Tests for strength, endurance, flexibility. Control exercises (tests) to determine the level of development of strength abilities Testing strength abilities

The maximum force is usually determined when operating in both dynamic and static modes. From the point of view of diagnosing the strength capabilities of athletes specializing in the vast majority of sports, the static mode is unsuitable for two reasons: firstly, the strength capabilities manifested during static and dynamic work are weakly related to each other and the high level of strength recorded in isometric mode of muscle work does not mean that the athlete can demonstrate the same strength in a dynamic mode; secondly, the static mode allows you to estimate the force only at a certain point in the movement and these data cannot be transferred to the entire movement.

The assessment of maximum strength when performing a movement in a dynamic mode with the maximum available weight also suffers from a significant drawback. The resistance in the isotonic mode of operation is constant, since standard weights are used throughout the entire range of motion, although muscle strength, due to the biomechanical characteristics of its various phases, fluctuates significantly and, as a rule, graphically takes the form of ascending and descending curves. The force exerted in the least biomechanically appropriate phase of movement is often no more than 50-60% of the force in the most appropriate phase.

The assessment of maximum muscle strength when working in an isokinetic mode greatly improves the quality of the study. During this movement, the resistance of the diagnostic tool is not constant, which requires maximum tension throughout the entire range of movement and, thus, allows maximum force to be exerted at any point in the movement.

In addition to the general strength potential of the muscles that bear the main load when performing exercises characteristic of a particular sport, it is often necessary to establish the level of complex manifestation of strength capabilities in the process of performing specific exercises. For example, in rowing and swimming, special power capabilities can be assessed by the values ​​of the maximum traction force. Various methods are used to record this indicator. The simplest is the following. One end of a standard rubber band is attached to the boat or swimmer's belt and connected to a sensor (usually a strain gauge), which in turn is connected to an oscilloscope, the other to the raft or the side of the pool. On command, the athlete begins work with the maximum available intensity. Duration of work – 10-12 s. The maximum traction force is taken to be the level recorded from the 3rd to the 5th second.

When assessing explosive strength, it is advisable to use the speed-strength index, which is the ratio of the maximum magnitude of force to the time of its manifestation. As the athlete's qualifications increase, greater amounts of force are recorded in a shorter period of time. This technique can be applied when performing the main phases of working movements in any sport. Explosive strength can be indirectly assessed by the time an athlete performs a particular movement with a given resistance. For example, in rowing and swimming - according to the time of performing a simulated movement with a strictly specified weight (usually 75% of the maximum available).

Strength endurance should be assessed when performing movements that are similar in form and characteristics of the functioning of the neuromuscular system to competitive ones. For example, for cyclists this is work on a bicycle ergometer with different amounts of additional resistance to rotation of the pedals, for rowers - imitation of working movements on special strength training equipment, rowing in a rowing pool while tied up, for swimmers - imitation of rowing movements on power training equipment, swimming on a leash, for runners - running with additional weights in a laboratory or at a stadium, running along a standard uphill route, etc. Various training and diagnostic complexes allow you to regulate the pace of movements, the amount of weight, and take into account the quality and quantity of movements performed.

Strength endurance is assessed in various ways: by the duration of a given standard work; according to the performance recorded during the execution of the test program; in relation to the performance at the end of the work provided for by the corresponding test to its maximum level. In swimming, for example, a test with a Huettel simulator is used: the athlete lies down on a special inclined bench and performs the maximum number of movements simulating strokes; resistance and duration of work depend on the length of the chosen distance. Based on the test results, the strength endurance index is determined (in arbitrary units), which is equal to the product of the resistance value installed on the simulator (in kg) and the number of movements.

To assess the strength endurance of swimmers specializing in distances of 100 and 200 m, a test is used that involves working in an isokinetic mode while lying on an inclined bench; the swimmer performs simulated movements at a given pace (corresponding to the optimal pace when covering the competitive distance) and with the maximum available effort; duration of work – 1 or 2 minutes; the pace of movements is set by a light or sound leader, the dynamics of efforts when performing movements is recorded on an oscilloscope. Strength endurance is assessed by the ratio of the magnitude of force when simulating the last movements to the value recorded in the first movements. Using this test, you can also track the dynamics of a swimmer’s performance during work, which provides additional information about the development of the fatigue process and factors limiting the level of strength endurance.

Such tests can be used in any kind of sports, especially in those that are characterized by a variety of strength exercises (speed-strength and complex coordination sports, martial arts). The problem here comes down to two things:

1. Choosing a rational test design based on one of the indicated methods for assessing strength endurance;

2. Determination of a well-mastered exercise, characterized by a coordination structure and power characteristics that correspond to the specifics of this sport.

In the practice of physical education, quantitative strength capabilities are assessed in two ways: 1) using measuring devices - dynamometers (Fig. 12, 4), dynamographs, strain gauge force measuring devices; 2) using special control exercises and strength tests.

Modern measuring devices make it possible to measure the strength of almost all muscle groups in standard tasks (flexion and extension of body segments), as well as in static and dynamic efforts (measuring the force of an athlete in motion).

