Gta 5 trevor bounty hunting. Maude (Special connections)

11134 2016-01-28 at 04:21

Hunting in GTA 5

Hunting is, as they say stereotypically, entertainment for real men. And although all three main characters of GTA 5 represent the stronger sex, they can hunt professionally only Trevor.

No one is stopping you from tracking down your prey in the person of Michael or Franklin, but only Mr. Phillips will get paid for it material and other incentives. In addition, killing animals outside of hunting missions can attract the attention of the police.

Where and how to hunt

To open the hunter’s tasks, you need to complete Cletus’s missions “Target Practice” and “Fair Game” - according to the plot, it is during their completion that you will learn the basics of this type of activity(which we will recall later).

You can start from 5 am to 7 pm(the hunt itself can last until 21:00). However, it’s not in vain that they say that whoever gets up early has more time before dark. To run around to your heart's content and shoot for gold, it is better to get out at dawn.

Click on the image to open the full-size version

In addition, you can shoot animals with impunity only in one area marked on the map. In this place, going to trailer, you change into camouflage clothes, get a decoy and endless ammunition for a sniper rifle.

How can you remember decoy used to detect animals (red area on the map), and any prey (which is indicated by a cross on the radar) is needed take a photo to her phone and send the photo to Cletus for her “registration” and evaluation. How much he will pay you is a separate question.

Payments and medals

The developers have provided a very interesting reward system depending on three components: type of animal killed, location of impact and weapon used.

On the other hand, rewards are divided into material ones in the form of GTA$(conventionally – the value of the skin/carcass) and intangible in the form points(which can be seen to reflect difficulty/skill). Based on the sum of the latter in one hunting “session” you can get medal.

90 points 60 points 30 points
Animals and hits
The list of animals paid for by Cletus is very limited and consists of only 5 items.

As for the deer, a true hunter's dream, a separate gradation of rewards has been introduced for it depending on where you shot. Please note that doe(female deer) the reward is usually much lower.

Finally, an animal hit by a car, like a frightened one, will bring only $5 and 1 point.

Types of weapons
Let us remember another proverb: “A game riddled with machine-gun fire is not worth the candle.” This is also true in GTA V - the less external damage to the loot, the better. For any "defects" a monetary reward will be imposed fine.
Type of weapon Share of original payment
Gun 100%
Assault rifle 100%
Sniper rifle 100%
Submachine gun 75%
Melee 50%
Machine gun 25%
Shotgun 25%
Projectile 10%
Heavy weapons 10%

Of course, personal experience even in a virtual hunt it is much more valuable than what is received “second-hand”, but still here are the main instructions for the future storm of animals:
  • Summarizing everything written above, we conclude that best way to kill deer(and males, not females), shooting in the heart with a rifle or pistol;
  • It is important to use stealth (especially in the red area), without letting yourself be discovered– frightened animals are worth almost nothing;
  • Animals can use sense of smell, therefore, you need to approach them from the direction the wind is blowing - it will carry the smell away from the victim, preventing you from smelling it (however, many sources advise, contrary to the instructions of Cletus and advertisers, not to focus on this);
  • Regarding hearing, in animals it is also very acute, so you need to use transport with great care;
  • On the other hand, if you want to earn gold, you still have to drive the Blazer parked next to the trailer;
  • The on-screen message at the start of the mission directly warns you - be careful with cougars. Listen to the developers, do not come within striking distance of them with a clawed paw. And take a shotgun with you in case you still have to meet them (and if the predator does grab onto Trevor, his special ability will come to the rescue). Sometimes cougars have a recognizable growl before an attack, be careful;
  • Seen in optical sight The animal is marked on the map, making it easier to track.

Special tasks

The most avid hunters have access to whole three types of tests, progress in which is not reset, and each next one in the group is opened by completing the previous one. Completing them brings additional points, but it is better not to make these tasks an end in themselves - you may end up without medals.
Master Hunter

Weapon Master

Nature Photographer
In each of the tasks you need to send Cletus a photo of one or more specific animals.
Take one common “family” photo per trials 2–5 optional, you can send a collection of single photos, but in one message (many note that each required animal must be in the center of the photo in order to be counted).

To take a photo live cougar, you can “sit” on the roof vehicle– or do it while sitting behind the wheel,

With the appearance of wild animals in the game, new opportunity making a profit is hunting.

