Exercises. Fitness in the workplace: find out how to combine work with a light workout! Exercise while working

Work out your abs and buttocks in the office without attracting prying glances from your colleagues? Easily! Our expert will tell you how to do this.

“Exercising in the office? Can’t you do this at home?!”, skeptics will say after reading the title of the article. However, remember yourself: after two hours spent at the computer, you just want to get up and stretch. And time in the office is not always productive; it happens that we spend several hours on telephone conversations, endless correspondence and discussing the latest news with colleagues. So why not really add some exercise to your office routine?

Faustino Joao,

trainer of the gym of the club "X-Fit Victory Park".


When it comes to the abdominal muscles, many sigh heavily: working on them always takes quite a lot of time. So why waste it when you're at work? Several exercises will help you tone and maintain your abs.

1. Abdominal retraction

Do the exercise while sitting at your desk. As you exhale, pull your stomach in as much as possible, hold for 3-4 seconds. As you inhale, relax your muscles. The exercise comprehensively trains all abdominal muscles. Start with 10 repetitions, gradually increasing their number to 50.

2. "Stone Press"

As you exhale, tense your abs with all your might for 3-4 seconds. As you inhale, relax. Number of repetitions – 10-50. This is another exercise for all the abdominal muscles.

3. Pulling the knees to the stomach

Sit up straight with your hands on the table. As you exhale, raise your knees to your stomach and lightly press the table top with them. As you inhale, lower your legs. The exercise will be more difficult if your feet are not placed on the floor. Number of repetitions – 10-50. You can replace pulling up your knees with statics: while exhaling, press your knees on the table top for 5 seconds. As you inhale, lower your legs and relax. The exercise primarily works the lower abs.

4. Tilts

This exercise can be done if all your colleagues have left the office and you know that you will be alone for some time. Starting position – sitting on a chair, back straight, arms down. Perform tilts left and right. As you exhale, lower yourself to one side until your hand touches the floor. As you inhale, return to the starting position. Then - tilt in the other direction. The number of tilts in each direction is 10-50. The exercise works the oblique abdominal muscles.

5. Rotations

Sitting on a chair, raise your legs slightly off the floor and place your hands on the table. As you exhale, rotate on the chair to the left all the way (try to keep your chest and upper body motionless, rotate only your pelvis). As you inhale, return to the starting position. Repeat the same on the other side. The number of rotations in each direction is 10-50.

6. "Upper" rotations

Starting position - as in the previous exercise. As you exhale, leaving your pelvis motionless, turn your chest and head to the right on the chair (as if you want to see someone behind your right shoulder). As you inhale, return to the starting position. As you exhale, repeat the rotation in the other direction. Perform 10-50 times in each direction. Together with working the oblique abdominal muscles, the exercise relieves heaviness in the back.


Another “problem area” besides the abs is the buttocks. Many girls are unhappy with this part of the body. Do not be sad: there are a number of special fitness programs, the purpose of which is to give the girl what she wants, that is, they involve working on the buttocks. Just don’t forget that the result you get directly depends on your desire and perseverance.

Exercise 1

Sit on the edge of the chair (first move it a little away from the table). Feet together, knees pressed together, keep your back straight. Straighten your right leg and at the same time pull your toe towards you. Do the same with your left leg. Do this exercise 30 times on each leg.

Exercise 2

Starting position - as in the previous exercise. Feet together, knees pressed together, keep your back straight. Straighten both legs at the same time and pull your toes towards you. Do it 20 times.

Exercise 3

Starting position - sitting on the edge of a chair, body slightly tilted forward. Place your hands in front of you on the table (do not put weight on your hands). Now tense your buttock muscles and raise yourself a couple of millimeters above the chair. Stay in this position for 2-3 seconds, then return to the starting position. Do the exercise 10-15 times.

Exercise 4

If you came to work in trousers, you can do the following exercise. Sitting on a chair, knees pressed together. Place your hands between your thighs and hold onto the chair with them. Now press your hips onto your hands with all your might, tensing your muscles for 5-7 minutes. Repeat this exercise 20 times.

Exercise 5

And finally, the simplest but most effective exercise that will help you use the muscles of your legs, buttocks and even your abs. It's walking up the stairs! Forget about the elevator, just a couple of flights and you'll get a great workout for your body!

