4 seasons frozen vegetables preservation. Tasty, fast and healthy! Vegetables on our table! Confirmation of the high quality of TM “4 Seasons” products

I have been close friends with the 4th Season brand for a long time: it all started, of course, with simple vegetable mixtures, and much later I became familiar with their berries and a new line of complete ready-made exotic dishes.

4 Seasons is about average in terms of prices, but the main thing is that there are a lot of cheap brands, but not all brands, even expensive ones, are willing to provide quality vegetables inside the bags. Here, we have never come across waste from cutting vegetables; we rarely encountered pieces with dark, spoiled areas.

And yet, you can’t eat their simple vegetables by themselves as a side dish: tasteless, off-flavors... not only illiterate combinations, but either the vegetables were somehow processed incorrectly, or something else... So the vegetables are simply frozen We only mix 4 Seasons as an additive, if necessary, into other dishes (from soup to a composite vegetable side dish with a large number fresh vegetables).

Plus, from Season 4, more simple and non-exotic mixtures WITHOUT potatoes have now appeared on sale (they usually had it in their mixtures in huge quantities and had a very strange taste, and this, I think, is a huge minus): Mexican, lecho, paprikash, summer.

My favorite vegetable is definitely the “Mexican Mix”: it is very tasty in itself - an ideal and universal combination large quantity ingredients, and as a full-fledged side dish, 100% alone, and practically suitable for any dish. IMHO the only complete “thing in itself” in this brand. And, yes, not one ounce spicy - just the most typical vegetables for Mexican dishes.

Season 4 previously had a variety of simple dishes in its assortment, such as “Sorrel soup”, rice with vegetables, but not so long ago a line of “pretentious ready-made dishes” was released (and now it has been expanded to 23 items): from “Lagman ", "Champignons de Paris" and to the Japanese "Yakisobi" and the Australian "Tyrolean Pork". It is impossible to say that it is tasty, and not only because much is too specific (not even exotic, but specific), but also because EVERYTHING is prepared according to the principle of achieving the “possible minimum” and a catchy, but unnatural taste. The gravies and spices are not natural, the combinations of ingredients are often an inept attempt to make something out of nothing, the lamb is always stale with aftertaste (and, in principle, any meat here in every dish is very poor, although they don’t skimp on quantity). For example, “Sakenu”, “Chakhokhbili with beans” I couldn’t eat at all, so I threw away almost 400 rubles, “Fondue Emental” I’m not sure that anyone else will be able to eat because of the wild taste of stale broccoli, overshadowing everything else. “Bozbash”, “Risotto”, “Paella”, “Chicken curry” I finished with great difficulty. I myself, just for variety, buy from them “Lagman”, “Pork in sweet and sour sauce” (a very sweet dish with whole mini-corn), “Champion de Paris” (keep it on the fire 1.5 times longer when cooking, otherwise large pieces potatoes are not baked, and it is impossible to eat) and very rarely “Pilaf with lamb”. I want to try the newest “Prima Verde”, “Tyrolean Pork” and “Yakisoba”. You won’t find these dishes on sale everywhere, and they are most often expensive – from 215 rubles. for 1 pack

But there are no complaints at all about the berries of Season 4: the quality is excellent, the variety is also just pleasing. But not all of them are cheap. And so, half defrosted, mixed 1 package with 3-5 tablespoons of sugar (fructose, honey - even better!) - and the filling for amazing pies made from yeast-free puff pastry is ready. The pies really turn out great: fast, cheap, cheerful, healthy and dietary, very tasty.

In the section on the question Preparation of frozen mixture “4 seasons” asked by the author Natalia Yurina the best answer is if you fry, the calorie content will accordingly increase (due to oil), but if you steam or stew, it practically does not change. If you are losing weight, then a great option is to defrost the mixture in the microwave; I lost weight that way myself)
Source: personal experience)

Reply from European[guru]
what are the calories in there? how much do I eat just losing weight as for the finished product 250 grams

Reply from Victor[guru]
There may not be anything in the refrigerator, but the frozen mixture must be there! She came into our lives quite unexpectedly and firmly settled there! We bought it for the first time quite by accident, fried it as a side dish for meat and were pleasantly surprised. Firstly, the vegetables are of very high quality, washed, already cut, there are no spoiled ones, and the main thing is that they are truly “fresh frozen”. Secondly, they are very easy to prepare. We use them fried (in a small amount of sunflower oil, lightly salted), for a low-calorie dinner we boil them, bake them with fish, potatoes or meat (you can add mayonnaise, cheese or minced meat), we really like soups: I add them to ready-made meat or fish ( from sea ​​fish) broth, spices and processed Hochland cheese (you can do without it), I can also recommend frying small pieces of sea fish, pouring a sauce of sour cream and seasonings, and later adding previously defrosted vegetables. We like to first boil the cauliflower, then dip it in a salted egg and fry for 10 minutes, it turns out quite well.
People living in the south can freeze both vegetables and fruits themselves.

The 4th season trademark is the guarantee of your healthy eating and saving time.

