Materials for the physical education lesson "Fun starts. Our cheerful ringing ball"

“Games and relay races for developing physical quality

endurance in young athletes."

Sidorenko Sergey Yurievich

physical education teacher

MAOU Lyceum No. 28

In our modern world, due to a heavy academic load, hobbies for computer games, and a sedentary lifestyle, there is a problem of lack of physical activity among schoolchildren. Classes in sections and sports clubs help partially solve this problem. Sports activity contributes to the comprehensive development of the child’s personality; it is aimed at improving the intellectual, spiritual, mental and physical development of the child. In the process of games, children develop vital qualities such as perseverance, honesty, courage, courage, and mutual assistance.

I offer you games and relay races, which I often use in my physical education lessons to develop endurance in elementary school students.

Game, heart rate, number of movements

Contents, rules






In front of the teams standing in columns (8-12 people each),

a line is drawn, and stacks (medicine balls) are placed 10–12 m from each of them.

At the signal, the first team numbers run around the posts (counterclockwise) and run to the starting line. They run past their column, go around it from behind and run back to the posts. When they cross the starting line, the second numbers join them, grabbing them by the waist, and now the two players run around the obstacle. After turning around the team, third numbers join them, etc. The game ends when the entire team depicting train cars (without releasing their hands) finishes, that is, the last player crosses the starting line.

In the game, the first team numbers receive the most workload, so when repeating, the players are arranged in the reverse order.

Rules: The team whose players complete the task faster wins.

Batting balls

Wait a minute

Instead of racks

can be used skittles

"Team Run"

Several teams (10–12 people each) are given a start. The teams start moving, trying to run the entire distance (up to 500 m) without stretching, and finish in full force. At the finish line, a corridor 10 m wide is designated. The team that spends less time wins and at the finish line its participants will be in the designated corridor at the same time.

It is better to place the distance in a closed circle (treadmill at a school stadium).

Rules: The team whose finisher comes running first wins.


Starts can be given separately for each team.

"Don't give the ball to the driver"

One of the players is the driver. At the beginning of the game he is in the middle of the court. The remaining players are placed on the court in a random order and, while running, throw the basketball to one another. The driver tries to take possession of the ball. From the place where he managed to catch the ball, he throws at any player. In case of a hit, the player becomes the driver, and the previous driver participates in the game along with everyone else.

The players who have acted as the driver the least number of times win.


The player whom the driver hit with the ball raises his hand and loudly says: “I am the driver!”

Any player has the right to pick up or catch the ball that has bounced off the player who has become the driver and continue the game.




Simple option. The players sit freely in the hall (on the court). One of the participants is the driver. They give him a handkerchief, which he raises up and says loudly: “I am a tag!” Salka tries to catch up and touch one of the players with her hand. The dirty one is given a handkerchief, he says loudly: “I am a tag” - and the game continues.

The new driver is not allowed to immediately touch the player who insulted him with his hand. The winners are the guys who were not salted.

When playing a game with a large number of participants, it is better to divide the site into three or four independent sections. Then the tag and the group of players run only within their area.

Complicated options.

a) When helping a friend, you can cross the driver’s path. Then the tag begins to chase the one who crossed his path, or another player;

b) There are one or two houses (outlined circles) where players are not allowed to hit. Staying in the house for more than 10 seconds is not allowed;

c) The players, in addition to three tags, have a ribbon behind their collar. Salka, catching up with the runaway, pulls out the ribbon and threads its end through her collar. The one left without the tape becomes a tag. He announces this and begins to catch the rest of the players.

d) It is not allowed to touch the tag with the hand of someone who has jumped onto the apparatus, climbed onto the gymnastics wall, grabbed onto the crossbar, in a word, lifted their feet off the ground. The rules prohibit a tag from guarding a runaway for more than 5 seconds. The salted one changes roles with the pursuer.

The game can be played on one half of the v. sites.

"Change of places."

The game is played on a basketball or volleyball court. Players are divided into equal teams and line up along the front lines. At the signal, the teams simultaneously run to the opposite side, i.e. change places, having previously determined the method of movement (running, jumping on one leg, jumping on two legs).


You cannot deliberately hold off your opponents.

Having run across, take a pre-agreed position.

