Citrulline: what is it for? Benefits and side effects. Citrulline or L Citrulline: what is it and how to take it? What foods contain citrulline?

Preparations containing citrulline have now gained immense popularity among people involved in sports. The substance increases the body's performance, helps improve blood supply to muscles and accelerates the process of restoration of its main functions, which as a result increases the effectiveness of sports training.

The nature of the substance citrulline

Citrulline is an amino acid not included in the body’s building proteins, which nevertheless plays a key role in the process of urea metabolism, or rather, it neutralizes ammonia, which destroys liver cells. In the body, amino acids perform many important physiological functions:

  • normalizes metabolic processes;
  • activates peripheral blood flow in tissues;
  • helps strengthen the body's nonspecific defense factors;
  • stimulates the body's natural production of the amino acid arginine, which helps saturate muscles with nutrients, hormones and oxygen, which ensures their growth and strength;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • retains nitrogen in the body at the proper level, which leads to muscle growth;
  • restores phosphocreatine and ATP reserves after physical exercise, removes ammonia and lactic acid from fibers.

Interesting! The drug is indicated for non-acute erectile dysfunction in men, and research results have shown a solution to this problem with daily intake of 3000 ml - 1000 ml at a time.

Citrulline is produced in the kidneys and is also found in human hair and skin. If we consider the product globally, we can understand that it is a “donor” for the formation of l-arginine. Citrulline, unlike pure arginine, is absorbed by the body in the maximum possible volumes. This is why Citrulline can be called a pre-workout.

Features of citrulline varieties

Today, two forms of the drug are known, which are most common in sports.

Features of L-citrulline

L-citrulline is a natural form of the substance. Even though the human body produces citrulline on its own, its additional consumption has a positive effect on health. L-citrulline plays a leading role in two important processes.

  • Firstly: it increases the level of nitric oxide, which in turn helps to dilate blood vessels. The supply of oxygen and nutrients to tissues improves.
  • Secondly: it ensures the removal of ammonia, which is intensively produced during training.

  • At low dosages, studies have shown a significant increase in performance output after just 7 days. Additional intake of the drug also ensures an increase in nitric oxide levels after intensive training, which has a beneficial effect on the overall well-being of the athlete.
  • In its natural state, it is found in watermelons, but before you lean on this berry, consider an important point. Studies have shown that the use of this substance has a negative effect on training at maximum intensity, reducing endurance due to increased intensity.

Features of using Citrulline malate

Citrulline malate differs from the “L” form only by the addition of malic acid. The changes may seem small at first, but they can have a big impact on how the room works.

  • Malate is an important component for increasing the energy generation of the athlete's body. In this case, the level of energy generation is directly proportional to the increase in the level of malate content. The substance stimulates blood flow to working muscles.

  • The European Journal of Sports Science published an interesting study that showed that consuming 8 g of malate before training increased the number of repetitions with “working weights” by 50% compared to the “placebo” group (on the bench press). Plus, these athletes experienced 40% less muscle pain than those who took pacifiers. From all this, scientists concluded that citrulline malate significantly increases the intensity of training in athletes with anaerobic training (short interval between approaches with large working weights, so-called triple sets, super sets, etc.), and also helps to avoid severe fatigue and muscle pain after tough competitions.
  • Another experiment conducted directly by weightlifters in Moscow showed that 8 g of malate increased the number of repetitions performed to failure in several sets of exercises that target the lower torso.
  • Real reviews also confirm that the drug has a positive effect on work productivity and reduces muscle pain after a grueling workout.

Which option should I choose?

Comparing the forms of citrulline, we note that both have strong characteristics, but citrulline malate still gets the palm.

Its features have a positive effect on increasing the volume of muscle tissue, and also improves the overall performance of the athlete during training. This means:

  • increasing the number of repetitions;
  • increasing the efficiency of work in the hall at the same time;
  • increase in strength indicators;
  • mitigation and elimination of severe muscle pain after training.