In order to maintain and strengthen your health, you need to have enormous willpower, force yourself to work, and train endurance. Only in this case does a person achieve results. We have offered you an option on how you can improve your own body by training even during your working day in the office. If you don’t have the conditions for this, move the “office workout” home, do the exercises in between, but the main thing is to do them regularly, and the results will not be long in coming. Good luck and sporting achievements!

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Working in an office has many benefits, but sitting still for long periods of time is detrimental to your health and figure. A review of 47 scientific studies found that people who sit for long periods of time are more likely to suffer from cancer, type II diabetes, heart disease, and excess weight.

Good news: website I found 6 chair exercises for you that will help you feel cheerful and energetic. They can be performed right at your workplace.

Strengthens abdominal muscles, improves digestion, and also helps burn fat.

How to do it:

1. Sit on a chair. The back is straight, we do not lean on the back of the chair.

2. Place your feet on the floor in front of you, hip-width apart.

3. Keep your back straight. Raise your right knee and draw it toward your chest. At this time, the stomach reaches towards the spine.

4. Place your hands on your shins to better stretch your lower abs.

5. Do 20-30 reps, alternating knees.

In this position, all abdominal muscles work gently but effectively.

How to do it:

  1. Bring your legs together.
  2. Place your hands on the chair.
  3. Keeping your back straight, lift your knees, bringing them closer to your chest. The abdominal muscles should tense at the same time.
  4. Return your legs to the starting position, but do not let them touch the floor.
  5. Do 10-20 reps.

Corrects the waist. Strengthened work of the lateral abdominal muscles helps remove fat folds on the sides.

How to do it:

  1. Sit close to the edge of the chair with your back straight. Place your hands on the chair.
  2. Bend your torso to the side, resting on one buttock.
  3. Bring your legs together and lift your knees toward your chest as in exercise 2.
  4. Return to the starting position. Repeat, leaning to the other side.
  5. Do 10-20 reps on each side.

Helps burn fat on the sides and thighs.

How to do it:

1. Place your feet on the floor.

2. Straighten your arms to the sides at shoulder height.

3. Turn your upper body to the right side and lean forward, touching your left toes with your right hand. Hold this position.

4. Level up. Repeat the movement, touching the toes of your right foot with the fingers of your left hand.

5. Repeat 20-30 times, changing the direction of rotation each time.

Helps quickly burn fat and tone the muscles of the abdomen, back, and shoulders. To increase the load, you can do the exercise on a chair with armrests. The chair must have no wheels.

How to do it:

  1. Sit on a chair and rest your hands on the armrests.
  2. Raise your torso, lifting your hips and legs off the chair. At the same time, use your abs to lift your knees toward your chest.
  3. Hold this pose for at least 15-20 seconds, then slowly lower and rest.
  4. Repeat the exercise 4 times.

Are you so overwhelmed with work at the office that you don’t have time to exercise? You have time, but you don’t have the energy or desire to get ready and go to the gym? But at the same time, the whole body is simply screaming about the need for physical activity? Don't be upset!

There are great exercises that don't require special machines or equipment or too much space. And many of them can be performed while sitting at your desk. Besides, you won't even attract much attention from your colleagues and other people who are around you.

In fact, you can pump up your abs while sitting, without lying on the floor in the middle of the office. To do this, you need to sit up straight, straighten your back, tense your buttock muscles, take a deep breath and sharply draw in your stomach as you exhale. Repeat this about 50 times. There is no need to hold your breath. It is the abdominal muscles that work, not the diaphragm.
The oblique abdominal muscles can be trained by bending to the sides, also in a sitting position. For greater effect, fold your hands into a lock at the back of your head, spreading your elbows to the sides.

And this exercise pumps up the lower abs, as well as the hip flexor muscles. Sit straight on the edge of the chair, place your hands on the chair slightly behind you (you can hold on to the seat) and raise your bent legs up. You don't have to hug your knees to your chest to immediately get everyone's attention. The legs do not rise high, but you need to do it at least 20 times.

This is an ideal exercise to accelerate blood flow through the vessels after sitting in one place for a long time without moving. It also has a good effect on the work and tone of the calf muscles and helps improve balance. Well, who wouldn't want to show off sexy, toned calves in high heels?