You can hunt by completing the sub-quest from Cletus “Fair Game”. This feature is available to Trevor from 5 am to 7 pm. To start the hunt, you need to get into the trailer, marked on the map with a coyote figurine. Go into it, change clothes and pick up a weapon. You should not use a buggy parked nearby, because the sound of the engine scares away the animals. After shooting the animal, take a photo of the corpse and send the photo to Cletus. He will pay a reward for the photo.

How much money and experience do animals bring:

  • Coyote- 2 experience and 10 bucks.
  • Bird- 5 experience and 10 bucks.
  • Boar- 3 experience and 50 bucks.
  • Puma- 5 experience and 25 bucks.
  • Deer- 5 experience and 50 bucks
  • Doe- zero experience, 25-50 bucks.
  • Human- 5 experience and zero bucks.
  • The animal noticed you and got scared - 1 experience and 5 bucks.
  • An animal killed on the road - 1 experience and 5 bucks.

Your accuracy also matters:

  • Hitting the heart - 10 experience and 100 bucks.
  • Straight to the head - 5 experience and 50 bucks.
  • Hit in the neck - 7 experience and 75 bucks.
  • Hitting the fifth point - 2 experience and 50 bucks.
  • Hitting the leg - 1 experience and 50 bucks.

It should be remembered that hunting is a rather dangerous activity. Avoid cougars. If you heard her growl, she noticed you. Puma attack - 100% death. But you can escape from it by crossing the river; this predator does not know how to swim.

Little tricks:

  • Large red dots on the hunting map indicate deer and coyotes, while small red dots are guaranteed to lead you to a wild boar or cougar.
  • The decoy attracts all animals, with the exception of birds.
  • The more animals killed in 1 photo, the more experience. After finishing a deer, do not approach it right away; perhaps other animals will approach the corpse, killing which you will earn more.
  • It is better to kill birds above the road to make it easier to find game.
  • You should go after the boar with a sniper rifle - they are quite slow.
  • The coyote is a pack animal with very good eyesight and reactions.
  • Deer are the most cunning, they have excellent hearing and sense of smell.
  • When photographing a puma, you can only photograph it by climbing onto a car.
  • To hunt a deer without a scope, sneak up on it from downwind.
  • To take a good photo of a frightened deer, you need to scare it, then kill it, and only then photograph it.
  • If you died while hunting, do not look for animals where they were - animals appear in random order.
  • A frightened animal brings less profit than one that did not notice you before death.
  • Remember these little tricks when playing GTA 5. And happy hunting!

Video on hunting in GTA 5

An orange marker will appear in Grapeseed, near Trevor's first home. ? . Having approached her, Trevor will meet a very distinguished lady, Maude. She whiles away her days in the rural wilderness with the help of the World Wide Web. And it was from her laptop that she learned a way to earn extra money. Trevor is asked to become a bounty hunter: look for criminals who have been released on bail and gone on the run. For each “sheep” he brings safe and sound, he will receive 10 thousand dollars. And if it was not possible to drag the fugitive alive, the amount is cut in half.

After talking with Maud, leave. Some time later she will send you the first letter. It contains the name of the criminal, a photograph of poor quality and a photo of the place where he was last seen.

All the places we need are on the map. The map is clickable; when expanded, it is enlarged with the mouse wheel.

Catching runaways is a quarry. Ralph Ostrowski

The configuration of the roads in the picture is very characteristic, and it is enough to look carefully at the game map to determine that our slider is hiding in a quarry. We get to the place until the blue-red mark on the radar lights up.

This fugitive is very timid, so it is enough to shoot at his car, wound him, hit him in the jaw, or even just point a weapon at him, and he will surrender and raise his paws. Get into the car - Ralph will follow you, even if you have to walk far.

And here’s a nice bonus of being captured alive: along the way, the fugitives tell a lot of interesting things about themselves. Sometimes. Ralph, according to Trevor, is "the world's most boring criminal."

And one more bonus: by delivering the prisoner to Maud’s farm, we get “Deliver Alive or Alive.”

Catching runaways is a farm. Larry Tupper

The next target, as it turns out, is an old acquaintance of Trevor. It will be more difficult with him, since he is not hiding in this dilapidated barn alone.

