The polar bear club has closed. Naked truth

The news went almost unnoticed, but in vain: a month and a half ago, the oldest (it was opened in 1995) strip club in Moscow, “Polar Bear” on Prospekt Mira, was put to death. And this was not the first closure of such establishments in recent times. MOSLENTA spoke with the head of the Association of Russian Strip Clubs, Lucky Lee, about what is happening today with the striptease industry in Moscow.

Once upon a time, Lucky, who graduated from the finance department of the Moscow Institute of Railway Engineers, was a simple bank employee Sergei Fedorovich Lee. But life, as they say, took its toll: in 2005 he opened the Showgirls club in the capital, in 2010 the team under his leadership headed one of the best strip clubs in Moscow GoldenGirls, and in 2015 Sergei, who by then had already changed his name on Lucky (from the English lucky - “lucky”), created the Association of Strip Clubs of Russia.

The windows of his office, decorated with photographs of girls in varying degrees of nudity, overlook the playground, which, of course, is funny. But even funnier, of course, is Lucky himself - smiling, restless and sparkling with the rhinestones of his purple shoes. Putting the phone aside (on the case there is a dancing Beauty and the Beast, in which, of course, some parallels can be seen), he quickly gets down to business.

About "White Bear"

I am aware of the details of the history of the closure of this club, because as the head of the Association of Strip Clubs of Russia I am in the know: we constantly collect statistics, ask questions, send letters, are interested

So, the main reason for the closure of Polar Bear is a certain periodicity that exists in every business.

In the club business, the average lifespan of any project is estimated at 5-10 years.

Let’s remember the clubs “Diaghilev”, “Opera”, “Paradise”. “The Bear” broke all records, lasting 22 years! However, during its existence, everything has changed: trends, environment, economy, the very structure of the entertainment sector. But the club did not take this into account at all.

Head of the Association of Strip Clubs of Russia Lucky Lee

The second reason is the so-called location. This is not so much the address of this or that site, but where exactly it is located: “Polar Bear” was located in a residential building, which entails many difficulties. For example, restrictions on the volume of music, due to which it was impossible to create a festive atmosphere in the club. So it turned out that the number of guests there decreased from year to year.

All this, however, is not so scary: “Bear” could have lasted in this state for several more years due to the regular visitors that every club has, but then an economic crisis broke out in the country, which also hit entertainment business: costs began to rise, and the number of wealthy people, on the contrary, began to decrease.

About trends

The Association of Strip Clubs has calculated that over the past year and a half, the number of strip clubs in Russia has decreased significantly. Of the 297 establishments, 70 have closed! Their sites are closed, doors are boarded up, sites are sold, employees are laid off. Do you think the situation is better in Moscow? Nothing of the kind. Over the same period, 4 clubs out of 37 were closed here: some, like the same “Polar Bear”, for economic reasons, some, like “Tsarevna”, due to initially incorrect calculations, the Bordeaux club closed due to... for inspections by the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

But all, absolutely all Moscow clubs today have the same problems: costs are rising, revenues are falling, profitability is declining.

And it is impossible to change anything in the current economic conditions. That’s why the strongest survive – for example, “Rasputin”, which has many advantages: a separate building, loud music, business differentiation that allows you to earn money not only from striptease, but also from additional services - there is karaoke, saunas, massages.

About motives

The motivation of men visiting strip clubs has changed dramatically over the past couple of decades. In the 90s, when erotic clubs first appeared, many, including me, went there out of pure interest: for us, who grew up in Soviet times, this was new, because until quite recently erotica was completely inaccessible to our country, as was communication, tactile contact with representatives of the erotic profession.

So we tried to know the unknown. And also - feel the atmosphere female attention. Well, and, of course, what can we hide: at that time, visiting strip clubs gave us a feeling of our own success, they say, we are cool men who can afford it.

Brian Blanco / Reuters

In the mid-2000s, the emphasis shifted: not just clubs, but a real club movement appeared in Moscow. Social life has accelerated! Nobody wanted to hang out at a strip club or karaoke club all night anymore, preferring to move from one establishment to another every two to three hours. That’s why men went to watch striptease, rather, for drive, entertainment, and mood.

Now the situation has changed again. Almost no one is interested in just looking at nudity - to do this, you can sit at home and just log on to the Internet.

People now need not contemplation, but sensation! What kind? One of the most famous club promoters in Moscow - my friend, the late Alexey Goroby - said that the consumer buys from us, in fact, air, that is, the atmosphere, memories of how you spent the evening, what feelings you experienced. At discos there is a feeling of unity, of one’s own society. And in strip clubs it’s energy.

God created men and women different. What does a man want from a woman? Many people say: sex. But in reality - inspiration, creative energy. This can be given to him by one person, for example, his wife. Or maybe different women, for whom men come to us. Therefore, today striptease is not just an action with nudity, but rather flirting.

