UrFU player was beaten during a match with a team from Grozny ChSU: video. Football players from Yekaterinburg were brutally beaten during a match with a team from Grozny (video)

In Moscow during the championship match of the Premier Group of the National Student football league A fight broke out between ChSU and UrFU, as a result of which the defender of the team from Yekaterinburg, Alexander Tarasov, received serious injuries.

The episode happened in the 73rd minute of the match with the score 1:1. Roman Shalin, who played in the right-back position, made a tough tackle against Grozny's left midfielder Valid Lorsaev. And although the ChSU football player ended up on the lawn, accompanying his fall with a cry of pain, the referee did not see any violation in the actions of the UrFU player.

Then the game moved to the opposite flank, and a conflict began to flare up between the CGU midfielder and the Ural defender. Lorsaev's teammates quickly joined in, after which everything turned into a real dump.

And if Shalin managed to avoid serious injuries, then in the “second act” of events his teammate Alexander Tarasov found himself on the lawn surrounded by Chechen football players who punched and kicked him.

Tarasov's teammates quickly came to Tarasov's aid, but he left the field covered in blood. In the locker room, the stadium's medical staff tried to stop the bleeding, then the defender was taken to the hospital by ambulance.

“He was immediately taken to the hospital - they said he had a closed head injury and a broken nose. In addition, the blows hurt my stomach and back, although there are almost no bruises left on my body. As a result, Sasha remains to be treated in Moscow, in four days his nose will be set, and we will soon fly to Yekaterinburg,” Pavel Zorapetyan, press attaché of the UrFU team, told Championship.com.

Later, Zorapetyan gave the same portal a more detailed comment, after which he stopped being available by phone and did not respond on social networks.

“Our full-back met the attacker of the Chechen team quite rudely, but without overdoing it. After the second contact, the forward got excited and, when the ball was already on the other half of the field, he stepped on Roman Shalin’s foot while the referee was watching another episode.

Our defender pushed the Chechen, who responded by throwing his fists into battle. Then two more Chechens attacked him and Tarasov, and soon both benches ran out: ours and the opponents’. All hell was going on: people were being kicked!

Even in the first half, our other defender Anton Yarmoshenko was also taken to the hospital after a collision. He received a cut during a game episode, which resulted in two stitches, but has only now returned to the team. Chechen team I played pretty rough throughout the match. Another of our football players has a cut lip. I’m telling you, some kind of hell was going on there. The whole “bench” ran out, we couldn’t separate them! Even the fact that the police were present at the match didn’t stop them,” Zorapetyan said.

“We took the team to the locker room, the medical staff tried to stop Tarasov’s bleeding while the ambulance was driving.” Meanwhile, the Chechens, without even washing themselves, immediately got on the bus and left. For some reason, the police present at the stadium did not arrest anyone.

Then another regiment of police arrived and said: “How could you even let them go?!” Then we filled out a protocol and interviewed our players. They said that, in fact, the ChSU team should be removed from the competition for this.

We are going to contact the leadership of the NSFL. Our two main central defenders are out of action - how can we play with Peter now?! We would like to reschedule tomorrow's match and give CSU a technical defeat today. Everything needs to be according to regulations.”

The decision on the result of the match between CSU and UrFU has not yet been made, but it is unlikely that the meeting will be completed. Later, NSFL President Andrei Stukalov also commented on the situation.

“The match delegate responded to the incident almost immediately. The police were called together with the director of the stadium, and the “fire” was put out almost immediately. Now the refereeing team, led by Viktor Filippov, is finishing the second match, and after it the final decision will be made, and the instigators of the fight will be identified,” the functionary said.

“No one was taken to the police, the police did not allow mass clashes and held preventive conversations with both teams. Everything ended quite peacefully. Now the police continue to be on duty there. In fact, almost all NSFL matches are held in such tension, this can be used in almost every game. The guys couldn’t share something, their nerves gave way. We'll figure it out.

The incident will be reflected in detail in the protocol, with explanations from each arbitrator. If any of the teams are dissatisfied with the decision, they will be able to appeal to the committee to consider the situation in more detail. The head of RFPL security, Meitin, is already aware of the situation, we are waiting for the decision of the chief arbiter.

Of course, this is unacceptable on the field. We need to identify these people. We have disciplinary regulations that all teams signed. It concerns fights, insults to referees, and obscene behavior on the football field.

I don’t know what the decision will be, but I know for sure that the FTC will, in any case, meet and review the incident again. What about the injured guy's health? I called the coach, he says that everything is fine and there are no serious consequences. Everything seems to be fine so far. But we need to see what happens in the evening or morning.”

