The smallest horse was born in the Leningrad region. The world's smallest foal was born in the Leningrad region

The smallest foal in the world was born in the Leningrad region of the Russian Federation, who was named Gulliver. The event took place at the Hidalgo pony farm in the village of Skotnoye, Agalatovsky rural settlement.

A newborn foal is 2 times smaller than the others. This is a unique case, because neither in Europe nor in America such small horses were born. Gulliver's value is that he is not a dwarf and has no physical abnormalities. The smallest pet on the farm is the size of an adult cat.

As Elena Chistyakova, director of the Hidalgo pony farm, told Lenoblinform, mini-horses sometimes give birth to dwarf foals. For example, in America they bred super-small ponies, but they all had defects. And Gulliver is a correct foal. He is tame and very brave.

The baby's height is slightly more than 30 cm at the withers, weight - 3 kg. According to Elena, the foal’s parents are of normal size – 70 cm each. In the 12 years of the farm’s existence, such a unique case occurred for the first time.

We usually use small horses for therapeutic purposes. They undergo special medical training. We go with ponies to hospitals and to children in orphanages. Although Gulliver will definitely become a media person! He is no longer afraid of cameras and takes part in photo shoots. We hope that our baby will be included in the Guinness Book of Records,” shared Elena Chistyakova.

In the village of Skotnoye near St. Petersburg, such a small horse was born that it is quite possible that he will become the smallest in the whole world. It remains only to wait a little until he finally matures in order to accurately determine his size. In the meantime, the baby is no taller than a medium-sized dog, but he certainly has enough agility for two ordinary foals.

This baby was named with the proud name Gulliver. Perhaps he really cannot boast of height, but he is more than enough sociable. Considering the increased attention to his person, he is already accustomed to cameras and strangers, and is not afraid of anyone.

When Gulliver was just born, the surprise of the farm workers knew no bounds. Then he was the size of a small cat - only 29 centimeters in height and weighing three kilograms. The foal is now three months old, and during this time he has grown by about 10 centimeters. When Gulliver reaches his maximum size, he is expected to be 50 centimeters. Yes, of course, he doesn’t have to be huge - Gulliver’s parents belong to a miniature breed of horses, and they are about 70 cm in height. But even if compared with them, it is clear that Gulliver will be much smaller than his relatives.

At the Hidalgo pony farm in the village of Skotnoye, Agalatovsky rural settlement, where Gulliver was actually born, they say that the peculiarity of this foal is that it is not dwarf. Main criterion qualities for mini-horses - they must be a smaller copy Arabian horses. If dwarf horses are born, they are disproportionate and defective. Gulliver, despite his miniature size, looks exactly like a riding horse.

The beauty is that he is absolutely proportional and well-built. He has a great future in competitions,” says Elena Chistyakova, a horse breeder. And in fact, Gulliver is similar to his parents - mother Gertie and father, who even once won in the "Hope of Selection" nomination. The breeders hope that Gulliver himself will also become the hope of selection and will be able to pass on his unique miniature gene to his children. In any case, when he is old enough, he will be able to lay claim to the title of the smallest horse in the world.

If Gulliver had been a mare, he probably would not have been able to claim the Guinness World Record: the smallest horse is Tumbelina from the USA, who was only 44.5 cm. But the smallest stallion now is the horse Charlie from Italy with his 63. 5 cm tall. So Gulliver has every chance!

Such small horses, of course, are not intended for riding. They are very friendly, and due to their modest size, they are often kept as a regular pet, like a dog. Such a horse, of course, will not take root in an apartment - it needs space, a place to graze.
“They are very simple and inexpensive to maintain, so anyone from a child to people with disabilities can have such a horse,” says the breeder.

In the Leningrad region, perhaps the smallest foal in the world was born, which was named Gulliver. The event took place at the Hidalgo pony farm in the village of Skotnoye, Agalatovsky rural settlement.

A newborn foal is 2 times smaller than other horses. This is a unique case, because neither in Europe nor in America such small horses were born. Gulliver's value lies in the fact that, despite his small stature, he is not a dwarf; he also has no physical abnormalities. The smallest pet on the farm is the size of an adult cat.

As Elena Chistyakova, director of the Hidalgo pony farm, said, mini-horses sometimes give birth to dwarf foals. For example, in America they bred super-small ponies, but they all had defects. And Gulliver is a correct foal. He is tame and very brave.

