Volumetric muscle training. Volumetric training: the more the better? Video about volumetric muscle training

Mass training program 10 to 10, also known as GERMAN VOLUME TRAINING (NOTE), this is a popular training method among professionals and advanced athletes for gaining muscle mass, giving muscles density and volume. Any will be effective only if the load progresses - the most important principle in bodybuilding. Load progression is not only a gradual increase in working weights, but also an increase in the volume of work. In this regard, German volumetric training is the best means for progress. The 10x10 weight training program will squeeze all the juice out of you, explode your muscles and make you grow!

Surely, you are already familiar, which is based on the 5x5 system. A small number of repetitions, high intensity optimally contribute to increasing strength indicators. While the 10x10 training program, thanks to the monstrous increase in the volume of muscle work, is excellent for stimulating muscle growth, giving it density and volume. German volume training will simply explode your muscles. Try it and see for yourself!

Let's take a closer look at what the 10x10 training system is. In general, the 10x10 training program differs from other training programs except in the large volume of training load. That is, you will perform the exercises you are familiar with, but in an unusual number of approaches (sets) and repetitions. The working weight will have to be reduced slightly, otherwise you simply will not be able to complete all 10 sets in the given number of repetitions, adhering to the correct execution technique. If your normal working weight is around 65-80% of your 1RM, then you need to reduce your working weight to 60% of your 1RM.

For example, let's take . Let's say your 1RM for this exercise is 100 kg. In this case, your working weight will be 60 kg. At first glance you may think that this is too easy. You won’t even feel the first approaches. However, starting from approach 4-5, the real work will begin. At 7-8 approaches you will want to give up this idea. The burning sensation in the muscles will be simply unbearable. You'll have to show real character to see it through to the end, completing all 10 sets of 10 reps each. And this is just the beginning!

It is worth noting that German volume training is ideal for people with excellent recovery abilities. Such athletes can train each muscle group at intervals of 4-5 days, building their muscles accordingly. This does not mean that athletes who do not use doping, with a busy work schedule, can forget about NOT. They will also benefit from a 10 x 10 training program, but they will need to optimize their diet and daily routine, as well as increase the rest time between workouts, working a muscle group no more than once every 7 days.

In any case, NOT should be used wisely and not for a long time, since this training system quickly depletes the body's resources, which can lead to overtraining and reluctance to train. Therefore, the 10x10 weight training program should not be used for longer than 6-8 weeks. As soon as progress stalls, you feel a loss of strength and energy, rest for 1-2 weeks and switch to another training program.


MONDAY (Legs, abs)

  1. Squat with barbell 10x10
  2. Deadlift 10x10
  3. Seated calf raise 3x15-20
  4. Roman chair crunches 3x20

TUESDAY (Chest, back)

  1. Bench press 10x10
  2. Bent-over barbell row 10x10
  3. Incline Dumbbell Press 3x10
  4. Horizontal pull block 3x10


THURSDAY (Triceps, biceps, deltoids, abs)

  1. Seated dumbbell press 10x10
  2. Dips 10x10
  3. Curls with dumbbells 3x10
  4. Hanging leg raises 3x15x20

DAY 5-7 (Rest)


  1. First of all, I would like to note that this is only an optimized example of the 10x10 system for advanced athletes who do not use anabolic steroids. You can replace some exercises with similar ones if you find them more effective.
  2. German volume training is initially based on training antagonist muscles. However, you can use other options for working muscle groups.
  3. The recommended rest time between sets is 90 seconds for the main exercises and 60 seconds for the accessory exercises. However, always listen to yourself. Nothing bad will happen if you rest a little more.
  4. It is important to choose the right weight so that you can perform all 10 sets of 10 repetitions using the correct form and only reaching failure on the last set of the exercise.
  5. Increase the working weight only if you can do the specified number of approaches and repetitions without compromising your execution technique.
  6. Do not use the 10x10 training method for a long time, since NOT training greatly depletes the body's resources, which can lead to overtraining against the background of constant under-recovery. The optimal duration of a weight training program using the 10 by 10 system is no more than 6-8 weeks, depending on the fitness and recovery abilities of your body.