All you need to do is stand behind the chair, holding the back of the chair with your hands (or near the wall, holding on to it) and slowly rise up onto your toes, then carefully lower your heels to the floor. Repeat this 10-20 times to start. Gradually the load can be increased. In fact, this exercise can be done while sitting at your desk while you work. This will be less effective, but will also bring positive results, preventing the blood from stagnating.

Another exercise you can do while sitting at your desk will help strengthen your triceps. In general, it is good to use dumbbells for this. But they can be replaced with bottles of water or, for example, heavy books, or other heavy objects that are found on the table or in its drawers. In general, you can simply use the weight of your body, but at the same time keeping your arms in good tension.

Sitting on a chair, move your body forward as much as possible, forearms parallel to the floor, arms vertically with palms facing the body. On the count of one, straighten your arms with the weights, stretching them back, and on the count of two, return to the starting position. Repeat 10-20 times. Muscle imbalance leads to frequent arm pain and minor injuries, so you need to train not only your biceps, but also your triceps.

Sitting against a wall will help tone the muscles in your legs and thighs, making them stronger and more resilient. At first this may seem unrealistic, but over time practice will prove that this is not so, and each movement will become easier and easier. This exercise is also good because it gives you the opportunity to break away from the computer and get up from your chair, giving your eyes and butt a rest.

So, any office must have walls, at least four. At least half of one of them should not be filled with furniture. You need to go to this wall and imitate sitting on a chair next to it. To do this, press your back tightly against the wall and put your legs further forward. Lowering your pelvis down along the wall, reach a sitting position: your back is straight, your legs are bent at the knees at a right angle. Remain in this position for as long as possible. Then get up and continue working.

Also a good reason to spend a little time away from the computer. Squats improve mobility, improve balance, and are beneficial to the entire body because they work the majority of all muscles. Not only the muscles of the legs, calves, thighs and buttocks are pumped, but also the muscles of the back, abs and shoulders, since they are all involved in the process.

You need to stand straight in a comfortable position, place your feet at a comfortable width, then lower your pelvis down, moving your body a little forward to maintain balance. Imagine that you are sitting on a chair that is behind you, do not push your knees forward, keep your legs as perpendicular to the floor as possible. The pelvis drops to the level of the knees. The trick is to keep your back perfectly straight, without arching it or bending forward.

If the office has a strict dress code that forces you to wear tight knee-length skirts, don't think that this will save you from doing the exercise. You can do mini squats, lowering your hips no lower than your knees, holding this position for a few seconds, and then rising.

This last simple exercise, which can easily be done in the office, works the muscles of the chest, back and shoulders, as well as the triceps. Wall push-ups may not seem so difficult, but there are also rules here, and only proper execution of the exercise can lead to maximum results without any injuries.

So, stand facing the wall, place your palms on the wall at chest level, move your feet back a little until your heels no longer touch the floor.

We perform push-ups: inhale as you approach the wall, exhale as you push away from it. Firstly, there should be a perfectly straight line from the top of your head to your heels: never stick your heel out backwards or push your pelvis forward. Perfectly straight spine! Secondly, never lock your elbows when you straighten your arms, this can lead to injury.

Well, that's the whole set of office exercises. They don't require much time, or special equipment, or even space. Everything is very simple and has several advantages: firstly, it provides the necessary physical activity in the absence of the opportunity to visit the gym, secondly, it warms up the muscles of the whole body, sore from sitting at the table for a long time, and thirdly, it simply provides an opportunity to escape and take a break from work.

Modern people, especially residents of cities and towns, spend most of their adult lives at work. They lead a sedentary lifestyle, when all movement ends with a morning walk to the office and an evening walk back. This has a negative impact on health, and as a result, many by the age of forty-five, or even earlier, begin to feel signs of physical inactivity, which ultimately leads to the development of concomitant diseases.

In Soviet times, specifically in order to maintain people’s health at the proper level, industrial gymnastics for office workers was developed and introduced, a set of exercises of which we will consider today. This type of training without interruption from the work process has not lost its relevance. Therefore, it makes sense to understand what it is, what advantages and disadvantages charging has, for whom it is best suited, as well as other nuances.