We leave the car some distance from the building and take a sniper rifle. Larry himself stands at the barn gate and chats with a friend. Three more are sitting in the car. It is enough to shoot or just appear in front of them for all four to start shooting back, and at this time the fugitive runs away. So you’ll have to try your best to shoot the three guys in the car as quickly as possible while they get out. The grenade launcher is no good, it will send Larry and his company to the next world.

Our target is running as fast as he can. Stop him with a shot from a stunner (if by this time he has already been brought to Ammu-Nation) or just catch up and hit him in the jaw.

Before you leave, look nearby and.

Catching runaways is a mountain. Glenn Scoville

Our next target is very adventurous, and in the photograph sent, it is easy to identify the northern part of the island, Mount Chiliad. We go up there by cable car or an unnecessary car. From the funicular station we go forward until we come across a dirt road, and turn right along it. You can grab a motorcycle near the station, but it's not that far to go.

As we approach, we will see our victim on the edge of the cliff. His friend stands nearby with a camera. As soon as Trevor screams, Glenn will jump down. We quickly run through the parachute lying next to the operator and jump after him: yes, that’s how it was intended, we will be able to detain the criminal only after landing.

We try not to move too far away from the target in the air, otherwise the mission will fail. Glenn will fly all the way to the Alamo Sea, land on the sandy shore and immediately start running. Using the precision landing mode, we fly closer. If you managed to land right on his head, then the mission is almost completed, otherwise you will have to run a little. Knocked down and convinced by an argument in the form of a blow to the ribs, the fugitive will agree to end the matter peacefully. However, a shot from a stun gun will be no less convincing.

On the way to Maud, it turns out that our parachutist knows Dominic. Franklin also has to meet him.

Catching the runaways is a tramp. Curtis Weaver

Our last target is a fighter against the system and an expert in conspiracy theories, in general, practically a political criminal. He is hiding in a hobo camp. As soon as we get close enough to him, he will start shooting. Fortunately, the rest of the tramps will simply run away. We stun him with a paralyzer. As an option, we turn on Trevor’s special skill and knock him down.

If it was not possible to capture him immediately, Curtis will run away into the mountains. We catch up and do as expected. Then we go down to the highway: it’s easy to get a car there.

After you deliver Maude's final victim, she will tell you that she is retiring. Underworld she doesn’t like it, she wants a quiet life.

IN Grand Theft Auto V Nobody forbids shooting animals. But Trevor is the only one of the three main characters who can go into the forest for a real hunt. This pastime will contribute to diversity play activities and toss some cash into your wallet. To obtain this type of side missions you do not need to complete.

The invitation comes from Trevor's neighbor, Cletus, after completing side mission“”, in which you learned the basics of this craft. To get started, drive up to the symbol between 5 a.m. and 7 p.m. Like any other task, hunting is assessed with medals - gold, silver and bronze. Therefore, it is better to start early in the morning to give yourself more time.

Medals and fees

Gold: 90 points
Silver: 60 points
Bronze: 30 points

A Journey campervan is parked near the country road at the indicated location. Walk up to it and click / for Trevor to change clothes and go hunting.

Use all the advice Cletus gave you on your mission: stay downwind of the beast and don't get too close. Blow the bell (button / ) to indicate the approximate location of animals on the map.

The number of points awarded for prey depends on the breed of the animal. For deer, an additional classification has also been introduced depending on where the bullet hits; other animals can be shot as desired. Here are two tables with all the necessary information:

Hunt with heavy weapons, as in real life, it’s pointless - you can’t properly skin the animal carcass afterwards. IN GTA V this directly affects the amount of royalties you receive from Cletus. Here is the payout table depending on the type of weapon used:

As you can see, the ideal option is to kill deer with a sniper rifle accurate shot in the heart. We have colored in the screenshot the area of ​​the body where you need to aim. You may have to wait for the deer to raise its head or turn its face towards Trevor. As in the mission, it is better not to shoot at the females. It is easy to distinguish them from males - they do not have horns.

Forest predators and photographs

Sometimes cougars will get in your way. These predators love to sneak up and attack the hunter from behind at the most inopportune moments. Always be on the lookout and play with the sound - their roar, reminiscent of the howling of the wind, is definitely not to be missed. A mountain lion can also attack while taking a photo, so be careful when fiddling with your phone.