“On the recording of the match nothing is visible - only an episode of a football player from Yekaterinburg pushing our player. As the guys themselves told me, from the beginning of the first half, the UrFU football player insulted our attackers with obscenities, hurt the honor and pride of our people! It turns out that the instigator is from Yekaterinburg. We came to Moscow to play football, but we will not allow a person’s honor and pride to be hurt! — Alik Navurbiev, press attaché of the ChSU team, commented on the situation.

— The UrFU players were the first to run out from the bench. Then our team pulled up from the far bench. I also ran out, we separated the players, and within 15 seconds all of us left.

Then our team left. We talked with the UrFU coach and parted ways normally. I stayed, wrote an explanatory note to the police and gave them a statement. We don’t yet know what will happen next. We will wait for the decision of the FTC, but if the UrFU side files complaints, we will do the same.”

For each team, this was the second of three games of the Moscow stage. And if UrFU had the day before defeated the capital's REU (2:1), then CGU, which before the start of the April matches was in the table just above the Urals, lost to St. Petersburg State University of Traumatology and Traction (0:3).

The match between ChSU and UrFU was of particular importance, since these teams may well qualify for bronze medals at the end of the season, but for this it was extremely important for both to win.

You can get acquainted with other materials, news and statistics in the chronicles, as well as in the groups of the sports department on social networks

From April 12 to 14, the National Student Football League tour is taking place in Moscow. Four teams play among themselves - from Moscow, St. Petersburg, Grozny and Yekaterinburg. Today the teams of the Chechen State University and the Ural Federal University played another match.

In the 73rd minute, with the score 1:1, the match was stopped due to a brawl. A conflict arose between the players, which escalated into a large-scale fight right on the football field. The video can be viewed here.

Nova Sport turned to the NSFL President for comment Andrey Stukalov.

The match delegate responded to the incident almost immediately, says Stukalov. - The police were called together with the director of the stadium, and the “fire” was put out almost immediately. Now the refereeing team, led by Viktor Filippov, is finishing the second match, and after it the final decision will be made, and the instigators of the fight will be identified.

- Didn’t they take anyone to the police?

No, the police did not allow mass clashes and held preventive conversations with both teams. It all ended quite peacefully. Now the police continue to be on duty there. In fact, almost all NSFL matches are held in such tension, this can be used in almost every game. The guys couldn’t share something, their nerves gave way. We'll figure it out. The incident will be reflected in detail in the protocol, with explanations from each arbitrator. If any of the teams are dissatisfied with the decision, they will be able to appeal to the committee to consider the situation in more detail. The head of RFPL security, Meitin, is already aware of the situation, we are waiting for the decision of the chief arbiter.

- What do you think about the situation?

Of course, this is unacceptable on the football field. We need to identify these people. We have disciplinary regulations that all teams signed. It concerns fights, insults to referees, and obscene behavior on the football field. I don’t know what the decision will be, but I know for sure that the FTC will, in any case, meet and review the incident again.

- By the way, what about the guy’s health? Did you find out how he was?

I called the coach: he says that everything is fine and there are no serious consequences. Everything seems to be fine so far. But we need to see what happens by evening or tomorrow morning.

Team representatives also answered questions from Nova Sport.

- What happened?- question from the press attaché of the UrFU team Pavel Zorapetyan.

Our full-back met the attacker of the Chechen team rather rudely, but without going overboard. After the second contact, the forward got excited and, when the ball was already on the other half of the field, he stepped on Roman Shalin’s foot while the referee was watching another episode. Our defender pushed his opponent, who responded by throwing his fists into battle. Then two more players from the Chechen team attacked him and Tarasov, and soon both benches ran out: ours and the opponents’. All hell was going on: people were being kicked!

- What is the state of Alexander Tarasov now - is he covered in blood in the video?

He was immediately taken to the hospital - they said he had a closed head injury and a broken nose. In addition, the blows hurt my stomach and back, although there are almost no bruises left on my body. As a result, Sasha remains to be treated in Moscow, in four days his nose will be set, and we will soon fly to Yekaterinburg?

- What happened to the other participants in the fight?

Even in the first half, our other defender Anton Yarmoshenko was also taken to the hospital after a collision. He received a cut during a game episode - as a result, he needed two stitches, but has only now returned to the team. The Chechen team played rather roughly throughout the match. Another of our football players has a cut lip. I’m telling you, some kind of hell was going on there. The whole “bench” ran out, we couldn’t separate them! Even the fact that the police were present at the match did not stop them.