It cannot be said that this kind of physical education appeared purely for political reasons; that would be erroneous and incorrect. The very trend of a total increase in the “titans” of mental labor working in offices has led to the need to introduce at least five-minute grades into their ranks. Industrial gymnastics has never become a relic of the past, because there is absolutely no doubt about its benefits. After all, muscle activity is a biological, vital need of the body.

To immediately answer all the questions, let's give a brief definition of industrial gymnastics, as a type of physical education, like or. This is a mini-set of exercises that can and should be performed during the work process to quickly relieve fatigue, tension, muscle and nerve tension.

Brief history

Few people know that back in the early thirties of the twentieth century in the Soviet Union they began to think about the dangers of a sedentary, sedentary lifestyle. The Communist Party decided to take care of office workers, who became more and more every year. Enormous research work was carried out. Scientists were able to find out that the labor productivity of those people who were fond of five-minute sports became much higher compared to others.

The All-Union Scientific and Practical Conference on the Problems of Physical Culture and Active Longevity became the final evaluative factor. It became clear that the importance of physical education is very broad, even on a national scale. Gymnastics began to be introduced everywhere. As experiments have shown, after its implementation, labor productivity significantly increased, but various health complaints, for example, pain in the joints and spine, became less common.

Special complexes of such gymnastics were not compiled by chance, but based on the specifics of the production itself. For example, at a sewing factory, where mostly women work, the type of work is sedentary. Therefore, the complex included exercises for those muscle groups that are not used by a seamstress. However, at a bakery plant, workers spend almost the entire shift on their feet. Therefore, movements have been developed for them that are performed mainly while sitting. If you add self-massage of the feet to them, then the picture becomes complete. This proves that it makes sense to select exercises that best suit your lifestyle, work, and type of mobility.

The purpose and objectives of industrial gymnastics

Every responsible employer cares about the health of its employees, and on top of that, there are already clearly developed regulations governing all aspects of ensuring good working conditions. Violations of rules and regulations can be punished both administratively and criminally. It is logical to include a special set of health-improving exercises in the list of necessary conditions. Thanks to them, any employee can not only significantly increase their productivity, but also improve their health.

  • Correctly, and most importantly, done on time, gymnastics helps to significantly strengthen the immune system, as well as improve performance.
  • Gymnastics prepares the body for new achievements and maintains performance throughout the day.
  • Gymnastics should prepare a person for a certain type of activity, which is clearly seen in the example of a seamstress and a bakery employee described above.
  • Preventive measures to prevent the negative impact of various environmental factors.

To minimize fatigue at work, as well as after it, it is enough to perform just a small, five or ten-minute set of exercises that are quite simple and accessible to everyone. This does not require any special devices, so they can be done in absolutely any environment, from an industrial workshop of any production to an ordinary office.

Benefits of doing gymnastics in the workplace

We have already figured out why such gymnastics is needed, it remains to find out what advantages it offers.

  • Even a few well-chosen exercises will be enough to increase an employee’s performance and maintain it throughout the day.
  • Exercising without interruption from work will tone your muscles, warm up your joints and ligaments, thereby maintaining their mobility.
  • Office work often involves a lot of stress, and knowledge workers are prone to frequent depression. Exercise will help you quickly level out your emotional background, bring yourself to your senses, and get rid of stress.

To maximize the effect of industrial gymnastics, it doesn’t hurt to pause to do the exercises at least 2-3 times a day. Typically one session takes from three to twelve minutes. It will really help you cheer up and restore your performance.

Forms and types of industrial gymnastics

The types of this kind of physical education have been formed depending on numerous factors that must be taken into account. The different forms of industrial gymnastics are as follows.

Introductory lesson

Not everyone is able to get up in the morning and quickly finish their daily chores and immediately get to work. However, this must be done, and the sooner you turn on, the better. Precisely in order to get into the process faster and better, gymnastics was invented before work. Simple exercises will help any person achieve optimal functioning of the nervous system and give it an optimal working rhythm.

For the right effect, it is important to choose the right exercises. Just 5-8 movements in five minutes are enough to achieve the desired result. It's best when all employees do them together, this will make the gymnastics more fun, and the colleagues themselves will be more united around common tasks.

Pause before lunch

The second form of industrial gymnastics is a short pause, approximately chosen for the second half of the working day. It is best to set the time two to three hours later than lunch, so that all the food has already been successfully digested by that time.

