How to pump up abs in a month for a man and a girl. How to pump up perfect abs in a month at home or in the gym How to quickly pump up abs in a month

Toned abs in a month sounds fantastic. However, effective workouts and a balanced diet can make this a reality, and within a month you will be showing off a toned stomach.

2 - Train correctly

Russian crunches with weights

Exercise "mill" with a kettlebell

And one of the effective exercises at home is the “Folding Knife”.

Jackknife exercise while lying on your side

Complex exercises for all groups at home

Raising legs to arms from a lying position. Lie on your back, raise your arms up. As you exhale, bend at the waist while raising your arms and straight legs so that your knees and elbows meet. As you inhale, lower yourself to the starting position. For additional resistance, you can use a medicine ball.

Raising legs to arms from a lying position

Exercise "Frog". Lie on your back, straighten your legs. Bend your knees and place your outer thighs on the floor with your feet together. Cross your arms in front of you. As you exhale, twist your body ¼ of the way up. Inhale and come back.

Exercise "Frog"

  • All popular abdominal exercises - a complete base of exercises for the abdominal muscles.
  • Exercises with a fitball for the press - a set of exercises for pumping with a ball.
  • Abdominal exercises with dumbbells - even with a little weight you can pump up your muscles.
  • Abdominal exercises with weights - a selection of interesting movements for those who have weights at home.
  • Abdominal exercises with a barbell - for the lucky owners of a fitness membership.

Monthly program for girls

Program B is designed with several simplifications and is more suitable for girls. Each triset must be performed 2-4 times, depending on preparation.

Abs in a month for a girl

Triset 1 - upper press

Triset 2 - oblique muscles

Triset 3 - lower press

* - The service is in beta testing

If you really decide to pump up your abs in a month, strictly follow the chosen training program for your abdominal muscles and adhere to the principles of proper nutrition. Visualize the abs you want to achieve, lead an active lifestyle, praise yourself for your efforts, and then toned abs will become a reality in just a month.

Of course, we are talking about more time than 10 minutes per day, but you will get longer-term results!

  • How to properly pump up the press - basic aspects of training: Time, Frequency and Volume.
  • How to quickly pump up sculpted abs - gym programs for all levels.
  • The application "Abs in 30 days" - how to make training even more fun and interesting.
  • The Abs Workout app - workouts and exercises for the abs and waist is simple and clear.

Sports nutrition for quick results

Sports nutrition – L-carnitine, fat burners – will help speed up the fat burning process. These supplements are specially designed for athletes and fitness-active people of different fitness levels. Such drugs are completely safe, and their effectiveness has already been proven.

Protein isolate It features a deep degree of purification from impurities. Contains less lactose and fat, but more pure protein. Taking isolate is recommended for those who want to lose weight.
Pre-workout complex Increases productivity during sports, strength, endurance, recovery speed between approaches.
Vitamin-mineral complex During intense physical activity, vitamins and minerals are consumed by the body faster. They are also responsible for protein synthesis and are the engine of metabolic processes.
BCAAs Allows muscle fibers to recover faster and provides building material for the growth of lean muscle mass.

Ab workout supplements for men

Syntrax | Nectar?

Mix one scoop of powder in 300 ml of cold water. Recommended use in the morning after waking up, within 30-40 minutes after training and before bedtime.

Serum of the third generation PROMINA - has today the maximum coefficient of biological value and the degree of absorption by the human body.
Syntrax Nectar is a highly purified whey protein isolate with zero fat and carbohydrate content. An effective nutrient for building high-quality muscle mass.

SciTec Nutrition | Hot Blood 3.0?

1 scoop per 250-300 ml of water and 30 minutes before training

Moreover, you can buy Hot Blood both for weight training and for cardio training, including high-intensity training. Considering the optimally thought-out composition, the drug is recommended without fear even for those types of training in which the pulse rises to serious levels.