The baby's height is slightly more than 30 cm at the withers, weight - 3 kg. According to Elena, the foal’s parents are of normal size - 70 cm each. In the 12 years of the farm’s existence, such a unique case occurred for the first time.

​Photo: Ksenia Rimskaya, Elena Chistyakova

“We usually use small horses for therapeutic purposes. They undergo special medical training. We go with ponies to hospitals and to children in orphanages. Although Gulliver will definitely become a media person! He is no longer afraid of cameras and takes part in photo shoots. We hope that our baby will be included in the Guinness Book of Records,” shared Elena Chistyakova.


Miniature Gulliver.

In the village of Skotnoye near St. Petersburg, such a small horse was born that it is quite possible that he will become the smallest in the whole world. It remains only to wait a little until he finally matures in order to accurately determine his size. In the meantime, the baby is no taller than a medium-sized dog, but he certainly has enough agility for two ordinary foals.

The foal was born the size of a cat.

This baby was named with the proud name Gulliver. Perhaps he really cannot boast of height, but he is more than enough sociable. Considering the increased attention to his person, he is already accustomed to cameras and strangers, and is not afraid of anyone.

On the farm, miniature Gulliver lives next to ordinary horses.

When Gulliver was just born, the surprise of the farm workers knew no bounds. Then he was the size of a small cat - only 29 centimeters in height and weighing three kilograms. The foal is now three months old, and during this time he has grown by about 10 centimeters. When Gulliver reaches his maximum size, he is expected to be 50 centimeters. Yes, of course, he doesn’t have to be huge - Gulliver’s parents belong to a miniature breed of horses, and they are about 70 cm in height. But even if compared with them, it is clear that Gulliver will be much smaller than his relatives.

Size difference.

At the Hidalgo pony farm in the village of Skotnoye, Agalatovsky rural settlement, where Gulliver was actually born, they say that the peculiarity of this foal is that it is not dwarf. The main quality criterion for mini-horses is that they must be a smaller copy of Arabian horses. If dwarf horses are born, they are disproportionate and defective. Gulliver, despite his miniature size, looks exactly like a riding horse.

The beauty is that he is absolutely proportional and well-built. He has a great future in competitions,” says Elena Chistyakova, a horse breeder. And in fact, Gulliver is similar to his parents - mother Gertie and father, who even once won in the "Hope of Selection" nomination. The breeders hope that Gulliver himself will also become the hope of selection and will be able to pass on his unique miniature gene to his children. In any case, when he is old enough, he will be able to lay claim to the title of the smallest horse in the world.

Breeders believe that an adult Gulliver will be no taller than 50 cm.

If Gulliver had been a mare, he probably would not have been able to claim the Guinness World Record: the smallest horse is Tumbelina from the USA, who was only 44.5 cm. But the smallest stallion now is the horse Charlie from Italy with his 63. 5 cm tall. So Gulliver has every chance!

Gulliver's mother Gertie was bought to be resold later, but after she gave birth to such a valuable foal, they decided to keep her.

Such small horses, of course, are not intended for riding. They are very friendly, and due to their modest size, they are often kept as a regular pet, like a dog. Such a horse, of course, will not take root in an apartment - it needs space, a place to graze.
“They are very simple and inexpensive to maintain, so anyone from a child to people with disabilities can have such a horse,” says the breeder.

Now Gulliver is at most 40 cm tall.

Gulliver is a very cheerful foal.

Little Gulliver.

Gulliver from the farm *Hidalgo*.

In the village of Skotnoye, Vsevolozhsk district, Leningrad region, a sensational event occurred - in the Hidalgo breeding farm, which breeds American miniature horses, the world's smallest foal, named Gulliver, was born.

The foal was born with a height of 31 cm and a weight of 3 kg. Breeders compare its size with the size of a cat, which gives the baby the right to be included in the Guinness Book of Records.

The world's smallest foal is reported to have normal parents, measuring 70cm in height, which is considered standard. The breeders said that Gulliver's father was the stallion Nobel Boy, who is the parent of many children. The mother of the foal was the mare Gertie, who gave birth for the first time.

Gulliver's owner also emphasized that she has been breeding miniature horses for 12 years, but such a sensational incident has never happened not only in her practice, but throughout the world.

The world's smallest foal Gulliver (video):