Cat exercise for the back. Exercise “cat”: for pregnant women, as prevention, treatment and rehabilitation

What makes a healthy and confident person stand out? That's right, perfect posture. To achieve this, you must include exercises to strengthen your back in your workouts. If you haven’t played sports at all, then it’s time to start.

A suitable movement is the cat exercise for the back with abdominal swing, which comes from yoga. It is aimed at strengthening the muscular corset of the body, namely the spine and abdominal area. Thanks to the “Cat” exercise, the transverse abdominal muscle is actively being worked on; when you pull in your stomach, there is an element of the abdominal vacuum exercise; please note that you will not be able to pump up your abs with this exercise.

7 Benefits of Exercise

  • Relieves back pain. Thanks to systematic loads, the back muscles, which were previously stagnant, are exposed to movement, thereby reducing pain.
  • Suitable for pregnant women. A mixture of breathing exercises and gradual muscle stretching is the best way to help mothers feel better and prepare for a successful birth.
  • Suitable for training both experienced athletes and beginners. The training does not require the use of special sports accessories and devices; it can be performed in any conditions and with any degree of athleticism. The main thing is to choose the right load specifically for your body.
  • Tightens the abs and strengthens the back. The main rule of execution is the tension of the abdominal muscles in particular. A static load without any special body movements can create the long-awaited cubes on your body. And if the abs are trained, then the muscular frame of the back becomes stronger.
  • Helps relax the spine and cervical area. A sedentary lifestyle is the cause of various pains and problems in the cervical-vertebral region. Muscles and ligaments are in a tense and stagnant state most of our time. In the cat pose, they seem to open up and acquire a second life.
  • Increases the endurance of the body as a whole. During the implementation of the cat pose, the maximum number of muscle groups is included in the work. And as you know, the larger areas of the body are involved at the same time, the greater the “exhaust” from such an activity. Loading up all together, they allow the body to sweat and withstand such pressure. And therefore, it is a natural phenomenon to increase the body’s endurance and resistance to any kind of difficulties.
  • Increases the speed and quality of metabolic processes throughout the body. Thanks to high-quality oxygen saturation, blood circulates throughout the body many times faster and carries all nutrients to the organs that need them.

Technique for performing the classic version

Only by performing the cat exercise for the back according to the exact instructions of the execution technique can you get the correct results that affect your health in a positive way.

  1. Place a gymnastic mat/tourist foam/towel on the floor, lower yourself to the floor with emphasis on your knees and straight arms, fingers pointing away from you, back straight;
  2. Inhale deeply and push your pelvis inward, keeping your abs tense, your neck down, and your back in a stretched position;
  3. As you exhale, stand in a position where your back is well arched in the lower back;
  4. Then return to the starting point.

The movement should be repeated 8 to 12 times, gradually gradually increasing the load.

For detailed techniques, watch the video:

3 more types of this movement

In the world of training, there are also several other varieties of this exercise:

1. Japanese cat

When performing this type, the legs are also resting on the knees, but are spaced wider. In this case, the hands rest their elbows on the floor. The deflections themselves are performed in the same way. The difference is that in this position the chest area is better worked out.

2. Sphinx

This time the pelvis should lie completely on the surface. Hands should be placed, with emphasis on the elbows, in front of you. This way, again, the thoracic region of the body is better loaded. This movement is known from yoga, another name for it is “Cobra”.

3. The cat moves its tail

The starting position corresponds to the classic one. But, having made an upward bend, you should make wave-like movements to the side with your pelvis, while your shoulders are also in the same direction and move towards one or the other hip.

Common execution errors

  • Be sure to pay attention to your feelings! Excessive pain and strain in the neck and spine should alert you and make you doubt the correct technique. All actions must be at least smooth and slow;
  • The knees of the legs should be located exactly under the pelvis and form an angle of 90 degrees with the shins. The palms are clearly placed under the shoulders and straightened at the elbow;
  • The stomach must be pulled in during the entire training;
  • Help your back in arches: when arching your back upward, try to lower your neck and head as low as possible, twisting it towards your chest; when bending backwards, the crown of the head should stretch upward as much as possible;
  • Bending restricts the flow of air from the lungs, so first take a deep breath, then perform bending actions so as not to deprive your body of oxygen;
  • There is no need to throw your head back, because this is not only inconsistent with technique, but can also seriously injure your neck;

  • When tilting your head, try to keep it as close to your elbows as possible;
  • You need to stay at the bending points for about 8 seconds. This is the optimal time for beginners and beginners in sports, but old-timers of training can increase this time period;
  • When performing an upward bend, in order to load your back as thoroughly as possible, imagine that you are trying to push someone's hand away from you. Bending down, trying to dodge an unpleasant touch;
  • It is better to perform the exercise on an empty stomach or at least a few hours after eating.