This activity invigorates, relieves signs of fatigue, clears the head, promotes concentration and focus. Exercises are selected depending on the activity. If you have no experience in this matter, you can find a trainer who will be happy to advise you. Usually the complex includes about 6-8 simple exercises.

Five minutes of physical education

The name does not reflect the whole essence of such charging, because it usually takes no more than a couple of minutes. For a lesson, only 2-3 exercises are enough, not characterized by a high level of complexity or load. It is intended to relieve local fatigue, for example, when a person remains in the same position for a long time. There is usually not much time allotted for it, and you can perform the exercises up to five to six times a day, as soon as fatigue begins to make itself felt.

For which workers is it suitable: classification by occupational groups

The number of workers employed in offices is increasing every year. First of all, physical education is needed by the so-called “white collar” workers, that is, those who work mentally.

  • Bank employees.
  • Copywriters.
  • Translators.
  • Secretaries.
  • Programmers.
  • Engineers.
  • Accountants.

Even now they have already turned into a countless army. The main problem they all face is pain in the joints and back. Osteochondrosis, constant pain in the cervical spine, obesity, physical inactivity, hemorrhoids - these are just a few of the possible diseases that can be avoided if you respond to emerging symptoms in time and take action.

Features of industrial gymnastics depending on labor groups

The organization of such classes requires the identification of main subgroups of workers. Each such group requires special exercises during the working day.


This subgroup includes everyone who is exposed to the greatest stress in the workplace and constantly experiences stress. Often their work is the same type, monotonous, boring. Therefore, it especially requires attentiveness, concentration, and often also acute vision.

  • Seamstresses.
  • Workers at machines, including robotic ones.
  • Shoe production workers.
  • Assemblers of small mechanisms.

This also includes radio technicians in large industries, adjusters of small equipment, and similar professions.


This group includes those employees whose work combines mental work with little physical activity.

  • Pickers.
  • Turners.
  • Packers.
  • Milling workers.

As a rule, to perform work, such people need not only to think, but also to do something. Great physical activity is not expected.


The third subgroup includes those professions that involve more serious physical activity. Moreover, you shouldn’t think that they don’t need industrial gymnastics, since they already work hard.

  • Builders of different specializations.
  • Various types of molders.
  • Steelworkers.
  • Miners.
  • Locksmiths and other working specialties.

Such workers will require special exercises aimed at developing endurance and the body’s resistance to stress.


The last group includes only employees of purely mental work.

  • Scientists.
  • Teachers.
  • Medical workers.
  • Engineers.

Many people literally work their butts off, including their internal “robot mode.” However, there is nothing good about this. As a result, after many years of such exhausting work, a person may experience cardiovascular problems, vision deterioration, and pain in the back and joints. To avoid such sad consequences, without saying goodbye to your favorite job, it doesn’t hurt to take care of yourself, and at the same time familiarize yourself with the basics of physical education.

Unboring industrial gymnastics: a set of exercises

Physical education for office workers and not only includes many different exercises, which should be selected taking into account professional characteristics and activities. You should also not forget about the regularity of your exercises, without which you cannot expect any effect from such exercises.

On a chair

Pull and pull, we can stretch out

  • Sit on a chair with the back straight, back straight, head looking forward.
  • Stretch your legs in front of you, while pulling your toes towards you.
  • Raise your hands up, try to reach the ceiling with your fingers.

It is best to repeat this exercise three times.

Fathers, who do I see!

  • Starting position, as in the previous version of the exercise.
  • Stretch your legs in front of you, point your toes.
  • Stretch your arms out in front of you, palms facing each other.
  • Spread your arms wide, as if you are going to hug someone, and at the same time lean as far as possible to the side.
  • Bring your arms in front of you and straighten up.
  • Repeat the movement in the other direction.
  • Return to the starting position.

It’s good to do ten repetitions of bending in each direction.

Rotating the feet

  • The starting position is the same - sitting on a chair.
  • Straighten your legs in front of you. First pull your toes towards you, then straighten them as much as possible.
  • Begin to rotate your feet simultaneously in different directions, outward, trying to fix the extreme points.
  • Return to the starting position.

In total you will need to perform about twelve approaches to get the result.

Ball game

  • Sit with your back straight, pressing it firmly against the back of the chair.
  • Take a small children's ball and hold it between your knees. Make it as strong as you can.
  • Relax your muscles.