Victory is awarded to the team that was the first to take place on the opposite line.

In order not to interfere with each other, teams line up in opposite corners of the site

"Line relay with running."

Three teams are lined up and arranged in the shape of the letter “P”. A common starting line is drawn in front of the team located between the other two. Ahead, 15-20 meters away, three towns are placed in a row, at a distance of 1.5 meters from one another. The first numbers from each team stand behind the starting line. At the teacher’s command “March!” they run to the front, and the next runners from each team take their places at the start. Those who run out, having reached their towns, run around them on the right side and, returning back, touch the next players of their team with the palm of their right hand, after which they take their places in the ranks. The next players, in turn, run forward, repeat the actions of the first numbers, etc. The game is repeated two or three times.

Rules: to The team that finishes the dash before the others wins.


run around towns on the right side

“Relay race with sudden stops.”

Relay race with sudden stops and continuation of movement according to signals. A linear relay race is carried out (see the game above), but at the first signal (whistle, clap of the hand), the next runners must immediately take a position, lying on the elbow of their left hand, and at the second signal continue moving forward.

Rules: The team that returns to the start without mistakes and earlier wins.

You can draw a dividing line between teams on the court

"Circular relay race".

This game is for developing endurance.

It is usually held in a gym, stadium, or in the forest.

For preparation at the stadium or in the hall, the start and finish line are determined.

In the hall and in the stadium the game is played in a circle. Participants stand at the start as shown in the figure.

At the teacher's signal, the relay race begins. Each participant must run 6–8 laps (lap length at the discretion of the teacher) and then pass the baton to the next team member. After 10 - 15 minutes you can repeat the relay race.

Rules: The team that finishes the relay first wins.


If the relay race is held in the forest, the game site is cleared of foreign objects. In the hall there is a basketball court along the middle line.

"Big relay race in a circle."

Flags are placed at the four corners of the site, and a large flag is placed in the center. The class is divided into three teams, which line up in columns one at a time near the starting line. One runner from each team is called to the starting line. At the signal, they run around four flags, and, having reached the finish line (next to the starting line), pass the baton to the second numbers who took the starting position at the start.

Rules:The team whose trailing player finishes running around the flags first wins. He must be the first to run up to the central flag (stand) and knock on the pole with the relay baton. The second person to arrive brings his team second place.

Flags, baton

The teacher ensures that the rules are followed. Small flags are run around from the outside. The last player on the team, before running to the central flag, must run around the fourth corner flag.

"Ball for the captain."

Near the short sides of the site, three inscribed circles are drawn, respectively one, three and five meters. A circle with a diameter of 1 meter is drawn in the center of the site.

Game accessories: basketball, distinctive armbands.

The first numbers of each team are captains. They stand in the middle of the circles drawn at the short sides of the site. Between the circles of the large and middle circles there are four players from the other team - interceptors. The remaining players (forwards) are positioned randomly on the court.

The teacher throws the ball up in the center of the court between two players from different teams. Each of them tries to hit or throw the ball to their players. The one who has taken possession of the ball strives to bring him closer to his captain through passes and throw the ball to him so that he catches it on the fly. Throwing the ball to the captain is made difficult by the fact that there are interceptors from the other team around him who are trying to prevent him from catching the ball. The interceptors hit or pass the ball to their forwards, who in turn try to pass the ball to their captain. The team whose captain catches the ball scores two points. After this, the game starts again from the center of the court. The team with the most points wins.


It is allowed to throw and catch the ball with your hands, as well as

hit him with your head.

Running with the ball for more than two steps is prohibited.

Rough pushes are not allowed.

Taking or knocking the ball out of your hands is not allowed.

Players do not have the right to go beyond the line of the outlined circles.

A ball that has been thrown out of bounds is put into play by one of the other team’s forwards from the place where the ball crossed the court line.

B. ball

For violations of rules 2, 3 and 5 by a player of one of the teams, the other team receives the right to a five-meter throw to its captain. This throw can only be intercepted by one of the offending team's interceptors. The remaining players stand behind the free throw line. For a ball caught by the captain on the fly from a five-meter throw, the team receives one point, after which it starts from the center of the court; if the captain does not catch the ball, then the game continues. After one of the captains of either team has caught the ball on the fly, the players (captain, interceptors, forwards) can change roles

"Ten gears."