Let's take, for example, a businessman. He came to us tired after work, where he had been solving some problems all day. He needs to replenish his strength, to feel that he is cared for. I always tell girls: “If a man is wearing a jacket, offer him to take it off, bring a hanger, because it is important for any client to feel that he is not indifferent. It’s important to talk to him, redirect his attention, give him the opportunity to feel a woman’s care.”

I say: “Love the men who come to you, because this is exactly what they need most.”

About visitors

There are strip bars in Moscow. They are attended by audiences aged from 22 to 35 years old. They drink there, they dance on the stands, there is, as they say, a lot of action. There are clubs. They are frequented by people from 27 to 45 years old who prefer to sit and chat in a calm atmosphere, establish communications, celebrate someone’s birthday, or come here with their girlfriend or wife - look, get inspired, get inspired and go home to have children.

There is a good joke on the topic: Sarah and Abram are walking down the street, and Abram looks at one, then at the other. “It’s okay,” Sarah thinks, “let her work up an appetite and eat at home!” By the way, my wife and I had our first child this way. Our daughter is now ten years old.

press service of the Association of Strip Clubs of Russia

About tastes

Whatever one may say, we work in the field of service! This means that clubs constantly have to adapt to the changing tastes of guests. Twenty years ago, what did visitors to strip clubs want? Stormy, chic, pomp. It was the golden age of bankers and oilmen! Then striptease became more democratic, and unified rules appeared.

Now everyone is trying to take steps towards youth, which means that in strip clubs today they play different music, there is a different organization of internal space and movement.

If in the same “White Bear” the girls slowly walked down the stairs while the clients just as leisurely sipped their drinks and talked, now there is movement everywhere! One girl replaces the second, third, sixth, everything is fast, everything is impetuous, everything is driving.

Moreover, the requirements for appearance female artists. If earlier, in the 90s, the main desire of men was to see a naked girl, a naked body, the process of undressing, but now they are interested in something else. Today's guests prefer to see girls dressed. Even with a full striptease, it is desirable that the artist has at least something left on: stockings, a garter belt, a corset, a lowered bra, a chain at the waist. And this, by the way, is a global trend.

About girls

The migration of girls from the regions to Moscow occurs constantly. Everyone wants to conquer the capital! But here’s an interesting fact: if earlier girls from the CIS countries came to us (in the 90s, Ukrainians, Belarusians, Moldovans, and Kazakhs worked here), now they come from the Russian provinces. The trend is this: from small cities, where clubs have very big problems with attendance, girls go to cities with a population of over a million - Novosibirsk, Yekaterinburg, and so on, and girls from over a million people go to St. Petersburg and Moscow.

Why did foreigners stop coming? Because there is a lot of competition in Moscow, which girls, say, from Ukraine simply cannot stand.

press service of the Association of Strip Clubs of Russia

Staff turnover? Yes, it's big. If a striptease artist stays in a club for the first six months, she works for a maximum of two years. Why? Within a year, if she is not a fool, the girl will acquire connections that will allow her to either change the club or find herself good job, not connected in any way with striptease, or get married.

Periodically we visit the polar bear with friends. I can only say good things about this club. The girls are very beautiful, they instantly lift your spirits. The place is small, cozy, with a huge selection of alcohol. The most important thing is that the guests do not interfere with each other.

Everyone there is poor, I got the impression, 36 years old, vomited in the morning, poisoning. I've tried a lot in my life, been to a lot of places and used it, the worst place. I don't recommend it.

Did you have a good rest?! I had a good time at the club, lovely girls relieved the burden on my heart and soul! The driver acted badly, supposedly caring about my safety. He kindly gave me a ride to the market at Losinoostrovskaya station, or rather to Sberbank on the way, telling me a story about how I supposedly owed money, and helped me withdraw 50 thousand rubles from my credit card. “Happiness” to him in the new year 2015. Personally, I am sure that he will want to return this money, but... good luck to everyone.

Sorry for the foul language in advance. Emotions: why did the “organizers” create this action if it doesn’t work? I read more than 200 negatives, who did not receive prizes, the declared money for the phone (even if it was 25, 50 rubles, but still.) The organizers received one (on a 5-point scale). What kind of scam?????? Not one answer out of 12 messages to the organizers of the action. Guys, things won't go any further. You are not businessmen, your marketing is not to hell! Compared to Gold Mine Bear - you are “zero” and complete zero! And you want to conquer...

A normal men's club and good strippers there. They say you can buy a bartender there too.

Yesterday, my friends and guests from France decided to relax in a strip club, and chose the Polar Bear club. We really liked it, the girls did what we needed, we especially liked the hookah, it has an exquisite taste and smokes for a long time, and the hookah man himself is very responsive, his name is (Farukh), a cool hookah man, I advise you to try his hookah.

gothic_me reviews: 3 ratings: 2 rating: 4

I wrote a review of Burlesque, which we attended yesterday, and after which I still can’t lift my spirits. I realized that I wanted to drop a few lines about my favorite strip club.

The main thing that the Polar Bear lacks, and I think you can see it yourself, is competent Internet promotion. In fact, this has great growth potential. Well, I wouldn’t go to this club after reading the reviews here.

