One horsepower. Life and destiny

Monday - Sunday from 9:00 to 21:00 without lunch break.

Orders placed on Saturday and Sunday may be received no earlier than Monday.

" data-locality-id="18091" data-weight="" > Briketa st., building 31 Monday - Sunday from 9:00 to 21:00. " data-locality-id="18091" data-weight=" " > st. Kirill Turovsky, building 10, apartment/office 145 Monday - Friday: from 10.30 to 18.00.

Saturday: from 9.30 to 11.00

Sunday: closed.

" data-locality-id="370" data-weight="50" disabled > Sovetskoy Konstitutsii str., building 18 Monday - Friday: from 10.00 to 18.00.

Lunch: from 13.00 to 14.00.

" data-locality-id="3345" data-weight="30" disabled > Chernyakhovskogo Ave., building 32, building B, building 1, apartment/office 104 Monday - Friday: from 10.00 to 18.00.

Lunch: from 13.00 to 14.00.

Saturday: from 10.00 to 17.00.

Lunch: from 13.00 to 14.00.

Sunday: closed.

" data-locality-id="9047" data-weight="30" disabled > Kirova St., building 20, apartment/office 20 Monday - Friday: from 10.30 to 18.00.

Saturday: from 9.30 to 11.00

Sunday: closed.

" data-locality-id="11822" data-weight="50" disabled > Gorky St., building 91 Monday - Friday: from 10.30 to 18.00.

Saturday: from 9.30 to 11.00

Sunday: closed.

" data-locality-id="22439" data-weight="50" disabled > Stroiteley St., building 8, building A Monday - Friday: from 10.30 to 18.00.

Saturday: from 9.30 to 11.00

Sunday: closed.

" data-locality-id="7" data-weight="50" disabled > street 50 let BSSR, building 31 Monday - Friday: from 10.00 to 18.00.

Lunch: from 13.00 to 14.00.

Saturday: from 10.00 to 17.00

Lunch: from 13.00 to 14.00.

Sunday: closed.

" data-locality-id="20620" data-weight="30" disabled > Komsomolskaya st., building 36, building 1 Monday - Friday from 08.00 to 19.00

" data-locality-id="15603" data-weight="" disabled > Demina, building 16 Monday - Friday: from 10.30 to 18.00.

Saturday: from 9.30 to 11.00

Sunday: closed.

" data-locality-id="9529" data-weight="50" disabled > Kozlova st., building 23, building 4 Monday - Friday from 08.00 to 19.00

Saturday – Sunday from 08.00 to 18.00

" data-locality-id="16919" ​​data-weight="" disabled > Kuznechnaya, building 28 Monday - Friday: from 10.00 to 17.30.

Lunch: from 12.00 to 16.00.

Saturday, Sunday: closed.

" data-locality-id="917" data-weight="50" disabled > 40 Let Oktyabrya str., building 3 Monday - Friday: from 10.00 to 17.30.

Lunch: from 12.00 to 16.00

Saturday, Sunday: closed.

" data-locality-id="1273" data-weight="50" disabled > Radishcheva str., building 6 Monday - Friday: from 10.30 to 18.00.

Saturday: from 9.30 to 11.00

Sunday: closed.

" data-locality-id="4809" data-weight="50" disabled > Orsha highway, building 1 Monday - Friday: from 10.30 to 18.00.

Saturday: from 9.30 to 11.00

Sunday: closed.

" data-locality-id="13109" data-weight="50" disabled > Dzerzhinsky St., building 73 Monday - Friday: from 10.30 to 18.00.

Lunch: from 13.00 to 14.00

Saturday: from 09.30 to 11.00

Sunday: closed.

" data-locality-id="10081" data-weight="50" disabled > Pritytskogo st., building 46, apartment/office 7 Monday - Friday: from 10.30 to 18.00.

Saturday: from 9.30 to 11.00

Sunday: closed.

" data-locality-id="18373" data-weight="50" disabled > Gorodokskaya St., apartment/office 104 Monday - Friday: from 10.00 to 18.00.