The game is played according to the rules of basketball, but without throwing into the basket. The ball is put into play from the center. The team players who gain possession of the ball, skillfully maneuvering and not giving the ball to the opponent, try to make 10 powder passes among themselves, for which the team is awarded one point. After this, the game stops and the ball is put back into play with a throw from the center. The game is played for a time or up to a certain number of points.


Number of gears accumulated

void if the ball is intercepted

the opponent or team committed


If the enemy, when trying to take

the ball has violated the rules, the ball is thrown in

behind the sideline, and the count continues.

B. ball

Errors: double dribble, run, turnover.

Developing gaming endurance is an important part in the development of primary school students. In initial training groups, much attention is paid to general physical training. Half of the classes consist of outdoor games, game tasks, and sports games. In view of this, it is necessary to introduce sports games into the school curriculum as a mandatory element of thematic planning. Especially in the younger grades, since early endurance develops mainly through outdoor games.

Outdoor games play the greatest role in the development of endurance; they help to attract children to sports in order to achieve not only good results in the future, but also to be ready for further work in adulthood.

Since outdoor games are very diverse in content and attractive to children, this contributes to their greatest interest in playing sports. Which further distracts teenagers from the harmful negative influence of society.

Outdoor games and relay races to develop speed

"Running for the ball"

(Fig. 1). As shown in the figure, in the hall, 5 m from the wall, an arc is laid out with white tape, which is the starting line. Behind her, to the left and right of the center of the hall, there are two teams of 5-6 players each. The players allocated to participate in the running stand behind the arc, maintaining an interval of 1.5-2 m. Two students are located under the basketball backboards - A-1 and A-2, the ball is in the hands of A-1. At the teacher's signal, A-1 passes the ball to A-2, rolling it on the floor. Players from both teams run after the ball, trying to be the first to touch it and bring their team a point. The team that scores the most points during the game wins.

"Hares and Bunnies"

(Fig. 2). The class is divided into two teams - “hares” and “rabbits”, which line up one at a time (alternately) in a column along the longitudinal axis of the hall facing the teacher leading the game. To the left and right of the teams on lines A and B are various objects (cubes, balls, pins), of which there are half as many as there are participants in the game. At a predetermined signal, members of both teams run to the corresponding line and try to be the first to master the objects located there and bring the team 1 point for each object. The team with the most points wins.

"Pursuit Run"

(Fig. 3). The game involves two teams, which each line up on their own starting line A and B, located at a distance of 3-4 m from one another. Finish line C is located at a distance of 9-11 m from line B. At the teacher’s signal “Attention!” players on lines A and B take the same starting position - crouching, lying, sitting, high start, etc. At the signal “March!” both teams start running at the same time, and each of the runners on team A tries to catch up with the opponent running ahead and grease him before he crosses the finish line C. For each greasy player, the pursuing team receives 1 point. During the next race, the teams change roles.

"Counter Run"

(Fig. 4). The two teams taking part in this game line up in columns, taking places behind the starting lines A and B. Finish line C is located at a distance of 9 m from lines A and B. At the signal, the first team numbers simultaneously take the start and run to the finish line C. The runner who finishes first earns his team 1 point. After counting the points received by each team, the winning team is determined.

"Speed ​​relay"

(Fig. 5). The relay race involves three teams, lined up in columns, one at a time, on the starting line C. At the teacher’s signal, the first numbers run at maximum speed to the opposite wall of the hall. Having gone around the first stand, they return back and, having gone around the second stand, pass the baton to the next participants, and they themselves stand at the end of their teams. Option: girls run once, boys - twice in a row.

Summer Games - relay races

Relay games, while retaining all the advantages of team games, are the simplest and most exciting. The rules of the game are explained a few minutes before it starts. The competitive component of such games is more pronounced than in team games; their duration is very short, so relay games are spectacular and attractive for children.

Relay race with running around racks

To play you will need stands, batons, chalk or a pointed stick. The game is played on any level area of ​​sufficient size. All participants in the game are divided into 2 teams, lined up in columns one at a time and take a place behind the starting line, which is previously outlined. At some distance from the starting line, stands are installed, one opposite each team. The first players in the columns are given relay batons. At the leader’s signal, players with sticks run to the racks, go around them and return to their teams, pass the sticks to the next players, and they each stand at the end of their team’s column, the entire column moves. The second players run around the stands, pass the sticks, etc. The team that finishes the relay first wins.