By including a cat in your usual workouts or morning exercises, you will save yourself from hated pain, give yourself royal posture and at the same time unlimited self-confidence.

The cat exercise is the simplest and most beneficial back movement when it comes to spinal health and muscle strengthening. It is equally used for both gentle stretching and decompression relief from the vertebrae in strength sports.

Benefits and features of the exercise

The cat exercise is a movement that combines both dynamic and static load. It is borrowed from yoga (consists of two asanas: cat and cow) and is used to train the back, develop flexibility and even when recovering from injuries. The cat exercise for the back has no disadvantages or contraindications. It consists of two simple movements that can be performed by every person, regardless of training experience and physical fitness (with the exception of periods of exacerbation of hernias).

Benefits of the cat exercise for the back:

  • Strengthening the back muscles (including the deep layers).
  • Relieving spinal compression.
  • Increased flexibility.
  • Elimination and prevention of back pain.
  • A completely universal exercise for the spine - can be performed anywhere, regardless of fitness level and other conditions.

Important to consider, that regardless of the name, a strong deflection and rounding of the back is always implied, that is, this is a movement with two phases. Some call this exercise for the back cat and dog, in yoga - cat/cow, sometimes just cat. However, we are always talking about the same movement.

What muscles are involved?

If you do the cat exercise for the back correctly, the main load falls on:

  • – , upper part, lower back.
  • – and (internal and external).

Also on the move partially participate, And . But due to the minimal amplitude of movement, they work rather in a static mode, ensuring that the body position is maintained. Also, due to the non-standard position, which makes breathing a little more difficult, the load on the abdominal muscles, which are responsible for inhalation and exhalation, increases.

If you do back exercises daily, after 3-4 weeks you will notice deeper breathing.

Exercise technique

Due to the fact that the movement is done with the weight of your own body and in a minimal amplitude, plays a key role:

  • Muscle control.
  • Ability to hold the desired position.
  • Breath control.

To learn how to do the exercise correctly, you need to control these three aspects.

Technique for performing the cat exercise for the back:

  1. Place your palms on the floor (fingers spread wide for stability) with your arms straight.
  2. Place your feet on your knees as well as your toes.
  3. The thigh and arms are perpendicular to the floor, the back is straight and parallel to the floor. The neck is in a natural position.
  4. Take a powerful breath and bend so as to lower your stomach as close to the floor as possible (maximum arch in the back and lower back). The shoulder blades are brought together, the neck is slightly moved up and back (the gaze is directed above the horizontal line).
  5. Hold the position for 5-10 seconds, then move to the second position. Round your spine as much as possible (creating a hump or arch), exhale powerfully to free your lungs, this will help round your back as much as possible. The neck and head are directed downwards (the natural position with this position of the spine).
  6. Return to the starting position.

Hands should always be at shoulder width. Legs are hip-width apart.

Exercise is beneficial for everyone. It is ideal for strengthening and unloading the back, as well as for recovering from injuries. Mainly used:

  • In strength sports for the development of flexibility, decompression of intervertebral discs.
  • Preventing back pain.
  • As an effective form of prevention and strengthening the health of the spine with a sedentary lifestyle.
  • During the rehabilitation period after injuries (only when the doctor allows minimal physical activity).

It is recommended to perform the movement as a separate complex for 1-2 minutes. It is optimal to do 1-2 series per day (for example, morning and evening). It is necessary to hold the position in each phase for 5-10 seconds, no more. Holding for a long time without breathing will stimulate additional straining, which can negatively affect the blood vessels. This is especially true in the cow/dog pose, where the head is lower than the heart and blood flow to the brain increases.

Exercise cat in video format

It's hard to keep yourself in shape when you have a lot to do and worries. And with age it appears backache, the stomach begins to gradually turn into a life preserver, and constant fatigue worries me. But it is enough to do just one exercise that works the muscles that support the spine and strengthens the abs. It also makes the body more flexible and improves posture.

Editorial "So simple!" advises you to do the “Cat” exercise every morning. It came to the world of fitness and physical therapy from yoga and allows you to safely and effectively influence the entire central part of the body. Therefore, you need to know all the intricacies of performing this exercise.

