Rowing to the waist while sitting. Sitting pull-down: options and order of performing the exercise

The exercise, pulling a block to the belt while sitting, forces all the muscles of the upper body of a person to work, his latissimus dorsi, on the arms - biceps, forearm and triceps, the whole shoulder girdle and lower dorsal. The legs are also partially loaded.

To get a visually wide back, you need to use a block system. By adjusting the weight of the load, you can change the load on the back muscles. Many athletes, and not only experienced ones, know well how this is done. The most important thing is not to forget about your back health; you can get acquainted with all the details in this article

This movement is called pulling the block to the belt. There are more basic exercise barbell pull to the waist. The movements are almost the same, but the angle at which the forces are applied is completely different.

  1. Find a comfortable position in the machine. Place your feet on a special platform. Bend your knees slightly. Don't fix your legs.
  2. Reach the handle of the block, hold your back in a way that is comfortable for you. Don't straighten it out, but don't hunch over it either.
  3. You only need to pull the weight with straight arms, using your back muscles. When you reach the extreme point, stop. There should be approximately a right angle between your back and legs.
  4. The next movement will be due to arching of the back. It will need to be bent and the chest pushed forward a little. Feel how the latissimus muscles tighten.

Pulling a block to the waist while sitting is done like this: tilt your body and grab the handle. Pull it, straightening your back, and when it becomes perpendicular to the floor, stop. At this time, take a breath.

Now start bending your elbows and bringing the handle closer to you. The moment will come when it will bury itself in the belt and the movement of the load will stop. Lock this position and at this moment bend your back a little and move your shoulders back. Now everything should be clear. Return the handle to starting position and exhale.

Before you start

  1. Adjust the machine to your height: adjust the seat height so that the cable is parallel to the ground in the extended position; The feet should rest firmly on the supports so that the body does not slide forward during the exercise.
  2. Choose a handle for yourself. It is advisable to use a V-shape or arched one. The main thing is that the palms look at each other while grasping it. Take the handles that are used in simulators for top link or wide ones are better when you have mastered this exercise at the initial stage.

Sitting pull-down: features of the exercise

At first, as you noticed, the movement occurs due to bending of the arms. When it ends, your elbows should touch your torso.
Then comes the second stage. The elbows continue to move, moving slightly behind the back.

At the first stage, the arm muscles work, the back is almost not involved in the movement. At the second stage, you simply cannot do without the back muscles. The shoulders work as the first stage ends and the second stage begins.

Please note some errors when performing this exercise:

  • It would be wrong if only the arms are involved in the movement and not the back muscles.
  • Don't take too much heavy weight. To attract him to you, you will have to bend your whole body.
  • Do not spread your elbows too wide; they should be as close to the body as possible at all times.
  • Do not lean back more than 15 degrees.

The question of whether to round the back at the beginning of the exercise or not has not been fully resolved. A bent back increases stress on the muscles. On the one hand, this is good and some athletes, even outstanding ones, do this. The bad news is that you can easily get seriously injured. Therefore, there is no need to do this without serious training.

Pulling a block to the waist while sitting gives a good workout for the muscle mass located on our back. If you don’t rush yourself and don’t chase records, then without any problems you can get a beautiful figure over time.

Bodybuilding and fitness - activities that cannot be done without strength exercises on the simulators. In this sense, the seated pull-down is a universal exercise, used with equal success in both places.

The pull-down of the lower block to the waist while sitting is classic exercise to strengthen your back.


The main group includes targeted muscles included in the spinal mass, also called antagonists due to the performance of opposite anatomical functions. In this case, pressing movements pectoral muscles the traction movements of the dorsal ones are opposed.

The main load falls on the latissimus muscles, as well as rear delts.

Bodybuilding is largely built on antagonistic movements, which, due to the ideal combination of these muscles, allow them to be used effectively at the same time.

To some extent, the main muscles for pulling power movements in a sitting position also include the spinal extensors, middle and lower trapezius, rhomboids, teres (major and minor) muscles, brachialis and brachiaradialis, sternal head and infraspinatus muscles.


