Headbutt to the sternum. Heading technique

Good afternoon, dear readers.

It has long been obvious that the ability to play with your head is no less important than playing with your feet. Confirmation of this - large number goals that are scored after set pieces.

How to head correctly and how to form correct technique the impact will be shown below.

In the technique of hitting the ball with a head, there are preparatory, working and final phases:

  1. preparatory phase- swing. To perform the swing, the torso and head are tilted back. At the same time, the antagonist muscles of the torso extensors are stretched. The ball must be in the player's field of vision, for which the head should not be thrown back.
  2. working phase- shock movement and wiring. Performing a striking movement begins with a sharp straightening of the torso. It is advisable to strike directly at the moment when the body and head pass the frontal plane. In this position, the highest speed of head movement is achieved, which allows you to perform a blow of significant force.
  3. final phase- acceptance starting position for subsequent actions. After the transfer, the movement of the body is inhibited.

Hitting the ball with the middle part of the forehead from a place

The athlete puts one leg one step forward (the distance between the legs is 50-70 cm), arms at shoulder level, slightly bent at the elbows. In the first phase, the player, starting from the hips, tilts the body back, the muscles are tense, the chin lies on the chest, the knees are bent. In the second phase, the football player sharply moves his body forward and strikes the ball with the middle of his forehead. After performing the strike, the player’s body remains tilted, the shoulders are pulled back (Fig. 1).

Rice. 1. Technique for performing a standing strike with the middle part of the forehead

Exercises for teaching the technique of hitting with the middle part of the forehead from a place:
  • Imitating movements without a ball, the exercise is divided into two phases: in the first phase, perform the movements slowly, in the second, quickly.
  • Strikes at a stationary ball held by a partner with outstretched arms at head level.
  • Hitting a suspended ball.
  • Hitting the ball. The player throws the ball to himself.
  • Hitting a ball thrown by a partner.
  • The same exercise while running (without jumping).

Hit the ball with the middle part of the forehead with a turn

This type of strike is used if you need to change the trajectory of the ball (Fig. 2, 3).

Rice. 2. Hit the ball with the middle part of the forehead with a turn

Rice. 3. Hit the ball with the middle part of the forehead and turn while jumping

When performing a strike without jumping for the swing, the torso leans back and at the same time turns up to 90° in the direction of the intended strike. Together with the body, the legs also unfold, which are located parallel at a distance of 30-50 cm.

When hitting with a turn in a jump, immediately after take-off, the body turns in the direction of the impact, and the torso simultaneously leans back. Further actions are similar to hitting the middle part of the forehead in a jump.

  • Performing exercises without a ball with precise distribution of movements in phases.
  • Hitting a stationary ball. The partner holds the ball in straight hands at head level (standing header).
  • Hitting a suspended ball.
  • Exercises in threes. Players form a triangle, being at a distance of 3-5 m from each other. One of the players throws the ball with his hands from bottom to top to another athlete, who hits the ball with his head to the third, and so on in a circle.

Heading the ball backwards from a standing position

It is one of the types of hitting the ball with your head. Used in appropriate game situations. The technique for performing such a strike is as follows: the player strongly bends his knees, tilting his torso back in such a way as to get directly “under the ball.” Then, quickly straightening his knees and simultaneously moving his hips forward, he strikes the ball.

Rice. 4. Technique for performing a standing backward header.

Exercises for teaching the technique of hitting with the middle part of the forehead with a turn:
  • Performing both phases of the exercise without the ball.
  • A strike with tossing the ball up with your hands and passing it to a partner standing behind you.
  • Exercise in triplets. The end player throws the ball to his partner, who is located in the middle between the two players, and he, with a backward head kick, passes the ball to the last one in the trio.

Heading the ball while falling

This kick is used when the ball flies towards you at a height below head level.

Fig.5. Hitting the ball while falling

The preparatory phase of the strike is the push and the flight subphase. During the last 3-4 steps of the run, the torso leans slightly forward. The push is performed with one foot in the direction of the intended meeting with the ball. The flight occurs parallel to the ground. Arms bent in elbow joints. The movement of the ball is in the player's field of vision. The flight speed and mass of the football player are “transferred” when hitting the ball. The blow is performed with the middle or side part of the forehead.

In the first case, the direction of flight and the target of the strike are located on the same line. When hitting with the side of the forehead, the ball is often “cut off” and the trajectory of its flight changes significantly.
The final phase - landing - occurs with slightly bent, tense arms. To absorb the fall, the arms bend, then roll onto the chest, stomach, and legs.

A blow to the face is one of the most common injuries. After which a person may begin to have health problems.

What does pain in the head after a facial blow indicate?