FIT-Rx | Multi Man?

1 tablet 1-3 times a day with meals. Duration of treatment is 3 months.

Multi Man is a balanced, highly effective vitamin and mineral complex that includes a full range of vitamins and minerals needed by the male body, plus enzymes that promote better absorption of nutrients.
Multi Man is an all-natural formula containing chelated minerals.

- Activates the body's antiviral defense

Geneticlab Nutrition | BCAA Pro?

mix 1 scoop per 350-400 ml of water or other drink and take 30 minutes before and immediately after training

BCAA Pro will provide energy, improve metabolism, protect muscles from catabolism and help get rid of excess fat. Your workouts will become more intense and effective.

Optimum Nutrition | Daily Fit?

Take 2 capsules 30-60 minutes before morning and afternoon meals

A new development from Optimum Nutrition provides a safe fat burning process with high results due to the presence of red and black pepper extracts. Research conducted by the company made it possible to determine the most accurate and working dosages of ingredients. This gentle fat burner contains no stimulants or questionable additives. Daily Fit contains thermogenic supplements containing green tea extract, red pepper extract, black pepper extract to speed up metabolism and carnitine for effective fat burning. Supports metabolism in the body, helps burn fat. Fat burner for weight loss Daily Fit is great for both men and women.

Fat burners to create perfect abs

Diet and training are key components of any fat burning program, as anyone who wants to quickly get perfect abs should know. If you are serious about this matter and want to burn absolutely all excess fat, then you need support in the form of special sports supplements - and collagen.

These supplements are safe and contain ingredients that have undergone clinical trials.

Supplements for abdominal training for women

Geneticlab Nutrition | ISO Pro 90?

2 scoops (33 g). Mix a portion of powder with 250-300 ml of drinking water. Take between meals or after workouts.

By getting protein from regular food, you acquire fats and carbohydrates, the excess of which negatively affects your figure and well-being.
Geneticlab Nutrition has developed ISO PRO - whey protein isolate. It is made from natural milk and contains up to 97% pure protein, only 1% fat and 0.5% carbohydrates.

ISO PRO required:
in large quantities for bodybuilders and everyone who wants to create luxurious muscle relief;
for those who are obese and want to lose weight.
It relieves the feeling of hunger for a long time, does not give the body excess carbohydrates and forces it to spend a lot of energy on the absorption of polypeptides.

Benefits of Geneticlab ISO PRO:
The product contains no sugar - ideal for diabetics and those on a strict diet.
It does not contain lactose, so it is easily and quickly absorbed by the body.
Impeccable composition: proteins and the amino acids they contain help the body quickly recover after physical activity, build muscle mass, and strengthen the immune system.

The isolate is produced through careful microfiltration in order to obtain pure polypeptides while maintaining all their beneficial properties.

Ingredients: whey protein isolate, alkalized cocoa powder, emulsifier – lecithin, food flavorings, sweetener – sucralose.

VPLAB Nutrition | LipoJets? Green coffee extract is involved in fat metabolism and also reduces glucose absorption, which will help normalize blood sugar levels and reduce the number of snacks.
Cocoa extract combined with L-theanine helps increase the neurotransmitter dopamine, the “happy hormone,” which will further help suppress appetite and facilitate fat burning.
Ginseng extract will increase your physical performance without depleting the body's natural reserves, which will allow you to train as efficiently as possible and bring you closer to achieving your cherished goal in the shortest possible time.
LipoJets does not contain geranium, which is a strong advantage compared to similar products.

IRONMAN | Collagen-C?


take 6 capsules before and after training

The formula contains collagen hydrolyzate, gelatin and vitamin C in a special ratio. This is a unique source of hydroxyproline and oxylysine - amino acids that, in combination with vitamin C, ensure rapid restoration and strengthening of connective tissue, especially after injury and in the postoperative period. Contains 40% protein in the form of free, active amino acids, instantly absorbed by the body.