The long head of the triceps and biceps (dynamic stabilizers), as well as muscles - simple stabilizers:

  • adductor femur;
  • gluteus maximus;
  • hamstrings.

The full muscle layout can be seen in the diagram.

Exercise options and technique

The exercise can be performed in several variations. The main difference: wide and narrow grip. We recommend trying both options to understand which muscles receive more load.

Wide-grip lower block row to the waist

The peculiarity of using a wide handle for seated rows with arms raised to its edges is, first of all, that it is possible to move the shoulder blades further. In addition, the bend on such a handle allows you to increase the amplitude of the compression movement. The hands extend further than the chest, that is, further than the ribs. In any case, due to the increase in amplitude, the shoulders are pulled back to a greater extent - this is precisely the advantage that is given by pulling the lower block to the belt with a wide grip.

Pulling the wide-grip handle is not done to the stomach, as in classical movement, but to the chest, and the elbows move through the sides at the height of the handle itself.

Pull-down of the lower block to the waist with a narrow grip

The closer the grip, the more convenient it is to do the exercise. Therefore, every tenth person training on the simulator prefers to use a narrow grip when pulling the lower block to the waist while sitting.

To begin with sequential description of the classic technique of pulling the lower block to the stomach(it is to this that the handle is pulled when pulling with a narrow grip), a characteristic feature of which is static position back, without dynamics in the lower back.

  1. At the starting point, the arms are straightened without bending the torso forward, the knees are slightly bent, and the legs are supported.
  2. A traction movement is performed towards the abdomen, during which the shoulder blades move back and are brought together. Pull with your shoulder blades, not your arms, and keep your back straight.
  3. After this, straighten your shoulder blades again, but throwing the handle of the exercise machine. Allow your shoulders to stretch forward and stretch your back muscles.
  4. After straightening the arms, the beginning of the movement is repeated (while exhaling).

The hands in the classic version move smoothly, stopping at the extreme point (the inner parts of the palms touch the ribs) while simultaneously retracting the shoulder blades.

When you finish the exercise, be sure to release the weight with a straight back. You can either lean forward and give up the weight, or loosen the support in your knees, the weight will pull you forward along the bench until the plates are in place. In any case, keep your back straight to avoid injury.

There are other modifications of the narrow-grip row in stock:

  • the back is still straight, but dynamics appear in the lower back (this option is also within the classic);
  • reverse (backs of palms down) narrow grip of a wide handle (other technical details remain unchanged) - this movement is more convenient for the hands, since the biceps are connected to it;
  • narrow grip of a wide handle from above - used to simulate a bent over row of a barbell. Since not everyone uses the barbell in the gym, this type of exercise is rare.

At narrow grip The muscles of the lower back work more intensely, and with a wide back, the muscles of the upper back work more intensively.

Lower block pull from sitting position with one hand it perfectly replaces boring games with weights and dumbbells.

Performed with each hand in turn. The free hand is placed on the thigh or on the side bone.

The principle of the movement is the same as the bent-over dumbbell row: as you exhale, the block is pulled towards you (while simultaneously rotating the hand to the position of the palm facing upward), and in the meantime the shoulder blade is contracted on the back. Only one shoulder blade works, specifically directing the load to the latissimus muscle. The reverse movement is done while inhaling.

Despite the weight of the block being no less than that of a barbell or dumbbell, the effectiveness of such traction is no less.

How to avoid getting injured

To avoid damage to the lower part of the spine, limit the amplitude of body deviations from the vertical (no more than 10° when bending forward and leaning back).

Proven safety precautions against injury include:

  • the seat height at which the pulley cable will remain parallel to the floor during its movement;
  • foot supports that prevent the body from sliding;
  • serviceability of all equipment.

Common mistakes

  1. Body rocking.
  2. Slouched back.
  3. Raising your elbows to the sides.

Such movements are erroneous because their consequence is a decrease in the coefficient useful action workout.