Important! The action of malate occurs without the need to saturate the body with it. Therefore, it can be taken immediately before exercise, and you can get excellent results from its immediate absorption, which cannot be said about the “L” form, which should be consumed for 7 days for the effects to begin to appear.

Dosage and methods of using Citrulline

Citrulline is used in sports as a stimulant for muscle growth and endurance of an athlete. Before taking citrulline, it is necessary to determine the correct dose:

  • The “L” drug is taken on an empty stomach about half an hour before the planned training. It is possible to take another dose of the drug before going to bed, which in some cases will allow you to achieve greater results from use. The dosage is as follows: take 8 g of the product per day (1 capsule) for 7 days.

  • Malate - take one scoop of the substance (2g) up to 3 times a day. After waking up, and 45 minutes before the planned training. On non-training days, take before meals. Can be taken together with Muscleprime and Razor8.

Important! If you use sports drinks that contain this substance in small doses, then remember that you will not see a strong effect.

Possible side effects

Citrulline is also popular in bodybuilding because it has virtually no side effects from its use. The only negative sensation you will feel is an unpleasant tingling sensation in the stomach area only in the first days of taking it.

Important! If you feel that your condition is worsening, be sure to consult a doctor.

Where to buy sports nutrition?

You will not be able to buy citrulline in a pharmacy; at most, its group analogues will be presented on the shelves. Therefore, it is better to contact trusted online stores or sports nutrition stores.

  • The price of a substance marked “L” is about 1,300 rubles per jar of 120 capsules.
  • The cost of malat is slightly lower - for 80 grams you will pay 1118 rubles.

Important! Remember, if you purchased a product and the integrity of the packaging was damaged, then taking such a product is extremely dangerous.

Combination of citrulline with other drugs

By properly combining citrulline with other sports nutrition options, a synergistic effect can be achieved.

Important! Synergism is the simultaneous action of several drugs in one direction.

  • - muscle growth and strength will appear;
  • — pumping effect;
  • carnosine - reduction of oxidation, increase in anaerobic threshold;
  • L-carnitine - lipid metabolism, improving the functionality of the cardiovascular system;
  • B vitamins and zinc - without their participation, metabolic processes become difficult.

Real reviews of use

Real reviews about the drug are divided into two types. It either helped during training, or the athletes expected more from the sports nutrition.

  • Evgeniy: I started taking Citrulline on the advice of a trainer at the gym. It’s difficult to describe the effect, but one thing is certain: it has become easier to endure muscle pain, and as for the growth of muscle tissue, I’m not sure, maybe it’s from the drug, or maybe from intensive training.
  • Ivan: I read about the drug malate online, it became interesting to try it, and there shouldn’t be any side effects. After just a couple of days it became easier to exercise, I did more repetitions with heavier weights. I am extremely pleased with the result.

Citrulline not only improves the athlete’s health after extreme training, but also promotes energy production and muscle growth. If you know of other benefits of taking this substance, be sure to share your experience with other readers in the comments.

Video: Citrulline for training intensity

Building protein for muscles consists of amino acids, which do not include citrulline, but it is important for the athlete’s body. The substance is involved in various physiological processes. It takes part in the metabolism of urea and is also an intermediate metabolite in the utilization of ammonia, which is toxic. The amino acid was obtained in 1930 from watermelon, the Latin name of which Citrullus was assigned to the isolated compound.

Citrulline is an amino acid that can:

  • form arginine, which is the main nitrogen donor that improves blood flow in muscle tissue;
  • provide good pumping;
  • increase endurance and improve muscle nutrition;
  • strengthen immune function and expand the boundaries of energy reserve accumulation;
  • maintain a positive nitrogen balance.

The compound is present in some enzymes. It is found in the epidermis, hair, and the sheath of nerve endings.

The amino acid is extremely popular in sports. Bodybuilders use the supplement to enhance performance, speed recovery, and improve blood flow to muscle fibers.

