Ustinov Alexander boxer next fight. Alexander Ustinov: short biography

December 7, 1976 in the village. Popular kickboxer, boxer and mixed-fighter Alexander Ustinov, nicknamed “The Great,” was born in Pautovo (Altai Territory). Alexander plays for Belarus and permanently resides in Minsk. Ustinov left Russian citizenship.

At school, Alexander played team sports, football and hockey. He served as a border guard in the army, then worked in riot police until 2001. He fought in Chechnya and was awarded twice (Order of Courage and Medal “For Services to the Fatherland”).

30 fights, 29 wins, 21 wins by knockout - these are the boxer’s statistics at the end of 2014 before another fight for the champion title. On December 11, 2014, Alexander Ustinov will fight with Chauncey Welliver for the PABA championship belt.

Fans of kickboxing and Thai boxing Alexander is well known as a winner of prestigious K-1 tournaments and a four-time world and European champion in Muay Thai. The cannon strike of the two-meter giant was well remembered by the spectators of his fights, and even more so by his rivals.

The general statistics of Alexander Ustinov are as follows:

  • Kickboxing - 53 wins (31 knockouts), 9 losses, 1 draw, 1 failed fight;
  • MMA (mixed fight) - 7 wins (5 knockouts), 1 loss;
  • Boxing - 29 wins (21 knockouts), 1 loss.

Alexander Ustinov about Tyson Fury (video)

Ustinov’s kickboxing career began with his acquaintance with Vladimir Zadiran. Coach and former champion Mira invited Alexander to training. Zadiran actually founded a school in Belarus professional kickboxing and Thai boxing, so Ustainov was in good hands.

This was confirmed in 2003, when Ustinov won three knockout victories in a row at the K-1 Moscow Grand Prix and won the stage. That time, the newcomer reached the semi-finals, where he lost to Alexey Ignashov, his sparring partner. Excellent result for a man who started his career at 25 years old.

With Ukrainian boxer Vitali Klitschko

Success in Muay Thai ended in 2006. Due to disagreements with the manager and promoters, Alexander did not qualify for the Japanese Grand Prix after nine victories. Then he decided to focus on boxing. A year ago, he already received an offer to try himself in professional boxing from. Ustinov was noticed by Vitali Klitschko’s mentor, who decided to return to the boxing ring.

Alexander managed to knock out Andrei Tsukanov and Oleg Romanov between K-1 tournaments, after which he again competed in Muay Thai for a year and a half, until in Slovakia he received a blow to the groin, which is why he first lost the fight on time, and then that fight was simply noted as failed.

Realizing that many clearly do not want his promotion to K-1, Ustinov goes into boxing:

  • October 2006 - victory over Earl Ladson;
  • May 2008 - victory over the previously invincible Rudolf Abrahamyan;
  • July 2008 - Hans-Jörg Blasco received a knockout in the second round;
  • October 2008 - Julius Long knocked out in the first round;
  • February 2009 - technical victory over Maxim Pedyura;
  • September 2012 - Alexander’s first defeat was inflicted by the Bulgarian Kubrat Pulev;
  • November 2013 - victory over the former contender for the championship title David Tua.

In the summer of 2014, a possible fight between Ustinov and Ustinov was widely discussed, but the fight was eventually cancelled.

Ustinov vs. Pylev - the first defeat of a Russian boxer (video)

Alexander is often asked about the difference between regular and Thai boxing. Ustinov believes classic boxing more tempo, and in Muay Thai there is a larger affected area. However, in the athlete’s opinion, it is wrong to say that one fighting discipline is easier than another. After his success in Muay Thai, Ustinov wants to climb the WBA ladder and become a world champion. At one time he wanted to, but he became a deputy and received immunity.

Titles and victories of Alexander “The Great” Ustinov:

  • Winner of WKBF Golden Panther Cup 2003 (over 91 kg);
  • Winner of K-1 Spain Grand Prix 2003 in Barcelona;
  • Winner of K-1 World Grand Prix 2003 Preliminary in Moscow;
  • World champion 2003 among amateurs in Thai boxing according to IAMTF;
  • European champion 2004 in Thai boxing according to WKN;
  • Winner of K-1 2004 in Poland;
  • Winner of K-1 2005 in Italy;
  • EBA Heavyweight Champion;
  • 2006 WFCA World Heavyweight Champion;
  • World champion 2006 among amateurs according to IFMA;
  • Winner of K-1 Fighting Network 2006 (Marseille, France).