  • Instead of a rigid handle, you can use a rope handle.
  • Do not be too hasty to start the reverse movement - a 1.5-2 second delay at the extreme point will enhance the training effect.
  • Since the arm muscles play a supporting role, try to apply the main load to the latissimus muscles, moving your elbows almost touching the body and squeezing your shoulder blades.
  • When increasing the weight of the block, use straps for the handles.
  • Don’t get carried away by one form of grip; using them all (albeit in different proportions) will give greater harmony to your physical development.
  • In the absence of the necessary block simulator, lower block rows can also be performed in a crossover, but it is more suitable for those who already have a decent body weight.

Video with technique

Lord of the entire site and fitness trainer | more details >>

Genus. 1984 Trained since 1999 Trained since 2007. CMS in powerlifting. Champion of Russia and South Russia according to AWPC. Champion Krasnodar region according to IPF. 1st category weightlifting. 2-time winner of the Krasnodar Territory championship in t/a. Author of more than 700 articles on fitness and amateur athletics. Author and co-author of 5 books.

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Date: 2012-05-29 Views: 1 587 924 Grade: 5.0

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Difficulty of execution- average

Horizontal block row to the belt - video

Weight and reps for beginners

For men: 10 - 15 repetitions 25 - 30 kg. 2 - 3 approaches.
For women: 10 - 15 repetitions 15 - 20 kg. 2 - 3 approaches.

Load by muscle group

The load is indicated on a 10-point scale (the total load is summed up)

Description of the exercise

Someone keeps their back straight. Someone stretches forward behind the weight. In my opinion, it's better to stretch. This will allow you to get the most out of this exercise. You can even hunch slightly at the end. But at the end of the movement, be sure to bend and move your shoulders back.

Main features

1. There are two different types of performing this exercise. Dream movable back and with a movable back. With a fixed back, your back is locked in place. Only the arms and shoulder blades move. With a moving back, the back extensors are included in the work, and the amplitude of movement increases. I personally like the option when the back is mobile, but within reasonable limits. This allows for a greater stretch and contraction of the latissimus muscles. 2. There is also no need to neglect different handles. It is advisable to use both a wide and narrow grip. As well as direct, reverse and parallel grip. All this will allow you to work your back from all sides. Just don’t need to “indulge” in all this variety in one training session. Change your grip every week. 3. Set the weight so that you can do 6 – 8 repetitions. 4. The legs are slightly bent during the exercise. There is no need to straighten them. You're not rowing, after all. 5. In the final phase (when you pull the handle towards you), your back should be slightly tilted back, arched at the lower back, and your shoulder blades should be brought together. This is the only way you can make your lats work to their maximum. 6. You can hunch your back a little when you release the handle away from you. This will allow you to stretch your back more.

I welcome everyone who wants to become stronger, more muscular, more ripped and simply improve their health. In this article I will tell you about the incredible effective exercise for the back muscles. This is a horizontal block pull, which athletes often neglect out of ignorance.

I will tell you in detail all the features, technical nuances and important rules, which will help make the exercise as effective and useful as possible.

Horizontal block traction- a basic exercise for the back, which is aimed at. To be fair, it should be placed in second place in the efficiency rating, right after. But how many of you did pull-ups with ease in your first year of training? How many athletes can do 3-4 full sets of strict pull-ups?

For beginners, this is almost always an incomprehensible task. Therefore, horizontal, as well as vertical traction, should be the basis for development powerful back. Otherwise, plans to quickly pump up will remain only at the level of desires and ideas.

I would like to pay special attention to the popular misconception that seated rowing is analogous to rowing. That's two individual exercises for different purposes, so if you want to imitate rowing movements in a block machine, then this will be a huge mistake. So you won't achieve anything required load on the lats, without the benefit that a rowing machine provides.