Ingredients: Rousselot Angouleme collagen hydrolyzate, gelatin, ascorbic acid.
Nutrient content per serving (12 capsules): protein 3.85 g, free amino acids 1.54 g, di, tri, tetrapeptides 1.4 g, carbohydrates 0.75 g, fat 0 g, calories 18.5 kcal, moisture 0.14 g, vitamin C 60 mg.

1 tablet 2 times a day with meals

Multi Woman is a balanced, highly effective vitamin and mineral complex, which includes a full range of vitamins and minerals necessary for the female body.
Multi Woman is an all-natural formula containing chelated minerals.
Most vitamins are not synthesized in the human body, so they must be regularly and in sufficient quantities supplied to the body through food or in the form of vitamin-mineral complexes and nutritional supplements.
Without a sufficient amount of minerals and vitamins in the body, health deteriorates, there is a loss of strength, performance decreases, and the flow of biological processes is disrupted.

It is especially important to take vitamin-mineral complexes during an active lifestyle and sports, since the load increases and often the vitamins and minerals that enter the body with regular food are sorely lacking to maintain the immune system in a healthy state.
-Activates the body's antiviral defense
- Normalizes biological processes in the body
- Activates physical and mental activity
- Reduces blood cholesterol levels
- Accelerates energy and lipid metabolism in the body
- Stimulates the central nervous system, cardiovascular and immune systems.

One serving (1 tablet) contains: Potassium 5.6 mg; Sodium 1.6 mg; Magnesium 22.7 mg; Calcium 83.5 mg; Phosphorus 66 mg; Zinc 5.3 mg; Iron 0.76 mg; Iodine 47.5 mcg; Chromium picolinate (including chromium) 10 mcg (1.2 mcg); Selenium 8.75 mcg.
Vitamins: C 14 mg, E 3.5 mg, B1 0.48 mg, B2 0.45 mg, B6 0.62 mg, B12 0.28 mcg, folic acid (vitamin B9) 94 mcg, biotin (vitamin B7) 35.1 mcg, A 0.5 mg, niacin 4 mg, pantothenic acid (vitamin B5) 2.7 mg, D3 1.5 mcg.

Ingredients: Dicalcium phosphate, microcrystalline cellulose, maltodextrin, vitamin premix (Vitamin C, niacin, Vitamin E, pantothenic acid, Vitamin B6, Vitamin B1, Vitamin B2, folic acid, biotin, Vitamin B12), potassium iodate, raw materials for the production of biologically active additives "Selenium-spirulina-S", magnesium oxide, chromium picolinate, zinc citrate, potassium citrate, anti-caking agents (silicon dioxide, magnesium stearate), complex food additive (medium chain triglycerides, sodium caseinate, glucose syrup, emulsifier citric and fatty glyceride esters acids, antioxidant mixture of tocopherols), 3-substituted sodium citrate, vitamin D3, ferrous fumarate, Vitamin A.

Another reason why bodybuilders fail to cut fat to consistently low levels is because it takes a long time to see results. Scientifically developed fat burners will help you remove all excess fat faster.

The dream of most is to achieve the desired result quickly and without investments (physical or material). This is not always possible, but in the case of pumping the press, an exception can be made. Although here you will have to work hard physically - you can pump up your abs in a month, but only with regular exercise. How to pump up your abs in a month will be discussed in detail in the article, because this is the most popular question for trainers.

Unfortunately, due to the spread of gadgets and the abundance of catering establishments, people spend more and more time in a sitting or lying position. Therefore, when suddenly an invitation to some important social event arrives, the question of improving your figure arises first. When the event is a month away, achieving a flat stomach and toned abs seems impossible. But athletes and other experts say the opposite - you can pump up your abs in a month, and classes can easily be carried out at home. How to pump up your abs in a month?