In mass practice, special control exercises (tests) are most often used to assess the level of development of strength qualities. Their implementation does not require any special expensive inventory and equipment. To determine maximum strength, exercises that are simple in technique are used, for example, bench press, squat with a barbell, etc. The result in these exercises depends very little on the level of technical skill. Maximum strength is determined by the greatest weight that the student (subject) can lift.

To determine the level of development of speed-strength abilities and strength endurance, the following control exercises are used: jumping rope (Fig. 12, 3), pull-ups (Fig. 12, 7, 8), push-ups on parallel bars, from the floor or from a bench (Fig. 12, 9, 10), raising the body from a lying position with bent knees (Fig. 12, 6), hanging on bent and half-bent arms (Fig. 12, 14), lifting with a flip on a high crossbar, standing long jump with two legs (Fig. 12, 2), triple jump from foot to foot (option - only on the right and only on the left foot), raising and lowering straight legs to the limiter (Fig. 12, 5), jumping up with a swing (Fig. 12, 1) and without swinging the arms (the height of the jump is determined), throwing a medicine ball (1 - 3 kg) from various starting positions with two and one hand (Fig. 12, 11, 12, 13) etc. The criteria for assessing speed-strength abilities and strength endurance are the number of pull-ups, push-ups, time of holding a certain position of the body, range of throwing (throws), jumps, etc.

For most of these control tests, research has been carried out, standards have been drawn up, and levels (high, medium, low) have been developed that characterize different strength capabilities. You can read more about the criteria for assessing strength abilities and how to measure them in the relevant textbooks and manuals.

7.3. Speed ​​abilities and the basics of methods for their education

Under speed abilities understand the capabilities of a person, ensuring that he performs motor actions in the minimum period of time for given conditions. There are elementary and complex forms of manifestation of speed abilities. Elementary forms include reaction speed, speed of a single movement, frequency (tempo) of movements.

All motor reactions performed by a person are divided into two groups: simple and complex. The response with a predetermined movement to a predetermined signal (visual, auditory, tactile) is called a simple reaction. Examples of this type of reaction are the beginning of a motor action (start) in response to the shot of the starting pistol in athletics or swimming, the cessation of an attacking or defensive action in martial arts or during a sports game when the referee whistles, etc. Speed ​​of a simple reaction is determined by the so-called latent (hidden) period of the reaction - the time period from the moment the signal appears to the moment the movement begins. The latent time of a simple reaction in adults, as a rule, does not exceed 0.3 s.

Complex motor reactions are found in sports characterized by constant and sudden changes in the action situation (sports games, martial arts, alpine skiing, etc.). Most complex motor reactions in physical education and sports are reactions of “choice” (when, from several possible actions, you need to instantly select one that is adequate to a given situation).

In a number of sports, such reactions are simultaneously reactions to a moving object (ball, puck, etc.).

The time interval spent performing a single movement (for example, a punch in boxing) also characterizes speed abilities. The frequency, or tempo, of movements is the number of movements per unit of time (for example, the number of running steps in 10 s).

In various types of motor activity, elementary forms of manifestation of speed abilities appear in various combinations and in conjunction with other physical qualities and technical actions. In this case, there is a complex manifestation of speed abilities. These include: the speed of performing integral motor actions, the ability to reach maximum speed as quickly as possible and the ability to maintain it for a long time.

For the practice of physical education, the greatest importance is the speed at which a person performs integral motor actions in running, swimming, skiing, cycling, rowing, etc., and not the elementary forms of its manifestation. However, this speed only indirectly characterizes a person’s speed, since it is determined not only by the level of development of speed, but also by other factors, in particular the technique of mastering an action, coordination abilities, motivation, volitional qualities, etc.

The ability to reach maximum speed as quickly as possible is determined by the starting acceleration phase or starting speed. On average this time is 5-6 s. The ability to maintain the achieved maximum speed for as long as possible is called

They have speed endurance and are determined by distance speed.

In games and martial arts, there is another specific manifestation of speed qualities - the speed of braking, when, due to a change in the situation, it is necessary to instantly stop and start moving in a different direction.

The manifestation of forms of speed and speed of movements depends on a number of factors: 1) the state of the central nervous system and the human neuromuscular system; 2) morphological characteristics of muscle tissue, its composition (i.e., the ratio of fast and slow fibers); 3) muscle strength; 4) the ability of muscles to quickly move from a tense state to a relaxed one; 5) energy reserves in the muscle (adenosine triphosphoric acid - ATP and creatine phosphate - CTP); 6) range of movements, i.e. on the degree of mobility in the joints; 7) ability to coordinate movements during high-speed work; 8) biological rhythm of the body’s vital activity; 9) age and gender; 10) high-speed natural abilities of a person.

From a physiological point of view, the speed of the reaction depends on the speed of the following five phases: 1) the occurrence of excitation in the receptor (visual, auditory, tactile, etc.) involved in the perception of the signal; 2) transmission of excitation to the central nervous system; 3) transfer of signal information along nerve pathways, its analysis and formation of an efferent signal; 4) conducting an efferent signal from the central nervous system to the muscle; 5) excitation of the muscle and the appearance of an activity mechanism in it.

The maximum frequency of movements depends on the speed of transition of the motor nerve centers from the state of excitation to the state of inhibition and back, i.e. it depends on the lability of nervous processes.