This exercise is worthy of becoming a staple for girls and women; it is ideal for training at any age. The only recommendation I would like to give to beginners and even experienced athletes– do not use a belt. It is great for additional support of the lower back during standing exercises, but leads to unnecessary straining when performing movements while sitting. As a result, it provokes unwanted problems with the cardiovascular system.

What muscles work

For the exercise to bring maximum benefit, you need to clearly understand what muscle goes main load. Without this, it is impossible to create a competent and balanced training program. The main muscles worked in deadlifting are:

  • Latissimus.
  • Trapezoidal.
  • Large diamond-shaped.
  • Spinal extensors.

Additional load goes to the triceps, biceps, rear deltoids and chest. In compliance correct technique the main load will go to the latissimus muscles, the remaining groups work in passive mode. When I see gym goers who, with all their might, pull the handle towards their waist with their hands, additionally helping themselves with their legs, I understand that without theory, practice is almost useless. Remember, the handle is not pulled by the biceps, but by the lats. Focus on the muscle, feel how it works, and then the pull will be effective.

The benefits and harms of exercise

The benefits of exercise are simply undeniable. This movement allows you to train your lats without harm or consequences. large scales. And most importantly - without axial load on the spine and other negative factors. Also, when doing this, a minimal load is placed on the lower back, so I recommend this exercise both for teenagers and when recovering from childbirth (but only with minimal weights, without straining and with the permission of a doctor).

To summarize, the main benefits of horizontal traction are:

  • Safe work with heavy weights (which means increased production of anabolic hormones).
  • Minimal risk of injury compared to other exercises.
  • Improved posture.

I would not talk about the dangers of the exercise, especially considering that working with the lower block is considered the safest. In fact, this is an analogue of a bent-over barbell row, which allows you to fix the position and better control the position of the body.

However, there are two main disadvantages that can greatly reduce its effectiveness:

  • Strong body swaying.
  • Pull using the strength of your arms and shoulders, not your back.

Both disadvantages are caused by incorrect execution technique and incorrectly selected weight in the simulator.


The main contraindication is spinal injuries. It is also advisable to avoid traction for shoulder injuries. Otherwise, there are no special prohibitions.

Correct technique and types of exercises

In bodybuilding, maintaining the correct technique is an axiom and a primary rule (which is often violated, most often out of ignorance). Therefore, the better you comply with all the technical features, the greater the effect will be from performing each repetition in the approach. Now I will talk about the main types of deadlifts and their differences.

To the belly

This is a basic version of front traction, which is considered completely universal. I would like to note that performing the movement in a low crossover block is not considered a replacement. With this technique, the cable will not move horizontally, but from bottom to top. As a result, the load angle changes and other muscles will be involved in the work. If you sit on the floor and not on a bench, then doing the exercise will be uncomfortable. This option is suitable only if there is no special simulator(although I have not met a hall where it was not installed).

Performing a deadlift looks like this:

  • Sit on a bench and rest your feet on the platforms so that your knees are slightly bent.
  • Grab the short handle with a neutral, close grip (depending on the handle).
  • Level your body and move it forward a little.
  • Begin to slowly move the handle towards your stomach, slightly tilting your body back.
  • At the peak point, squeeze your shoulder blades together as much as possible, then return the handle to the starting position.

I would like to emphasize that body sway should be minimal. Just to better stretch the lats.

To the chest

Performing deadlifts chest allows you to shift the load from the lower part of the trapezius to the upper, as well as to the shoulders. The latissimus muscles also receive the main load, but you need to pay attention to the deltoids so that they do not become overextended. If they are the weak link in the deadlift, you will not be able to lift heavy weights and will reduce the effectiveness of the exercise. A narrow handle is best, but if you have good mobility shoulder joints, you can do the exercise with a medium grip. In any variant, a wide grip is not recommended due to the strong reduction in amplitude and increased load on the shoulders.

To the head

Bringing the handle to the face is more classified as shoulder movements, because the main load is significantly shifted to this muscle group. However, this row works well on the upper lats and rear deltoids. I recommend doing this option for those who have problems with posture. In this case, the ideal scheme would be to alternate classic rows in a sitting position and bringing the handle to the face (to the chin, to be more precise).