I found it in all the chatter on the forums when I was looking for a decent strip club where they dance striptease beautifully.
It’s very cozy, very tête-à-tête, the other guests don’t even exist.
The girls look into the eyes and manage to make it clear to all the guests that they are dancing specifically for them. Very warm and unobtrusive. Looked into your eyes - they approached you, didn’t pay much attention - it was very unlikely that they would approach you. One "no" is enough.

As a girl, I feel very comfortable. The "education" of strippers is amazing. My husband and I go to a club, and the girls most often first approach me with “can I invite your boyfriend.” And not once (unlike Burlesque) did they try to say nasty things about me behind my back. On the contrary, they passed on all sorts of compliments.

The level of girls is usually mixed - from newbies who move stiffly to professionals who do wonders with their bodies. Obviously there is own school preparation. The advantages of the new ones, I think, you know - there is no silicone, and the hair is your own)

There were times when almost all the girls undressed completely on stage, and sometimes they didn’t completely undress on stage. They try to diversify the program with different numbers.
Male striptease on Saturdays - "family day" (20 minutes at midnight) - really cool. Men, importantly, also have fun watching it.

Gregory the Jealous reviews: 1 ratings: 1 rating: 2

On Friday, January 22, I wanted to go deep with my friends! I thought where would be better...
Friends dragged me to the Polar Bear! They say the craziest party is planned there - “Bachelor Party in Vegas”!
And what could be good in a Strip Club - Dear Whiskey and Chicks scanning your pocket better than a metal detector!
But the friends were good, he believed me, and for an hour in the strip - he stashed a couple of hundred greenbacks!
I walk into the Club, holding my pockets and looking around suspiciously! An UNREAL DOCTOR in acid glasses and a cap jumps out to the meeting and starts using a red megaphone to chase away some kind of nonsense (it turned out to be poems by Omar Khayyam), and with him a nurse with size four charms, without asking, pours me half a glass of Whiskey! And he looked me in the eye... that I couldn’t refuse! Okay, I think in a couple of hours I’ll sober up and start driving again! But the doctor doesn’t let up, he says, “Are you by any chance a psychiatrist or a traumatologist?” My colleagues have free admission today! I laugh in response... I say NO, rather the opposite - I’m shaking people’s psyches!
So they hand me the mower of their dollars (with the Polar Bear instead of Franklin) and send me off to play American Roulette!
(Blah, I think the scam is starting - then they will ask the cashier to return their hard-earned money!) I asked again, it turns out that there is a tournament planned there, and they are giving it to everyone to participate in it!
Okay, I walk past the bar to the roulette table, there the Saxophonist begins to Improvise - I stuck it again with pleasure! Why haven’t I come here before!
I got to the roulette table, pushed aside the neighbors (Whiskey has already taken its toll!) the croupier, in a hat and tie, so voluptuous, drinking a cocktail - Bets are made.....23 black! Whose birthday is on this day - a guy jumped up next to me! I! I have! The croupier asks the waitress to pour a glass of Whiskey for the lucky winner!
And after an hour of playing, friends, I was already on the horns, but the feather was not childish! Won a big pile of chips! At this moment, the doctor flies up and, amid general jubilation (they were probably jealous), hands me a Club card and offers me a PRIVATE DANCE with any Club Girl as a gift... I, of course, was not at a loss, I asked two schoolgirls who danced in the Show program! And in a second, Really, two chicks in school uniform, they take me by the arms and lead me to Privat! There, like magicians, they took off their dresses and panties, leaving only aprons - What a class! My perverted fantasy has come true! I liked the gift, but the freebie is not for me, I’m used to paying for everything, and a good impression of myself is worth more than the hundred Bachs that I left for them in gratitude! Such Sweethearts!

I also really liked the music - sound tracks for famous films, Dj Liszt, old pop music reworked, I even heard Tom Jones with Take That at this party! I ordered my favorite Frank Sinatra – My Way (ordering a song costs only 500 rubles)
And at midnight I just Oh...ate! All the lights and sound in the club are turned off - Only the doctor is rushing around the stage and cheering up the people with his red megaphone - he is seeing off some Finnish Virgins, because they and LIVE Chickens climbed onto the stage! It turned out that these are rabid laying hens and Finnish Virgins taking part in the Show program! Having fun then collecting these chickens around the hall, the Doctor went into a frenzy, began to show tricks with chickens.... I haven’t had so much fun for a long time!
The hookah man in Beloy Medved turns out to have worked in Novikovsky restaurants and made me such a masterpiece with grapefruit... it smoked well and the taste was excellent!
The evening was a great success! I didn’t want to leave in the morning, and there was still money left!
On the way out of the club, the Doctor yelled a phrase from the movie Bachelor Party in Vegas, which I still remember - “Everything that is in Vegas stays in Vegas, except herpes - they take it with them!”

Philip Gladkov reviews: 21 ratings: 99 rating: 15