The speed manifested in integral motor actions is influenced by: the frequency of neuromuscular impulses, the speed of muscle transition from the tension phase to the relaxation phase, the rate of alternation of these phases, the degree of inclusion of fast-twitch muscle fibers in the movement process and their synchronous work.

From a biochemical point of view, the speed of movement depends on the content of adenosine triphosphoric acid in the muscles, the rate of its breakdown and resynthesis. In speed exercises, ATP resynthesis occurs due to phosphocreatine and glycolytic mechanisms (anaerobically - without the participation of oxygen). The share of an aerobic (oxygen) source in the energy supply of various high-speed activities is 0-10%.

Genetic studies (twin method, comparison of speed capabilities of parents and children, long-term observations of changes in speed indicators in the same children) indicate that motor abilities are

significantly depend on genotype factors. According to scientific research, the speed of a simple reaction is approximately 60-88% determined by heredity. The speed of a single movement and the frequency of movements have a moderately strong genetic influence, and the speed manifested in integral motor acts, running, depends approximately equally on the genotype and environment (40-60%).

The most favorable periods for the development of speed abilities in both boys and girls are considered to be between 7 and 11 years of age. The growth of various indicators of speed continues at a somewhat slower pace from I to 14-15 years. By this age, the results actually stabilize in terms of the speed of a simple reaction and the maximum frequency of movements. Targeted influences or participation in various sports have a positive effect on the development of speed abilities: specially trained people have an advantage of 5-20% or more, and the increase in results can last up to 25 years.

Gender differences in the level of development of speed abilities are small until the age of 12-13 years. Later, boys begin to outperform girls, especially in terms of the speed of integral motor actions (running, swimming, etc.).

Tasks for developing speed abilities. The first task is the need for comprehensive development of speed abilities (speed of reaction, frequency of movements, speed of a single movement, speed of integral actions) in combination with the acquisition of motor skills and abilities that children master during their studies in an educational institution. For a teacher of physical education and sports, it is important not to miss the primary and secondary school ages - sensitive (especially favorable) periods for effectively influencing this group of abilities.

The second task is the maximum development of speed abilities when specializing children, adolescents, boys and girls in sports where reaction speed or speed of action plays a significant role (short distance running, sports games, martial arts, luge, etc.).

The third task is to improve speed abilities, on which success in certain types of work depends (for example, in flying, when performing operator functions in industry, energy systems, communication systems, etc.).

Speed ​​abilities are very difficult to develop. The possibility of increasing speed in locomotor cyclic acts is very limited. In the process of sports training, an increase in the speed of movements is achieved not only by influencing the speed abilities themselves, but also by other means.

Thus - through the development of strength and speed-strength abilities, speed endurance, improvement of movement techniques, etc., i.e. by improving those factors on which the manifestation of certain qualities of speed significantly depends.

Numerous studies have shown that all of the above types of speed abilities are specific. The range of mutual transfer of speed abilities is limited (for example, you can have a good reaction to a signal, but have a low frequency of movements; the ability to perform a high-speed starting acceleration in sprinting does not yet guarantee high distance speed and vice versa). Direct positive transfer of speed occurs only in movements that have similar semantic and programming aspects, as well as motor composition. The noted specific features of speed abilities therefore require the use of appropriate training tools and methods for each of their varieties.

The problem of testing a person's physical fitness is one of the most developed in the theory and methodology of physical education. In recent years, a huge and varied material has been accumulated here: defining testing tasks; historical information about test modifications; conditionality of test results by various factors; development of tests to assess individual conditioning and coordination abilities; test programs characterizing the physical fitness of children and adolescents, adopted in Russia; Commonwealth countries and in many other leading countries of the world.

Testing human motor capabilities is one of the most important and significant areas of activity for scientists and sports educators. It helps solve a number of complex pedagogical problems: identifying the level of development of conditioning and coordination abilities, assessing the quality of technical and tactical readiness of the level of physical qualities, including speed and strength. Along with scientific tasks in practice in different countries, testing tasks boil down to the following:

  • * teach schoolchildren themselves to determine their level of physical exercise;
  • * encourage students to further improve their physical condition (form);
  • * know not only the initial level of development of motor ability, but also its change over a certain time;

Based on the test results, you can: compare the preparedness of both individual students and entire groups living in different regions and countries; conduct sports selection for practicing one or another sport, for participation in competitions; exercise largely objective control over the training of schoolchildren and young athletes; identify the advantages and disadvantages of the means used, teaching methods and forms of organizing classes; finally, to substantiate the norms (age-specific, individual) of physical fitness of children and adolescents (14).

A test is a measurement or test taken to determine a person's ability or condition. There can be many such measurements, including based on the use of a wide variety of physical exercises. However, not every physical exercise or test can be considered a test. Only those tests (samples) that meet special requirements can be used as tests:

* the purpose of using any test (or tests) must be determined;

a standardized test measurement methodology and testing procedure should be developed;

  • * it is necessary to determine the reliability and information content of the tests;
  • * test results can be presented in the appropriate evaluation system.

The system of using tests in accordance with the task, organizing conditions, performing tests by test takers, evaluating and analyzing the results is called testing. The numerical value obtained during measurements is the result of testing (test). For example, the standing long jump is a test; jumping procedure and measurement of results - testing; jump length - test result (16).