Example of a workout with the addition of horizontal rows

What should it be proper training using seated rows? To begin with, a complete warm-up of the whole body, even the legs. After this, it is better to switch to pull-ups or vertical block, as a replacement. Only then should you take on deadlifts, when the muscles are sufficiently warmed up and you can push yourself to the maximum in heavy lifts. forceful approaches. The entire back workout after warm-up and cardio will look like this:

  • Pull-ups/vertical pull-downs with wide handles.
  • Horizontal block traction.
  • Bent-over barbell/dumbbell rows.
  • Shrugs with dumbbells.
  • Hyperextension.

At home

Even without going to the gym, horizontal rowing is available to everyone. How to replace a bulky exercise machine? The answer is simple - rubber bands. Just pin them on required height and do deadlifts just like you would in the gym. The movement can be performed with one hand for greater clarity and focus on the back.

Example workout:

The harness exercise can be alternated with bent-over dumbbell rows for weeks at a time.

In the gym

Perform deadlifts as usual, after 1-2 back exercises and a full warm-up. Choose the repetition mode depending on your training goals, but I do not recommend going beyond 3-5 sets.

Example of a gym workout:

  • Weighted pull-ups/vertical rows.
  • Lever row in the machine/dumbbell row in an incline position.
  • Horizontal row in a block machine.
  • Shrugs.
  • Hyperextension.


Without a good warm-up, it’s better to get dressed and go home, because every movement can be traumatic. Stretch not only your back muscles, but also your entire upper body. 4-5 minutes of warm-up and 5-10 minutes of light cardio at the beginning of the training.

Sets and reps

For beginner athletes, it is better to work in a repetition regime of 8 to 10.

Men should do 6-8 reps to develop strength and muscle mass. For girls, high-repetition work of 12-15 repetitions is ideal, but with a reduction to 8 in the last approaches and a gradual increase in weight.

The optimal number of approaches for deadlifts is from 3 to 5.

How to choose a working weight

You can only choose the right weight experimentally. Start small and try to work your way up to a weight where you find it difficult to complete 5-6 reps. Based on this in subsequent workouts, but remember the progression of the load.

What grip to use

Regarding the position of the hand, it doesn’t matter. The lats will receive the same load in any case. Medium and wide grips are great for rowing, so you can better pull your shoulders back and retract your shoulder blades.

Nutrition and sports supplements

All these beautiful photos and videos of professional athletes doing deadlifts and getting incredible definition are an advertising fiction. Horizontal thrust is needed for powerful strength work. If you want to become slim, then you need to control your nutrition and diet. Exercise is nothing more than a mechanical element that forces the body to respond to stress. Of the required sports supplements I can only recommend protein and vitamin-mineral complexes. I advise men to add creatine to the list to increase strength and progression.

Common mistakes

The deadlift is an exercise with a minimal arsenal of mistakes, but gym goers try their best to use them. Here are the main ones:

  • Excessive body sway.
  • Lack of focus on target muscle(widest).
  • Incomplete retraction of the shoulder blades at the peak point.
  • Rounding the back.

Each mistake significantly reduces the effectiveness of the exercise and can cause injury.


Horizontal thrust in the block – great exercise. It can be replaced with dumbbell rows or barbell rows, but you are unlikely to be able to work with the same weights and efficiency. The exercise is truly universal, effective and safe, so I strongly recommend including it in training program everyone who wants to have developed back and good posture.

Pull-down block to the stomach on the simulator

The horizontal pull-down on the abdominal machine is an exercise for the back. It is performed in two technical versions, the choice depends on the type of simulator and the purpose of the exercise. It is used both in training for beginners to learn deadlifts, and in training for more experienced athletes. Often used to correct muscle imbalances.