Five lines

For this game, you need to draw a start line on the site, 10 m from it - the first line, parallel to the start line, after 2 m - the second, after another 2 m - the third, etc. There are five lines in total. All relay participants are divided into two teams of 5 people each, lined up in a column one at a time behind the starting line, the first participants take a low start position. At the leader’s signal, the first players run to the first line, turn back and, having reached the starting line, touch the hand of the next player, and they themselves stand at the end of the column. The second numbers run to the second line, the third - to the third, etc. After the fifth participant, the first numbers are again at the start, who now run to the fifth line, the second - to the fourth, etc. The fifth numbers finish the relay, who run to first line and return. The team that spends the least time wins.

Counter relay

For the game you will need relay batons. The players are divided into two teams, each team is divided into two more. The halves of the teams disperse to opposite ends of the site and line up in columns, one at a time, facing each other, behind the outlined starting lines. The first players of one of the halves of the teams are given a relay baton. If the halves have an unequal number of players, then the baton is given to the first player of the half of the team with more participants. At the leader’s signal, players with sticks run across the court to the other halves of their teams and pass the baton to the players standing first, and they themselves stand at the end of the column, without running across the court anymore, the entire column moves. The next players with sticks run across the court, etc. The team that finishes the relay first wins.


For the game you will need relay batons (according to the number of teams), chalk. The participants of the game are divided into several teams (from three to six), which line up in columns one at a time, with their backs in a circle, like spokes in a wheel. Players with batons standing first mark the place where they stand. At the signal, they begin running in a circle to the right (left). Having reached their column, they pass the stick to the next player, who moves to the starting place. The second passes to the third, etc.

The team that finishes the relay first wins.

Fun Train

To play, you will need stands (according to the number of teams participating in the relay). The starting line is marked on the site and stands are installed at some distance from it.

The number of players in each team is from 4 to 8. The first players run around the racks, return to the starting line, where the second players join them. Putting their hands on the shoulders of the first, they run together to the racks, run around them and return to the starting line. There the first two are joined by the third, they run around the posts together, etc. At the end of the relay, you get a long “train”.

If the players become disengaged, they must all return to the place where they disengaged, grapple and continue running. The winner is the team whose train, made up of all players, returns to the starting line first.

Teams line up in columns in front of the common starting line to the left of the posts or flanks. At the command of the leader (judge), the leaders with relay batons in their right hand run around flags installed at a distance of 15-30 m (depending on age), and return to their team, pass it to the second in the column in their right hand, and they themselves stand at the end columns. The second and other team members take turns doing the same. The winner is the team in which the last one passes the baton to the one standing first before anyone else. Option: teams also line up in columns in front of the starting line (here you can do without racks). Each participant taking the baton becomes to the right of his team in a high start position behind the starting line and waits for his comrade not in front, but behind. The participant returning to his team after going around the flag runs around his team to the right, passes the baton, and stands at the end of the column. This option has a number of advantages: firstly, it reduces the possibility of violating the rule prohibiting the recipient of the relay from crossing the starting line before receiving it; secondly, participants acquire skills in passing and receiving the relay.

During the run, the person passing the baton transfers the baton to his left hand and passes it to his comrade in his right. The transfer can also be made without changing the baton from one hand to the other. To do this, participants must agree that if odd numbers carry it in their left hand, then even numbers take it in their right hand and vice versa. Only then, in order to receive the relay in the left hand, the odd numbers must stand even more to the right (0.5 m) of their team than the even numbers.

A relay race with overcoming various obstacles (one or several): ditches, hurdles, balance beams, climbing frames, etc. When organizing such relay races, they take into account, firstly, that the teams must be in the same conditions; secondly, safety when overcoming obstacles. They are placed so that the most dangerous ones must be overcome at low speed. For example, balance was activated at the start, after a turn or after climbing.

Relay race with dribbling the ball. Formation of teams, as in previous relay races. The players’ task: when entering the competition, dribble the basketball (volleyball) ball with one hand, hitting the ground around the flank, then around your column, as in relay option 1; Passing the ball to someone in front is only allowed from behind your team.

