainer and attach D-handles to the ends of the top cables.
  • Stand exactly in the middle of the machine and grab the handles reverse grip, straighten your arms.
  • With a slow, concentrated effort, pull the handles towards your temples. Freeze for 1-2 seconds and slowly return to starting position.
  • At the end point of the exercise, your hands should be brought to your head above ear level. Completely eliminate forward or backward deviation of the hands. Keep your head straight, gaze directed ahead.
  • While performing the exercise, keep your body motionless and do not allow it to sway.
  • Avoid reflexive turns of the head towards one or the other hand.

Overhead curls are excellent. isolated exercise for biceps. If you are tired of monotonous exercises, you can easily use this movement as an auxiliary one on days.

Video on the topic: "Performing overhead curls"

Biceps curl upper block is an isolation assistance exercise that can be performed at the end of a workout to finish off the target muscle group.

Muscles involved

This exercise loads in isolation:

  • Biceps or biceps brachii.
  • Brachialis muscle or brachialis. It is located under the biceps and together with it is involved in bending the arms at the elbow joints.

Additionally included:

  • Brachioradialis muscle - runs along outside forearms.
  • Pronator teres.

If you do the exercise correctly, no other muscles should receive noticeable stress. Contraindications for performing bends are injuries to the elbow joints or wrists.

Execution technique

You can work on your biceps using the cable resistance of a pulley machine. in different ways. As for the top block specifically, there are two options:

  1. Crossover curls while standing or sitting.
  2. Bicep curls on a block while lying on a horizontal bench.

Standing or sitting

The crossover biceps curl looks like this:

  1. Attach semicircular handles to the cables passing through the upper blocks. Grab the handles with a reverse grip and stand between the supports of the machine exactly in the middle. If you plan to do the exercise while sitting, place a bench between the supports and sit on it. Ideally, the blocks should be at a height of 30-40 centimeters above your shoulder level.
  2. In the initial position, the arms are slightly bent at the elbows, tense and in the same plane with the crossover racks. Turn the brushes slightly toward you. Keep your wrists and shoulders toned throughout the movement. When they relax, it is easy to get dislocated or sprained.
  3. Squeeze your biceps as much as possible and pull the handles of the cables towards you so that your hands are at the level of your temples. You can bend your wrists slightly. At the final point, hold for 1-2 seconds and slowly return to the starting position under control.

When performing the exercise, your arms from shoulder to elbow are in a constant position parallel to the floor. By controlling your actions so that movement occurs only in the elbow joint, you will maximally load the target muscle group.

Crossover biceps curls are performed synchronously with both hands. In this case, the body remains strictly in the center of the simulator and does not deviate from the plane of its racks.

Lying on a horizontal bench

Place a bench next to the support of the cable machine.

  1. Attach a straight handle to the cable passing through the top block. Grab the handle with a reverse grip and lie on the bench with your head facing the counter. The hands can be placed shoulder-width apart or narrower - the exercise is performed either way.
  2. In the starting position, the head hangs slightly over the edge of the bench, the feet are on the floor, and the arms are slightly bent at the elbow joints. Wrists and shoulder joints at the same time, they are fixed, the shoulders are perpendicular to the floor.
  3. Tighten your biceps and pull the handle toward you to forehead level, bending your elbows. Stay at the point of maximum tension for 1-2 seconds and smoothly return to the starting position.
  4. Do the required number of repetitions.

Doing arm curls on a block while lying down is convenient because the body is in a fixed position. You can use not only a straight pen, but also an EZ pen. To implement it, it is not necessary to have a large frame for crossovers with two racks in the hall, because only one block is used here.

Inclusion in the training program

Curling the arms on a block machine is usually done at the end of the workout in order to reload the biceps after performing the basic exercises.

The weight used is medium or light. The muscles are already quite tired from previous exercises. It is recommended to do 3-4 sets of 10-15 repetitions.

Isolated biceps curls are an exercise done with free weights or in a machine. A very popular exercise among bodybuilders, the result directly depends on how correct the technique is. If your lower back starts to hurt, elbow joints or shoulders, then mistakes are likely to be made. It can be performed both sitting and standing. In the first option, the barbell will not allow you to produce the full amplitude, so it will be more rational to use dumbbells.