In terms of time, you need to perform this exercise exactly as long as you can hold and squeeze the ball. One long approach will be enough.

With support

Swallow flies south

  • Stand directly behind a chair with your hands on the back of it.
  • Take your right leg back while spreading your arms out to the sides.
  • Return to the starting position.
  • Repeat the movement with the other leg.

The optimal execution mode is 4 approaches for each leg.


  • Stand behind a chair and place your hands on the back.
  • Raise your right arm up, while leaving your left leg to the side.
  • Return to the starting position.
  • Repeat the exercise with the other leg and arm.

It is required to repeat approaches up to six or more times.

On tiptoe

  • The starting position is the same - behind a chair, palms on the back.
  • Without leaning heavily on your hands, rise up onto your toes.
  • Count to ten and then lower back down.

You need to do 10 to 20 repetitions of this exercise. Ideally, to give your feet a good workout, it wouldn’t hurt to take off your shoes, but not everyone has this opportunity. This is especially true for girls and women wearing high heels.

Without support

You may get the misleading impression that all industrial gymnastics exercises require a chair, but this is not the case. All untrained beginners can significantly reduce the load by performing a few simple movements.

  • Raise your arms up or spread them (as desired), while simultaneously bending your body in different directions.
  • Return to the starting position.

You can repeat from ten to twenty tilts in each direction.

Walking in place

  • Stand straight, arms along your body.
  • Perform steps in place while swinging your arms to the beat.
  • Return to the starting position.

It is optimal to do this walking for ten to fifteen minutes. Everything will depend on the availability of free time.

  • Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart, gaze fixed in front of you.
  • Extend your arms in front of you and slowly squat down until your upper thighs are parallel to the floor.
  • Slowly straighten up.

Everything here is very individual. Some people can easily squat up to forty to fifty times in one approach, while others find it difficult to do even 10-15 squats.

Exercise for the eyes

In the modern world, there is nowhere without computers, which is why most office workers spend most of their time staring at the monitor. However, this causes severe fatigue to the eyes, which can lead to vision problems. For such cases, a special set of exercises for the eyes has been developed, which also cannot be avoided.

  • Alternately, close your eyes tightly for 5-10 seconds, but open them and relax. It is acceptable to perform 8-20 repetitions
  • Do exercises to focus your vision on objects at different distances. To do this, select an object close to you, as well as a point in the distance, this could be something in a window. Quickly move your gaze from a close object to a distant one, trying to make out the details as quickly as possible. The same can be repeated slowly, holding your gaze on one of the selected points for 4-8 minutes.
  • Bring your eyes to the center and look at the bridge of your nose. You can repeat 6-10 times.
  • Draw a circle with your eyes clockwise, and then back. Repeat ten times in each direction.

Alternatively, you can purchase special glasses for eye training. They look like regular ones, but instead of glass they have regular black material with round holes. After working in them for just 10-15 minutes daily, you can properly correct your sagging vision.

It doesn’t hurt to prepare for any physical activity in advance. But how to do this in the case of industrial gymnastics, when the work process is in full swing?

  • Before you start doing exercises, it is better to open the windows in the room wide open or at least slightly open for ventilation. Especially if the production is harmful.
  • Gymnastics requires the correct temperature and humidity. At any time of the year, the temperature in the room should be at least 15 and no more than 25 degrees Celsius. An excellent humidity level would be 60-70%.
  • It is better to avoid intense or strength exercises during introductory classes in the morning. They will cause profuse sweating, and it is unlikely that your office has a shower for employees.
  • There should be no snacks, much less a hearty meal, for at least an hour before doing gymnastics. It’s even better to eat 1.5-2 hours before class, and even then not heavily.

It is best to do exercises in comfortable shoes and clothes, but this is not always possible. Therefore, it is optimal to store at work, if not a tracksuit, then at least a change of shoes.

Music for industrial gymnastics

It is best to do gymnastics with music, it will be much more fun. Tests show that a person even gets tired much less if music is played that corresponds to individual heart rhythms. Researchers say that a person becomes 10% more efficient. In addition, time flies unnoticed when listening to music, your emotional mood rises, and stress subsides.

As an example, we will give a few examples of good options for athletes and not only.