German volume training is not a panacea, but a means with which you can both break through your genetic ceiling and drive yourself into a deep state of overtraining. It is important to objectively assess your capabilities so as not to harm the body. Train smart and be careful!

Volume training – this is a classic training method, which was called the “German school”; by the way, it was this method that the well-known Austrian oak Arnold Schwarzenegger used to train. Volume training, in general, has raised generations of bodybuilders; in fact, it is likely that you yourself use or once used the distorted method of the German school. All this is not surprising, since it was promoted by the father of bodybuilding, Joe Weider. Yes, Uncle Joe was selling methods long before the specially trained gurus of modern YouTube. Does Joe Weider's technique work? Of course it works, but not for everyone and not always!

Volume training is great for beginners, although not to build muscles, but to tone them. After you go through the preparatory stage, spend about a year of your life to no avail and begin to realize that you either need to quit bodybuilding or change something in your training, high-intensity schemes will be more suitable for you, such as, for example, « Ukrainian school » . When will you realize the potential of strength training, say, by going through the “Ukrainian school” and « Plintovich » , then you can start volumetric training. In general, the alternation of high-intensity and high-volume cycles will take quite a long time, and, most likely, if you are not a professional, then this is exactly what your training plan for the year will look like:

High intensity training – 3 months
Volume cycle – 1 month
Volume-intensive cycle – 2 months
Reduction of subcutaneous fat levels – 2 months
Volume-intensive cycle – 1 month
Strength training – 2 months
Volume cycle – 1 month

It is clear that within each macrocycle there will be microcycles, but still each period will be fundamentally different, both in terms of goals and training methods. Firstly, you will use different relative intensities, if during strength cycles the intensity can reach up to 90-95% of 1RM (personal maximum), then during a volume cycle the intensity will be approximately 60-70%. The RRP (number of barbell lifts) per workout will be significantly higher during volume cycles, which will result in much higher tonnage. But the key factor is not even the training methodology itself, but the method of progression of loads.

Volume training = volumetric progress

The point is that we have what we train always grows , and volumetric training allows you to develop strength performance like no other. Strength performance is determined by the development of muscle energy supply through glycogen. In general, to make it easier to understand, there are 3 ways to supply muscles with energy: through creatine, through glycogen and through lactic acid. The first two refer to anaerobic methods of energy supply, and the third to aerobic methods, during which oxygen is involved in the process of energy supply. Why is it beneficial for us to develop glycolysis? The fact is that the muscle cells that make up muscles, adapting to volumetric loads, will accumulate glycogen, and this is what will give them the appropriate volume.

What conditions must be met for glycolysis to occur? It is necessary to hold the muscles under load for 30-45 seconds! That is why the optimal number of repetitions per approach during volume training is 10. But it is important to note that you should not achieve “failure” in these 10 repetitions, because you have to rest for 30-90 seconds and proceed to the next approach. Accordingly, the question arises, how many approaches should there be per workout? This is an individual moment, which depends on training, because Jay Cutler can do 20-25 working approaches during a workout and for him this will be normal, but you will drive yourself into overtraining!

We recommend that you start with 10 approaches for large muscle groups and 6 for small ones. That is why the best split for volume training is: chest-back, legs, shoulders-arms. Thus, for the first workout you will complete 20 approaches, for the second 25, and for the third 18. All this will take you, including warm-up, no more than 40 minutes, and this is important, because if you stretch the workout for an hour or two, then it will lose all meaning! Fine , let’s say you’ve selected exercises for yourself and started doing volumetric training, how can you now increase the load? And for this you can use the following methods:

1. Increase the working weight on the bar.
2. Increase the number of approaches per workout.
3. Reduce rest time between approaches.

Each of these methods deserves attention, each can be used, not to mention such methods of increasing the volume and intensity of training as supersets, dropsets, forced repetitions and other super techniques. In practice, it is recommended that you reduce the rest time between sets by 5 seconds each week until you reach a rest of 60 seconds between sets with a weight of 60% of the RM, after which you should move on to increasing the weight on the bar without increasing the time rest between approaches. Approaches should be added every week so that by the end of the cycle you reach 14 approaches for large muscle groups and 10 for small ones.