When asked whether it is possible to pump up sculpted abs in a month, athletes answer positively, only to do this they will have to face the implementation of a whole complex. This is not only about exercise, but also about diet, stopping bad habits and other activities.

The basic rules and tips for doing independent exercises to pump up your abdominal muscles include:

  • Once you start training, you will have to go on a diet - a low-carbohydrate and protein diet is encouraged. Carbohydrates are allowed in the first half of the day, but it is recommended to consume mainly complex varieties. Protein is necessary for building muscle mass - it is the basis of the abdominal muscles.
  • People have abs, but they cannot be seen behind the fat layer - it must be eliminated not only with the help of diet, but also with special exercises that are aimed at burning fat cells.
  • Exercises to pump up the abs should be carried out for at least 40 minutes - in the first 20 minutes of training, glucose contained in the human blood is eliminated, and only then fat cells are burned.
  • For those who have not previously bothered with physical activity, it is recommended to start exercising with running or any type of cardio training - 20 minutes will eliminate that same glucose. Later, they begin exercises to pump up their abs.

In order for your abs to become visible faster from under the thickness of the fat layer, you should exercise for at least 1 hour - this is only cardio training. Pumping the press should take at least 20-30 minutes. Classes end with cardio training for 10 minutes - the recommended time is gradually reached.

Exercises to strengthen your abdominal muscles

The specifics of the training were discussed above, now the most effective exercises should be given, how to get perfect abs in 1 month - this is not as easy as it seems at first glance, because one missed lesson can be decisive in achieving the goal.

The most effective exercises include:

  • Take a lying position, hands behind your head, and legs bent at the knees. Perform a traditional exercise that is included in all types of programs to strengthen and work the abdominal muscles. Raise your body, trying to touch your forehead to your knees - fix in this position for 1-2 minutes, and then lower back.
  • The second exercise is performed taking into account the previous starting position - hands on the back of the head, legs bent. When performing the exercise, you should lift yourself so that your elbow touches your knee - in parallel, characteristic twisting of the body is carried out.
  • Lying down can strengthen the lower abdominal muscles - this is especially necessary for women after childbirth. To pump, you should bend your knees and place your hands on the back of your head - the exercise involves lifting your legs, touching your chest with your knees. When returning to the starting position, do not place your legs completely on the floor - keep them hanging with a distance of 10-20 cm from the floor.
  • The following exercise can only be achieved through regular training. In the lying position, the arms and legs are extended - the movement involves raising the arms and legs at the same time. At the same time, it is important to try to touch your knees with your forehead - it will be difficult, but if you do the exercise regularly for a month, it is possible.

Each exercise is performed at the initial stages for 10 repetitions and 2 approaches. Gradually the number of repetitions increases, as does the number of approaches - it is necessary to increase the time of the entire lesson to 30 minutes. Exercises are performed daily - if the training time increases, classes are allowed every other day.

Practical advice: To maintain precise exercise throughout the month, it is recommended to create a schedule or daily routine. Write down exactly the menu for the day with meal times - take into account meals before exercise (acceptable time is 2 hours before exercise). A month is not a long time, so it is important to spend it without any disruptions, both in nutrition and in exercise.

Pumping up your abs and getting the coveted 6 cubes in a month is possible, but difficult if a person is not distinguished by the trait of fulfilling all obligations. So, quite often girls and young people who want to show off their pumped up and slender body in a month, break down after 2-3 classes. It’s difficult to turn off an invitation to a cafe or restaurant, a movie, or to a friend’s birthday – places where events are always associated with food and sometimes alcoholic drinks. It is better to avoid such trips if you do not have the willpower to resist and not attack junk food.


Karina, 26 years old: There was one month left before my vacation. With horror, I began to search on the Internet for ways to pump up my abs in 1 month. My body is not perfect. But my figure is normal. But the press leaves much to be desired. I found a wonderful complex on one website. Yes, the complex is difficult, but no one said it would be easy. I achieved the desired result.

