Why is it not recommended to swim? Do not swim on inflatables

Once in a whirlpool, you need to take in more air into your lungs, plunge into the water and, making a strong jerk to the side with the current, float to the surface.

In reservoirs with a large number algae you must try to swim close to the surface of the water without touching the plants. If, nevertheless, your arms or legs become entangled in the stems of algae, then you should not make sudden movements or jerks, otherwise the loops of the plants will tighten even more tightly. It is better to lie on your back and try to swim with soft, calm movements in the direction from which you came. If this does not help, then you need to pull up your legs and carefully free yourself from the plants with your hands.

Swimming at excitement water surface, you must carefully ensure that inhalation occurs in the intervals between waves. When swimming against the waves, you should calmly climb up a steep wave and roll off it. If the wave has a crest (wall), then it is better to dive through the wave a little below it.

You can't swim for restrictive signs, since they limit the water area with a proven bottom and a certain depth. There are guaranteed to be no whirlpools, etc. There is no need to swim far from the shore or cross a body of water on a dare. You can prove your swimming ability by swimming the same distance several times near the shore.


It is prohibited to swim in the area of ​​water intake stations, dams, piers, moorings and other hydraulic structures. You must not swim towards passing ships or boats, near which various whirlpools, waves and currents arise. If a steamer goes against the flow of a river, the swimmer can be pulled under the ship.

You should not swim on inflatable objects. Swimming on them is dangerous, and for a person who cannot swim, it often ends tragically. Inflatable chambers and mattresses are very light, even a weak wind and current are enough to carry them over long distances. If you get distracted for a few minutes, the shore is out of reach. The mattress can be overwhelmed by a wave, it can slip out from under the swimmer and cover his head. In addition, any inflatable object may have a hidden defect, which cannot always be detected in a timely manner: air may escape from it and it will lose buoyancy.

Particular care is required when swimming with a mask, snorkel and fins. You should not snorkel in very rough seas. You only need to swim along the shore and always under constant supervision so that they can come to your aid in time.

An important condition for safety on the water is discipline and organization. Pranks should not cross certain boundaries. Older children can sometimes “play tricks” on a friend: grab him by the legs while he is swimming, plunge him headlong, hold him under water, etc. Such jokes can lead to tragic consequences. Games should be played at shallow depths. When playing on the water, you should never give false distress signals such as: “I’m drowning, help!” This irritates those around you and distracts from the work of the rescue posts on duty, who are obliged to rush to the rescue in every such case. Simulating an accident can lead to the fact that those around you, accustomed to false signals, will not come to the aid of someone who will actually choke and drown.

You need to treat your friend carefully and carefully, not lose sight of him and come to his aid.

Younger brothers and sisters should not be left near the water. They may stumble and fall, get choked by a wave or fall into a hole.

It must be remembered that compliance with safety precautions is the main condition for safety on the water.

Water trips and water safety

Hiking along rivers, lakes, seas and reservoirs successfully combines elements of learning about the natural environment, active recreation and healing of the body.

Water tourism available to almost every healthy person. At the same time, water tourism is one of the most complex types of tourism and preparation for water travel has a number of its own characteristics. Students go on such trips with elders or a leader.

In the simplest trip, a tourist waterman must be able to swim well, assemble and repair a tourist vessel, properly pack, place and protect food and equipment from the wind; correctly board and disembark the ship, row and steer it, approach, moor to the shore and roll away (move away) from the shore. A water tourist must know well and recognize the obstacles encountered on water routes and master the techniques of overcoming them. A water tourist must be able to use various ways self-insurance and mutual insurance.

The main dangers in water tourism are related to the characteristics of the aquatic environment. Water has a high heat capacity, which at low temperatures can lead to rapid and life-threatening hypothermia for a person caught in the water. In addition, there is always a danger of drowning.

For water tourism use various types light rowing vessels, the most common are kayaks, catamarans and inflatable boats. Boats, dugouts, punts and locally built vessels are also used.

Most water tourists make their first trip on a hull-mounted kayak. This vessel is most suitable for acquiring initial skills in sailing and boat control, the ability to navigate the river, and recognize obstacles.

Please translate into German without an online translator.

To be honest, I have not yet found a profession that would suit me
interested in everyone with its guise, but there are also candidates for this
place. One of these professions is an artist, but I'm not sure about it
success as well as its profitability. Another profession is
entrepreneur. If I am an entrepreneur, then I must have
enterprise or something like that, but I also haven't chosen the view yet
enterprise and its direction, the trace of this idea of ​​\u200b\u200bprofession has not yet
completely completed. We can go on and on about what
professions affected me, stupid, funny, difficult, boring, but in all
there is nothing of mine that would interest me.


Find out how many of which products you can buy.
1.Un paquet; 2.Un pot; 3. Une bouteille;. 4. Une tablette; 5. Une boîte.
de café; de pain; de fromage; de concombres; de yaourt; d"eau minérale; de ​​lait; de sardines; de chocolat; de poisson; de salade; de ​​vin.
Please hurry up!

Come up with something that doesn’t exist yet, for example, chewing gum that doesn’t lose its taste, chocolate for weight loss. It’s possible not only food, for example, warm

stop, it’s warm there in winter, you can buy coffee, etc. I would be grateful:3

Please reduce by removing unnecessary things!