There are quite a few biceps exercises, and even if you want to do them all in one workout, it’s impossible to do them all, so you should choose a few of them and change them after a couple of weeks. This will prevent the muscles from becoming accustomed to repeated movements and causing good result. Let us note the most common and effective exercises:

– in my opinion, it is the most popular and fundamental. The barbell must be grasped with an underhand grip and feet shoulder-width apart. When doing the exercise, you need to press your elbows to your body and minimize their movements, thereby increasing the arc of lifting the barbell. It must be raised as high as possible. It will be equally important to lower your arms to the starting position so that they are fully straightened. When performing the last approaches, you can help a little with small movements of the torso.

Having taken the dumbbells, we immediately shift its center of gravity, to do this we move our hand so that the little finger touches inside disk. After this, we lower our arms parallel to the body so that the palms look at the side of the thigh. When lifting, you must maintain an even posture and roll your shoulders back. Halfway through the rise, we begin to turn our palms up. Having raised to the maximum point, try to turn your hands to the sides as much as possible, then lower your arms to the starting position until the muscles are fully stretched. When performing, it is extremely important not to raise your elbows and keep them as close to your body as possible. Don't let the trapezoids help you get past the critical point. Technique must be followed if you want to benefit from this exercise.

– the bench allows you to perform isolated biceps curls with a more strict technique than regular curls. Leaning your chest against the machine, lower your arms down, while they remain slightly bent. Thus, even at the lowest point the tension will remain. You should not tilt your torso back when lifting, but when you reach the top point, specifically tense your muscles. Then lower it to the starting position, in a half-bent state.

– the exercise will create the maximum height of the biceps on the inside. This exercise is often done at the end of a workout; it will pump up the biceps muscle.

Sitting on a bench, place your free hand on any stationary object or on your knee. Then take a dumbbell in your other hand and bend it towards deltoid muscle. Then slowly lower the hand to the starting position until the muscle is fully stretched.

– attach the free crossbar to the cable of the device. Grasping it with an underhand grip, place your hands approximately shoulder-width apart. Then we lift them up until they are slightly below the chin. We constantly strain our biceps, especially at the top point. After which, we slowly lower our hands down.

Isolated biceps curls- This is not such a common exercise, and it is done quite difficult in a crossover. We get into the simulator, set a comfortable weight on the blocks. Your arms should be parallel to the floor. Bend your forearm to your shoulder, pulling the handle of the block. Try to perform the exercise at the same pace for each hand.

There's no point in listing everything possible exercises on the biceps. They all start from the basics of technology:

  1. Do not use your elbow under any circumstances; always leave it in its original position.
  2. Keep your arms as close to your body as possible and do not move them away as you rise.

For maximum convenience, it is best to stand in front of a mirror and monitor the execution. Most biceps exercises are done using a barbell or dumbbell. You can resort to the use of modern simulators. The main thing is not to stop at the same exercises, constantly replenish your arsenal. On the same Scott bench you can do exercises with dumbbells, only now your arms work separately. Constantly imagine and develop new exercises for your body.

Arm curls on a block are an isolating exercise for training the biceps, postures to stretch the biceps brachii muscle and iso-li-ro-va-but pro-ra-bo-tat her every pu-chok. Bending your hands on the block doesn’t re-co-men-do-you-get-it-on-the-at-let-there, since-since it’s the exercise is intended for the pro-work of muscles, and not for the growth of muscle mass, according to - since it is effective, it is difficult to program the res-si-ro-load load in this case. It should be noted that the block three-on-the-same ones are different, they differ from the places of fix-sa- tions of the hands, long am-p-li-tu-dy and in general can be from-any-character-te-ris-ti-kam, but the key moments in technology are the same in all cases. It’s also worth noting that in this management there’s no way to keep Prince-tsi-pa Joe Wei-de-ra , as in-tu-i-tion, that is, the at-let must sa-mos-to-i-tel-but cor-re-ti-ro-vat tech-ni-ku up-rage-not niya so that you can feel the juice of the target muscle group.

It is recommended to perform arm curls on a block in a large number of repetitions in order to “memorize” the biceps and avoid stretching the elbows -te-vo-go sus-ta-va. In general, this is the case with all the management of the elbows, for example, fold your arms on Lar-ri Scott's bench, but in this case this is especially important, since, when you are fully bending on the bench, you are at-let can rip the thread out of the body and remove the cord from the ties, then it’s not possible to do this in the block Xia. The position of the elbow in the mouth is also of great significance, which the athlete must get on his own, because the points of muscle strengthening are different for everyone, which depends on genetics, so the at-let should wives must be experienced enough to have a developed neuromuscular connection.

