Record for high jump without a parachute. First ever jump without a parachute

Several stories about real lucky people who were one step away from death, but still survived in an almost hopeless situation during a fall from an extreme height.

1. A stuntman who jumped from a height of 7600 meters without a parachute and landed safely on a stretched net

Just recently, in July, extreme sportsman and skydiver Luke Aikins successfully jumped from a plane without a parachute - of his own free will. (He is one of two people on this list whose jump without a parachute was not an accident.)

The daredevil jumped from a height that was almost twice the height of a normal jump (7600 meters - usually skydivers jump from a height of about 4000 meters) and landed on a stretched net almost 1/3 in size football field. To see what this does to nerves of steel (and other body parts), watch this video:

2. A skydiver who filmed an accident that happened to him during a jump

In 2006, harrowing footage of the fall of skydiver Michael Holmes, who survived a seemingly hopeless situation by making a hard landing in a blackberry bush, was captured by a helmet-mounted video camera that his instructor put on him before jumping from a plane from an altitude of 4,300. meters.

Holmes, 24, did not panic when he became entangled in his parachute at an altitude of about 1.2 kilometers. Drawing on his wealth of experience and training, he, not paying attention to his uncontrolled rotation - he made 84 revolutions during the flight - tried to open the reserve parachute. He succeeded, but too late to really help in the current situation. The only thing that saved his life was landing in a blackberry bush.

He escaped with a collapsed lung and a broken ankle and later returned to jumping, saying: "This is what I do. This is what I love."

3. Skydaver, who found out she was 2 weeks pregnant after falling from a height
Shayna Richardson started skydiving when she was 21 years old. In 2005, the Joplin, Missouri, resident was making her 10th jump in Siloam Springs, Arkansas, with a new branded parachute when something went wrong.

She was making a solo jump at an altitude of about 900 meters when the main parachute failed to open and she was estimated to fall to the ground at a speed of 80 km/h. The girl does not remember the moment she hit the ground, but, according to the instructor who ran up to her, she constantly asked if she was sleeping and if she was still alive.

Richardson fell face down on the asphalt. As a result of the fall, she suffered multiple fractures to her skull and pelvis and also fractured her right fibula.

However, the biggest shock for everyone was that the hospital discovered that at the time of the jump the girl was in her second week of pregnancy. Despite everything that happened to her, the unborn child she carried under her heart was not harmed.

4. A parachutist who jumped from a height of 4300 meters did not open his main and reserve parachutes

Brad Guy didn't intend to jump without a parachute, but he did and was lucky to survive.

Guy jumped together with an instructor. They were jumping from 4,300 meters when their parachute broke as soon as it was opened. He asked: "Are we going to die?" The only words he heard in response from the instructor, an experienced skydiver with 2,000 tandem jumps under his belt: “I don’t know.”

The reserve parachute opened, but the main chute became entangled, and they were spun as they fell. The men fell to the soft earth of a dam near the golf course. Both spent several weeks in the hospital.

5. The first wingsuit diver to land safely without the aid of a parachute

In 2012, 42-year-old British stuntman Gary Connery jumped from a helicopter from a height of 732 meters and became the first person to successfully complete a flight in a wingsuit, landing without a parachute.

During his 40-second fall, Connery reached a speed of 121 km/h. Nearly 100 volunteers, friends and family members built him a 100-meter runway from 18,500 cardboard boxes.

“It was bliss,” Connery said of the flight. “It was a special day in my life.”

6The 80-Year-Old Woman Slipped Out Of Her Harness Survived Jumping With An Instructor

In the case of 80-year-old Laverne Everett, the parachute opened, but she could not stay in the straps, so she also almost made a jump without a parachute.

She was preparing for the jump at a skydiving center in Lodi, California. And when the moment came to take a decisive step, the woman (for unknown reasons) changed her mind about jumping and began to resist, holding onto the open door of the plane with her hands. Her instructor had to free her hands, and together they fell out of the plane at an altitude of 4000 meters.

The agency was fined $2,200 for allegedly not tightening the seat belts sufficiently, which "increased the likelihood that the student skydiver could slip out of the harness and fall to the ground." Watch the creepy moments of the 80-year-old pensioner's jump in this video:

7. The pilot who survived a fall from a height of 4800 meters, falling into the ocean

In 1963, Navy pilot Cliff Judkins jumped from a burning FB Crusader into the ocean. His parachute did not open, and Judkins began to fall down from a height of 4800 meters, fully aware of what was happening during the fall.