You don't need to be a doctor to understand what if after unpleasant situation and, for example, a fight starts to cause a headache, then consequences arise. Typically this is a concussion. If the pain does not go away in the next 1-2 days, and other unpleasant symptoms are added to it - dizziness, nausea, loss of visual acuity and even consciousness, then there is no point in waiting for everything to go away on its own. A person may also begin to be afraid of sudden movements, sound, light; it is difficult for him to concentrate and remember something. It is urgent to go for diagnostics, as these signals are alarming.

Dangerous symptoms and consequences

If you don't pay attention to headache If you try to get rid of it only with painkillers, you can seriously harm your body. There is a risk of developing a tumor, hematoma, blood vessels may burst and hemorrhage may occur. A person may experience loss of consciousness, or his body may experience convulsions anywhere at the most unexpected moment. All this affects vision, hearing, psychological state and also leads to death or coma. Even a hit to the nose with a ball sports ground may cause a concussion. Therapy and examinations are necessary after any injury.

How can the doctor help?

My head hurts after getting hit in the nose, as a result of which you wonder what the hospital can offer you that you couldn’t do at home. Well, firstly, an MRI is done, symptoms are analyzed, and secondly, only after this can medications or hospitalization be prescribed.

In this case, you can’t take pills to suit your needs.
Need for therapy
To eliminate the problem, therapy will be aimed at restoring cellular metabolism in the brain, strengthening blood vessels, eliminating pain, normalizing blood circulation, and reducing the risk of cerebral edema. As you can see, treatment is not only about taking pills for the head.


It just so happens that in a fight between man and man, very often it is not so much the physical capabilities that prevail, but psychological attitude. Each of us, willingly or unwillingly entering into battle, plans our actions based on individual expectations. For most people, a fight is an exchange of punches and kicks. And that's why many effective techniques they simply fall out of our attention. We don't do them ourselves and don't expect others to do them. But non-standard actions can be much more effective than fist techniques. This is exactly what a powerful headbutt is.

The skull is designed in such a way that it is quite suitable for a powerful head blow.

What will happen to her, the head is a bone! Many have probably heard this humorous phrase. But in fact, there is a fair amount of truth in it. Despite the fact that it is in the head that our most important internal organ- the brain, the skull itself is far from fragile and defenseless. Nature has taken care to properly protect our thoughts from external influence environment. This is where one of the most powerful bones is located - the frontal. It has a thickness of 2.5-3 centimeters and a dome-shaped shape, from which a direct blow slides off. The brain itself is separated from the bone by a special liquid. One of its main tasks is to dampen the inertia of brain movement inside the skull.

The force and speed of the punch actually comes from the short and sharp contraction of the abs. The head, due to the tension of the neck muscles and rigid fixation, only transmits the impulse to the target.

However, the blow to the head is not dealt only by the very container of thoughts and hopes. If the skull is not securely fixed by the neck muscles, then strong blow it won't work. In this case, the heavy head, launched like a weight on a rope, will itself harm you cervical vertebrae, and jerking from the recoil may well cause a concussion. After all, it floats there and has its own inertia. In order to avoid all these troubles, in the final (or better, a little earlier) phase, the muscles of the neck tense and fix the head and generally participate only in transmitting the impulse, just as the muscles of the forearm participate in striking with a fist. All the force and speed of a header actually comes from the sharply and briefly contracting press. And the most severe blow occurs if a substep is added to this effort.

Correct headbutting technique.

The headbutt can be a truly terrifying weapon. But only on condition correct execution. In fact, no special art is required here, otherwise " blow with a jug"wouldn't be the favorite trick of criminal punks of all times. If you know a few simple rules, you can master it in just a couple of lessons. Well, let's get started.

Headbutt: Rule one.

Headbutts must not be struck with the forehead. Indeed, in this case, you yourself organize an impulse directed straight to the brain. The skull moves forward, the brain lags behind due to fluid. And then the bone stops abruptly. Due to inertia, the frontal lobes continue to move and become crushed. Shake! Most likely a knockdown. And from you, not from the enemy. That's why you have to hit your head top part frontal bone. Approximately where the border of the hair and bone passes, we form a small sloping protrusion. In pre-glove boxing there was such a sneaky trick when a fist blow was caught with an oncoming movement in this very place. Often the result was a dislocated wrist or broken bones in the forearm.

Header:Rule two

A header should not be struck with a direct movement of the head. The reason is still the same - the brain. Therefore, you need to hit a little casually, releasing the impulse tangentially. This also helps to use the mass and hardness of most of the frontal bone in the blow, and not 2.5-3 centimeters of its direct thickness.

In this technique from the Soviet army manual, a headbutt to the face helps disarm a fascist.