At first glance, not so
a long time ago everything seemed very simple: the body cannot constantly be in
state of active activity, all his organs and systems get tired and therefore
need periodic rest or at least a decrease in the level of this activity.
This is exactly the kind of rest that sleep is: the brain rests, the muscles rest, less
the heart, stomach and other organs work intensively, a sharp
weakening of all types of sensitivity - vision, hearing, taste, smell, skin
sensitivity. And the onset of sleep itself also seemed easily explainable:
During active activity, various side effects accumulate in the body.
products (poisons) that, circulating in the blood, affect the brain in such a way
in such a way that it slows down and turns off. Were received quite
convincing experimental evidence of this assumption: back in
At the beginning of this century, French scientists Legendre and Pieron established that
serum or cerebrospinal fluid from dogs deprived of sleep for 11
days, when administered to healthy, awake dogs, it induced sleep in the latter.
Therefore, differences in the state of the brain during sleep and wakefulness
seemed very simple: sleep is a period of curtailment of brain activity,
his rest, peace. According to
modern scientific data, sleep is a diffuse inhibition of the cortex
cerebral hemispheres, which occurs as nerve cells spend their
bioenergetic potential during the period of wakefulness and their reduction
excitability. Spread of inhibition to deeper parts of the brain -
midbrain, subcortical formations - causes deepening of sleep. At the same time
in a state of inhibition, partial functional rest, nerve cells do not
not only completely restore their bioenergy level, but also
exchange information necessary for upcoming activities. By the time
awakening, if the sleep was sufficiently complete, they are again ready for active
work. The fact that the work of the brain does not stop during sleep can be judged by
its bioelectric activity remaining in the sleep state. Biocurrents of the brain
reflect the biochemical processes occurring in cells and indicate
active brain activity. They are recorded during simultaneous withdrawal from
many points of the head, and after amplification are recorded in the form of an electroencephalogram
(EEG), which, depending on various physiological conditions has
unique and characteristic design. Sleep scientists have developed
the same professional approach to electroencephalograms as graphologists have to
handwriting Electroencephalograms of normal sleep of the same person are similar
at each other, as well as the letters he wrote. A specialist can, by looking through
a certain number of encephalograms, find those that belong to the same
to the same person. Encephalograms of identical twins are similar to each other
like themselves, while the sleep records of fraternal twins differ
from a friend. It was with the help of this device that it was established that the biocurrents of the brain
sleeping people are characterized by slow activity: their oscillation frequency is 1 - 3
per second, whereas in the waking state waves with an oscillation frequency predominate
8 - 13 per second. However, even during deep sleep in the cerebral cortex
animals and humans remain awake areas - the so-called
"sentry points", the physiological meaning of which is
in order to, if necessary, bring the body out of sleep. Yes, sleeping
changes an uncomfortable position in a dream, opens up or hides when changing
ambient temperature, wakes up when the alarm clock rings or other
loud sounds.

Last weekend, employees of the GIMS center of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation for the Republic of Tatarstan at the Kuibyshev reservoir had to rescue several people who were carried away on air mattresses far from the shore.

In the first case, everything happened in front of the rescuers during a patrol. A strong gust of wind overturned the mattress on which the guy and the girl were floating. The young man was pulled out of the water immediately, but the girl was picked up 50 meters from the companion.

While the couple was being taken to shore, rescuers received another report of vacationers in distress on a mattress. Three women began to be carried away into the waters of the reservoir far from the shore. The husband of one of them rushed to help by swimming, catching up with the mattress after 40 minutes, but it was not possible to “tow” it.

All four were picked up by GIMS employees 5 km from the coast, the press service of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations for the Republic of Tatarstan reported. Rescuers warn what to use air mattresses and laps are only possible in closed reservoirs, lakes, quarries, and swimming pools. They are not recommended for use on flowing or navigable rivers.

“Basic subjects” - World Economy Russian Economy European Economy Asian Economy. Russian language English language Geography Literature History. Economy. Organic chemistry Theory Practice. History of the World History of Russia History of Europe. Geography of the world Geography of Russia Geography of Europe Geography of Asia. Literature of peoples Western Literature Foreign Literature.

“School subjects” - “History”. Story. Foreign language. Social science. Biology and Geography. Academic subject “Technology (Labor)”. (35 hours per year for educational field(subject) “Art”). Technology. Administration of 1 hour/week is recommended. of the school component hours – 11th grade. Secondary (complete) general education.

“Words-objects” - Words-objects. Who? Words are objects. Lots of items. Table House Cat Coat Popsicle Hand pony. Singular. Tables Houses Cats Coats Popsicle Hands of a pony. Words are objects. Words are feminine objects. One item. Words are neuter objects. Plural. What? Change by numbers. Words-objects are masculine.

“Item of chemistry” - Can be processed by hand. Substance – molecule – atom. Iron. Coin Glass Vase Wire. Forms of existence of a chemical element. Substances formed by atoms of one chemical element are called simple. The most famous alchemist in Europe was Albert von Bolstatt (the Great). Properties of substances.

“Items in 1st grade” - Green, prickly, forest, tall. Fruits. Learning to combine objects. Red, round, smooth, juicy. Insects. Big, tasty, sweet, festive, covered in cream. Determine which group it belongs to. Vegetables. Describe the subject. Guess the item from the description.

“Item Description” - Description. Skiers. Goals: Ski competitions. Plan. “Preparation for the essay “Description of an object.” Ski training. Types of speech. Dictionary. Lesson topic: Write an essay describing “My favorite subject.” Questions: The description has 3 parts: Speech styles.