Lunch: from 13.00 to 14.00

Saturday, Sunday: closed.

" data-locality-id="5837" data-weight="30" disabled > Karl Marx str., building 17 Monday - Friday: from 10.00 to 18.00.

Lunch: from 13.00 to 14.00

Saturday, Sunday: closed.

" data-locality-id="1773" data-weight="30" disabled > Lenina St., building 2, apartment/office 18-19 Monday - Friday: from 10.00 to 18.00.

Lunch: from 13.00 to 14.00.

Saturday: from 10.00 to 17.00

Lunch: from 13.00 to 14.00.

Sunday: closed.

" data-locality-id="6199" data-weight="30" disabled > Gogol str., building 27, building 41, apartment/office 110 Monday-Sunday: 09.00-21.00 without lunch break. " data-locality- id="18091" data-weight="" > st. Mirutko, house 68 From 09:00 to 20:00, seven days a week. " data-locality-id="19356" data-weight="" disabled > Parizhskaya Kommuny street, building 2, building 1, building of the Mayak shopping center Monday - Friday from 09.00 to 19.00 without a lunch break.

Saturday from 10.00 to 15.00.

Sunday is a day off.

" data-locality-id="19711" data-weight="" disabled > Prospect Mira, building 32

On holiday, a friend gave me an unusual gift. Having read the inscription on the label, at first I was even offended: “Is this a hint?” The thing is that the gel and shampoo presented to me were intended for... horses.

It turns out that some of my friends have been using “horse” shampoo for a long time. One of them first tried this “miracle drug” on herself at the beginning of last year. Since then he has not changed. He assures that after using it, the hair is exactly like a horse’s mane: shiny, thick, silky. That no brands compete with horse shampoo. I never believed that a cosmetic product - human or animal - can turn sparse and thin hair into a full head of hair. But she didn’t dissuade her friends: what sacrifices would you make for the sake of beauty! In the end, even if shampoo is not suitable, you can wash your hair with any other. But is it worth rubbing yourself with horse gel?! What if this is dangerous for the skin and health? My friend, of course, tried to dispel my doubts. They say that she, her mother, and her colleagues have been using “horse” drugs for several months now, and they have not harmed anyone yet. But they helped many. They are much better than ordinary gels and ointments in relieving pain in the joints, lower back...

As it turned out, other friends of mine also tried the miraculous power of horse gels. “These gels are different: warming, cooling, restoring, relaxing, so you can choose exactly the one that suits you,” the professional athlete instructed me. - Personally, the warming one suits me better. WITH knee joints problems. So I rub them at night for a day or two, and the pain goes away.” According to this athlete, many of his friends stocked up heavily on this product. We bought them for ourselves and for our relatives. Most grannies suffer from radiculitis, so their kind grandchildren make their life easier.

The “outlandish remedy” is sold in veterinary pharmacies and departments selling cat and dog food. However, having visited some of them, I did not find a large selection of gels. “So it will be scattered quickly. In general, many of our clients today buy gels and shampoos not for horses, cats and dogs, but for themselves,” the sellers did not hide. “Take it, don’t hesitate,” two friends immediately recommended, and in my presence each bought 4 bottles of horse gel and shampoo. - They are more effective than regular ones. And, importantly, it’s cheaper.” It may be so. But many ointments intended for people should be used after consulting a doctor. When buying horse gel for yourself, who should you consult with? Well, don't go to the vet for me!

At the Mogilev city veterinary station, where I nevertheless called, they explained that they do not treat horses, so they do not recommend buying such drugs to their clients. However, local veterinarians have heard a lot about people using them. One doctor even admitted that she tried this gel on herself. Because I am sure that it cannot bring any harm to a person. But the head of the burn department of Mogilev Hospital No. 1, Evgeniy Loban, is categorical on this issue: people should not use gels for animals. According to him, human stupidity sometimes costs too much. However, they still have not had any patients who suffered specifically from horse ointment. But dozens of people are admitted to the hospital every year after self-medication. Among them are not only village grandmothers who are accustomed to using “ folk remedies", but also the intelligentsia, advanced youth. They will cover themselves with unknown ointments, without consulting a doctor, without even reading the instructions, and then - a serious burn... People's tolerance to medications varies. In addition, in the production of conventional medicines, the characteristics of the human body are taken into account. But this is not required from veterinary pharmaceuticals. So, doctors still recommend that those who are planning to purchase horse gel forget that “we are all a little bit of a horse”...