Daria, 32 years old: I spend 2 hours in the gym. My body can be called perfect, but my abs are terrible. It turned out that I was paying little attention to him. You need to do pure abs for 40 minutes. Now I'm doing everything right. I hope to see my perfect abs soon.

Maria, 23 years old: I have long dreamed of becoming slim, beautiful and fit, but with my job I can’t go to the gym every day. And then I had to lose weight dramatically, in 1 month. Naturally, I went on a diet and went to the gym almost every day. Interesting, but I achieved the desired result. Of course it was difficult. I returned from vacation and continue to go to the gym, but not every day.

Beautiful and sculpted abs are the dream of any man who plays sports. To get athletic cubes, you will have to try a lot, but in principle it is possible. Moreover, it is not necessary to visit gyms - we can achieve good results at home, with good motivation and a little free time. The correct scheme for pumping up the press for men is also very important, which we will talk about.

Before you understand how to pump up a man’s abs in a month, you need to delve a little deeper into anatomy, namely, study the structure of the abdominal wall muscles, which together are our abs. For a beautiful torso, it is important to work out four abdominal muscles, which are the main ones:

Rectus muscle. It starts near the pubic bone and ends at the level of the xiphoid process and 5-7 ribs. It is responsible for flexing the spinal column, while bringing the pelvic bones closer to the sternum.

External oblique muscle. It starts from the surface of 5-12 ribs and ends near the level of the pubic symphysis and iliac bones. It performs several tasks. So, with a vertical position and emphasis on the lower limbs, she turns the chest and tilts it. And when suspended and supported by the lower limbs, this muscle is responsible for lifting the pelvis upward and performing drag and leg turns in different directions.

Internal oblique muscle. It originates from the crests of the iliac bones and ends at the cartilaginous portion of the lower ribs. Its functions are the same as those of the external oblique muscle; it strengthens and complements its work.

Transverse abdominis muscle. It begins at the inner part of the ribs 6-12 and the iliac crests, and ends near the linea alba. It contracts, compressing the internal organs, and ensures the release of air outward, that is, it helps us exhale voluntarily

Anatomical knowledge about the abdominal muscles is necessary for everyone who wants to achieve results. They will help you create a proper training plan and choose the appropriate exercises.

How long and often should you exercise?

An important question is how often to pump up the abs for men, and opinions on this can vary greatly, and even among experts there is active debate. Some believe that to pump up your abs you need to do exercises every day so that the muscles are toned all the time.

Other athletes, when asked whether a man can work out his abs every day, answer in the negative, believing that daily loads negatively affect the muscles and deplete them, making it much more difficult to achieve the desired results.

In practice, it turns out that the best option for men is to alternate between active abdominal exercises and “refreshing” exercises. So, one day you can seriously pump up your abdominal muscles, and the next day you can perform general exercises to tone muscles or pump up other muscle groups. (Information about exercise for men - .)

The abdominal muscles, in fact, work during any exercise, but they work a little less when the shoulder girdle is loaded. Therefore, it is better to combine days of actively pumping up the abs with pumping up the arms, and on another day, for example, devote time to the legs. If your initial goal is to gain definition in your abdominal muscles, then, for example, an abdominal pumping scheme for men might look like this:

Day 1- we work with the press;

Day 2- working on the shoulder girdle;

Day 3- pump your back and lower limbs.

And so in a circle. Thanks to such training, you can keep yourself in better physical shape.

Regardless of how many muscle groups we work, the optimal workout duration is 1-1.5 hours. If it is more, the body will become very tired, the muscles may lose energy, cannot withstand the load and become exhausted, so it can be difficult to build up the relief. Long-term training is more suitable for men who want to lose weight, but even here you need to approach this issue carefully so that it is fat and not muscle mass that is burned. You can drink protein shakes while working.