German volume training - learn how to create a training program in the gym to gain muscle mass and increase strength.

In order to train according to the principles of German volume training, you do not need to know German perfectly. You just need to be able to endure the pain.

This is a very painful, effective and completely crazy way to shock your muscles.

German volume training is perfect for athletes who have been stagnating in their progress for a long time. After these strength training sessions, the stagnation will come to an end.

Basic principles of German volume training

There is nothing complicated in this training program. There are no special developments or unique techniques. German volumetric training is built on three basic principles:

  1. Only one exercise . You perform only one exercise per muscle group. That's all. The choice should be made on heavy, basic, multi-component movements. The number of exercises per week is strictly limited, so you cannot make a mistake in choosing an exercise. Only then will you be able to get the most out of your gym sessions.
  2. 100 reps . You will perform 10 sets of 10 reps for each exercise. Start working with a weight of 5060% of your one-time maximum. You don't need to work to the point of complete failure. We are working almost to capacity, this load will already be enough. When you can perform 10 sets of 10 repetitions with one weight, slowly increase the weight of the weight - a couple of kilograms each time.
  3. Rest time . The break between sets should be approximately 6090 seconds. There are also options for very sadistic schemes like 8 sets of 8 repetitions with less rest time. But you shouldn’t do this: in order to regain even a little strength, you need at least 60 seconds. Otherwise, you simply will not be able to work with a normal weight. For most exercises, 60 seconds of rest will be sufficient. For heavy, energy-intensive exercises like barbell squats, you need a rest of 90 seconds, and sometimes more.
Useful article: Proper muscle mass gain - 10 common mistakes

When training in this style, you will almost immediately notice that you don’t have enough strength for all 10 approaches. This occurs most often with the military press and barbell overhead press. It is not always possible to perform 10 sets of 10 repetitions with a weight of even 20% of the one-time maximum.

There's nothing wrong with that. Over time, strength indicators will increase. Work with full dedication in every approach. Progress will not be long in coming.

During the first few sets of the exercise, the weight may seem too light. Don't be surprised and just continue a little. The seventh, eighth, ninth and tenth approaches will be accompanied by unbearable pain. This is the essence of German volumetric training. At first glance it seems simple. Even after a couple of working approaches it seems simple. But after a week of training in this style, you will want to give it all up and forget it forever. It's hard, but it works.

Training program in the style of German volume training

In one week, only three strength training sessions are performed in the gym. This is not enough, don't try to train 4– 5 days a week. After training German-style squats, you will hardly be able to squat normally even after a week. Therefore, it is not recommended to make any changes to the program below.

In the first workout we perform pressing movements, in the second we perform traction movements, in the third we pump our legs. The above program is slightly modified from the original one. The original program called for training the arms and shoulders together, and three days later loading the back and chest. However, with this approach, your arms still hurt a lot three days after training. This prevents you from properly training your pectoral muscles and back.

The training program looks like this:

  • Day 1: pectoral muscles, shoulders, triceps (press movements)
  • Day 2: rest
  • Day 3:back, biceps, abs(pulling movements)
  • Day 4: rest
  • Day 5:quadriceps, hamstrings and calf muscles
  • Day 6: rest
  • Day 7: rest

The abs and calves should be loaded within 3 sets of 10– 25 reps. There is no point in torturing yourself by working on these muscles using a 10x10 pattern.

After training the chest and deltoids, the triceps will already be tired. Killing him according to the 10x10 scheme is also not necessary. Three sets of 6– 12 repetitions will be enough. But if you are determined to work in the style of German volume training, push yourself as hard as you can, but do 10 sets of triceps.

The original German volume training scheme involved only 3 sets of biceps and triceps and no isolated work on the hamstrings. Of course, you can limit yourself to three approaches. But it’s better to increase the volume and train your arms using the 10x10 pattern.

Do what works best for your body.

The 10x10 pattern is also great for the hamstrings. If you can still perform any work after 10 sets of squats, training your hamstrings will finally finish you off.

What exercises are suitable for this training program?