The best weapon against a big cat is a shotgun. If you let the beast get too close and it was able to knock Trevor to the ground, immediately cut the hero down, otherwise it’s a disaster.

Each killed animal should be photographed and the photo sent to Cletus. He is an expert and even from the most useless photo he will determine the type of weapon with the location of the bullet impact and give out the points that are rightfully due. Until you do this, the animal's body will be indicated on the map with a gray cross. A potentially good option for quickly gaining points is to shoot a lot of game, and then drive around all the necessary places on the ATV that is parked next to the camper.

Tests for an experienced hunter

Additional tasks will help you replenish your points, the progress of which can be tracked in the game menu, in the Brief - Missions section. Sometimes Cletus also reminds about them in text messages. These tests are divided into three branches: an experienced hunter (master hunter challenge), a weapon master challenge (weapon master challenge) and a photographer (nature photographer challenge). Interestingly, progress in them is not reset upon completion of the hunt, so you can continue next time. If you reach the last rank, the tests will be counted and you will not be able to repeat them.

However, you shouldn’t drop everything and specifically try to complete these mini-tasks - you’ll waste too much time. But if the situation is favorable, then why not. Below are three tables with the conditions for completing the tests, as well as the points awarded for them:

Master Hunter Challenge

Weapon Master Challenge

Note: to fulfill the condition of the fourth rank, select sniper rifle and press / halfway until a white dot appears on the screen. Point it at the deer and shoot. The accuracy is not very good, so get as close to the animal as possible.

Nature Photographer Challenge

Note: It is possible, but not necessary, to collect the required animals in one photo. Just click on the body of the beast, but do not send the photo to Cletus, but click / to continue, and go take pictures of the next one, and so on. You can send a collection of collected images with the latest photo. The safest way to photograph a puma is from the roof of a car or directly from inside the car. If you don't have a car, take an ATV.

At 20 o'clock Cletus will send a message that the hunting day will soon end. Officially, baiting of wild animals ends at 21:00, so you still have a couple of minutes to take a few shots and send the last photos for the day.

Attention! Sometimes a glitch occurs in the game and you are not shown a screen with the results of the hunt. After this, you will not be able to pick up weapons and money, and if you go to Ammu-Nation for ammunition, the money will be spent, and the ammunition will not be added to your inventory. This can be treated very easily: after finishing the hunt, save the game and load your save. Now everything will work correctly.

Missions with fugitives in GTA 5 open quite early, practically with the gain of control over the main character Trevor, after completing the mission "". Tasks are given to you by a woman named Maud (“”), with whom Trevor has a warm and friendly relationship.

You play the role of a bounty hunter, the tasks are based on catching fugitives. There are 4 of them in total. You can kill them, but a greater reward is given for living fugitives.

10 000$ alive
5 000$ for the dead
Each mission to search and capture a fugitive begins with an email - it contains a description of the person, his photograph and a photo of his last place of stay.

But you are not given a mark on the map, so you need to hunt for the fugitive using these clues or you can use.

1. Ralph Ostrovsky.
This is your first goal. You can find it in the Davis-Quartz quarry, at the very “bottom”. He is alone. His marker flashes red and blue, which means you can either kill him or capture him.

You can:
- Wait until Ralph gets into his car. Then chase him and shoot at the car, but don't get too carried away so as not to kill him. It's better to riddled its wheels. In the end, he will stop with the wording “Okay, okay, you win” and all you have to do is deliver him to Mod.
- Shoot him with a stun gun before that as he gets into his Landstalker.

2. Larry Tapper.
Unlike the previous fugitive, Larry is no longer alone, but accompanied by friends. He's hiding out on an old farm south of Sandy Shores. First, get rid of his friends (3 pieces) as quickly as possible, and then neutralize Tapper with a stun gun while he runs away from you.

During Larry's delivery to Maude, he and Trevor will have an interesting conversation. Apparently, they have known each other for a long time, but money is money.

3. Glen Scovil.
This fugitive is not a fugitive, but some kind of flyer! You'll find him on top of Mount Chiliad, with a parachute on his back and one friend filming him. To capture the fugitive alive, you will have to wait for the moment when Glen jumps down, and then jump yourself.

Chase him through the air and just before landing, you will find that you can jump on top of Scovil, thereby capturing him.

If you miss this moment, then simply chop off Glen with a stun gun.

4. Kurtis Weaver. More