The tests used in physical education are based on motor actions (physical exercises, motor tasks). Such tests are called movement or motor tests.

There are single and complex tests. A single test is used to measure and evaluate one trait (coordination or conditioning ability). Since, as we see, the structure of each coordination or conditioning ability is complex, such a test, as a rule, evaluates only one component of such an ability (for example, the ability to balance, the speed of a simple reaction, the strength of the arm muscles).

Using a training test, the ability for motor learning is assessed (based on the difference between the final and initial scores for a certain period of training).

A test series makes it possible to use the same test over a long period of time, when the ability to be measured improves significantly. At the same time, the test tasks consistently increase in difficulty. Unfortunately, this type of single test is not yet sufficiently used both in science and in practice.

Using a complex test, several signs or components of different or the same ability are assessed, for example, jumping up from a place (with a wave of the arms, without a wave of the arms, to a given height). Based on this test, you can obtain information about the level of speed-strength abilities (based on the height of the jump), coordination abilities (based on the accuracy of differentiation of power efforts, the difference in the height of the jump with and without a swing of the arms).

A test profile consists of several separate tests, based on which either several different physical abilities are assessed (heterogeneous test profile), or several manifestations of the same physical ability (homogeneous test profile). Test results can be presented in profile form, allowing quick comparison of individual and group results.

The test battery also consists of several individual tests, the results of which are combined into one final score, considered in one of the rating scales. As in the test profile, a distinction is made between homogeneous and heterogeneous batteries.

The homogeneous battery or homogeneous profile finds use in assessing all components of a complex ability (eg, reaction ability). In this case, the results of individual tests must be closely interrelated (correlated).

A heterogeneous test profile or a heterogeneous battery serves to assess a complex (set) of various motor abilities. For example, such test batteries are used to assess strength, speed and endurance abilities - these are batteries of physical fitness tests.

In tests of multiple tasks, subjects perform motor tasks sequentially and receive separate marks for each solution of a motor task. These assessments may be closely related to each other. Through appropriate static calculations, additional information about the abilities being assessed can be obtained (14).

The definition of motor tests states that they assess motor abilities and partly motor skills. In this regard, in the most general form, conditioning tests, coordination tests and tests for assessing motor abilities and skills (movement techniques) are distinguished. This systematization is, however, too general. The classification of motor tests according to their primary indications follows from the systematization of physical (motor) abilities.

In this regard, tests are distinguished: to assess maximum strength, speed, strength endurance; to assess endurance; to assess speed abilities; to assess flexibility: active and passive. And coordination tests (to assess coordination abilities related to individual independent groups of motor actions that measure special coordination abilities; to assess specific coordination abilities - the ability to balance, navigate in space, react, differentiate movement parameters, rhythm, rearrange motor actions, coordinate (connection), vestibular stability, voluntary muscle relaxation).

Thus, each classification is a kind of guidelines for selection (or creation of the type of tests that are more consistent with testing tasks).

The reliability of a test is the degree to which results are consistent when the same people are tested repeatedly under the same conditions. Variation in results with repeated measurements is called within-individual or within-group variation. Four main reasons cause this variation:

  • 1. Change in the condition of the subjects (fatigue, training, etc.).
  • 2. Uncontrolled changes in external conditions and equipment, i.e. random measurement error.
  • 3. Change in the state of the person conducting or evaluating the test.
  • 4. Imperfection of the test.

The main components of speed-strength abilities are considered to be the speed of reaction, the speed of a single movement, the frequency of movements and the speed manifested in the integrity of motor actions, explosive, shock-absorbing force.

P.I. Donchenko, having analyzed the tests of different researchers, offers his own for determining speed-strength readiness:

Jump up from a place with and without swinging your arms, from the floor and from the bedside table. Using the device of V.M.Abalakov.

Long jump with two legs.

Triple (quarter) jump from foot to foot, only on the right or left foot - speed endurance (9).

Ponomareva N.A. To assess jumping endurance, he recommends serial jumps to maximum height.

The basketball player is given the task: standing on a platform (50x50 cm), perform 30 jumps to maximum height without stopping. The measuring complex, consisting of a platform and an electronic stopwatch, allows you to summarize the time that the subject spends several seconds on the platform until the data of his jumps are finally recorded. Then the average time of one jump is calculated and based on it the average height of one jump is calculated (the formula is the same as in the previous test), which characterizes the jumping endurance of a basketball player. You can't bend your legs. After each of the 30 jumps, it is imperative to land at least one foot on the platform (18).

Ponomareva N.A. provides another test to determine the speed-strength ability of an athlete.

The test consists of performing 10 vertical jumps as high and fast as possible. To determine the height of the jump and the time of the support phase of the jump, a contact platform is used, connected to two electric stopwatches, which make it possible to record time intervals with an accuracy of 0.01 seconds. One stopwatch records the sum of the time of the support phase of 10 jumps. The height of the jump is calculated based on the time of its unsupported phase.

The calculation is carried out according to the formula:


H - average jumping height of 10 jumps (m),

P - athlete’s weight (kg),

  • 1.5 - braking coefficient,
  • 1 - average time required to complete one jump (min.)