As part of German volume training, we perform exclusively basic exercises; forget about isolation at this time. The entire program is designed for 4– 6 weeks. Choose the exercises that suit you from this list:

  • Pectoral muscles : bench press, dips with additional weights, dumbbell press on an incline bench.
  • Shoulders: any pressing exercises like barbell overhead press or seated dumbbell press.
  • Triceps: French bench and seated press, narrow grip barbell press.
  • Back: Bent-over barbell rows, T-bar rows, pull-ups, horizontal block rows.
  • Biceps: barbell biceps curl, concentrated dumbbell biceps curl.
  • Press: situps, hanging leg raises.
  • Quadriceps: squats, front squats, leg press.
  • Biceps femoris: Bent-over barbell rows with a reverse grip to the waist, lying and sitting leg curls, sumo deadlifts.
  • Calf muscles: raising your toes while standing or sitting.

Putting theory into practice in the gym

Be prepared for muscle pain to never leave you. It is not recommended to engage in German volume training style for more than 4– 6 weeks. After this, take a short break.

The body will need rest. Switch to classic workouts to gain muscle mass.

Give it your all in every approach. Repetition after repetition. German volume training is remarkable because it will help you gain up to 5 kilograms of lean muscle mass over a period of 4– 6 weeks. Just don’t forget about proper nutrition and recovery.

extensive training FROM "A" TO "Z"

extensive training enjoys enormous popularity overseas. And not only among numerous bodybuilding enthusiasts - you can count on the fingers of one hand professionals who would not regularly resort to this methodological technique. But in Europe extensive training if not forgotten, then the number of its adherents can be called negligible. But in vain - this is exactly the method that allows you to build impressive muscle mass in a fairly short time.

Once again about what it is

extensive training is a methodological technique that involves performing a large number of sets in one exercise with an average amount. In total, during a workout, as a rule, 1-2 exercises are performed per muscle group. The number of repetitions in a set is not a dogma, there are options for volume training with a small number of repetitions, but the average number – 8-12 – can still be considered a “classic”.

The “classical” version of volumetric training is German extensive training(NOT), which implies performing 10 sets of 10 in each exercise reps per set. German extensive training was developed in the works of Charles Poliquin, who, in fact, made this technique very popular. Poliquin added a group to the main one (10 sets of 10 reps per set) additional exercise in which 3 sets of 10 are performed reps per set. There are also variants of NOT, according to which, instead of doing 10 sets in one exercise (say, a flat bench press), 3 exercises are performed (reverse incline bench press, flat bench press, incline bench press), 3 each set in each. Naturally, in each sets are performed for 10 repetitions. But this is already some departure from the “classics”.

Sets, reps, rest between sets

Let us dwell in a little more detail on such training parameters as the number of sets in an exercise, the number reps per set and rest between sets. Despite the fact that 10 sets of 10 are considered “classic” reps per set, high extensive training allows significant variation in these parameters.

Typically, from 8 to 12 repetitions are performed in a set; for legs, the number of repetitions can be greater - from 12 to 20. The usual number of sets in an exercise is 8-12; no more than one exercise per muscle group is usually performed per workout. In addition to the main exercise for this muscle group, as already mentioned, an additional exercise can be performed in 2-4 sets. With so many sets and reps per set the weight of the burden is usually selected at 70% of the one-time maximum in this exercise. A very important parameter of volume training is the rest between sets: it should be very short - no more than 40-50 seconds.

There is also a variant of volumetric training, in which the weight of the weight is about 85% of the one-time maximum; quantity reps per set in this case it decreases to three. The rest between sets does not increase.

Further: if we talk about consistently performing 10 sets of 10 repetitions each with a constant weight of the weight and a constant - 40-50 seconds - rest time between approaches, then achieving this is very, very difficult. At least the first time. That's why extensive training leaves room to vary some parameters while keeping others constant

How often?

Strictly speaking, these are two questions in one: how often should you resort to volume training and how often should you load different muscle groups as part of a training split? The answer to the first question is every 2-3 months of regular training; The duration of the “bulk” period should be about one month. The second question is much more difficult to answer unambiguously.

The number of training days in the case of volume training is always fixed - 3. The training split usually looks like this:

chest, back

arms, shoulders

or like this:

chest, back

legs, shoulders

But the duration of the split can be from five (if you recover well) to seven (if you need additional time to recover) days.