Work of muscles and joints

The purpose of the exercise is to isolate the biceps as much as possible, so that during the full bending of your arms on the block for the at-le-ta appearance -la-e-mak-si-mal-naya isolation of the bicipital muscles of the shoulder. One way or another, but the fore-shoulder also receives the load, more or less excluding which is possible with the help of the open-grip. An open grip presents the same distribution of the fingers of the hand when they all rest on one line, that is, the thumb does not grab the grip from above. Between the heads of the bi-cep-sa load-ruz-ka the spread-pre-de-la-et-sya is approximately equal, although it is internal The nub, of course, loads more because it itself is larger and stronger. In addition, nag-ruz-ku po-lu-cha-et and bra-hi-a-lis, the function of which also includes bending hands in elbows.

Bending your arms on a block is an isolating exercise, so the sus-tav works only one way - the lock-te-howl. The iso-li-ro-van-ness of the exercise is not connected with the fact that it is not done with a barbell or a gan-te-la-mi, and in the block, but with the fact that the at-let fixes the position of the hands, excluding the possibility of “chi-ting-go-t-ing”, help yourself kor-pu-som or ple-cha-mi. In general, it’s precisely that the at-let fixes the shoulders, and you need to use it that way working weight , which he can axle by pressing the biceps, which is why so many “feelings” “share the muscle” and achieve its hy-per-t-ro-phies precisely in block-on-the-same-ra-s. From here the following conclusion follows: prog-res-sion in the future must be carried out at the expense of the work of our groups, that’s why the athlete should use the maximum weight, but this weight of the athlete should be controlled vat.

Arm curls on a block - diagram

1) Sit in the exercise machine, straighten your back, rest your feet on the supports, fix your elbows and shoulders so that, first of all, you feel comfortable exercise.
2) Take the handles of the exercise machine with an open grip and bend your arms a little at the elbows so that you can feel how the biceps are tense.
3) As you exhale, slowly and under control begin to lift your forearm up, bending your arm at your elbow, but you need to pull hand not on yourself, but upwards, as if trying to increase the amplitude of movement.
4) Bend your elbows to the point of peak contraction of the biceps, which is located approximately near the point when at- years, bend your elbow 90°, after fixing your hands in the same position for a second.
5) From the point of peak contraction, also under control, but 2 times slower, lower your hands to the starting position, without opening them up elbow to the end, that is, the biceps always stays in tension.

Arm curls on a block - notes

1) It is recommended to perform the exercise within the amplitude and in a large number of repetitions, from about 12 to 20, so that the athlete has time to sing out of range. use all the reserves of cre-atine-phosph-fa-ta and start glyc-co-lysis.
2) Performing the exercise within the amplitude is recommended not only for better pumping, but also to remove excess load from the body. wow, they are sure to be at the lowest point.
3) Under no circumstances do bends with jerky movements and do not “throw” the bar down, you must always be completely in control -amp-pl-tu-do movement.
4) The exercise is best performed at the end of training to “finish” the muscles, since due to the large number of the re-manufactur-able growth factor, but, at the same time, the muscle “for- sour.”
5) If you are uncomfortable doing the exercise with two hands, then you can do it the other way, which is pos- sible It’s better to focus on working each muscle, but then you don’t need to take a breath between the two. But.


The biceps brachii is a small but very important muscle, composed of two heads that vary in length and strength. ka-za-te-lam. The internal head is larger, although it is called a short-mouth, since its su-ho-living short- what, but, nevertheless, it is she who forms the main mass of the biceps muscle. Despite this, the la-t-ral head of the b-cep is also very important, since, first of all, two muscles are always larger and stronger than one, and, secondly, since the external bun makes the biceps higher. Bending your arms on the block does not allow you to work the heads of the bi-cep in the distance, but for some reason ka-honest-ven-but for-li-va-yut their blood, bla-go-da-rya-what factors of growth are formed in them ras-tya-gi-va-yu-tsia we-sh-fas-tions , which contributes to further muscle hypertrophy.

To summarize, we can say that arm curls on a block are a very effective isolating exercise for training -dir-ki bi-cep-sa, but it can only be used by experienced at-let-there. The na-chi-na-y ka-cha-tas should be preferred to more basic control systems, since the neuro- The muscle connection does not allow fo- cusing on the target muscle groups. The key-you-mi-mo-men-ta-mi in this control is the appearance: the position of the elbows, the fixation of the shoulders -in-th sus-ta-va and speed of you-full control. Be sure to fully bend the medical linen and under control, pro-ka-chi-vaya biceps, as in winter tive, and in the non-ga-tive phase.