The athlete's speed of movement is assessed based on the time it takes to run a 6-meter segment. Recording the time of running 6 meters can be carried out using two contact platforms and an electronic stopwatch, with an accuracy of 0.01 seconds. The stopwatch turns on the moment the subject leaves the first platform, and turns off the moment his foot touches the second. The subject makes three attempts, the results are recorded. The best one is being considered. If the athlete does not reach the platform that stops the stopwatch, he is given an additional attempt. To quickly overcome six meters, you need to use your legs more often (18).

Dyakov V.M. offers the following samples:

Free jump up. It well reflects the athlete’s level of readiness. Large values ​​indicate a high functional state. This exercise serves to determine the functional relationship between the speed and power of efforts developed by the musculoskeletal system of athletes.

Jumping up with weights (barbell). Several series of standing jumps (registering the height of the jumps) with a consistent increase in the weight of the barbell on the shoulders.

Jump from a place upward sequentially with the inclusion of movements of the arms and both (feet) legs, separately and simultaneously.

To turn on the hands, you need to hold the stick lying on the shoulders, and to turn off the feet, the athlete, rising on his toes, stands on a block 10 cm high, which, after the push, is removed to the side to avoid injury.

To determine speed-strength activity, the author proposes three series of high jumps:

to determine explosive power, you need to do 6 jumps;

to determine speed endurance - 12 jumps;

for strength endurance - 18 jumps.

First, the basketball player makes three test jumps to the optimal height. Based on the data obtained, the average value is displayed. The result of a series of jumps is compared with the average data of trial jumps and the arithmetic mean deviation of the first from the second is determined by the speed-power motor activity of the basketball player. A deviation of 5-7 cm from the average value of a series of jumps indicates poor physical fitness; their correspondence is about the high functional level of the basketball player’s preparedness and the development of speed-strength endurance. A consistent increase in the height of each jump performed in a series should be considered a favorable factor.

It is advisable to use the standing high jump as the main indicator of jumping ability, both in adults and in school-age children. This exercise is relatively simple in terms of coordination; the technique of performing the exercise is easily mastered by those practicing after several trial attempts (25).

M.E. Zabulina and E.A. Razumovsky (6) suggested taking into account the weight of the athlete when determining speed-strength abilities. Test: two-legged jump.

Calculated by the formula:

Jump height (cm). Body weight (kg)Where:

Result 0.8 - satisfactory, 0.9-1 - good, 1.1-1.3 - excellent.

V.I. Lyakh proposes to measure speed-strength abilities - throwing a small ball (another projectile) from a place to a distance with the leading and non-dominant hand. The flight length of the projectile is determined. The motor asymmetry of the subject is determined by the difference in throwing lengths separately with the right and left hands. The smaller it is, the more symmetrical the teaching in this exercise. Throwing (push) a medicine ball (1-3 kg) from various starting positions with two and one hand.

Testing procedures:

Throwing a medicine ball from a seated position, legs apart, holding the ball above the head with both hands. From this position, the subject leans back slightly and throws the ball forward as far as possible. Out of three attempts, the best result is counted. The throwing length is determined from the imaginary line of intersection of the pelvis and torso to the nearest point of contact with the projectile.

Throwing a medicine ball with both hands from the chest in a standing position. The subject stands 50 cm from the wall in the starting position. On command, he tries to push the ball with both hands from his chest as far as possible. Out of three attempts, the best result is taken into account.

Same as the previous control test, but the subject holds the medicine ball with one hand at the shoulder, while the other supports it. The medicine ball is pushed with one hand to a distance of flight.

Throwing a medicine ball with both hands from below. The subject holds the ball with both straight hands below. On command, he throws with both hands from below (the arms move forward and up), and it is possible to simultaneously lift onto the toes.

Throwing a medicine ball from behind the head with two hands, standing with your back to the direction of throwing. The subject, holding the ball down with both hands, strives to push the ball over his head as far as possible (14).


Speed-strength abilities are the background against which such aspects as the speed and speed of throws, passes, dribbling, and the speed of solving tactical problems appear.

The main means of developing speed-strength qualities in basketball are exercises performed at or near maximum speed.

We studied methods for developing speed and strength qualities, which are the main physical property in this game.

The authors propose the following control exercises (tests) to identify the speed-strength training of athletes. For example, such as the standing long jump, the running high jump and the Abalakov test is the most objective variable test, since it does not require coordination of movement in this sport.

To assess one's own strength abilities, hand and deadlift dynamometry are used.

Carpal dynamometry is a method for determining the strength of the hand flexors. The hand with the dynamometer is moved to the side to the level of the shoulder and its maximum compression is performed. Two measurements are taken on each hand and the best result is recorded. The strength of the right hand (if a person is right-handed) averages 35-50 kg for men, 25-33 kg for women. The strength of the left hand is usually 5-10 kg less. The relative strength of the right hand (correlated with body weight) is on average for men

0.6-0.7, for women - 0.45-0.50.