It is produced as citrulline malate, takes an active part in the utilization of urea - a chemical compound known to many as “urea”, and helps to quickly remove toxins (lactic acid and urea) from the body. Toxins are formed during protein metabolism, catabolism, and physical activity. They worsen recovery processes and reduce the physical performance of athletes.

Citrulline, as determined by scientists, can become an alternative to arginine. This is due to the inversion of an amino acid from one form to another. The compound increases the production of creatine and growth hormone, increases insulin synthesis. Studies have found that daily intake of 6 g of citrulline malate can reduce muscle fatigue, increase ATP production by 34%, and after training, the concentration of phosphocreatine increases by 20%.

These properties have made citrulline a powerful energizer and restorer. It is taken by powerlifters, bodybuilders and representatives of other strength disciplines to improve their results. It helps shorten the recovery period after training and make exercise more intense. This amino acid reduces the risk of overtraining, which allows you to successfully use the supplement during aerobic exercise - cycling, swimming, running.

Some are of the opinion that it is better to take citrulline than arginine. As a nitrogen donor, it is absorbed better and is not destroyed in the liver after absorption from the digestive tract. This amino acid can inhibit nitric oxide-depleting enzymes. An excellent option would be a combination of citrulline and arginine.

Citrulline brings maximum benefits on the fifteenth day of use. The first positive results occur on the third or fourth day after the start of the course. The optimal duration of taking citrulline is from one to two months. You can take the supplement on an ongoing basis without any breaks.

How to take citrulline correctly

It is recommended to consume this amino acid on an empty stomach twenty to thirty minutes before training. Additionally, it is permissible to drink citrulline before going to bed and in the morning. The effects obtained from the supplement are due to the increase in arginine. This makes the specifics of use similar.

Optimal doses of citrulline

For citrulline to bring results, you need to consume at least 6 g of the substance per day. In a number of ongoing studies, the optimal dosage was increased threefold, which led to a dramatic improvement in results. It should be borne in mind that the concentration of this amino acid in many types of sports nutrition is quite low, so it will not be possible to get the maximum benefit from the compound if it is part of another product.

Possible side effects

Clinical trials have not shown any adverse effects as a result of citrulline consumption. There are no complaints from those who take this supplement.

How and with what additives is citrulline combined?

To increase the effectiveness of the amino acid, the substance is taken with other supplements. This improves the potentiating and synergistic effects of citrulline. It is best to combine an amino acid with:

  • Carnosine. Thanks to the buffering of lactic acid, it allows you to expand the anaerobic threshold and protect muscle tissue from oxidative stress.
  • L-carnitine. Involves fats into metabolic processes, which allows you to expand your energy potential, and also improve physical performance and protect the cardiovascular system.
  • Creatine. Provide an increase in muscle volume and strength.
  • Arginine. Improve the nutrition of muscle groups thanks to nitric oxide, which leads to an increase in the synthesis of insulin and growth hormone.
  • Minerals and vitamins. These elements are necessary for any metabolic process to occur. The best combination of citrulline is zinc and B vitamins.

Sports nutrition with citrulline

  • Xtend by SciVation
  • NO-Xplode from BSN
  • Nano Vapor from MuscleTech
  • SuperPump250 from Gaspari Nutrition
  • NO Shotgun by VPX

Modern pharmaceutical technologies provide a wide range of means to combat erectile dysfunction. A wide range of medications, folk remedies and dietary supplements allows every man to solve the problem of sexual impotence. It is recommended to take citrulline for potency; with its help, blood flow is normalized, ensuring the required level of erection.

What is citrulline: composition

Citrulline is an amino acid that appears during the conversion process to nitric oxide. The high content of citrulline in the blood helps to activate the production of nitric oxide, which is necessary for normal blood circulation. The latter contributes to the filling of the cavernous bodies.