The best target for headbutts is the head itself. More precisely, the front part of it. But here you need to be extremely careful. A head-on blow will not give you any advantage, unless you initially have a bony part of the head larger than human size. You shouldn't aim too low either, otherwise you'll run into your teeth. You will most likely knock out the enemy, but you will also cut your forehead to the bone. What do we have left? Brow ridges and nose. A blow to the latter is especially popular with all sorts of lessons - if it doesn’t knock out, it definitely deprives a person of orientation. In addition to the face, a headbutt can also be delivered to the chest. To do this, however, you need to act even faster and more unexpectedly. Inflicted while inhaling into the sternum and heavy due to the investment of the entire body, such a blow is capable of knocking out physically for a long time. strong opponent. The effectiveness of this technique was demonstrated to the whole world by the football player Zinedine Zidane, who hit the Italian Materazzi in this manner.

For many, a header to the body will be a “Zidane kick” for a long time.

In general, a headbutt is one of the surprise attack techniques. Well, you’re standing there talking. The “interlocutor” behaves impudently. You are demonstrating a desire to retreat. You turn away a little, actually “charging” the body. And with a sharp short movement you slam your head into the enemy’s nose. There probably won't be any further fighting. In such a situation, only the fighter’s lightning-fast reaction and experience save him from attack. However, a headbutt can be used not only as a surprise attack. If already during the fight you entered into a clinch with your opponent, you can hit him with his head (and not only on the nose - cheekbone, temple and side jaws will also work). Before this, it is advisable to move the enemy’s hands down so as not to interfere. But in general... First of all, you need to think with your head, and not hit. This is the final rule, and hopefully it will help you more than technical skills.

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Header. Collection of sneaky tricks-8
Non-standard actions can be much stronger and more effective than fist techniques. This is exactly what a powerful headbutt is.
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[b] Headbutt. Collection of sneaky techniques-8 Non-standard actions can be much stronger and more effective than fist techniques. This is exactly what a powerful headbutt is. [b]Go to publication

Use your head!
While learning various self-defense techniques, we practice a lot of strikes with fists, palms, elbows, knees and feet, while very often forgetting about the head. “In general, you need to take care of your head,” some will say. That's right, it should be. But there are methods for working out powerful blows head, completely safe for health. After all, no matter what various experts in the field of massacre say, the head is one of the strongest striking parts of our body. So why not take advantage of this and put it into your arsenal.
Firstly, before “destroying enemies”, you need to figure out which parts of the head you need to hit. The blows are applied with the middle of the forehead at the height of the hairline and with the “corners” of the forehead on the right and left at the same height. That is, before the blow you need to lower your head, as if “stuck up”. Under no circumstances hit with the part of the forehead that is closest to the eyes and bridge of the nose. This way you risk breaking your face and getting seriously injured instead of injuring your opponent. If you hit a person standing from behind, the blow is delivered with the back of the head. The blows themselves are delivered from a very close range, best together with the capture of the enemy. By delivering a direct blow, you seem to pull the enemy onto your forehead. The “corners” of the forehead are hit by sharply turning the head from right to left or vice versa, trying to demolish the opponent’s nose or lower jaw.
Now let's look at targets for headbutts. There aren't very many of them. First of all, of course, it is the nose. He always stands forward, so he is easy to attack with his head both directly and from the side. And a nose injury almost always guarantees the incapacitation of your opponent. You can also attack the lower jaw, but there is a danger of cutting your scalp on someone else's teeth. Therefore, it is better to hit it from the side. The stomach and even the groin can also be attacked with the head (there are different situations), but! You need to be very careful here. In such cases, there is a possibility of injuring your neck. That is, the targets for strikes should not be hard.
There is another very effective option for using the head in a fight. But this is a last resort. If you "missed" the enemy's first blow, simply press your chin to your chest. This way, your face will remain intact, and your opponent’s fist will most likely receive injury in the form of broken bones in the hand.
Now about the methods of training strikes. Under no circumstances should you stuff your head, as some enthusiasts do. HEAD DOESN'T FILL!!! Unless of course you want to use it only for eating.
It is not difficult to make a punching bag for practicing head strikes. We take a small bag and fill it with old rags, more tightly. That is, the contents of the pear should be soft, so sand is absolutely not suitable for us! Having filled the bag, we tie it with a rope and hang it on something (a horizontal bar, a hook in the ceiling, a rope between two hangers, etc.) and slowly begin to hit it with the indicated areas of the head. The main thing here is to feel the blow, understand with your body how it hits, that is, develop familiarity with the actions, and only then try to hit hard and sharply. In addition, do not forget to strengthen your neck muscles, otherwise you simply will not hit hard, and even injure yourself cervical region spine.
In conclusion, I would like to say that you should still think with your head first, because this is its main function. Perhaps it is possible to resolve the conflict without the use of force. Well, if the situation leaves no other options, your head will save your entire body using more radical methods.