Deadlift dynamometry is a method for determining the strength of the trunk extensors. The measurement is carried out on a site equipped with a special rod. The subject is examined from a standing position, legs together, straightened, torso tilted forward, hands at knee level slowly unbend, holding onto the rod and leaving legs and arms straight. Deadlift strength in men is on average 130-150 kg, in women - 80-90 kg. A relative dead strength value of more than 2.6 is considered high, 2.4-2.6 - above average, 2.1-2.3 - average, 1.7-2.0 - below average, less than 1.7 - low.

Assessment of one's own strength abilities can also be carried out based on the results of various, coordinationally simple exercises, for example, the maximum weight of the raised barbell in the back press.

Students' strength abilities (including self-strength and speed-strength) are assessed in points based on the results of control exercises given in Table. 9.

Table 9 Assessment of students’ strength abilities based on test results


Exercises Score, points
5 4 3 2 1
Pull-ups on the bar, number of times 15 12 9 7 5
Flexion and extension of the arms while focusing on
uneven bars, number of times 15 12 9 7 5
Lifting yoga while hanging until it touches the switch
dynes, number of times 10 7 5 3 2
Standing long jump, cm 250 240 230 223 215
Raising the body from a lying position
on your back, hands behind your head, legs secured,
number of times 60 50 40 30 20
Hanging pull-up while lying on the bar
height 90 cm, number of times 20 16 10 6 4
Squat on one leg with hand support
wall, number of times 12 10 8 6 4
Standing long jump, cm 190 180 168 160 150

A score of 5 points corresponds to a high level of development of strength abilities, less than 1 point - unsatisfactory.

One of the simple and informative methods for assessing speed-strength abilities is to measure the height of a standing jump. For this, the Abalakov method or marking with chalk is used.
current on a vertical surface, first in a standing position on your toes with your arm extended upward, and then at the highest possible point of the jump. In the first case, the height of the jump is determined by the length of a centimeter tape drawn from a ring on the floor, which is attached to the subject’s belt, and in the second, by the distance between the chalk marks. For men, a jump height of 50 cm corresponds to an excellent rating, 45 - good, 40 - satisfactory; for women, 38 cm corresponds to an excellent rating, 33 - good, 28 - satisfactory.

  • Methods for assessing speed

There are methods for assessing elementary and complex forms of speed.

The speed of motor reaction and single movement is assessed using a “relay” test. In a standing position, the strongest arm with extended fingers, palm edge down, extended forward. A 40-centimeter ruler is held at a distance of 1-2 cm from the examinee’s palm. The zero mark of the ruler is at the level of the lower edge of the palm. Within 5 s after the preliminary command, the ruler is released. The subject clenches his fingers and holds the ruler. The distance from the zero mark to the palm is measured. For men, a result of 9 cm is considered excellent, 12 - good, 15 - satisfactory; for women, a result of 14 cm is considered excellent, 16 - good, 18 - satisfactory.

To assess the distance speed of students, the 100 m run is usually used. The starting acceleration and distance speed are also indicated by the 30 m run from a low start and straight away (Table 10).

Table 10 Assessment of students' speed based on the results of control exercises
Exercises Score, points
5 4 h 2 1
Run 100 m, s 13,2 13.6 14,0 14,3 14,6
30 m run from a low start, s 4,4 4,7 5,0
Running 30m on the go, s 3,7 3,9 4,1
Run 100 m, s 15,7 16,0 17,0 17,9 18,7
30 m run from a low start, s 5,1 5,5 5,9
Running 30m on the go, s 4,1 4,7 5,3

A score of 5 points corresponds to a high level of speed development, less than 1 point - unsatisfactory.

Since the manifestation of complex forms of speed depends on the level of development of speed-strength abilities, running 100 and 30 m allows you to evaluate both of these qualities.

  • Methods for assessing flexibility

The mobility of the spinal column is determined as follows. From a standing position on a gymnastic bench or stand 30-40 cm high, legs together, knees straight, bend forward until the centimeter scale touches as low as possible to the zero mark (foot level). The pose must be held for at least 2 seconds. For men, touching 7 cm below the zero mark corresponds to an excellent rating, 5 to good, 3 to satisfactory; for women, 11 cm corresponds to an excellent rating, 8 - good, 3 - satisfactory.

The mobility of the hip joints is determined when performing a longitudinal split with the torso straight. The assessment is made by the distance between the feet. In addition, the mobility of the hip joints is characterized by the amplitude of movement of the legs forward, backward, and to the side.

The mobility of the shoulder joints is determined through an exercise with a gymnastic stick. In a standing position, the stick is taken in front-down with an overhand grip and carried over the head back until it touches the back and back. The smallest distance between the hands at which the exercise is possible is measured. The resulting value is divided by the width of the shoulders and an assessment is made based on this indicator.

To assess general speed-strength abilities and power in sports, it is recommended to use strength exercises from the Olympic weightlifting program, running up steps, long and high jumps, and medicine ball throws.

Tests to assess speed-strength abilities and power using a barbell

Barbell chest lift

Figure 1. Barbell chest clean

This test is aimed at assessing power.

To conduct the test, you must have a standard 20-kilogram bar, two locks, a barbell frame, and enough plates to perform maximum efforts with the ability to vary the weights in the 2.5-kg range.

The weight is selected according to the testing protocol 1.