Relay race with small ball throwing. Instead of a relay baton, the first ones run with a tennis or hockey ball. Having reached the flags standing at a certain distance (girls - 20-25 m, boys - 30-40 m), they do not return back, but throw the ball to the second, the second repeats the actions of the first, etc. The balls from the latter are accepted by the standing judges about each team. Teams gain an advantage if players catch the ball without letting it bounce too far.

State budgetary preschool educational institution

Combined kindergarten No. 117, Vyborg district

St. Petersburg

Subject: “Relay race games as a means of physical development of a child and the formation of his emotional sphere”

Target : Physical development of the child and the formation of his emotional sphere.



· maintain and strengthen the physical and mental health of children;

· promote the development of the musculoskeletal system;

· create conditions to satisfy children’s natural need for movement.


· to form in children an idea of ​​a healthy lifestyle;

· develop expressiveness of motor actions;

· to form in children basic knowledge and ideas about different types of movements and ways of performing them;

· to form and improve motor skills in relay games, outdoor games and basic movements.


· develop children's interest in relay games and physical exercises using different objects;

· developing in children the ability to play together, coordinating their actions with the actions of others; encourage children to be independent and active in games and exercises.

When organizing game relay races, it is important to follow the following rules:

1) the number of players in teams must be equal (including boys and girls);

2) children of smaller stature should stand in front of the columns, and children of larger stature should stand in the back;

3) races in teams are carried out strictly in turns, which no one misses;

4) it is not allowed to run ahead of the start line (take over the baton) ahead of time;

5) the relay race in the team is always finished by the player who started it;

6) regardless of the end of the game by one team, it continues until all the team players complete the tasks;

7) the result is summed up by the number of points earned;

8) for each mistake during the game a penalty point is awarded;

9) the team with the most points wins (not necessarily finishing the relay first), but most often FRIENDSHIP wins.

(5 – 6 years)

"From bump to bump"

Equipment: hoops

The players line up in three columns at the starting line. In front of each, at a distance of 10 m, flat hoops (6–8 pieces) are drawn or placed - these are hummocks. At the teacher’s command, the first players begin to jump from hoop to hoop. Having reached the finish line, they run back. The next participant starts jumping. The team that quickly and correctly completes the task wins.


Equipment : sandbags, hoops.

The players line up at the starting line in two or three columns. The players standing first each have one sandbag. At the teacher’s signal, they clamp the bags between their knees and jump on two legs to the hoop, then take the bags in their hands, run back to their column and pass them on to the next players. They themselves stand at the end of their column.

"Who is faster to the flag"

Target: practice running and jumping on two legs.

Equipment: cubes, skittles.

The players line up in two columns. Opposite each, at a distance of 5 m, one object (cube, pin) is placed. At the teacher’s signal, the players standing first in the column jump on two legs to the object, go around it and run back to their column, touch the hand of the next child and stand at the end of their column.

"Ball School"

Equipment: balls.

Children are divided into three or four columns. The first players standing in the column each have a ball in their hands. At the teacher’s signal, the first player hits the hoop with the ball, catches it with both hands and passes it to the next one, and he runs to the end of his column. The column that completes the task faster wins.

"Don't hit the object"

Equipment: objects (cubes, skittles) placed in a row.

Children line up in two columns at the starting line. Opposite each column, objects are placed in a row at a distance of 0.5 m. At the teacher’s signal, the children, one after another, jump on two legs between the objects (snake) and return to their place. The winner is the column that quickly and correctly completes the task.


Equipment: 5 small mugs each, buckets with small cubes or pebbles, buckets of sand, watering cans, empty buckets.

Children are lined up in 2 - 3 columns of 6 people behind a line on one side of the site. Those standing first in the columns hold in their hands 5 small circles cut out of cardboard or made of willow twigs. The second children have buckets with small cubes or pebbles in their hands, the third have buckets of sand, the fourth have watering cans, the fifth have empty buckets, the sixth have no equipment.