For sports and medical purposes, citrulline malate is indicated, which contains 55-60% L-citrulline and 40-45% malate. The latter is nothing more than malic acid salts. They are actively used in the food industry as preservatives. In connection with citrulline, malates help maintain the chemical stability of the compound when ingested. It also has a positive effect on the speed of physical recovery after severe fatigue.

A number of manufacturing companies supplement the supplement with useful substances:

  • Arginine for additional vascular stimulation;
  • Carnitine, which contributes to normal heart function;
  • Carnosine, necessary to neutralize the negative effects of oxidative processes on the body;
  • Creatine, which accelerates muscle gain;
  • B vitamins and zinc.

Impact on the male body

First of all, citrulline regulates metabolic processes in the human body. With it:

  • Accelerates the production of essential arginine;
  • Muscle growth is activated and muscle tissue is provided with necessary nutrients;
  • The immune system is strengthened;
  • Improves male sexual function;
  • Nitrogen balance is maintained;
  • The tone of the body increases;
  • Physical endurance increases.

Indications for use

Citrulline is used in sports and medicine. In the first case, it is included in the diet of athletes involved in strength and aerobic sports. For bodybuilders and weightlifters, the nutritional supplement promotes intense muscle growth.

Runners and swimmers use citrulline malate to improve endurance combined with the ability to maintain normal blood pressure. It has been proven that drugs based on it successfully cope with protein deficiency in the body without disrupting hormonal levels. According to experts, the nutritional supplement should be used during extremely high loads and intense training sessions.

In medicine, citrulline malate is indicated for the treatment of a number of diseases. Among them:

  • Chronic syndrome;
  • Increased drowsiness of unknown etiology;
  • Metabolic disorders;
  • Asthenia of various origins.

The drug is also prescribed to speed up the rehabilitation period after surgery or serious illnesses. In old age it can serve as an excellent restorative.

The effect of citrulline on potency

When food supplements or medications containing citrulline malate are introduced into the diet, potency increases due to the appearance of L-arginine in the blood. The amino acid synthesizes nitrous oxide, which promotes the expansion of vascular lumens. A similar effect has a positive effect on heart disease, clogged arteries or erectile dysfunction.

In the latter case, the mechanism of action of the drug is to ensure complete saturation of the corpora cavernosa with blood. When filled, they expand, which is why it occurs.

The remedy is practical. Difficulties arise only if there is hypersensitivity to one of the components of the drug. It is also possible to appear. They are expressed in the body’s allergic response to active substances entering the blood. IMPORTANT: at the beginning of the treatment course, pain in the abdominal area sometimes occurs.

Which drug should I choose?

Citrulline is produced by various manufacturing companies. Depending on the manufacturer, the name L-citrulline or Stimol may appear. However, in any case, we are talking about the compound citrulline malate.

The product is in powder form and dissolves well in water. The color is white, after which a sour taste is felt.

Russian companies supply pharmacies with a drug called Stimol, packaged in 1-g sachets. The minimum daily dose is 6 g, and the box contains 18 sachets. Accordingly, one package is enough for 3 days, moreover. According to experts, the concentration of the active substance is insufficient to ensure a full effect.

  • PrimaFORCE;
  • L-citrulline, produced by the German company Wirud;
  • Citrulline from English manufacturer MyP

How to take citrulline: instructions

Depending on the age and the tasks that citrulline is designed to solve, the dosage and dosage regimen vary. It is recommended to use the drug no more than 3 times during the day.

Recommended dose for athletes who simultaneously solve the problems of building muscles, increasing endurance and strengthening erections: dissolve 5-10 g of powder in liquid and drink half an hour before training, during exercise and at night. It is important that time has passed since the last meal.

According to research, for men struggling exclusively with reduced potency, the exact dosage has not been established. Clinical tests conducted by British scientists led to the conclusion that a dose of 2 to 15 g per day is well tolerated by patients and does not cause negative consequences.

How long does it take for the effect to occur?

L-citrulline ensures the production of arginine within an hour, and this effect persists for the next 20. Accordingly, we can conclude that the first signs of the effect of the supplement can be observed during this period.