If the workout lasts less than an hour, the body will not warm up to the required level. Of course, now there are special interval training that allows muscles to tone faster, but it is still recommended to exercise longer and more measuredly so that you can better feel the functioning of the muscles.

Features of the exercises

Even the most effective abdominal training scheme for men will be ineffective if the exercises are performed incorrectly. Therefore, it is worth studying some features and rules of working with the abdominal muscles:

Watch your breathing. The transverse abdominal muscle is responsible for deep inhalation, so you need to pay attention to your breathing technique. Inhale and exhale deeply, while tensing the diaphragm and abdominal wall. Effort is always made while exhaling, and relaxation is always done while inhaling.

As you perform the exercises, you should feel which muscles are working. The first training sessions are always not very conscious, and this is normal, since the muscles are still weak, and the bones of the skeleton and joints are largely responsible for movements. However, over time the muscles become stronger and you can feel them working. If you don't feel your muscles working, it means you're not trying too hard, or the load isn't selected correctly.

When performing abdominal exercises, you must give your best. When performing exercises, tense your body. The last sets are usually done at maximum effort, when you can barely do them.

In order for your workouts to be intense and effective enough, you must give your body energy. 1-1.5 hours before training you need to eat something energy-rich: nuts, banana. In half an hour or an hour you can drink green tea, which remarkably speeds up your metabolism. If you also want to lose weight, you can take medications containing el-carnitine. They also have a beneficial effect on metabolism, improve endurance and performance.

Effective exercises for pumping up the abs for a man

The abdominal pumping program for men involves performing exercises that are based on the natural functions of the abdominal muscles. So, to pump the rectus abdominis muscle, exercises are performed that involve lifting the body from a lying position:

Classic version. Lie on your back, bend your knees (you can fix them at first). Place your hands behind your head so that your fingertips only slightly touch the ears and do not pull your head forward. As you exhale, rise up, and as you inhale, lower. The number of repetitions can be determined individually, but it is important that when performing the last times you are already at your limit.

The classical method has different variations. For example, you can put your feet on some piece of furniture so that they are at a right angle in relation to the pelvis. Raise your body towards your feet, lifting only your shoulder blades from the floor and freezing in the air, forming an obtuse angle with the floor surface.

Raising the torso in a lying position across the bench. Also, simultaneously lift your legs so that they move towards your torso. The exercise helps pump up both the rectus and transverse muscles.

You can also perform exercises by hanging head down on a horizontal bar and lifting your torso towards your lower limbs.

For elaboration oblique muscles The following exercises are useful:

  • Raising the torso up with the shoulder to the opposite knee - horizontal twisting.
  • Turn the body to the side in a standing position.
  • Pulling the pelvis up in a hanging position on the horizontal bar.
  • Rotations of the pelvis and legs to the sides, during which you need to hold the horizontal bar with your hands and pull your pelvis up. We are talking about twisting the pelvis on the horizontal bar

A simple and effective exercise to keep your abdominal muscles toned is the horizontal bar. You need to take a stance as for a push-up, tense your back and abs and stay in a position in which your body forms a straight line. The plank can be alternated with push-ups from the floor.

In the same position, you can take turns pulling your knees to your chest in a straight or oblique line (towards the opposite knee). This exercise can be used as warm-up.

If you are working the abs separately, perform several approaches (3-5), and each should be completed at the limit of your capabilities. As a rule, the complex includes 5-6 exercises. It is important to change the complex every month, otherwise the muscles may adapt to the proposed load, and it will cease to be effective.

How to pump up your abs in a month: program for men

The table for men on how to pump up the abs in 30 days is an approximate scheme for pumping up the abdominal muscles, which can be considered universal. It will look like this:

Number of repetitions
20 times
25 times
30 times
40 times


35 times
40 times


50 times
55 times


55 times
55 times


55 times
60 times



This scheme will help tighten your muscles and gain beautiful relief. But please note that results will depend on a number of factors. As mentioned, it's about proper exercise technique and how hard you push yourself. In addition, keep in mind that even titanic efforts will not bring results if you have fat on your stomach and you are not trying to deal with it. In this case, you need to adjust your diet: exclude simple carbohydrates from it, significantly limit fats and consume enough proteins - they are the ones that help our muscles build the way we want. Well, it will help you get your bearings table Abs swings for men, which you can print out and practice in accordance with it.