At a distance of 5 - 6 m from the line behind which the children stand, another line is drawn. At a signal from an adult, those standing in the column are the first to run to the second line, lay out circles behind it - as if making holes - at a distance of a step from one another. Then quickly returning to the end of their column, they touch those standing second with their hands as they go. The second players run behind the line and place a cube or pebble in each circle (plant potatoes). Those standing third run and pour a handful of sand into each circle (fertilize the plantings). The fourth players run up with watering cans and make imitation movements, as if watering each planting. The fifth run with buckets, collect the harvest (put cubes in buckets) and return to the end of the column. And finally, the latter quickly collect the mugs.

The column that plants vegetables and harvests the fastest wins. During this game, children must follow the rules - start the game at a signal from an adult, do not run if the previous player has not yet touched it, lay out objects carefully

(6 – 7 years)

Hoop relay

Equipment: hoops

The players line up in two columns (a line is drawn in front of each). One hoop is placed at a distance of 6–8 m from the columns. At the teacher’s command, the players standing first in the column run to the hoops, lift them up, climb through them, put them in place and run to their column, touch the hand of the next child and stand at the end of the column. Each subsequent one performs the same task. The team of guys who completes the task faster wins.

"Quickly for the ball"

Equipment: cord, balls.

Players line up in front of a stretched net (cord) at a distance of 0.5 m. Having thrown the ball through it, they quickly pass under the net and catch it after bouncing off the ground. Then the second line of players completes the task. The winner is the team that completed the task with fewer penalty points (for not catching the ball).

"Pass the ball"

Goal: develop the ability to handle the ball, develop agility.

Equipment: balls, cubes.

The players stand in two columns, each with one ball in their hands.

Cubes (5–6 pieces) are placed along the site parallel to each other at a distance of 1.5 m.

At the teacher’s signal, the first players begin dribbling the ball between objects. As soon as they complete two or three subjects, the next guys join the game, etc. Each person who completes the task stands at the end of his column.

Relay race with skipping rope

Equipment: jump ropes

The teams are lined up in a column, one at a time, with short jump ropes in the hands of the guides. At the signal, the first numbers begin to move, jumping in a prescribed manner over the rope and, having gone around the stand located at a distance of 8-10 m, return back, passing the rope to the second numbers, etc. During movement, taking into account the distance, you must do at least 10– 12 turns of the rope. The jumping methods can be as follows: one rotation of the rope for two steps; For each running step, one rotation of the rope; jumping on two legs with intermediate jumps; jumping on two legs without intermediate jumps.

With a jump rope in pairs

Goal: to consolidate and develop the skill of using a skipping rope.

Equipment: jump ropes, cubes.

Players from two teams are distributed in pairs and stand in columns in front of the starting line. Cubes or medicine balls are placed 10–12 m in front of the teams to indicate a turn. Players in pairs stand close to each other. One of them has a short jump rope in his hands. At the signal, both players rush forward, jumping over the rope.

Having reached the turning point (rack, cube), they return back, but the rope is rotated by another participant in the game. After the first pair crosses the starting line, the new pair performs the exercise. The game ends after the last pair finishes.

Grasshopper relay

Goal: practice jumping.

Two or three teams line up in columns in front of the starting line. At the signal, the first numbers jump over the established distance of 10–15 m back and forth, always stepping over the line on the opposite side of the site. As soon as the first participant, having landed behind the starting line, touches his hand to the next participant, he begins jumping, etc.

The team that finishes the relay first wins. The following tasks can be performed in a relay race: jumping on two legs, jumping on the right leg, jumping on the left leg, there on the right leg, from there on the left or vice versa.

Relay option. Each participant tries to cover the distance in fewer jumps.

The winner is determined by the smallest amount of jumps spent by all team members. With this option, long jumps from foot to foot can be used, and the relay itself is carried out in one direction with the participants gradually moving to the opposite side of the site.


Running relay races can be held in the same way:

carry the ball without hitting the pin;

obstacle course;

who is more likely to get through the obstacles to the flag;

whose team will score more goals in the basket;

running on all fours; running with an apple on your head;

running backwards;

sideways running;

running on one leg;

frog running (hands in front on the ground, jumping from a squatting position);

running with two glasses: one with water, the other empty, pour the water while running;

running with a spoon containing a potato;

running together hugging;

running in bags.



State budgetary preschool educational institution

Combined kindergarten No. 117, Vyborg district

St. Petersburg

Methodological development of outdoor games for children on a walk.

