How to make a bun for medium hair with your own hands, photos of options. Shoulder exercises Do-it-yourself buns for medium hair without

Article is for reference only and is a list of all delta exercises (shoulders), and also contains a brief summary of each of them. Based on this topic, in the next part we will build programs and go through all the known techniques for pumping the deltoid muscles.

Anatomically the shoulders are divided into three bundles, the back one takes the arm back, the middle one raises it through the sides, the front one takes the arm forward. The rear beam swings in almost all back exercises, the front beam swings in all chest exercises. The average person often works part-time in both places, but still requires special attention. The posterior bundle is the largest, the middle and anterior bundles are much smaller. Perhaps this is all you need to know from anatomy.

Ronnie Coleman is unofficially declared the owner of the largest and most balanced deltas, so I propose to once again be inspired by this black African-American and begin to compile a list of exercises:

All We will divide the exercises into four categories:

- The base is on the shoulders, the middle and front deltas work, the load shifts depending on the grip.

- Front isolation, middle isolation, rear delta isolation! ​

Let's start with basic exercises(anterior and middle delta bundles)

Standing barbell press (military press), working muscles: anterior-middle bundle, upper trapezius, triceps. The wider the grip, the more the load will shift to the middle deltoids; the narrower the grip, the more load will go to the triceps and anterior deltoids. At the upper part of the amplitude, the beams as such stop contracting, and instead the trapezoid turns on. Many people recommend eliminating a third of the upper amplitude, but there are also opponents who believe that it is this part of the amplitude that helps form the spherical shape of the delta. Advantages: easy to cheat, more weight, less pressure on the spine (legs absorb shock). The amplitude is less stable, some believe that explosive technique and unstable amplitude are the most important factors when training the deltas, as this specifically pumps the fast fibers responsible for volume.
Standing Press Variations:

Makes cheating difficult, allowing you to load only the working muscles. You can't say which is better and which is worse, just change the variations.

A little traumatic, it shifts the maximum load to the middle delta bundles, excluding the anterior delta bundles. Very often this exercise is performed in a mitt, the risk of injury is reduced, cheating is eliminated, and the deltoids become numb.


also loads the anterior and middle delta bundles. It is important to learn to exclude biceps from work. The wider the grip, the stronger the middle beam works; the narrower the grip, the stronger the front delta beam works. One of the variations, execution with a block.
Dumbbell press: the main advantages over the barbell are a larger amplitude, a more effective effect on fast fibers due to a more dynamic (unstable) amplitude, and less risk of injury. Variations:

I don’t see any advantages as such, just variety, cycle with regular presses, and then decide whether it’s suitable or not based on the response.

- Scott press. This exercise was invented by Larry, it was thanks to him that he made a masterpiece out of narrow shoulders (hule genetics). I advise you to read this story at the link highlighted in red.

Performed by Larry Scott himself

The disadvantages and advantages are the same as with a barbell.

One-arm dumbbell press. A purely strength exercise in which the entire body is involved.

Now let’s list the insulation on the anterior bundle of deltas. Also, do not forget that the front bun swings in all exercises for the chest muscles.

For the front beam from isolation there is only one exercise:

Everything else is a variation: swinging two dumbbells at once, swinging one dumbbell, lifting the barbell in front of you, and of course, the same thing can be done in a block. As a rule, these exercises are used for one purpose, this is separation, in other words, relief.


Isolation on the rear beam of deltas, one way or another, includes the middle part of the trapezius in the work. Also, the posterior bundle swings in almost all exercises for the back muscles.

The rear beam of deltas is responsible for the first part of the amplitude, after which the trapezoid turns on. Variations: you can rest the carcass on an inclined bench (excludes cheating), or perform on blocks.

Also, the rear deltoids are perfectly loaded by pulling a block and barbell to the chest. The remaining exercises, which include the rear deltoids, pump your back in one way or another. There is also a crossover for the rear beams, but not all clubs have such a simulator:

Isolation on the middle fascicle of the deltas is achieved by changing the grip and concentrating on the middle fascicle in basic exercises, or by using dumbbell swings to the sides

Swing one dumbbell to the side, swing using a block. Perhaps this is all that exists out of isolation.