Video program for pumping up the press for 30 days

If you have a desire to pump up your abs within a month, then you will have to work hard and perform some of the most difficult exercises that will help work out the problem area.

Exercise 1. We lie down on the floor, legs bent at the knees, take dumbbells in our hands (hold them at chest level), then lift our back off the floor and begin to move our body left and right until there is a strong burning sensation in the abdominal area. The main thing is not to stop immediately after feeling strong tension, it is at this moment that the strongest work in this area occurs, so overpower yourself and continue to practice for at least 30 seconds.

Exercise 2.
We lie down on the floor, legs straight, arms behind our heads (not clasped, lie flat), dumbbells in our hands, then in this position, without bending our arms and legs, we stretch our arms towards our toes. We perform at least 25-30 times, 2-3 approaches. For best results, train at a fast pace.

Exercise 3.
We lie down on the floor, legs bent at the knees, dumbbells or any other weight in our hands (hands at chest level), then do 10 quick incomplete twists (we lift ourselves off the floor no more than 20-30 cm). We take a break for 30 seconds and perform similar actions again, but this time 15 times, rest for 30 seconds, perform 20 times. The goal is to reach 50 times.

Exercise 4.
We lie down on the floor, bend our legs at the knees and raise them above the floor (knees pointing towards the face), hold our hands behind our heads (elbows pointing at the knees), then stretch our elbows to the knees and back (while keeping our legs suspended). Perform at least 20-30 times, 2-3 approaches.

Exercise 5.
We sit on the edge of the sofa, bend our legs and lift them off the floor as high as possible, stay in this position for 30 seconds, then lower our legs. Repeat at least 30 times. For best results, exercise with leg weights.

Do not forget to perform these exercises 2 times a day, this is the only way to achieve good results in a month!

Is creating sculpted abs at home your goal for the near future? Then, before turning your dreams into reality, you need to study the nuances of this process so that the training brings results. It would seem that there is nothing easier than pumping up your stomach, because even people far from sports have heard about classic exercises for this part of the body. But this opinion is wrong, and adhering to it, you will be looking for your cubes for a long time. A special complex can help in this matter.

Is it possible to make an Apollo body at home in such a short time? It is possible, but provided that you do not have a lot of excess weight. If this problem is present, then first you need to lose excess kilograms, reduce the fat layer, and only then dream about relief. For people with a normal physique, this task is within their capabilities.

We bring to your attention a program designed for 30 days. She will help you pump up your six-pack with simple exercises. If you adhere to her recommendations and plan as much as possible, then by the end of the month you will see impressive results. Take a photo at the beginning of your journey and at the end to objectively evaluate your cubes.

Ab pumping table for men for 1 month:


I – body lift

II – twists

III – leg lift

IV – bar

Day, no. Plan, number of repetitions Day, no. Plan Day, no. Plan
1 I – 15

IV – 10 sec.

2 I – 20

IV – 12 sec

3 I – 25

IV – 15 sec.

4 rest 5 I –30

IV –20 sec.

6 I – 35

IV – 25 sec

7 I –40

IV –30 sec.

8 rest 9 I –45

IV –35 sec.

10 I – 50

IV –30 sec.

11 I – 55

IV – 42 sec.

12 rest
13 I – 60 14 I – 65

IV – 55 sec.

15 I – 70

IV – 60 sec.

16 rest 17 I – 75

IV – 65 sec.

18 I – 80

IV – 70 sec.

19 I – 85

IV – 70 sec

20 rest 21 I – 90

IV – 80 sec.