He did not lose consciousness after the fall, swimming, despite his injuries, to the nearest life raft. He was in the water for 3 hours before he was picked up. The man was sent to hospital with internal hemorrhage and broken bones, and made a full recovery.

8The Rookie Skydiver Whose Survival Is Nothing Short Of Divine Intervention

Novice skydiver and mother Lareece Butler was sent plummeting to the ground when her parachute became tangled during her next jump. South Africa. Instructor Joos Vos says her survival is nothing short of a miracle.

Her boyfriend watched the jump from the ground and saw her spiral down and then literally crash into a field.

26-year-old Larisa Butler escaped with a broken leg and pelvis, a concussion and bruises. She later claimed that she was pushed out of the plane after she became very frightened and began to resist, noticing problems with the parachute of other skydivers. However, this claim was rejected by the operator, the EP Parachute Club.

Today the whole world is discussing an American’s jump without a parachute, which will definitely go down in history, as it has become a record. American skydaver Luke Aikins (Luke Aikins or Aikins) made a grandiose jump from an airplane without a parachute from a height of 7620 meters. See our article for a video of this jump without a parachute.


No wonder everyone is eager to see 42-year-old Luke Akins jump without a parachute in 2016. After all, having made a jump from 7000 meters, he landed in a special net measuring 30 by 30 meters. The jump was broadcast live on Fox, attracting millions of viewers to their screens.

Luke Aikins set a personal and world record for jumping without a parachute with greatest height. Before the jump he said the following:

I'd be lying if I said I wasn't worried.

He was worried, although he had 18 thousand parachute jumps, 3 world records and all kinds of stunts for Hollywood films. But this trampoline jump without a parachute could have ended fatally. It took years to decide to take this step and become the first person in history to jump from a height of 7 kilometers without a parachute and insurance. It took a year to train and calculate the time of the fall. During the process, it was calculated that the jump itself would last a little more than two minutes, and the speed of the fall would change. As a result, the American's jump without a parachute ended in applause and a record.

We invite you to watch the video dangerous jump without Luke Akins' parachute.

Watch online video American Luke Akins jumped without a parachute from a height of more than 7 thousand meters, setting a record

Jump from 7000 meters 315 615 2016-08-15T12:51:23+02:00 T0H7M0S

Skydivers say arrogantly that skydiving is for cowards. These are really crazy people: they are ready to risk their lives for a minute of free flight. Or falls? “Will it fly or won’t it fly?” - America wondered on June 30, 2016, watching how the 42-year-old hero dared to jump without a parachute - a planet record.

Extreme and star live broadcast, whom thousands of spectators watched in fascination, became Luke Akins. He's been delusional since childhood parachuting, and made his first jump at the age of 16. Then he became an instructor himself, trained Navy SEALs, and was a stuntman in films. One of the latest works is “ iron man-3". But this was not enough, having matured to 42 years, Luke Akins set a new world bar - a jump without a parachute to a record of 7620 meters above the ground.

Those who climbed the pool tower saw how small the square of water seemed. Now imagine what it’s like to get into a net that is 9 square meters more than seven kilometers away. The tests were carried out on dummies: some missed, and one of them tore the life-saving fabric weighing 91 kg. It's alarming, isn't it?
The American prepared his dangerous trick “Message to Heaven” for a year and a half. He has 18 thousand parachute jumps under his belt. According to calculations, the fall speed is 120-150 miles per hour. At the same time, a distance of 7.6 km is covered in 2 minutes. During this time, you need to not only have time to enjoy the flight, but also prepare for landing - first roll over onto your back in order to avoid injury. And most importantly, get into the desired square. Thanks to modern technology: the GPS navigator came to the rescue in the air currents (probably all I had time to say was “Please turn towards...”). Like an airplane, the landing spot was shown to the madman Akins by luminous spotlights.