P.S. These are the main bodybuilding exercises for pumping up the deltas. Next time I will post all the existing techniques for pumping up fucking shoulders.

Medium-length hair is not so easy to style beautifully and quickly. Medium hair is considered to be shoulder length or slightly below. And the beauty of a bun hairstyle is its simplicity of creation and versatility.

It is perfect for both home and the beach, and if done carefully, also for work. If you use the right accessories, this hairstyle is also suitable for going out. It can be decorated with beautiful hairpins, ribbons or flowers. The main thing is that the hairstyle matches the clothes.

Does a bun suit everyone?

Who would suit this hairstyle for medium hair? Thanks to the variety of bun options, it will suit almost all girls. But there are still some nuances in appearance that the bun can put in an unfavorable light:

  1. Neck. The hairstyle completely opens the neck and attracts attention to it. If the neck is elegant and thin, then this hairstyle will only decorate such a woman and make her image more refined. But if your neck is quite thick, then it is better to refrain from pulling your hair up. And if, for some reason, it is still necessary to make a bun, then it is better to make it as low as possible.
  2. Height. A high bun adds visual growth. And the lower it is, the weaker this effect will be. This can play into the hands of short girls. But if the girl is thin and very short, then it is advisable to have a non-volume hairstyle. Volumetric details on miniature girls look caricatured.
  3. Features. High buns emphasize the sharpness of facial features and high cheekbones. Those with too sharp features should take this into account and make the bun lower. And besides, we must avoid smoothness and graphic hairstyles. A few strands of hair and carelessness will soften your facial features.

The most versatile in this regard would be a low, not too voluminous bun. It suits everyone.

Hairstyle options

There are many options for this hairstyle for medium hair, suitable for various occasions and looks. When choosing a bun, you must take into account the appropriateness of the situation, age and image. So what types of buns are suitable for medium hair?

Not all types of buns are mentioned here, but only the most popular types of this hairstyle, which can be done at home. And their total number is limited only by imagination.

Doing your own hair at home

Buns on medium hair can be done in different ways. It's not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. The main thing is to do it in a good mood and with concentration.

How to make a beautiful bun for medium hair with your own hands:

The hair should be dry when creating a bun. Some types are not so easy to make and the bun may not turn out perfect the first time. But don’t despair, over time your hand will become full and you can do your hairstyle with your eyes closed.

Bunches based on backcombing will only work on perfectly clean hair.

You can make two bunches at once. Now this hairstyle is in trend. Many people associate it with anime-style cartoons and Japanese schoolgirls. It is best suited for girls and young girls. It will look caricatured on an older woman. So, how to make buns for medium hair with your own hands:

  1. Comb your hair and divide it with the back of a comb with a sharp handle into exactly two parts. It is necessary to ensure that the parting along the entire length is even. You can experiment and make your parting zigzag.
  2. Make two high ponytails. Definitely tall, this hairstyle doesn’t look good with short ones.
  3. You can do it in all of the above ways, but volumetric bundles look best.
  4. Alternatively, you can braid your hair and twist it into buns.
  5. Secure with hairpins for safety and remove hair that is not caught in the ponytails with bobby pins.

To give the buns a casual look, you can stretch your hair a little. It will look very beautiful if you let out two strands in front.

And another hairstyle option is in the next video.

Beautiful shoulders- an integral part of a beautiful figure. Developed shoulder muscles always look attractive and give the figure a sporty appearance.

Typically, men pay more attention to their shoulders than women, but girls with sloping, narrow shoulders can also improve their figure by doing shoulder strength exercises.

With straight, expressive shoulders, the waist seems narrower, which is an undoubted advantage of both female and male figures.

Shoulder girdle- these are three bundles of the deltoid muscle (anterior, middle and posterior), and the trapezius muscle, which forms the back of the shoulders. The shoulder joints have a rather complex structure.

Unlike, for example, the knee joints, which only move back and forth, the shoulders have ball-and-basket type joints that allow the arm to move in a circle.

Let's take a closer look at what muscles the shoulder girdle consists of. This knowledge will help you consciously select the right exercises.