Alexander’s weight is 130 kg, height is 202 cm. In his amateur career, he had less than 20 fights, but managed to win the Belarus Cup and become a master of sports in boxing. In addition to martial arts, Ustinov loves to read. For example, before the fight with Earl Ladson at Madison Square Garden, he read “The Count of Monte Cristo” by Dumas and, according to Alexander, this helped him cope with emotions and maintain composure. This is how reading literature helps you become a strong and confident fighter.

A.I. Ustinov is one of the most successful boxers. He continues to perform today, bringing joy to his ardent fans with beautiful victories. Sasha Ustinov took part not only in kickboxing competitions, but also in fights mixed martial arts and Thai boxing.


Alexander was born on 07. 12.1976 in the village. Paustovo (Altai region). Since childhood, he was not anything special. Like any child of his age, Sasha loved to play table tennis or play football. After Ustinov graduated from the SUZ, he was drafted into the army in the Far East to join the border troops. Then, from 1997 to 2001, Alexander worked in the riot police. He visited Chechnya, during his service he was even awarded a medal twice for services to the Motherland.

Unexpected meeting

During one of his business trips “on duty,” Alexander Ustinov somehow ended up in Novosibirsk. There he met his very first coach, Vladimir Zadiran, a former kickboxing champion. At that time, Vladimir was the head of the Belarusian school of kickboxing and Thai boxing. Since then, Alexander began training with him.

First successes – kickboxing competitions

Despite the fact that Sasha Ustinov started kickboxing quite late (at the age of twenty-five), with enormous efforts, unsurpassed talent and hard work he succeeded achieve good results already by 2003, he was given the opportunity to take part in the Paris tournament. There he managed to reach the semi-finals, but he failed to take the main prize of the competition. Then Alexey Ignashov was ahead of him on points. Despite this defeat, Sasha continued to fight at the K-1 competition stage in Barcelona.

By the end of the summer of 2004, Alexander was offered to take part in the K-1 GP 2004 Battle of Bellagio I I. But the fighter injured his knee during the fight with Jan Nortje. The interesting thing is that he managed to win the fight even with this injury, but he still had to leave the tournament.

However, even after this, Ustinov continued to win. In 2005, he won fights in Lommel and Milan.

After the end of the Paris K-1 tournament (in 2006), Sasha participated in the Slovak tournament. This competition brought setbacks at the very beginning. Sasha’s first opponent, Bjorn Bregi, hit Ustinov in the groin, which was prohibited by the rules. The organizers were then forced to stop the fight.

Due to the fact that Ustinov had serious disagreements and quarrels with promoters, he left kickboxing. However, he never wanted to leave professional sports. What business did he take up? Professional boxing became his life. It was this sport that brought Sasha wide popularity. This is how his “real” career began.

Ustinov and the Klitschko brothers

Ustinov performed for the first time as a boxer back in two thousand and five. The very first fight was successful - he knocked out Andrei Tsukanov. The next fight - a similar one - Oleg Romanov was knocked out.

After Alexander left kickboxing, he took part in the promotional company of the well-known Klitschko brothers. He started sparring with Vitaly.

His efforts were enough that in the next fight with Earl Ladson, Ustinov was awarded victory. It was after this that the boxing “world” heard about a new star - Sasha Ustinov. His photographs often began to adorn various magazines and newspapers.

  • In 2009, Ustinov fought with Ukrainian boxer Max Pedyura, who was previously said to be almost impossible to defeat (eleven fights and one defeat). The fight ended in the middle of the fifth round, because Ustinov inflicted a nose injury on Pedyura, and therefore the latter was unable to continue the battle. The victory was rightfully awarded to Alexander, he became the champion.
  • In 2012, a fight for the IBF title took place. Then Ustinov met with the Bulgarian Kubrat Pulev. During the eleventh round, Alexander was knocked out.
  • Ustinov soon recovered his health, and almost a year later he fought with David Tua. Victory remained with Alexander. It is worth noting that this battle helped Ustinov firmly establish himself in sixth position in the IBF lines.

New battles, change of promoter

Ustinov decided to take a year's break, and on October eleventh, two thousand and fourteen, he met with Chauncey Weliver ( New Zealand). Alexander won by number of points. In the same year, Ustinov joined Khryunov’s promotion company.