Studies have confirmed that a stable positive result occurs after regular use of the supplement for 1 month. The effectiveness increases significantly with prolonged use of the drug.

It’s important not to overdo it, no more than 3 months, then the same break.

Citrulline comes from lat. citrullus, the name of the watermelon from which it was first isolated in 1930. Citrulline is an amino acid that is not part of building proteins, but has a large number of physiological effects. The drug improves the body's performance, improves blood supply to muscles, accelerates the restoration of its basic functions, thereby increasing the effectiveness of physical training. I take amino acids before training, which provides powerful energy potential.

Effects of Citrulline

Improves peripheral blood circulation in body tissues.
Helps normalize metabolism.
Promotes the activation of nonspecific protective factors of the body.
Ensures the body's natural production of the amino acid arginine and improves blood flow in the muscles.
Stimulates the immune system.
Removes lactic acid and ammonia, restores ATP and phosphocreatine reserves after training.
Maintains nitrogen balance, and hence muscle growth.
Provides pumping
Increases endurance and improves muscle nutrition
Citrulline strengthens immune function and increases the body's energy potential
Citrulline is found in specialized enzymes and is a component of skin, hair, and nerve sheaths.
Citrulline is necessary to maintain a positive nitrogen balance in the body.

Citrulline is widely used in sports, including bodybuilding, as a supplement to increase performance, speed up recovery and improve blood flow to muscles. Available in the form of citrulline malate (lat. Citrulline malate).

Thanks to modern research, it has been found that citrulline at a dose of about 6 g per day can have a positive effect on the synthesis of somatotropin (growth hormone), creatine and insulin, since the body inverts one amino acid to another, citrulline can be used as an alternative to arginine.

It was found that adenosine triphosphate (ATP) levels increased by 34% when taking just 6 g of citrulline. In addition, after performing physical activity, the concentration of phosphocreatinine increases by 20%, and muscle fatigue decreases.

Without a doubt, citrulline malate is a strong energy booster that makes workouts more intense, improves results in strength sports and actively accelerates recovery processes in the body. This makes citrulline indispensable in aerobic sports - running, swimming and similar disciplines, because quickly restores the athlete's strength and prevents the effect of overtraining from developing.

There is an opinion that citrulline has more advantages over arginine as a nitrogen donor, since it is better absorbed and is not destroyed in the liver after absorption from the digestive tract. Additionally, citrulline may inhibit enzymes that break down nitric oxide. The best option is a combination of arginine and citrulline.

The maximum effect of citrulline occurs on the 15th day of administration, but the first positive sensations appear already on the 3-4th day of administration. Recommended course duration is 1-2 months. Citrulline can be taken on an ongoing basis - without breaks. Powerlifters recognize the payoff of training.

How to take citrulline

It is recommended to take citrulline on an empty stomach before training, 20-30 minutes before training. An additional serving can be taken in the morning and before bed. Since many of the effects of citrulline are due to an increase in arginine levels, the specifics of administration are also the same.

Citrulline dosage

The minimum effective dose of citrulline is 6 g per day. However, some studies have used citrulline in doses of 18 grams per day with significantly better results. "Attention" Please note that many sports supplements contain citrulline in extremely small quantities, which does not allow you to get the maximum benefit from it.

Side effects of citrulline

So far, no side effects of citrulline have been identified in clinical trials. There have also been no reports from athletes using citrulline.

Combining Citrulline with Other Supplements

There are several different supplements that can be combined with citrulline to increase overall effectiveness, either through synergistic or potentiating effects. The most preferred sports nutrition for combination:

Carnosine - helps increase the anaerobic threshold by buffering lactic acid, and also protects muscles from oxidative stress.
L-carnitine - increases energy production due to its inclusion in fat metabolism. Allows you to improve physical performance and protect the cardiovascular system.
Creatine - increases strength and muscle growth.
Arginine - improves muscle nutrition by increasing the production of nitric oxide. Increases the production of growth hormone and insulin.
Vitamins and minerals are elements that are involved in almost all metabolic processes. Citrulline combines especially well with B vitamins and zinc.