  1. Anterior deltoid muscles: start from the collarbones and attach to the humerus bones. The anterior deltoid muscle is responsible for bringing the arm forward.
  2. Middle bundles of deltoid muscles: also come from the collarbones and attach to the humerus. The middle deltoid muscle is responsible for abducting the arm to the sides in the same plane as the body.
  3. Posterior deltoid muscles: come from the shoulder blades and attach to the humerus bones. The posterior deltoid muscle is responsible for abducting the arm to the side and back.
  4. Trapezius muscles: They are slightly different anatomically from the deltoid and perform a large number of functions. These are long, trapezoid-shaped muscles that begin at the base of the skull, run along the upper spine and end in the middle of the lower spine. The trapezius muscles are responsible for raising and lowering the shoulders (shoulder blades) and bringing the shoulder blades together.

To make your shoulders look harmonious, you need to work out each muscle bundle separately, since there are no exercises that would fully work out all three bundles at once. It is very important to perform all exercises correctly, otherwise, without the correct technique, the load will shift to more trained or larger muscles.

The muscles of the shoulder girdle are involved in a variety of exercises for many muscle groups: back, chest, arms. The shoulder joints should be strong and trained to reduce the risk of possible injury.

The most suitable equipment for performing strength exercises on the shoulders is dumbbells.

It is best to have collapsible dumbbells or several sets of different weights. The exercises are performed either in a sitting or standing position. A more accurate execution of the exercise is ensured by a sitting position.

Warm up before training

Before starting strength training, you should do a short warm-up to warm up the corresponding muscles. This warm-up may include:

  • rotation of the shoulders forward and backward, simultaneously or sequentially;
  • rotation of the arms in the shoulder joints in a circle with maximum amplitude, alternately or simultaneously;
  • jerks back with arms bent at the elbows, located at chest level (tension should be felt between the shoulder blades);
  • jerks with arms back in a vertical plane: one straight arm is raised up, the other straight arm is lowered down along the body, the arms change position every two counts.

Exercises for the anterior deltoid muscle


Technique: take dumbbells in your hands, bend your elbows and raise the dumbbells to neck level, with your elbows located in the same plane as your torso and your palms facing you (thumbs out). After inhaling, we begin to lift the dumbbells up. Keep your head down and keep your chin parallel to the floor. When your hands reach the level of the top of your head, smoothly turn your palms outward.

At the beginning of the exercise, the dumbbells move in front of the torso; during the turn, the elbows open to the sides and the movement of the arms continues in the plane of the torso. At the highest point, fully straighten your arms.

A short delay, then exhale and lower your arms, smoothly turning the dumbbells to their original position. We begin the next repetition without stopping at the bottom point. This exercise is more effective than a traditional bench press. To avoid possible injury, it is better to start doing it with light weight.

Execution technique: stand up straight, lower your hands with dumbbells in front of your hips, palms facing you. Bend your elbows slightly and secure. After inhaling, raise the dumbbells in front of you to the shoulder line or a little higher. During movement, you need to ensure that the distance between the dumbbells does not change, is equal to the width of your shoulders or slightly less, and your arms cannot be brought together or spread apart.

At the top point, exhale and smoothly lower your arms to the starting position. You don't need to help yourself by tilting your upper torso back or pushing your pelvis forward. If you cannot avoid this, it is better to take lighter dumbbells.

Exercise options:
You can perform it separately - first with one hand, then with the other. Or alternately: when one hand lowers to its original position, the other simultaneously begins to rise.
You can hold dumbbells not only with an overhand grip, but also in parallel. But with an overhand grip, the load is more concentrated on the front deltoid.

Exercise for the anterior and middle deltoid muscles

Execution technique: take dumbbells in your hands, bend your elbows and lift the dumbbells to your shoulders, while slightly pushing the dumbbells forward, palms also facing forward. Pull your shoulders back, straighten your chest, tense your abs, fix your spine. The distance between the hands should be slightly wider than shoulder width, with the elbows pointing down and slightly to the sides.

After inhaling, press the dumbbells upward in an arc, in a vertical plane. At the highest point we bring the dumbbells together. After exhaling, we straighten our arms and strain our deltoids. Along the same trajectory, we smoothly lower the dumbbells to the starting position.

You cannot make any jerks or “throw” the dumbbells down. To increase the load, try not to linger at the bottom point. Exercises for the muscles of the shoulder girdle should be performed continuously and evenly.