The subject approaches a barbell located on the floor, feet shoulder-width apart. Squats and grabs the barbell with a straight grip slightly wider than shoulder width, shoulder blades retracted (Figure 1, a). Extending his legs, the athlete lifts the barbell onto his hips (Figure 1, b). Then, making a powerful upward movement with his whole body, the subject lifts the barbell (Figure 1, c) and, squatting, catches it on his chest (Figure 1, d). At the end of the exercise, the athlete straightens his legs, holding the barbell on his chest.

Bench Press Using Myotest or Keiser Devices

The test is aimed at assessing the power, strength, and speed developed by the pectoralis major muscles, anterior deltoids and triceps. In sports practice, two testing approaches are used. The differences relate to the weight used.

Both the first and second options can be performed using either the Myotest or Keiser devices, which are attached to the barbell (in different ways - see Figures 2 and 3). The difference between the technologies is that Myotest requires movement based on a signal from the device, while Keiser does not. For convenience, the first testing approach is described using Myotest equipment, and the second using Keiser:

1) To carry out the test, you must have a Myotest device, a bench and a barbell weighing 40 kg.

Figure 2. Bench press using Myotest technology

The athlete lies down on a bench and picks up a barbell approximately shoulder-width apart. During the test, your buttocks should be pressed firmly to the bench and your feet to the floor. At the first signal from the Myotest device, the subject bends his arms, touching the barbell to his chest approximately at the axillary line. At the second signal, the athlete sharply straightens his arms. The subject's task is to demonstrate maximum power. You are given 3 attempts. Myotest technology records the following indicators: power, strength, and speed.

In addition, Myotest technology allows you to evaluate power capacity - for this, you can set the number of repetitions performed on the device up to 15 in a row.

The disadvantage of the technique is the use of a standard weight regardless of the body weight of the subject. To level out this aspect, the NHL uses a protocol according to which the weight of the burden is 70-80% of the subject’s body weight (Table 1).

2) To carry out the test, you must have Keiser equipment, a bench and a barbell with a sufficient number of “pancakes” to form a given weight.

Figure 3. Barbell Bench Press Using the Keiser Device

The athlete lies down on a bench and picks up a barbell (of a certain mass according to Table 1) approximately shoulder-width apart. During the test, your buttocks should be pressed firmly to the bench and your feet to the floor. When moving the barbell down, the subject must touch the barbell to the chest approximately at the axillary line, when moving up, with a sharp movement, fully straighten the arms. The subject's task is to demonstrate maximum power. You are given 3 attempts. Two indicators are recorded: power (W) and power (W/kg).

Table 1. Scale for determining the weight of the burden

Table 2. Rating scale for NHL hockey players

Tests to evaluate speed-strength abilities and power using other equipment

Margaria test

To assess maximum anaerobic-alactate power in field conditions, the Margaria test is used. To perform it, you must have a timing system, as well as a staircase consisting of at least 9 steps, in front of which there is a flat 6-meter zone (Figure 4). The first sensors of the timing system are installed at step 3, and the second at step 9.


Figure 4. Schematic representation of the Margaria test

The subject stands 6 meters in front of the stairs. The task is to run up it as quickly as possible. When the athlete runs up to the 3rd step, the stopwatch turns on, and when the athlete reaches the 9th step, it turns off. In this way, the time it takes to cover the distance between these steps is recorded (Figure 4).

To obtain the final result, the obtained data is substituted into the formula:

P = (m x 9.807 * h)/t, (11.5)

where: P - anaerobic-alactate power, W; m is the subject’s body weight, kg; h is the vertical height between the first and second sensors of the timing system, m; t - running time from 1 to 2 sensors of the timing system, sec.

Table 3. Selected literature data on the results of the Margaria test

The main disadvantages and difficulties of this technique include:

1) the subjective attitude of the subjects to testing - most often the fear of getting injured, especially at maximum speed);

2) different abilities of the subjects to show maximum speed precisely under specific conditions of running up the stairs;

3) a small amount of information received about the dynamics of speed during testing;

4) difficulties in selecting a staircase standardized in terms of inclination, number and height of steps.

Torso turns to the side using an isokinetic simulator

Figure 5. Lateral torso rotation using an isokinetic machine.

The test is aimed at assessing the power exerted in a movement similar in its external structure to throwing a puck. To carry out the test, you must have an isokinetic simulator, which (due to the high cost) somewhat complicates the use of this approach.


The subject stands at a distance of about 1 meter with his right side to the handle of the simulator, legs slightly wider than shoulders, bent at the knees, the body is turned towards the handle, which the subject takes with two arms slightly bent at the elbows at chest level - this is the starting position (Figure 5). When ready, the athlete sharply turns the body and arms approximately 180° to the left with maximum effort, after which he calmly returns to the starting position. The subject makes several attempts, followed by rest until complete recovery. The test is then repeated in the other direction.

A feature of isokinetic simulators is that all movements, regardless of the effort applied, are performed at a strictly fixed speed. Thus, the built-in computerized system automatically determines the power of the applied forces. The result obtained is recorded.