- What happened after the match?

We took the team to the locker room, the medical staff tried to stop Tarasov’s bleeding while the ambulance was driving. Meanwhile, the Chechens, without even washing themselves, immediately got on the bus and left. For some reason, the police present at the stadium did not arrest anyone. Then another regiment of police arrived - they said: “How could you even let them go?!” Then we filled out a protocol and interviewed our players. They said that, in fact, the ChSU team should be removed from the competition for this.

- What are you going to do now?

We are going to contact the leadership of the NSFL. Our two main central defenders are out of action - how can we play with Peter now?! We would like to reschedule tomorrow's match and give CSU a technical defeat. Everything needs to be according to regulations.

Later, a Nova Sport correspondent contacted a representative of the ChSU team Alik Navurbiev.

- What started the fight between your players and the UrFU team?- question to Navurbiev.

Nothing is visible in the recording of the match - only an episode of a football player from Yekaterinburg pushing our player. As the guys themselves told me, from the beginning of the first half, the UrFU football player insulted our attackers with obscenities, hurt the honor and pride of our people! Then there was a hard contact, after which our football player stepped on the opponent’s foot. After that, he already began to leave, but the UrFU player caught up with him and began to fight with his fists. It turns out that the instigator is from Yekaterinburg. We came to Moscow to play football, but we will not allow a person’s honor and pride to be hurt!

“Then the whole team ran onto the field.

Watch the recording: the UrFU players were the first to run out from the bench. Then our team pulled up from the far bench. I also ran out, we separated the players and within 15 seconds all of us left.

- And then several players from your team kick the opponent.

This is after he punched.

“Nevertheless, he was taken away with a head injury and a broken nose.

It is unclear who hit him, what and how. Our players probably have some abrasions, but nothing serious happened.

- What happened then?

Our team has left. We talked with the UrFU coach and parted ways normally. I stayed, wrote an explanatory note to the police and gave them a statement. We don’t yet know what will happen next. We will wait for the decision of the FTC, but if the UrFU side files complaints, we will do the same.

Published 04/13/17 20:36

A terrible episode with mass brawl on the field occurred in the 73rd minute of the meeting between the teams of Ekaterinburg and Grozny.

Football player of the UrFU team from Yekaterinburg Alexander Tarasov was brutally beaten during a match of the National student league against ChGU from Grozny.

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A brawl broke out in the second half in the 72nd minute of the match with the score 1:1. As a result of the incident, the referees had to suspend the game. Moreover, the beaten player with a bloody face was immediately taken to one of the Moscow clinics, where he was diagnosed with a closed craniocerebral injury intkbbach and a broken nose.

As noted, the forward of the Chechen team stepped on the foot of UrFU football player Alexander Tarasov, who pushed his opponent away, after which a fight broke out between the players. First, two more teammates came running to help the ChSU player, and then the entire bench.

Meanwhile, NSFL President Andrei Stukalov commented on the incident that happened during the match.

"A few minutes before the end of the match, with the score 1:1, there was a clash near the penalty area between two players. At first they did not share something verbally. Then they started pushing. As a result, both teams jumped onto the field. Our referees are trying to figure out what happened in that moment. We must pay tribute to both the stadium workers and our delegates, who immediately responded. The police were called and the “fire” was immediately extinguished. We are trying to figure out what happened. We have a professional videographer. who worked at the Universiade in Kazan and the Olympics in Sochi, and there are instructions not to film such episodes, unfortunately. important point he put the camera away. Otherwise, we would have identified the instigators by now. But now it’s quite difficult to determine this.

After all matches, the chief referee of the competition, Viktor Filippov, and the referees review the recording of the match in order to reflect in detail what happened in the protocol. They will make a decision and transfer it to the NSFL CDC, which will meet in the near future to make a decision on this match,” Stukalov said in an interview with SE.

From April 12 to 14, the National Student Football League tour is taking place in Moscow. Four teams play among themselves - from Moscow, St. Petersburg, Grozny and Yekaterinburg. Today the teams of the Chechen State University and the Ural Federal University played another match.

In the 73rd minute, with the score 1:1, the match was stopped due to a brawl. A conflict arose between the players, which escalated into a large-scale fight right on the football field.

“Championship” turned to the president of the NSFL for comment Andrey Stukalov.

The match delegate responded to the incident almost immediately, says Stukalov. - The police were called together with the director of the stadium, and the “fire” was put out almost immediately. Now the refereeing team, led by Viktor Filippov, is finishing the second match, and after it the final decision will be made, and the instigators of the fight will be identified.