Execution options:

  • The dumbbells are held parallel, that is, the palms are facing each other.
  • The dumbbells rise up one at a time.
  • The exercise is performed from a sitting position.

Exercise for the middle deltoid muscle

Technique: place your feet shoulder-width apart, stand straight, lower your arms with dumbbells along your body, bend your elbows slightly, dumbbells are located at hip level and slightly turned inward. After inhaling, we raise our arms in a wide arc through the sides in the plane of the shoulders.

Palms point down, keep elbows in a fixed position during the entire exercise, arm movement occurs only in the shoulder joints.

Raise your arms to a horizontal position (to shoulder level). While at the top point, the little fingers can be raised higher than the thumbs. Having exhaled, smoothly lower the dumbbells to the hips and immediately, without pause, repeat the exercise.
Execution options:
The exercise is performed separately for both hands. When one hand works, the other holds on to the support.

Exercise for the posterior deltoid muscle


Execution technique: stand up straight, bend your legs slightly at the knees and place them shoulder-width apart, tilt your body forward 45-90 degrees, with your back straight, with a slight arch in the lower back. Take dumbbells in your hands, palms facing each other, bend your elbows slightly and fix them firmly, only the shoulder joints will move. After inhaling, we smoothly spread our arms to the sides in a vertical plane in an arc, without moving the dumbbells forward or backward.

We raise our arms as high as possible, the elbows at the top point should be above the back line. Exhaling, lower the dumbbells, take a short pause and repeat. To engage the trapezius muscles at the top point, it is necessary to bring the shoulder blades together. To maximally load the rear deltoids, there is no need to retract your shoulder blades.

Execution options:

  • Starting position: sitting on a bench, lean forward, pick up dumbbells and bring them together under your knees. Raise dumbbells from the sides, elbows at the top point parallel to the floor, thumbs lower than little fingers.
  • Starting position: Lie face down on a bench set at an angle of 45 degrees.


Exercises for shoulders. Retraction of arms to the sides.

Sports doctor, nutritionist, rehabilitation specialist

Provides general consultations on nutrition, selection of a diet for pregnant women, weight correction, selection of nutrition for exhaustion, selection of nutrition for obesity, selection of an individual diet and therapeutic nutrition. Also specializes in modern methods of functional testing in sports; athlete recovery. Other authors

Over the past 5–10 years, there has been an unprecedented increase in the popularity of sports. Children, teenagers, adult men and women, even the elderly are increasingly adopting a healthy lifestyle, which is good news.

Particularly popular are strength sports - bodybuilding, powerlifting and weightlifting. A pumped up person looks beautiful and fit. It is not surprising that many people decide to take up bodybuilding.

Unfortunately, many beginners make serious mistakes in training. One of them is the exclusion of a number of muscle groups from work. As a rule, this applies to young people who place the main load on the biceps and abs, completely ignoring the muscles of the chest, back, legs, etc.

Often, the shoulder muscles (deltoids) also remain unattended. In this article you will find the best exercises that will help you pump up your deltoid muscles.

First, let's understand the terminology. The deltoid muscle is the shoulder muscle that covers the shoulder joint. It is divided into three bundles: anterior, middle and posterior. Exercises for the deltas involve working out all three muscle bundles.

The anterior deltoids require the least amount of work, as these muscles work actively during strength exercises. The middle bunch of deltas is responsible for the width and massiveness of the shoulders, so during training you need to focus on it. Well, the last one - the back bundle - is the most problematic area, since it is the hardest to “pump up” it.

We train the anterior bundle of muscles

The seated military press is the most effective exercise for growing shoulder muscles. Exercises for the front delts work perfectly on the frontal bundle, and also work well on the middle deltoid, triceps and even the upper chest.

However, do not forget that this exercise is very dangerous, so for safety reasons it is best to perform it while sitting and with light weight.

This option will significantly reduce the load on your back and legs. It is also advisable to have a partner next to you who can back you up if necessary.