  • "La Femme Parallel" - Thievery Corporation featuring LouLou.
  • "Magic Touch" - Robin Thicke featuring Mary J. Blige.
  • "Closer" - Ne-Yo.
  • "So What" - Pink.
  • "Dangerous" - Kardinal Offishall featuring Akon.
  • "Use Somebody" - Kings of Leon.
  • "Put On" - Young Jeezy featuring Kanye West.
  • "Spotlight" - Jennifer Hudson.
  • "Time to Pretend" - MGMT.
  • "4 Minutes" - Madonna featuring Justin Timberlake and Timbaland.

It is better to select music for classes individually. Many people prefer classics, while others prefer more modern motifs. However, it is worth considering that we are talking about production, where you will have to count not only with one person, but with many. You can simply turn on a popular radio station that the majority listens to, or you can solve everything by agreement.

A sedentary lifestyle is one of the main causes of excess weight. And if you move very little, the best recommendation from Maya Plisetskaya will not help you lose weight: “You need to eat less!” Of course, the prospect of puffing away on the gym after work makes few women happy. And the point here is not even the lack of such opportunities, but the presence of a long list of household chores.

What to do? We will not give meaningless recommendations like “change jobs” or “quit raising a family.” We will present two effective sets of exercises that can be performed right at your desk and completely unnoticed by your colleagues.

* Office workers who do not have the opportunity to regularly get up and do gymnastics.
* Programmers and freelancers who work hard to earn money and never look up from the keyboard.
* Professional players who are unable to turn away from the monitor due to the high speed of play on several tables at once.


Exercises from this complex should be done every hour. To avoid missing your next gymnastics session, set a timer on your phone. It takes about 5 minutes to perform all these body movements. There is no need to change your working position at the table - sit straighter, place your feet (shoes without heels!) on the floor, knees bent at a right angle. Let's go:

  • Press your heels to the floor and at a fairly fast pace, raise and lower your toes 40 times.
  • Press your toes to the floor and lift your heels this time.
  • Squeeze and relax the same 40 times.
  • Pull your stomach in (rather slowly), release. Repeat this exercise 15 times.
  • Try to bring your shoulder blades as close to each other as possible. Then release. Repeat 40 times.
  • Strain your arms hanging down freely, clench and unclench your fists. Repeat 40 times.

That's it. As you can see, all the exercises are extremely simple. And you will be convinced of their effectiveness, provided they are performed regularly, within 2 weeks. The first results from simple actions are excellent additional results in the future.



Move to the very edge of the chair so that your hips are hanging in the air. Raise your foot and keep it off the floor until you get tired. Do the same for the other foot.

Try to do the exercise for both legs at the same time. If the chair or armchair is low, you can keep your feet under the seat. The main thing is that you feel the load on your hips and back and abdominal muscles.

Then try to extend your legs straight forward (if space allows) and keep them in this position until you get tired. The higher the position, the more effective the exercise is.

Muscles involved: rectus and vastus muscles, rectus and oblique abdominal muscles.


Stay on the edge of your seat. Place your palms on the edge of the table. Raise your feet off the floor. Keep them in the air as long as you can.

Try to do this exercise several times during the working day, as it is very simple, but at the same time it involves: the rectus and oblique abdominal muscles, the muscles of the arms and hips, and the pectoralis major muscles.


Move your feet on the floor slightly back, touching the edge of the table with your fingertips for balance. Try to raise your feet slightly above the seat. If you are not afraid that someone will notice, do the exercise more energetically - jump on your chair! Almost all the muscles of the buttocks and legs are involved here.



Press your foot or both feet firmly onto the floor. Don't stop until you feel tired. With this exercise, the muscles of the buttocks and the entire back of the thigh work well. You can experiment with the height of the chair if possible. Find the optimal position in which you will feel that the workout is most effective.


Sit up straight with your feet together. Press your knees tightly against each other and hold it until you get tired. Despite the extreme simplicity of the exercise, it helps your legs become slender. It can be performed not only at work, but also at home on a chair in front of the TV.

If you do this complex regularly, you yourself will not notice how you will perform these exercises automatically. Exercises “under the table” do not distract from work and do not require control over the number of approaches, and are more effective than occasional trips to the gym. Lose weight for your health!

Exercises for losing weight at your desk

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