- Didn’t they take anyone to the police?
- No, the police did not allow mass clashes and held preventive conversations with both teams. It all ended quite peacefully. Now the police continue to be on duty there. In fact, almost all NSFL matches are held in such tension, this can happen in almost every game. The guys couldn’t share something, their nerves gave way. We'll figure it out. The incident will be reflected in detail in the protocol, with explanations from each arbitrator.

If any of the teams are dissatisfied with the decision, they will be able to appeal to the committee to consider the situation in more detail. The head of RFPL security, Meitin, is already aware of the situation, we are waiting for the decision of the chief arbiter.

- What do you think about the situation?
- Of course, this is unacceptable on the football field. We need to identify these people. We have disciplinary regulations that all teams signed. It concerns fights, insults to referees, and obscene behavior on the football field. I don’t know what the decision will be, but I know for sure that the FTC will, in any case, meet and review the incident again.

- By the way, what about the guy’s health? Did you find out how he was?
- I called the coach: he says that everything is fine and there are no serious consequences. Everything seems to be fine so far. But we need to see what happens by evening or tomorrow morning.

Team representatives also answered questions from the Championship.

- What happened?- question from the press attaché of the UrFU team Pavel Zorapetyan.
- Our full-back met the attacker of the Chechen team quite rudely, but without overdoing it. After the second contact, the forward got excited and, when the ball was already on the other half of the field, he stepped on Roman Shalin’s foot while the referee was watching another episode. Our defender pushed his opponent, who responded by throwing his fists into battle. Then two more players from the Chechen team attacked him and Tarasov, and soon both benches ran out: ours and the opponents’. All hell was going on: people were being kicked!

- What is the state of Alexander Tarasov now - is he covered in blood in the video?
- He was immediately taken to the hospital - they said he had a closed head injury and a broken nose. In addition, the blows hurt my stomach and back, although there are almost no bruises left on my body. As a result, Sasha remains to be treated in Moscow, in four days his nose will be set, and we will soon fly to Yekaterinburg?

- What happened to the other participants in the fight?
- Even in the first half, our other defender Anton Yarmoshenko was also taken to the hospital after a collision. He received a cut during a game episode - as a result, he needed two stitches, but has only now returned to the team. The Chechen team played rather roughly throughout the match. Another of our football players has a cut lip. I’m telling you, some kind of hell was going on there. The whole “bench” ran out, we couldn’t separate them! Even the fact that the police were present at the match did not stop them.

- What happened after the match?
- We took the team to the locker room, the medical staff tried to stop Tarasov’s blood while the ambulance was driving. Meanwhile, the Chechens, without even washing themselves, immediately got on the bus and left. For some reason, the police present at the stadium did not arrest anyone. Then another regiment of police arrived - they said: “How could you even let them go?!” Then we filled out a protocol and interviewed our players. They said that, in fact, the ChSU team should be removed from the competition for this.

- What are you going to do now?
- We are going to contact the leadership of the NSFL. Our two main central defenders are out of action - how can we play with Peter now?! We would like to reschedule tomorrow's match and give CSU a technical defeat. Everything needs to be according to regulations.

Later, the “Championship” correspondent contacted a representative of the ChSU team Alik Navurbiev.

- What started the fight between your players and the UrFU team?- question to Navurbiev.
- Nothing is visible on the recording of the match - only an episode of a football player from Yekaterinburg pushing our player. As the guys themselves told me, from the beginning of the first half, the UrFU football player insulted our attackers with obscenities, hurt the honor and pride of our people! Then there was a hard contact, after which our football player stepped on the opponent’s foot. After that, he already began to leave, but the UrFU player caught up with him and began to fight with his fists. It turns out that the instigator is from Yekaterinburg. We came to Moscow to play football, but we will not allow a person’s honor and pride to be hurt!

“Then the whole team ran onto the field.
- Look at the recording: the UrFU players were the first to run out from the bench. Then our team pulled up from the far bench. I also ran out, we separated the players and within 15 seconds all of us left.

- And then several players from your team kick the opponent.
- This is after he hit with his fist.

“Nevertheless, he was taken away with a head injury and a broken nose.
- It is not clear who hit him, what and how. Our players probably have some abrasions, but nothing serious happened.

- What happened then?
- Our team has left. We talked with the UrFU coach and parted ways normally. I stayed, wrote an explanatory note to the police and gave them a statement. We don’t yet know what will happen next. We will wait for the decision of the FTC, but if the UrFU side files complaints, we will do the same.