  1. Sit on a bench, align your feet shoulder-width apart and place them on the floor. Keep your back straight.
  2. Take the barbell in your hands so that it is at neck level and inhale. Your arms should be bent at the elbows.
  3. As you exhale, lift the projectile above your head, holding it in straight arms.
  4. We take a short pause, after which, while inhaling, we bend our elbows again and lower the projectile down.

Do 3-4 sets of 5-10 reps.

The military vertical press can also be performed with dumbbells. There are no particular differences in technique between the military barbell press and the military dumbbell press. The second option is perfect for beginners and people who practice at home. More experienced athletes are recommended to perform this exercise with a barbell.

Lifting dumbbells in front of you

This exercise is a great way to pump up the front deltoids and partly the middle ones. The biceps, chest and trapezius muscles also receive indirect load.


  1. Take dumbbells in your hands, hold them in front at hip level. The apparatus can be taken with a neutral grip (the hands “look” at each other) or an overhand grip (the hands are turned towards the hips).
  2. Let's take a breath. As you exhale, lift the dumbbell in front of you with one hand so that at the top point it is at chin level.
  3. As you inhale, lower the projectile and take the original position.
  4. At the bottom point, pause for a second and repeat the above steps with the other hand.

Some tips:

  • Do the exercise one at a time. If you lift two projectiles at the same time, the technique and, therefore, the effectiveness of the execution will significantly deteriorate.
  • For maximum load on the front delts, exercises are best performed with an overhand grip.
  • To get the maximum effect, keep your pelvis straight during training and do not tilt your body in different directions.

Perform 3-4 sets of 8-12 repetitions.

We train the middle bundle of muscles

Seated overhead press

When a debate begins about how to pump up the middle deltoids, many unanimously say that this is a barbell press from behind the head. Indeed, this exercise for the middle delta gives the best results.

But! This type of bench press is as effective as it is dangerous. Never do it with too much weight and never neglect the safety net.

To further protect yourself, this exercise should be performed in a Smith machine. The sequence of execution is in many ways similar to the sitting vertical press technique:

  1. Sit on a bench near a power rack or Smith machine with the barbell behind your head.
  2. Take the bar with a wide grip. Your forearms should be perpendicular to the floor.
  3. As you exhale, lift the barbell up above your head.
  4. As you inhale, lower the projectile so that at the lowest point your elbows form a 90-degree angle.

Perform 3 sets of 10 repetitions.

Standing dumbbell swings

Dumbbell flyes are an isolated exercise that, as a rule, “finish off” the deltoids after basic exercises. During execution, the entire load goes directly to the middle delta, and the secondary muscles are practically not included in the work.


  1. Take the equipment, take a standing position and bend slightly forward.
  2. Take a deep breath. As you exhale, make an upward pressing motion.
  3. As you inhale, lower the dumbbells and return to your original position.

Perform 3 (maximum 4) sets of 812 reps.

  • Do not lift the dumbbells above your shoulders so that the trapezius muscles do not “eat up” the entire load.
  • Since the middle bun exercise is an isolating exercise, you should not take too much weight. For clean and correct technique, choose dumbbells that you can lift without involving other muscle groups.

Training the posterior muscle group

How to pump up the deltoids of the rear beam? It's difficult, but possible. The lat pull-down is probably one of the most underrated exercises for the rear delts. If you are serious about training your posterior bundles, then be sure to add it to your program.


  1. Set the weight that is optimal for you and attach the handle (or rope) to the upper block.
  2. Take the handle and step back a couple of steps.
  3. Raise your arms so that they are parallel to the floor and your elbows are at shoulder level.
  4. Let's take a deep breath. As you exhale, pull the weight towards you.
  5. When we inhale, we extend our arms and smoothly lower the weight.

Perform 4 sets of 15 reps.

Some tips:

  • Relax your arms and try to pull the weight only with your rear delts.
  • To prevent the trapezius from being involved in the work, do not bring your shoulder blades together.

Bent-over dumbbell flyes

As with regular swings, bent over swings are best done with light weight. If you use dumbbells that are too heavy, this will greatly impair your technique and also increase the risk of lower back injury.


  1. Lean forward and grab dumbbells.
  2. Bend your elbows slightly and lock them in this position, lower your shoulders down. Hold the dumbbells so that they do not touch.
  3. We inhale deeply, and then, as we exhale, raise the dumbbells so that they do not cross the line of your shoulders.
  4. While inhaling, we return to the original position.