22 I –95

IV – 115 sec.

23 I – 100

IV – 90 sec.

24 rest
25 I – 105

IV – 95 sec.

26 I – 110

IV – 100 sec.

27 I – 115

IV – 110 sec.

28 rest 29 I – 120

IV – 115 sec.

30 I – 125

IV – 120 sec.

All exercises must be performed clearly. At the beginning of training, give preference to a slow pace in order to get a good feel for each muscle. In the future, if your physical fitness allows you, then exercise at medium intensity.

Technique for performing tasks

So, you have decided to pump up your abs and shape your six-pack at home using the set of exercises we have presented, then in the next few weeks and days you will need to follow a diet and rest regime.

  • Now you need to go to bed and get up at the same time. You should spend 6-8 hours sleeping at night.
  • Review your diet. Increase the amount of protein foods and vegetables. You cannot eat fried, fatty or smoked foods. By the way, sweets should also be reduced to a minimum or eliminated altogether.

Before you start doing the exercises, be sure to warm up: light jogging, jumping rope, etc. Just 5-10 minutes will help prepare your muscles for the load.

To pump up the relief, you must follow the technique. We recommend studying it according to the instructions with photos:

  1. Raising the body.

Lie with your back on the floor, arms bent and placed at the back of your head, crossed at chest level or at your temples. If you choose the first option, then try not to put pressure on your head, as there is a risk of damaging the cervical vertebrae. The second option is more suitable for men, and the third is mainly recommended for girls. Now we slowly lift the body with the force of the abdominal muscles until a right angle is formed and lower ourselves at the same pace, but the shoulder blades and head do not touch the floor, so as not to unload the muscles and pump them up.

When lifting your body, it is important to round your back so that the vertebrae at the lumbar level do not experience excessive pressure.

Beginners practicing at home are allowed to bend their knees and straighten their arms.

#2 Crunches

To perform the exercise, you must lie on your back with your legs bent. Place your hands behind your head with your elbows spread to the side. We lift our shoulders, tensing our abs and not lifting our back off the floor. Hold at the top for a few seconds to pump up your core muscle.

#3 Leg raises

The starting position is the same. The arms are extended along the body. Raise the straight lower limbs until a right angle is formed with the body and slowly lower them back, staying 10 cm from the floor. The feet should not touch the surface during the entire time the task is performed.

No. 4 Plank

To perform the exercise, stand in a position similar to a push-up, but with your elbows bent and your body weight on your forearms. Straighten your legs with your feet together and your body tense and in a straight line. It is important that the lower back does not round or sag. Tighten your abdominal muscles as much as possible, pull your stomach in. Elbows strictly under shoulders.

If you take this pose incorrectly, you will not get the desired result and the cubes will remain only in your dreams.

For men with good physical fitness, you can offer several complicated variations of this exercise to quickly pump up your abs at home:

  • Plank with a raised arm - emphasis on only one forearm, the other limb extended forward.
  • On one leg - lift your leg up and hold for a few seconds, and then change sides.

The complex presented in the table is suitable for both men and girls. You can exercise at home without special equipment or exercise equipment. The program allows you to pump up your abs and make your abs sculpted in a short period of time. What is the secret of its effectiveness? The fact is that the system involves daily labor-intensive work with a gradual increase in load. Despite the fact that the number of exercises is meager, they are aimed at working out the entire abdominal muscles, which is very important in training to shape the torso.

By lifting the body, the upper section and abdominal muscles are included in the work. Crunches cause excess fat to burn, reducing the fat layer and tightening the abdominal wall. Leg raises are considered one of the most effective types of stress on the lower abs. In turn, the plank makes the entire muscular system of the body work, forms a beautiful body and helps in weight loss.

This complex is widely represented in photos of popular programs and is often included in the strength training of famous fitness gurus. It is used to pump up the stomach, lose weight and reduce body size.