At a villager's yard

Another thing is how in demand horses are. In the age of machines and the Internet, they are moving further and further away from production, because one horsepower cannot be compared with dozens or even hundreds of the same ones hidden under the hood of a particular car.

As of January 1, 2012, the total number of horses in Belarus was 100.4 thousand. Including 39.5 thousand heads in agricultural enterprises, 0.6 thousand heads in farms and 60.3 thousand in the private sector. As we can see, the horse remains a reliable companion for humans today. Perhaps not on the same scale as before.

Nowadays, horses are kept in their yards mainly by residents of villages and small regional centers. They most often prefer a horse to walk-behind tractors and other technical devices. She is unpretentious. You'll spend the night grazing in the meadow, and in the morning you can harness up and hit the road. For the winter, an adult horse requires 3 tons of hay and a ton of oats. Stocking them up is not a problem today. It is not surprising that about 80 percent of the total horse population in the republic belongs to the so-called working-use sector.

In agricultural organizations

Agricultural organizations account for about 40 percent of the horses available in the republic. This, we note, takes into account the horse breeding farms themselves. Without them, the figure looks much more modest.

Horses are mainly used to transport feed on farms and complexes. But even there they are gradually being replaced by tractors and other equipment. How justified this is is a moot point. With the current high cost of fuel, relying on equipment at every step is hardly reasonable, because the costs of its depreciation, the cost of fuel and lubricants and the salary of a tractor driver or driver are included in the cost of production. It is unlikely that we will achieve its reduction with this approach. Maybe 2013, declared the Year of Thrift, will help our business executives take a different look at this problem.

Meanwhile, the use of horses in agricultural organizations can be much wider. I remember the experience of one of the farms in the Kormyansky district. Unlike others, there they used horse-drawn mowers every year to harvest hay on the flooded meadows. But this year, in most agricultural organizations, the flooded meadows remained untouched, because the equipment got stuck in the mud even on cultivated lands due to waterlogging.

Under state protection

14 out of 20 horse breeding farms are included in the Republican program for livestock breeding for 2011-2015 with the allocation of appropriate subsidies from the state budget. The government believes that even with all the coldness of agricultural producers towards the horse as an object of production, horse breeding in the country should not fade away. In addition to horses of the work-use type already known to us, Belarusian horse breeders, in general, are quite successful in breeding sports and so-called leisure horses, which are used in rental, tourism, hippotherapy, or as hobby animals. The export direction is also considered very important.

At the beginning of this year, there were 2,700 breeding horses of various breeds on certified breeding farms in the country. According to Belbreeding Association specialist Tamara Drakina, despite the relatively small number of breeding stock, the genetic set of the horse herd in the republic is quite diverse. As a result of long-term selection, unique types of horses have emerged that have a number of valuable economic and biological qualities. The Belarusian draft breed is considered the main one among horse breeders. Next come the heavy trucks - Russian and Soviet. Of the riding ones - Hanoverian, Holstein, Russian trotting breed. There is also a small number of ponies.

Belarusian horses are quite famous outside their country. For example, at the Hipposphere horse show held in St. Petersburg in 2011, the stallion Grokhot from the ZhodinoAgroPlemElita State Enterprise took second place in the draft breed ring and was sold to Russia. And the stallion Vozgon from JSC Polochany was twice recognized as the best sire in terms of the quality of offspring in the Russian ranking of stallions of riding breeds.

With government support, horse breeding in Belarus continues to develop. Breeders offer horses to choose from. Average price For different producers, horses one year and older range from 32 to 35 thousand rubles per kilogram of live weight.