Here you need to perform 3 sets of 12–15 repetitions.

The main disadvantage of this exercise is that it puts a lot of stress on the lower back. To avoid this, place a bench with a back and rest your head against it. This method will significantly reduce tension in the back muscles.

We hope this information will be very useful for your bodybuilding activities. Play sports and always remember that to build a beautiful physique you need to train all muscle groups.

Neatly collected hair perfectly complements the image of an elegant woman and a comfortable hairstyle is very relevant in everyday life. Of course, fashionable hairstyles with beautifully styled braids add special charm and charm to us, but such styling requires spending too much time. Therefore, all kinds of buns continue to remain at the peak of popularity and for medium hair you can create very interesting compositions from collected curls in a matter of minutes, changing hairstyles at least every day.

For any face shape, you can choose many options for styling in the form of a bun, and it is this element of the hairstyle that will help correct the appearance, hiding flaws and highlighting the advantages of a woman’s face. For example, large hair accessories combined with a fluffy bun help visually elongate a square or round face. If you have a triangular face shape, you can gather your strands in a medium bun and leave only your bangs free to visually smooth out the sharp corners.

For a short girl, a hairstyle with a large high bun is ideal, which will help her look noticeably taller. But low and medium buns of small size will look harmonious on a tall girl’s hair. On hot summer days, it is comfortable to walk with medium-length curls gracefully gathered on top of the head, revealing a beautiful neck and emphasizing the oval of the face.


In the photo: high, low, and braided buns for medium hair


Doing this hairstyle for medium hair is not at all difficult, but you will have to spend a little more time than just putting your hair in a bun. If you know how to weave a reverse “spikelet,” then you can decorate your head with this hairstyle in 15-20 minutes at home without outside help.

What you will need:

· Invisibility pins


Thin elastic bands

· Comb with fine handle


❶ Comb the curls thoroughly and separate a large strand from the hair, which can be gathered into a ponytail with an elastic band or simply pinned up;

❷ From the side of the forehead, grab three thin strands and braid a reverse “spikelet”;

❸ We move along the perimeter around the head, grabbing hair along the way and securing the braid;

❹ We wrap the braid around the head, finishing the braiding in the place where we took three strands;

❺ From the remaining ponytail we braid a classic braid into 3 strands;

❻ We fix the pigtail with an elastic band and lay it along the “spikelet” so that the styling resembles a headband;

❼ To make the braid look more voluminous, gently pull out the hair and loosen the braid a little.

❽ We twist the tail on the top of the head into a high bun or use a special roller to create an even bun.


The easiest and fastest way to collect medium hair into an elegant high bun: comb the curls well; we lift all the strands up, giving them the appearance of a ponytail; twist the strands and wrap the ponytail around the base; fix individual strands with bobby pins and add hairpins; We add volume with our fingers and pull out some strands from the middle of the bun, and then spray a little varnish.

We collect a voluminous smooth bun using a special roller (see photo), through which the ponytail is passed; distribute the hair evenly around the “donut” and secure it with a thin elastic band under the roller; We twist loose hair around an elastic band and secure it with hairpins; You can decorate a high bun with a beautiful satin ribbon or hairpin.

Another option: we collect only the upper strands into a bun, and divide the lower ones into two parts, cross these loose strands, wrap them around the bun and secure them with hairpins.


“Office” option: gather the strands into a low ponytail and secure at the base with an elastic band; separate the strands with your fingers just above the elastic band and twist the ponytail inward; twist the end of the tail onto both parts of the bun, secure the tip with hairpins and straighten the knot evenly; Just above the bun we attach a hairpin with a beautiful flower.

Option for a long evening dress: divide the hair into three parts (curls on the sides and back) and secure with hairpins; gather the back hair into a ponytail, which we lift and secure with hairpins at the base; lower the tail, twist it back and secure it with hairpins; We twist the side strands one by one onto the bun and secure them with hairpins.

Option for the summer: just like in the previous method, divide the hair into three parts, but divide the side curls again into two separate strands, secure with bobby pins; We make a bun from the back curls, twist the side strands and twist the flagella onto the bun, fixing them one by one with hairpins.