Some time later, he defeated Travis Walker and Maurice Harris.

In Monaco, France at the Casino de Monte Carlo Salle Medecin arena as part of the undercard of the boxing show Denis Lebedev vs. Mike Wilson, ex-challenger for the world heavyweight title, 30-year-old American Michael Hunter knocked out ex-challenger for the world heavyweight title, 41-year-old Russian, in the ninth round Alexandra Ustinova.

The day before, the fight between the former contender for the world heavyweight title, a 41-year-old Russian, was officially confirmed Alexander Ustinov against the ex-challenger for the world heavyweight title by a 30-year-old American Michael Hunter.

In Oberhausen, Germany at the König Pilsener Arena the evening ended professional boxing, in the main fight of which the 40-year-old Russian Alexander Ustinov lost a unanimous decision to the new WBA world heavyweight champion, 33-year-old German Manuel Charr.

We present to your attention links to the live broadcast of the fight between the 40-year-old Russian Alexander Ustinov against former world heavyweight title challenger 33-year-old German Manuel Tscharra for the vacant WBA world heavyweight title.

The official weigh-in procedure for the main participants of the boxing show took place in Oberhausen, Germany. In the main fight of the evening, a 40-year-old Russian Alexander Ustinov will enter the ring against the former contender for the world heavyweight title, 33-year-old German Manuel Charr. The vacant WBA world title will be at stake in the fight.

Alexander Ustinov commented on the announcement of the fight against the former contender for the world heavyweight title, 33-year-old German Manuel Charr.

Famous Alexander Ustinov in his next fight he may enter the ring against the former contender for the world heavyweight title, 33-year-old German Manuel Charr.

Heavyweight boxer 40-year-old Russian Alexander Ustinov may fight against former world title challenger 44-year-old American Fres Oquendo for the vacant WBA world heavyweight title. This was announced by Ustinov’s manager Vladimir Khryunov.

As we reported earlier, the fight between the former world heavyweight champion, a 45-year-old American, fell through Shannon Briggs against former world title challenger 44-year-old compatriot Fres Oquendo due to a failed doping test. Famous boxer heavyweight 40 year old Russian Alexander Ustinov. This was announced by his promoter Vladimir Khryunov.

In Bolton, Great Britain, at the Bolton Whites Hotel arena, a professional boxing evening ended, in one of the fights of which the famous heavyweight 40-year-old Russian Alexander Ustinov successfully returned to the ring after a long layoff, knocking out 36-year-old Brazilian Rafael Love in the first round.

As we previously reported, the famous heavyweight boxer is a 40-year-old Russian Alexander Ustinov will hold his next match after a long break, will hold on May 19 in Bolton, UK at the Bolton Whites Hotel arena. His promoter Vladimir Khryunov announced the name of his protégé’s opponent.

Famous heavyweight boxer 40-year-old Russian Alexander Ustinov will hold his next fight after a long break on May 19 in Bolton, UK at the Bolton Whites Hotel arena.

Heavyweight boxer 40-year-old Russian Alexander Ustinov expressed a desire to enter the ring against former world heavyweight champion 28-year-old Briton Tyson Fury. Ustinov’s manager Vladimir Khryunov promises that his ward will “end Fury’s career.”

Well-known promoter from Russia Vladimir Khryunov, who is involved in the affairs of the heavyweight from Belarus Alexandra Ustinova, said that his ward will fight for the “regular” WBA belt next year, naming the names of Ustinov’s potential opponents.

Famous fighter super heavyweight from Belarus Alexander Ustinov could fight for the title of “interim” WBA world champion against Briton David Haye or German of Syrian origin Manuel Charr. This was announced by the promoter of the Belarusian boxer Vladimir Khryunov.

Alexander Ustinov is one of the famous and most successful boxers who continues his career today, delighting his fans with bright victories. During his life, he participated in various fights and took part not only in boxing or kickboxing competitions, but also in Muay Thai and mixed martial arts.

Alexander Ustinov: biography

Ustinov Alexander was born on December 7, 1976 in the village of Paustovo, Altai Territory. As a child, I didn’t stand out as anything special. Like all boys his age, he loved to kick a ball or play ping-pong. After graduating from school, he joined the army to serve as a border guard in the Far East. After the army, from 1997 to 2001, he worked in the riot police. He fought in hot spots (Chechnya), distinguished himself during his service and was twice awarded for services to the Fatherland.