Citrulline(eng. L-citrulline) is an amino acid necessary for the production of citrulline, which activates nitric oxide. Used to detoxify ammonia, which destroys liver cells. Citrulline important for metabolic processes in the body. Lack of amino acids results in loss of strength and muscle fatigue. Therefore, additional use of the drug is recommended.

Citrulline: an amino acid

Citrulline, is a nonessential amino acid that is formed as a result of the combination of carbamoyl phosphate and during the urinary cycle. In this way, nitrogenous waste is disposed of. It is called replaceable because a certain amount is contained in the body itself.

Citrulline: formula

Citrulline has the following chemical formula – C₆H₁₃N₃O₃.

It is classified as a general tonic and adaptogen. Increases the body's performance and endurance. The amino acid was first isolated from watermelon, so it was given the Latin name of this fruit. The body contains it in the skin and hair, and is produced in the kidneys.

Citrulline: malate

Citrulline can be different: and citrulline malate(eng. Citrulline malate).

Helps deliver oxygen and nutrients to muscles and plays an important role in removing ammonia, which causes fatigue.

Unlike simple citrulline malate malic acid is added. This component increases the energy production of the athlete's body. Citrulline malate significantly increases the flow of blood, and therefore oxygen, to the muscles. As a result, training performance increases.

Impact studies citrulline malate They began to be carried out not so long ago, but the first results are already impressive. A scientific article in the European Journal reported that taking 8 grams of the drug before training weightlifters increased the number of repetitions to failure by several positions. Taking the same 8 g of the substance significantly reduces muscle pain after training.

Both components have a positive effect on the body, but the effect citrulline malate more powerful.

1). Company Primaforce offers a drug Citrulline Malate, without flavoring “Citrulline Malate, Unflavored” (200 g). Contains citrulline malate. This dietary supplement helps increase blood flow and the delivery of amino acids to skeletal muscles, which leads to increased muscle mass. The supplement is also a source of arginine formation.

Citrulline: composition

The composition of the drug Citrulline malate Usually about 57% and about 43% DL-malate are included.

Watermelon fruits, especially the peel and seeds, are rich in amino acids. The following products also contain varying concentrations:

  • Fish and meat.
  • Eggs and milk.
  • Beans and soybeans.
  • Peanuts and onions.

Citrulline: properties

Citrulline is not part of proteins, but nevertheless performs vital functions in the body due to its properties. Scientists have concluded that it is a natural remedy for reducing blood pressure and preventing Alzheimer's disease. It was also revealed that:

  • Strengthens the immune system.
  • Regulates nitrogen balance, which leads to muscle growth.
  • Supports metabolic processes in the body.
  • Stimulates blood circulation in peripheral areas.
  • Provides removal of ammonia and lactic acid.
  • Helps improve the patency of blood vessels in case of arterial blockage and heart disease.
  • Increases the overall tone of the body.

Citrulline: application

Citrulline differs in that it has virtually no side effects. This allows it to be used by pregnant women if the basic acid balance is disturbed.

  • Prescribed for recovery after operations and long-term illnesses.
  • For diabetes and metabolic disorders.
  • For the treatment of chronic fatigue syndrome.
  • In old age, the drug is prescribed as a general tonic.
  • With constant loss of strength and increased sleepiness during the daytime.

Most often used by athletes to optimize the training process and quickly achieve the desired results.

Citrulline: for potency

Citrulline for potency - this is another indicator for taking the drug. Citrulline increases blood flow, thereby increasing potency. Nitric oxide synthesized by the amino acid dilates the walls of blood vessels. For erectile dysfunction, the drug ensures blood saturation of the corpora cavernosa. As a result, they expand and a stable erection occurs. The substance is safe for men's health, since it is already present in the human body.