5 day split:

Day 1 – chest, back

Day 2 – legs

Day 3 – rest

Day 4 – arms, shoulders

Day 5 – rest

I think you can easily plan a 6- and 7-day split yourself.

Why does it work

According to Vladimir Zatsiorsky, in order to receive a stimulus for growth, the muscle fiber must not only be involved in work, but as a result of doing this work, become tired. Low-volume training with large weights leaves a fairly large number of muscle fibers unused (as the body adapts to the training, the body learns to quickly “recruit” a larger number of muscle fibers, so experienced athletes, as a rule, need to perform fewer sets than beginners). There is no need to talk about fatigue here.

High extensive training, especially performed in a fairly intense mode - with short pauses between sets, due to the accumulation of fatigue, involves more and more new muscle fibers. With a sufficiently high volume of training, up to 70 percent or more of muscle fibers are involved in work. True, for the most part “slow” fibers are involved in the work, but “fast” ones also do not remain “out of the game” - and they get a significant part of the load.

Overall, highly extensive training with average (8-12) quantity reps per set provides muscle hypertrophy through:

engaging as many muscle fibers as possible

increasing the secretion of testosterone and growth hormone

improve cell hydration

increased cell damage (due to increased time under load)

The last mechanism does not work or works much worse when you reduce the amount reps per set up to six and below. If we talk about high-volume training with a small (3-6) amount reps per set, then he shifts the emphasis to an increase in the number of nuclei in the cell, an increase in the number of satellite cells, and, as a consequence, a possible increase in the number of muscle fibers (hyperplasia). At the same time, the secretion of testosterone and growth hormone here does not increase as significantly as during training with an average amount reps per set, cell hydration improves to a lesser extent, and the number of muscle fibers involved in the work is smaller, and the emphasis is shifted to fast-twitch fibers.

Several new approaches

Sicilian extensive training

As a matter of fact, John Paul Catanzaro's approach is interesting only from the point of view that it allows completely arbitrary variation in training parameters. You perform 10 sets of 6 repetitions for both back and chest, 6 sets of 12-15 repetitions for quadriceps and hamstrings, 8 sets of 8-12 repetitions for shoulders, biceps and triceps, “classic” - 10x10 - for the calves. Simply put, "Sicilian" extensive training“only says that you should listen only to yourself and build a training program solely at your own discretion. Well, that's quite reasonable.

Thoburn technique

This approach is much more rigid. Firstly, it implies a slightly different organization of the training split (Ronnie Coleman also adheres to something similar). In this case, training days look like this:

Day 1 – chest, shoulders, triceps

Day 2 – back, biceps, abs

Day 3 – legs

Secondly, a muscle group is performed, consisting of 10 sets of 6-8 repetitions in each set. No more, no less.

Thirdly, the frequency of training is prohibitive: the group is loaded twice a week. There’s no way to do this without special “reducers”...

Turner Method (HUGE!)

This program is currently being actively promoted through FLEX magazine. A distinctive feature of this approach is the use of weights slightly greater than 70% of the one-time maximum. At the same time, this weight is not constant and is reduced every 2 approaches.

Otherwise HUGE! – is a symbiosis of “classics” and “Sicilian volume training”: 10x10 - for the back and chest, 6x10 - for quadriceps, hamstrings and calves, 8x8 - for shoulders, 8x10 - for biceps, 8x12 - for triceps.

In general, extensive training The good thing is that, based on general principles, you can quite easily build your own volumetric training program. Whichever suits you best. And this is the most important thing in bodybuilding.

Everything is really very simple. In one workout, you need to perform 100 repetitions for one muscle group. Today, German volume training has a lot of variations, but the classic version is 10 sets of 10 repetitions each. The working weight should not exceed 60% of the maximum. After the 10x10 scheme is completed in full, the working weight should be increased.

It is not difficult to understand that the effectiveness of NOT lies in the ability of the muscles to reach the point of failure. Because performing 10 repetitions in the first set and in the last are two different tasks. Almost everything in this weight gain program depends on the ability to choose the right weight.

Conclusion: the training method created by Rolf Fraser is very simple, but it completely depends on the ability to select weight in each exercise.