The brand offers a wide range of fresh frozen products:

  • fruits;
  • vegetables;
  • herbs;
  • mushrooms;
  • ready-made dishes from many countries of the world.

TM 4 seasons is the first company on Russian market, specializing in frozen foods.

What path do products go through before ending up on our tables?

All products are made from the highest quality products. Specialists conduct strict control at every stage of production:

  • Seed selection. To obtain a quality product, specialists select seeds at the initial stage. TM uses varieties that are most suitable for freezing.
  • Seeds are planted in indoor or open ground (it all depends on the type of crop).
  • Vegetables, fruits, and mushrooms are grown according to all norms and rules.
  • After ripening, the products are collected and delivered for processing.
  • First of all, they undergo quality control. After this they are processed.
  • Vegetables are cut into cubes, circles or slices. This speeds up the freezing process and subsequently the speed of cooking.
  • Sometimes prepared vegetables are blanched. This allows you to get rid of enzymes, the action of which subsequently leads to loss of color of products and the appearance of undesirable flavors.
  • Only after passing the indicated stages, the prepared fruits, vegetables, berries, herbs and mushrooms are sent to the freezing tunnel, where each piece is “shocked” - very quickly - frozen. Products are frozen at -40 degrees Celsius.
  • The products are then packaged and stored at -18 degrees.
  • Products are delivered by vehicles equipped with refrigerators.

“4 Seasons” – product manufacturer high quality. Shock freezing technology allows vegetables and fruits to retain their shape and color. The vitamin content is maintained up to 90%.

Advantages of TM “4 Seasons” over other manufacturers

Thanks to the responsible and professional approach to the work of the employees of the 4 Seasons company, vegetables and fruits are of excellent quality. They are rich in vitamins and microelements and have an excellent taste.

The company's employees monitor the quality of products, from the initial stage (seed selection) to the final stage, until the products appear on supermarket shelves.

When growing vegetables and fruits, technologists and agronomists do not use pesticides or other synthetic substances. All products are grown naturally.

Confirmation of the high quality of TM “4 Seasons” products

The entire range of production products undergoes multi-level qualified control. The following parameters are checked:

  • organoleptic;
  • microbiological;
  • temperature and others.

Confirmation of the high quality of the products is the received ISO-9001 quality control certificate.

The company is proud that all products meet high quality standards according to GOST and San Pin standards.

In 2015, the company's products were awarded kosher certificates.

Product range of TM “4 Seasons”

The company started operating in the distant 90s. Over the many years of existence on the market, the product range has reached and exceeded 60 items.

Now everyone can purchase on store shelves not only high-quality vegetables, fruits and berries, but also successful combinations of them. There is a wide variety of herbs available.

Nowadays, ready-made dishes from TM “4 Seasons” are in wide demand in various countries of the world:

  • Italian and Austrian;
  • Japanese and French;
  • Uzbek and Georgian;
  • Italian and Greek;
  • Bulgarian, Thai, Mexican;
  • Russian and Latin American;
  • Swiss, Armenian; Central Asian;
  • Indian and Chinese.

The products of the “4 Seasons” brand are not only distinguished by their excellent taste, but also delight customers with affordable prices.

Thanks to the extensive product range, you can diversify your diet with an abundance of flavors, while spending a minimum of time.

Quite often we buy various frozen vegetables at home. We love a variety of mixtures.
In particular, these include quick-frozen vegetables of the “4 seasons” brand. I really liked this manufacturer.

And this is another mixture from “4 seasons” - "Vegetables in a country style" We got it as a promotion in some store, the price was lower than usual.

The packaging is bright and attracts attention with the beautiful and juicy vegetables depicted on it.

Frozen vegetable mixture Four seasons "Vegetables in a country style"

There is nothing superfluous in such mixtures, only a mixture of the listed vegetables in frozen form. This country-style mixture includes vegetables such as the well-known potatoes, corn, healthy broccoli, red bell peppers, green beans, as well as bright carrots and onions.

Frozen vegetable mixture Four seasons "Vegetables in a country style". Compound

The rainbow vegetable mixture will delight the eye in the finished dish.

Frozen vegetable mixture Four seasons "Vegetables in a country style". Frozen vegetables

All packages are in standard packaging - 400 grams. There is no need to defrost anything before cooking; we cook it right away.

On the packaging you can find a couple of ways to prepare such a mixture - for a side dish and as a dressing for soup.

Frozen vegetable mixture Four seasons "Vegetables in a country style". Package

I make this mixture at home very simply, put a frying pan on the fire, pour out all the contents and cook with a small amount of oil, adding a little water if necessary. Naturally, I add a little salt (usually I take it). Then you get a delicious stewed and boiled vegetable dish, which, moreover, you don’t have to constantly stand and stir at the stove.

You can also eat it as a separate independent dish. It is in this version that we like most of these vegetable mixtures. Of course, according to taste and desire, you can add sour cream (even during cooking), sauce, whatever you like. Very tasty!

Frozen vegetable mixture Four seasons "Vegetables in a country style". Bon appetit!