Citrulline: in sports

Citrulline activates the filling of muscles with blood during difficult workouts and sports in general. When hydrogen activity decreases, muscle acidification occurs and fatigue occurs. During training, muscles produce ammonia, which accelerates its elimination. This prevents hydrogen activity from decreasing for a longer period of time and fatigue occurs later.

Studies have shown that athletes who take it are less likely to experience complications after intense physical activity. This proves that the drug helps with post-workout recovery and reduces the effects of overtraining. It has also been proven that citrulline enhances the effect during exercise on the muscle corset.

Citrulline effective for athletes of aerobic sports: cycling, running, swimming; also for powerlifters and bodybuilders.

Citrulline: in bodybuilding

Citrulline ensures the natural formation of arginine in the body already in the second hour after administration. This increases blood flow to the muscles during bodybuilding training. Arginine strengthens muscles, saturates them with hormones, oxygen and nutrients.

For bodybuilders, sports nutrition is needed to accelerate muscle growth. Citrulline they are used to keep you from getting tired longer during an intense workout. Citrulline increasingly included as a supplement to increase pump during the training process.

Taking the supplement regularly will reduce muscle soreness after intense exercise. It will be possible to increase the duration of training.

It is important not to take the supplement on an empty stomach as stomach upset may occur.

Citrulline: and arginine

In pre-workout supplement complexes, arginine is used equally. Their properties are similar and yet they cannot be replaced by one another. The fact is that it goes directly into the bloodstream. Arginine passes through the digestive tract, is absorbed in the liver and small intestine, and only then enters the blood. In addition, it has no side effects on the body.

Scientists have found that supplementation has a greater effect in enriching with arginine than taking arginine alone. Citrulline stimulates the body itself to produce arginine.

2). Company Now Foods offers dietary supplement arginine and "Sports, Arginine & Citrulline" capsules (500 mg/250 mg, 120 capsules). The drug contains 2 amino acids: arginine and. Combining them helps speed up metabolism and strengthen muscle tissue. They are both the main links in the cycle of urea formation and ammonia removal.

Citrulline: sports nutrition

Citrulline in sports nutrition it works in three directions:

  • Increases the duration of your workout.
  • Delays the moment of fatigue.
  • Helps muscles recover faster after exercise.

In order to increase the effectiveness of strength training and accelerate the growth of muscle mass, the use of pre-workout supplements is introduced. This type of nutritional supplement is aimed at increasing the performance of an athlete. The complex includes elements that stimulate blood supply to muscles and stimulating substances.

3). Company BSN offers Pre-Workout Igniter, Non-Caffeinated, Fruit Punch (548 g, powder with scoop).

The complex includes:

  • L-citrulline malate,
  • Phosphorus,
  • Sodium,
  • (root),

Also other herbal ingredients. The complex increases endurance and helps achieve maximum performance in training.

Citrulline: in the pharmacy

It is very difficult to buy the real thing in a pharmacy. There are a large number of counterfeits on the drug market. They are distinguished by a low percentage of amino acids in the preparation.

Reputable companies distribute their products through reliable online stores that have been operating for many years and are trusted by consumers. A link to one of these stores is given below. There are affordable prices for products of proven quality.

Citrulline: instructions

Before taking, be sure to read the instructions and consult with a trainer or doctor.

Citrulline: how to take

Citrulline is a strong energy booster. Its maximum effect occurs an hour after administration, so the supplement should be taken half an hour before training.

The optimal amount of supplement is 6 g per day. Recommended dosage for adults: 1-3 times 500 mg for two weeks. For athletes, 5-10 g before and after training.

Citrulline: contraindications

Citrulline: reviews

The effectiveness of the drug is indicated by positive customer reviews. They note an increase in endurance during gym classes, the ability to work with heavy weights without subsequently experiencing muscle pain or their noticeable decrease. Consumers combined reception citrulline citrulline:

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