Three conditions for using this training technique

FIRST CONDITION. German volume training is used to gain muscle mass in the chest, triceps, back, quadriceps, biceps and biceps femoris. Small muscle groups: trapezius, lower leg, neck, and abs are usually not pumped in this style. Such a load can result in injury for them. These muscles can be worked out in the usual way, after completing the main volume of work in 3–4 sets, if you still have the strength and desire.

SECOND CONDITION. Only one exercise is selected to work on each muscle group, but the best one is basic, difficult and most effective. Their hit parade looks like this:

  • Quadriceps – deep squats with a barbell on the chest or shoulders
  • Hamstrings – Romanian row to mid-shins
  • Chest - barbell press,
  • Back – pull-ups with additional weight, bent-over barbell rows.
  • Triceps – dips, close grip barbell press
  • Biceps – standing barbell curl, supinated dumbbell curl

Note: I’ll add on my own that classic volume training was based exclusively on working with free weights. Since all basic exercises with a barbell, in addition to large muscle sections, increase the strength and endurance of small supinator muscles, which are responsible for the growth of strength indicators.

But for myself, I chose gaining muscle mass as a priority, so I do some exercises in: squats with a barbell, bent-over barbell rows, close-grip bench press. The load on the target muscle groups becomes higher, and the likelihood of injury is reduced.

THIRD CONDITION. For the program to work, strict control over the duration of rest is necessary. It should be exactly 60 seconds.

Conclusion: the use of volumetric training has a number of conditions. They all need to be followed to get the most out of this program.

Why thisso popular?

First of all, because of its effectiveness for gaining lean muscle mass. Athletes of the GDR national team using this training method gained 3-4 kg of muscle in three weeks of training. The increase in strength indicators was also very significant. But at the same time, body weight did not increase much, because parallel to muscle growth, there was a decrease in body fat.

German volume training allowed weightlifters to increase their strength level while remaining within the same weight category. That is, strength grew, mass grew, fat burned.

training program for a lot of videos:

As a result of research into this phenomenon, it was found that the effectiveness weight training programs is based on a strong increase in the level of the main anabolic hormones - insulin, and especially. It was thanks to the increase in testosterone that muscle growth occurred with a simultaneous decrease in the amount of adipose tissue.

This is the main reason why the volume training program, invented in the GDR, is so loved by professional bodybuilders. NOT is a real way to gain lean muscle mass.

They use it in microcycles of 3-5 weeks, integrating it into their mass-gaining period. A longer period of use does not make sense, fatigue increases like an avalanche, and the result decreases. Training according to this system is not carried out consecutively; a separate muscle group is worked out once every 2-3 weeks.

Conclusion: volume training significantly saves time for professional bodybuilders, since it allows you to immediately gain lean muscle mass.

Denis Wolf's training program

No one hides the fact that such a training program is tailored for professionals. Many bodybuilders turn to it from time to time, but it is especially popular German volume training used by athletes from Germany. Markus Rühl and Günter Schlierkamp regularly used this technique in their time.

For Denis Wolf, the brightest star of German bodybuilding, such weight training program Overall, one of my favorites. But even he uses it with great caution, because in addition to the heaviest load on the muscles, volumetric training greatly overloads the nervous system.

For Denis Wolf, German volume training is the main mass gain program

Denis Wolf works on it twice a year, in spring and autumn, smoothly integrating it into his annual training cycle. But since he is a competitive athlete, muscle shape, balance and proportions are very important to him.

That’s why he has a wider range of exercises within this program. For example, in addition to squats, he also uses machine leg presses and lunges with a barbell. But even in this case, his training is based on the 10x10 system.

Conclusion: German volume training was originally intended for athletes using pharmaceutical support. Without this, it is quite difficult to cope with the stressful component of NOT, with its regular use.


Despite the psychological severity and traumatic danger of such a program, I believe that even a person who does not use pharmacology can periodically work on it. We are not talking about using it as the main program for gaining muscle mass. But for the role of shock training, NOT is perfect.

This is a great way to tighten up a lagging muscle group, surprising it with an unusual load, while causing a hormonal surge. But even so, the use of Ralph Fraser's training methodology must be approached with great caution. May the force be with you. And the mass!