Relay games for children 5-7 years old.

Educator: Garbuz Larisa Alekseevna

Subject: “Relay race games as a means of physical development of a child and the formation of his emotional sphere”

Target : Physical development of the child and the formation of his emotional sphere.



  • preserve and strengthen the physical and mental health of children;
  • promote the development of the musculoskeletal system;
  • create conditions to satisfy children’s natural need for movement.


  • to form in children an idea of ​​a healthy lifestyle;
  • develop expressiveness of motor actions;
  • to form in children basic knowledge and ideas about different types of movements and methods of performing them;
  • to form and improve motor skills in relay games, outdoor games and basic movements.


  • develop children's interest in relay games and physical exercises using different objects;
  • developing in children the ability to play together, coordinating their actions with the actions of others; encourage children to be independent and active in games and exercises.

When organizing game relay races, it is important to follow the following rules:

1) the number of players in teams must be equal (including boys and girls);

2) children of smaller stature should stand in front of the columns, and children of larger stature should stand in the back;

3) races in teams are carried out strictly in turns, which no one misses;

4) it is not allowed to run ahead of the start line (take over the baton) ahead of time;

5) the relay race in the team is always finished by the player who started it;

6) regardless of the end of the game by one team, it continues until all the team players complete the tasks;

7) the result is summed up by the number of points earned;

8) for each mistake during the game a penalty point is awarded;

9) the team with the most points wins (not necessarily finishing the relay first), but most often FRIENDSHIP wins.

Games - relay races for children of senior preschool age.

(5 – 6 years)

"From bump to bump"

Goal: develop the ability to control your body.

Equipment: hoops.

The players line up in three columns at the starting line. In front of each, at a distance of 10 m, flat hoops (6–8 pieces) are drawn or placed - these are hummocks. At the teacher’s command, the first players begin to jump from hoop to hoop. Having reached the finish line, they run back. The next participant starts jumping. The team that quickly and correctly completes the task wins.


Goal: to develop coordination of movements.

Equipment : sandbags, hoops.

The players line up at the starting line in two or three columns. The players standing first each have one sandbag. At the teacher’s signal, they clamp the bags between their knees and jump on two legs to the hoop, then take the bags in their hands, run back to their column and pass them on to the next players. They themselves stand at the end of their column.

"Who is faster to the flag"

Goal: practice running and jumping on two legs.

Equipment: cubes, skittles.

The players line up in two columns. Opposite each, at a distance of 5 m, one object (cube, pin) is placed. At the teacher’s signal, the players standing first in the column jump on two legs to the object, go around it and run back to their column, touch the hand of the next child and stand at the end of their column.

"Ball School"

Goal: practice hitting the ball.

Equipment: balls.

Children are divided into three or four columns. The first players standing in the column each have a ball in their hands. At the teacher’s signal, the first player hits the hoop with the ball, catches it with both hands and passes it to the next one, and he runs to the end of his column. The column that completes the task faster wins.

"Don't hit the object"

Goal: develop the ability to control your body, practice jumping on two legs.

Equipment: objects (cubes, skittles) placed in a row.

Children line up in two columns at the starting line. Opposite each column, objects are placed in a row at a distance of 0.5 m. At the teacher’s signal, the children, one after another, jump on two legs between the objects (snake) and return to their place. The winner is the column that quickly and correctly completes the task.


Goal: practice running with objects, strictly following the rules of the game.

Equipment: 5 small mugs each, buckets with small cubes or pebbles, buckets of sand, watering cans, empty buckets.

Children are lined up in 2 - 3 columns of 6 people behind a line on one side of the site. Those standing first in the columns hold in their hands 5 small circles cut out of cardboard or made of willow twigs. The second children have buckets with small cubes or pebbles in their hands, the third have buckets of sand, the fourth have watering cans, the fifth have empty buckets, the sixth have no equipment.

At a distance of 5 - 6 m from the line behind which the children stand, another line is drawn. At a signal from an adult, those standing in the column are the first to run to the second line, lay out circles behind it - as if making holes - at a distance of a step from one another. Then quickly returning to the end of their column, they touch those standing second with their hands as they go. The second players run behind the line and place a cube or pebble in each circle (plant potatoes). Those standing third run and pour a handful of sand into each circle (fertilize the plantings). The fourth players run up with watering cans and make imitation movements, as if watering each planting. The fifth run with buckets, collect the harvest (put cubes in buckets) and return to the end of the column. And finally, the latter quickly collect the mugs.