Exercise "Cat"

The indisputable advantage of this exercise is its complex effect on the body. It not only relieves pain and discomfort in the back caused by scoliosis and a sedentary lifestyle, but also supports the functioning of the respiratory system. Therefore, it is especially recommended for those who often suffer from bronchitis and want to improve their immunity.

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We recommend doing exercise to strengthen back muscles and abdomen daily, combining it with physical activity on other muscle groups. The time of training does not play a fundamental role, but it is still not advisable to conduct it immediately after a meal. Ideally, about 2 hours should pass between eating and performing the exercise.

The exercise must be repeated 10–15 times. At the same time, linger in each position for 7–10 seconds. Note that there should not be any pain. For the best arch of your back in the lumbar region, try to pull your head as high as possible. Also make sure that your palms are clearly under your shoulders. Just a few months of daily practice is guaranteed to improve your well-being and appearance.

Every year the number of people experiencing back pain is increasing. This is all because many people spend time in front of the computer in the wrong position. The “Cat” exercise with additional pumping of the abs and thigh muscles will help you cope with this situation. With regular practice, you can forget about back pain and achieve correct posture.

How to perform the “Cat” exercise for the back?

Get on all fours with your hands under your shoulders. The center of gravity should be on your knees and palms. Inhale, pull in your stomach and, tilting your head down, stretch your back up as high as possible. Count to eight and inhale as you lower yourself down, then bend your back and lift your head up. After that, repeat everything from the very beginning.

  1. To achieve maximum effect, it is recommended to include this exercise in your exercise and do it on an empty stomach. If you do eat, then at least 2 hours should pass.
  2. It is necessary to make slow and smooth movements that look like waves.

The “Cat” exercise is useful for pregnant women, as it helps stretch the spine and massage the abdominal cavity. Can be improved with regular training

If you want to achieve perfect posture and forget about lower back pain, be sure to include exercises to strengthen your back muscles in your workout. For example, the cat exercise with abdominal pumping, which not only effectively works the muscles that support the spine, but also has a noticeable effect on the abdominal muscles.

Features of the exercise

The cat exercise is an exercise that came into the world of fitness and physical therapy from yoga. It allows you to safely and effectively target the entire central part of the body. This has made it a mandatory part of many training programs.

An important advantage of this classic exercise is its complex effect on the body. It not only relieves back pain caused by scoliosis and a sedentary lifestyle, but also supports the functioning of the respiratory organs, intensively supplying them with oxygen. The cat is recommended for those who suffer from frequent bronchitis and low immunity.

Muscle work

What muscles are affected when performing a cat?

  1. The entire group of muscles responsible for straightening the back.
  2. Muscles that flex the back, namely: rectus abdominis, external and internal oblique muscles.

The exercise does not require serious physical training, so it will be effective even if you practice on your own. If you are determined to get noticeable results, do not forget about the importance of systematic training.

It is advisable to do cat exercises daily, combining it with exercises for other muscle groups. The time of training does not play a fundamental role, but it is still not recommended to do it immediately after eating. Ideally, 1.5–2 hours should pass between eating and performing the exercise.

You don't need any special equipment for the workout, so you can do it at home. For your comfort, you can use a gymnastics mat or a soft towel to reduce the stress on your knees.

Execution technique

In order to do the exercise correctly, take the correct starting position. For this:

  • stand on the mat on all fours;
  • place your palms firmly on the floor, point your fingers forward;
  • make sure your arms are straight and your legs are bent at right angles.

Now you can start doing the exercise.

  1. Exhale deeply and twist your pelvis inward, while rounding your back and lowering your head. The abdominal muscles in this position are tense, and the back is stretched.
  2. As you inhale, slowly return to the starting position.
  3. Inhale again and bend your back in the opposite direction, lifting your head and pelvis up. Now, on the contrary, the back muscles work, and the abs relax.
  4. The exercise ends with returning to the starting position while inhaling.

Execution technique.

The entire described cycle should be repeated 5–10 times. In intermediate positions it is necessary to linger for 8–10 counts.

Eliminating common errors

Despite the apparent simplicity of the exercise, beginners often perform it incorrectly. Avoid pain in your back and neck while performing movements. The pace should be slow, and transitions from one position to another should be smooth.

In order to avoid mistakes and make your back training as effective as possible, pay attention to the following points:

  1. The correct starting position assumes that the knees are located strictly under the pelvis, and the palms are located under the shoulders.
  2. Make sure to keep your stomach tucked throughout the exercise.
  3. For better arching, try to raise your head as high as possible.

The cat exercise is indispensable for those who want to reduce back pain and improve posture. Just a few months of doing it every day is guaranteed to improve your well-being and appearance.