Jump without a parachute - a Guinness Book record turned into a TV show. On Saturday evening (Moscow time - early Sunday morning), the Fox channel escorted Luke Akins' team onto a light aircraft. An escort group of three parachutists flew along with the reckless driver. Akins was also urged to play it safe, but he decided that overweight it would do him a fair amount of harm and went off light. One of the assistants was filming a historical chronicle, the second was holding a smoke bomb so that spectators could see the flight path from the ground, and the third was stocking up on an oxygen cylinder. At an altitude of three thousand meters, the company opened its parachutes, leaving the skydiver completely alone. Not for long. A couple of minutes - and the stands warmly applaud the daredevil, the family hugs the hero who remained unharmed. A miracle has happened.

“Incredible. There are no words. Don't repeat this! - Luke Akins, who made a phenomenal jump without a parachute - a record this summer that went down in history, expressed his emotions approximately this way.

You may think this is a montage. We've already seen cats flying and what not. However, as it may not be surprising, extreme sports enthusiasts have such a “trick” as jumping without a parachute. Of course, a little later he puts on a parachute, but for some time he flies just like that...

“Risk for risk’s sake” has already been discussed a hundred times. Here are some details and examples of this crazy action...

The man in the video is called Travis Pastrana, all the details are on the website.

In general, this is a Guinness World Record for jumping out of an airplane without a parachute.

Here's what experienced people write:

- Well, in principle, people have all sorts of desires, someone wants to base jump thinking that it is safer than skydiving and that everything is fine, someone begins to feel like a hero and wants, without experience, to jump at night or jump from 4000m without an instructor and AFF classes, but all these are already ordinary cases. It’s just that when you look at this whole thing for the first time from a monitor or TV screen, it’s all very beautiful, delightful, inspiring, but no one sees the other side of the coin. Immediately, questions arise like “Where do they teach bass, how to start jumping?” When you begin to delve a little into everything that is happening, then each time you realize how much more complicated everything is than it seemed. Well, if a person has such a great desire and aspiration, then I think it’s not worth fighting off everything in the bud, but it’s also not worth helping to clean up. Let him go and jump with a standard parachute from a normally flying plane, start parachuting, and then the realization will come. You see, if priorities don’t change in a couple of years, which I terribly doubt, then it will come to the originally set goal.

- to try to prepare and accomplish this, I think you may need to actively engage in parachuting for 3-4 years (well, if in days, then approximately 1095-1461 days), during which it is advisable to make at least 1000 jumps.

And people ask:

- Were there such people in Russia? I'm interested in the price of the issue, provided there are no jumps. preparation time in days and approximate price in rubles. I ask you to answer only to the point

And the answer is in 2010 prices

- Well, actually in the West, parachuting is developed and popularized much better than ours, and they jump there more often and sometimes more recklessly. When it is already difficult to surprise or be surprised by something, then for the sake of action they perform stunts, etc. Not many people performed such tricks, but, as a rule, they were very experienced athletes (by the way, some of them finished the game). So there is no question of such a trick even if there is no jumping experience and not for any earthly money. A beginner simply cannot stay in free fall; he needs to be trained. You can try to call a person who is freeflying with at least 1000 jumps experienced for such a trick, although even this is not enough. The main thing is that these jumps are effective. You can also add wind tunnel training there.

Well, I said the money was quite acceptable

600r one jump, 1000 jumps 600t. rub

Let's not forget to spend about 40,000 rubles on AFF

About 200,000 rubles for equipment (system, and other junk)

It is advisable to jump periodically with an instructor - how much money depends on how many lessons there will be

It's nice to fly in a tube, where one hour costs 22,000 rubles

At the same time, you need to spend every weekend at the airfield, or in short, you need to actively engage in parachuting. Well, if in a couple of years you actively jump and the desire to perform this trick does not disappear, then you will meet those scumbags who want to help you.

They say it's called banzai parachuting. Apparently, ordinary parachute jumps do not provide enough thrill for Japanese parachutists, so they jump out of a flying plane, having first thrown out their parachute. The idea is to catch your parachute mid-flight, put it on, and release it before you die on impact.

This “sport” was originally invented in order to get into the Guinness Book of Records. A record of this can be found in the 2007 edition of the Book. After the publication of the Book, banzai parachuting quickly became popular in Japan, where anything that goes beyond the boundaries of the normal enjoys constant success.

But not everything is so simple, here it was with difficulty that the person was caught.