The column that plants vegetables and harvests the fastest wins. During this game, children must follow the rules - start the game at a signal from an adult, do not run if the previous player has not yet touched it, lay out objects carefully

Games - relay races for children in the preparatory school group.

(6 – 7 years)

Hoop relay

Goal: to strengthen the skill of climbing through a hoop.

Equipment: hoops

The players line up in two columns (a line is drawn in front of each). One hoop is placed at a distance of 6–8 m from the columns. At the teacher’s command, the players standing first in the column run to the hoops, lift them up, climb through them, put them in place and run to their column, touch the hand of the next child and stand at the end of the column. Each subsequent one performs the same task. The team of guys who completes the task faster wins.

"Quickly for the ball"

Goal: develop the ability to handle the ball, develop agility.

Equipment: cord, balls.

Players line up in front of a stretched net (cord) at a distance of 0.5 m. Having thrown the ball through it, they quickly pass under the net and catch it after bouncing off the ground. Then the second line of players completes the task. The winner is the team that completed the task with fewer penalty points (for not catching the ball).

"Pass the ball"

Goal: develop the ability to handle the ball, develop agility.

Equipment: balls, cubes.

The players stand in two columns, each with one ball in their hands.

Cubes (5–6 pieces) are placed along the site parallel to each other at a distance of 1.5 m.

At the teacher’s signal, the first players begin dribbling the ball between objects. As soon as they complete two or three subjects, the next guys join the game, etc. Each person who completes the task stands at the end of his column.

Relay race with skipping rope

Goal: to consolidate and develop the skill of using a skipping rope.

Equipment: jump ropes.

The teams are lined up in a column, one at a time, with short jump ropes in the hands of the guides. At the signal, the first numbers begin to move, jumping in a prescribed manner over the rope and, having gone around the stand located at a distance of 8-10 m, return back, passing the rope to the second numbers, etc. During movement, taking into account the distance, you must do at least 10– 12 turns of the rope. The jumping methods can be as follows: one rotation of the rope for two steps; For each running step, one rotation of the rope; jumping on two legs with intermediate jumps; jumping on two legs without intermediate jumps.

With a jump rope in pairs

Goal: to consolidate and develop the skill of using a skipping rope.

Equipment: jump ropes, cubes.

Players from two teams are distributed in pairs and stand in columns in front of the starting line. Cubes or medicine balls are placed 10–12 m in front of the teams to indicate a turn. Players in pairs stand close to each other. One of them has a short jump rope in his hands. At the signal, both players rush forward, jumping over the rope.

Having reached the turning point (rack, cube), they return back, but the rope is rotated by another participant in the game. After the first pair crosses the starting line, the new pair performs the exercise. The game ends after the last pair finishes.

Grasshopper relay

Goal: practice jumping.

Two or three teams line up in columns in front of the starting line. At the signal, the first numbers jump over the established distance of 10–15 m back and forth, always stepping over the line on the opposite side of the site. As soon as the first participant, having landed behind the starting line, touches his hand to the next participant, he begins jumping, etc.

The team that finishes the relay first wins. The following tasks can be performed in a relay race: jumping on two legs, jumping on the right leg, jumping on the left leg, there on the right leg, from there on the left or vice versa.

Relay option. Each participant tries to cover the distance in fewer jumps.

The winner is determined by the smallest amount of jumps spent by all team members. With this option, long jumps from foot to foot can be used, and the relay itself is carried out in one direction with the participants gradually moving to the opposite side of the site.


Running relay races can be held in the same way:

carry the ball without hitting the pin;

obstacle course;

who is more likely to get through the obstacles to the flag;

whose team will score more goals in the basket;

running on all fours; running with an apple on your head;

running backwards;

sideways running;

running on one leg;

frog running (hands in front on the ground, jumping from a squatting position);

running with two glasses: one with water, the other empty, pour the water while running;

running with a spoon containing a potato;

running together hugging;

running in bags.