Fatal meeting

During one of his business trips, by chance, he ended up in the city of Novosibirsk, where a fateful meeting between Alexander Ustinov and his first coach took place. Vladimir Zadiran was once a world champion in kickboxing, and at the time of the meeting he was the founder of a school of Thai boxing and kickboxing in Belarus. He undertook to train Alexander.

Participation in kickboxing tournaments. First steps in sports

Despite the fact that Alexander started kickboxing quite late, when he was 25 years old, with work, perseverance and talent he was able to achieve a positive result by 2003, when, after winning the K-1 Grand Prix, he knocked out three opponents and received the right to compete in the Paris tournament. At this tournament he reached the semi-finals. But, unfortunately, he failed to win the championship in this tournament. He lost on points to Alexey Ignashov. But, despite this defeat, he continued his participation at the K-1 Grand Prix stage in Barcelona, ​​and very successfully.

In August 2004, he was invited to compete in the K-1 GP 2004 Battle of Bellagio II. However, he was injured - he injured his knee in a fight with South African fighter Jan Nortje, but despite this he won the fight, although after he had to leave the tournament.

But his career did not stop there. Already in 2005, he won victories in Milan and Lommel, in the K-1 Grand Prix.

After successful participation in the Paris K-1 Grand Prix, in 2006 he took part in the Slovak tournament. This tournament was unsuccessful from the very beginning. Alexander Ustinov's first opponent was Bjorn Bregi, who delivered an illegal knee strike to the groin. The fight had to be stopped. According to the judges' decision, the fight was invalid.

Due to disagreements with promoters, Alexander Ustinov was forced to leave kickboxing. But he did not give up sports. What did Alexander Ustinov start doing? Boxing became his life. It was he who made him famous. This is how his career began - first amateur and then professional boxing.

Boxing career in the team of the Klitschko brothers

Alexander Ustinov began his boxing career when he was involved in kickboxing. He first appeared in the ring as a boxer back in May 2005. In his first boxing fight, he knocked out Andrei Tsukanov. In the other - Oleg Romanov. Immediately after being forced to leave kickboxing, he joined a promotion company and began training and preparing for boxing matches; one of the brothers, Vitaly, became his sparring partner. The efforts were not in vain, and in the next match with the American athlete Earl Ladson, the judges awarded Alexander victory. Even then, the boxing world heard that a new star had caught fire - Alexander Ustinov. Photos of the boxer began to appear more and more often on the pages of newspapers and magazines. They heard about him and started talking about him.

On February 26, 2009, a duel took place between Alexander Ustinov and Ukrainian boxer Maxim Pedyura, who was previously considered practically invincible (participated in 11 fights and had only 1 defeat). In the fifth round, the fight was over, because due to injury (the Ukrainian fighter was bleeding heavily from the nose), he could not continue to fight. The judges awarded the victory to Ustinov. He was awarded the championship title.

On September 29, 2012, a fight for the IBF championship was organized. In the ring, he met with a native of Bulgaria, Kubrat Pulev, who knocked out Alexander in the 11th round.

After this, Alexander soon recovered, and on November 16, 2013, a fight took place, this time he fought with a former contender for the champion title. Ustinov won this fight, the judges unanimously awarded him the victory. Thanks to this victory, he firmly settled in 6th place in the IBF line.

Change of promoter, new victories

After this fight, he took a break for one year, and on December 11, 2014, a new fight took place between Alexander Ustinov and New Zealand boxer Chauncey Weliver, in which the Russian won on points. Since 2014, he began performing for the Khryunov promotion company.

The last two fights took place quite recently, in 2015. The first performance took place on July 10. In this fight he managed to win a solid victory over the Englishman Travis Walker. The next fight took place on October 10, in this fight the Belarusian fighter won by knocking out Venezuelan Maurice Harris.

Interesting facts about the life and career of Alexander Ustinov

Currently, the athlete lives in Minsk. Despite the fact that Alexander was born in Russia, he participates in fights for Belarus, and on the international website, which collects statistical data about all fighters, he is listed as a Belarusian.

At the time when Alexander was engaged in amateur boxing, he had less than 20 fights, but this did not stop him from becoming professional athlete and win the Belarus Cup, becoming a silver medalist.