Purpose of the exercise

The main purpose of including this exercise in fitness training is to correct stoop and improve posture. Goals are achieved by strengthening the lats and rhomboids, as well as by creating the correct motor pattern and acquiring the skill of “turning” the shoulders.

An additional goal of the fitness exercise is also hypertrophy of the back muscles.

How to do the exercise correctly

In order for the exercise to be performed correctly, you first need to set up the machine so that when working with it, the traction cable is parallel to the floor.

Starting position: arms extended forward, palms facing each other and firmly holding the handles of the block. The legs are slightly bent at the knees and rest firmly on the supports. The back is kept straight, the athlete looks straight ahead.

  • Phase one. The pulling begins - you need to try to pull precisely through the isolated movement of the elbows - that is, using the latissimus dorsi muscles. As soon as the elbows are level with the body, the first phase of the movement is completed.
  • The second phase - the elbows continue to move and extend far beyond the line of the body. The shoulder blades are brought together as much as possible. The lats should contract as much as possible.
  • The third phase is a delay for a couple of seconds with static tension in the muscles.
  • The fourth phase is the final one. The arms return in a smooth, controlled movement to the starting position. The back should not be rounded.

If the exercise is performed with really heavy weights, the use of straps is acceptable.

Here are some of the most common mistakes that beginners make when performing pull-downs, and tips for eliminating them:

  • too much weight is taken at once. At the same time, it is impossible to keep track of well-thought-out technology. The beginner is forced to perform deadlifts by moving his body backwards. In this case, any meaning in craving disappears completely;
  • hence the rule: you need to start practicing the technique only with light weights;
  • Wide elbows are wrong! It is precisely when pressed to the body that they are able to ensure the most efficient work latissimus muscles backs. With the elbows apart, the rhomboid muscles of the middle back and trapezius are more involved in the work;
  • The deadlift should not be done using the biceps. You need to feel at what point your hands begin to dominate - and try to exclude them from your work;
  • The torso should not move too intensely, and the back should not round too much in the final phase. This is traumatic;
  • You can change the handles to the crossbar when performing the exercise. In this case, depending on the position of the elbows, pumping of different muscle groups. If you keep your elbows spread wide and looking up, the trapezius, rhomboid back and rear deltoids are activated. If you lower your elbows down and press them against your body, the deltoids are practically disabled.

Thus, by changing only the position of the elbows, the athlete can regulate the degree and depth of working out certain muscles.

Working muscles

Abs and core muscles as stabilizers, shoulder rotators as auxiliary, latissimus and rhomboids as primary muscles.


The technique of working on a block and lever simulator is slightly different. There are two variations of the exercise - one-arm and two-arm rows.

Horizontal abdominal row with 2 arms in a block machine

It is possible to pull a horizontal block with a narrow and wide grip. For a narrow grip, it is advisable to use a special L-shaped handle. With a narrow grip, the elbows are directed to the sides, with a grip at shoulder level - down. The movement begins with tightening the shoulder blades to the spine and actively engaging the back muscles. Next, the elbows are carefully brought into the plane of the spine and the pull reaches the body. Then the muscles are gradually relaxed, the handle of the simulator is returned to its original position.

1 arm row

The one-handed row differs in that the handle for rowing is taken with one hand, and the free hand is calmly located along the body. It is necessary to significantly tense the abdominal muscles so that there is no strong rotation along the axis of the spine; natural rotation is allowed.

Lever machine row

There are several types of lever exercisers for abdominal rows:

  • one in which traction is carried out to the lower abdomen, and body rotation is not used;
  • the pull is carried out to a line just above the waist, due to the higher seat on the bench and the design of the machine, and the elbows are pulled behind the back when pulling.

The advantage of the lever system is the possibility of multidirectional hand movements and performing exercises one by one. The disadvantage is that not all people have the ability to anatomically correct grip, the handles are too wide or narrow for many.

According to biomechanics, the movement copies the pull of the block.

Sets and repetitions are determined individually depending on the purpose of the exercise and are usually 8-12 repetitions in 3-4 sets.