Alexander Ustinov is a boxer whose height and weight are quite impressive. He is a heavyweight boxer. His height is 202 cm and weight is 130 kg. Right-handed. In total, during his entire career, Alexander Ustinov participated in 33 fights, of which he scored 32 victories (23 by knockout) and 1 defeat. For this he was nicknamed "The Great". The main manager of Alexander Ustinov is Alexander Krasyuk.

At his last performances, Alexander Ustinov performed under two flags: Belarusian and Russian. Alexander himself has Russian citizenship and, apparently, he is not going to give it up.

Belarusian masters of fist fighting have always performed at quite high level. An athlete named Alexander Ivanovich Ustinov, who will be discussed in this article, was no exception.

Life before the start of a professional athlete career

Our hero was born in the Altai Territory on December 7, 1976. While still at school, he was fond of sports: hockey, football and table tennis.

He completed military service in the border troops, after which he joined the ranks of the riot police, where he worked from 1997 to 2001. He was a participant in the fighting in Chechnya and received two state awards for valiant service. According to him, the war taught him a lot.

At a certain point in his life, Alexander Ivanovich Ustinov came on a business trip to Novosibirsk on official business. There he had a somewhat fateful acquaintance with Vladimir Zadiran, who is one of the founders of kickboxing and Thai boxing in Belarus. After some time, Alexander Ustinov began to actively train under the guidance of this legendary coach.

Kickboxing performances

In 2003, our hero won three bright victories by knockout at the K-1 tournament in Moscow, which gave him the right to fight at the tournament in Paris, where he defeated local fighter Gregory Toney in the quarterfinals. But already in the semi-final match, Alexander Ustinov met with his comrade Alexey Ignashov and lost to him by decision.

In December of the same year, Alexander became the winner of the Spanish stage of the K-1 Grand Prix, which was then held in the capital of Catalonia - Barcelona.

In the summer of 2004, the fighter took part in the prestigious K-1 World GP 2004 Battle of Bellagio II tournament. There he won against the representative of South Africa, however, in the end he was forced to withdraw from the competition due to a deep cut received in the fight.

In 2005, Alexander Ustinov won titles at K-1 tournaments in Italy and Belgium. And after an offensive defeat in 2006 from the representative of Switzerland Bjorn Brega (the fight was later declared invalid), he made the final decision to switch to professional boxing.

Fights as a boxer

In amateur boxing, the Belarusian was able to receive the title of master of sports, win the Belarus Cup, and take second place at the republican championship.

His professional debut took place on May 13, 2005, and it turned out to be very successful, since Alexander Ustinov knocked out Andrei Tsukanov in the second three minutes. Victory awaited the athlete in the second fight against Oleg Romanov. However, then there was a one and a half year break and again a return to K-1. And boxing matches for Ustinov again became available in 2006.

Winning streak

In May 2008, Alexander Ustinov defeated the then undefeated Russian Rudolf Abrahamyan by decision. In the summer of the same year he defeated the German Blasco, and in October the American Long.

Alexander won the EBA European champion belt in a fight against Ukrainian Maxim Pedura on February 26, 2009. The fight was stopped by the doctor in the fifth round, as Maxim’s nosebleeds would not stop.

Fight with a Bulgarian

On September 29, 2012, Alexander Ustinov, whose weight was then 130 kilograms, played a match with Kubrat Pulev for the right to take first place in the IBF world rankings. In the first rounds the Bulgarian had big advantage, but did not carry out any spectacular attacks. In the seventh three-minute period, Alexander managed to hit his opponent well, but he managed to survive. The fate of the fight was decided in the 11th round, when Ustinov took a knee and was unable to continue the fight.

Duel with New Zealander

Alexander Ustinov is a boxer who was never afraid of anyone and always fought with the best. In November 2013, he fought the legendary David Tua and was able to beat him by decision. This allowed the giant from Minsk to take sixth position on the IBF list.

In mid-2016, Alexander was approved as the official contender for the fight for the right to hold the title of interim WBA world champion.

MMA career

Our hero competed in MMA eight times. He managed to win seven fights, but six of these fights did not have official status and therefore were not included in the main standings. Officially, Alexander fought two fights: he won one and lost the second.

Since 2014, Ustinov has been working as part of a promotion company led by Vladimir Khryunov.

Alexander Ustinov: short biography on the site.