Table 5. Rating scale for NHL hockey players

Jump tests to evaluate speed-strength abilities and power

Standing long jump

Figure 6. Standing long jump


The athlete approaches the starting line, feet are placed shoulder-width apart or slightly wider. Then the athlete raises his arms up, simultaneously bending at the lower back and rising onto his toes. After this, he smoothly, but quickly enough, lowers his hands down and back; simultaneously lowers himself onto the entire foot, bends his legs at the knee and hip joints, leaning forward so that the shoulders are in front of the feet and the hip joints are above the toes.

Next, extension is performed in the knee and ankle joints. After repulsion, the jumper straightens his body. Then he bends his legs at the knee and hip joints and pulls them towards his chest. At the same time, the arms are moved back and down, after which the athlete straightens his legs at the knee joints, bringing his feet forward to the landing site.

At the moment the feet touch the landing site, the subject actively moves his arms forward, simultaneously bends his legs at the knee joints and pulls his pelvis towards the landing site - the flight phase ends. The jump distance is fixed at the closest

to the starting line of the body part at the moment of landing. After stopping, the jumper straightens up, takes two steps forward and leaves the landing site.

Based on the results of examinations of more than 100 hockey players from various KHL clubs (Zankovets V.E., Popov V.P.), a rating scale was created for this test:

Table 6. Rating scale for hockey players at the KHL level

In the literature on hockey, you can find a scale for hockey players under 21 years old, created by Yu.V. Nikonov:

Table 7. Normative assessments of physical fitness for students of the highest sports skill groups of the Higher School of Medicine (19, 20 years old)

Level of readiness

Very low

Above average



Triple jump

Figure 7. Triple jump

The triple jump is a track and field discipline adopted from the Olympic Games, where it has been used since 1986. To perform the test, you must have a centimeter measuring tape.

Technically, the triple jump consists of three elements:

1) “leap”;

3) “jump”.


The subject accelerates along the track to the take-off block. The jump begins from the bar and the length of the jump is measured from the same point.

Start element- jump, the first touch behind the bar is made with the same leg with which the athlete pushed off.

After this, the second element of the jump is performed - a step (the other leg touches the ground).

Final element- this is the jump itself, and the subject lands as if he were doing a standing long jump.

The jump is performed in one of two ways: from the right foot - “right, right, left” or from the left foot - “left, left, right”.

Measure the distance from the starting line to the heel closest to the line. The best result is counted.

Fivefold jump

To perform the test, you must have a measuring tape.


The jump is made from the starting position with feet shoulder-width apart, knees half bent, arms pulled back, body leaned forward.

The subject swings his arms and, pushing off with both legs, jumps from the starting line to the maximum possible distance, followed by landing on two legs, as in a long jump.

The second, third, fourth and fifth jumps are performed with pushes of one leg - alternately right-left-right-left (or vice versa), while after the last jump the subject lands on two legs. The jump distance is recorded at the part of the body closest to the start line at the moment of landing.

There is another version of this test, during which the subject performs all five jumps with two legs. In other words, five long jumps in a row.

Table 8. Indicators of the level of preparedness of highly qualified hockey players, recommended by the Russian Hockey Federation

Table 9. Evaluation of highly qualified hockey players according to V.P. Savin

Table 10. Normative assessments of physical fitness for students of groups of higher sports mastery of VSM, goalkeepers (19,20 years old)

Tenfold jump

To perform the test, you must have a measuring tape.


During this test, the subject takes the starting position as when doing a standing long jump. Then the subject makes ten jumps from foot to foot, landing after the last one on two legs. The jump distance is recorded at the part of the body closest to the start line at the moment of landing.

As in the previous test, there is another variation of this control exercise, during which the subject performs all ten jumps in a row, landing on two feet after each.

Table 11. Normative assessments of physical fitness for students of the highest sports skill groups of the Higher School of Medicine (19,20 years old)

Level of readiness

Very low

Average .

To perform the test, you must have a centimeter measuring tape.


The athlete approaches the starting line and stands on his right leg, holding the other in the air bent at the hip and knee joints. Then the athlete raises his arms up, simultaneously bending at the lower back and rising onto his toes with his feet on the floor. After this, he smoothly, but quickly enough, lowers his hands down and back; simultaneously lowers himself onto the entire foot, bends the right leg at the knee and hip joint, leaning forward so that the shoulders are in front of the right foot and the hip joint is above the toe.

Next, extension is performed in the knee and ankle joints of the right leg. After repulsion, the subject straightens his body, while his left leg remains in a bent position. Then he bends his right leg at the knee and hip joints and pulls both legs towards his chest. At the same time, the arms are moved back and down, after which the athlete straightens his legs at the knee joints, bringing his feet forward to the landing site.

At the moment both legs touch the landing site, the subject actively moves his arms forward, simultaneously bends his legs at the knee joints and pulls his pelvis towards the landing site - the flight phase ends. The jump distance is recorded at the part of the body closest to the starting line at the moment of landing. After stopping, the athlete straightens up, takes two steps forward and leaves the landing site.

The subject is given three attempts. The best result is recorded.

The test is then repeated for the left leg.

Table 12. Rating scale for NHL hockey players

Lateral long jump with one leg

Figure 9. Lateral long jump with one leg

Another modification of the standard standing long jump. A distinctive feature of this technique, in addition to using only one leg, is the execution of a sideways jump. Obviously, this, not entirely familiar, direction of the long jump is due to the specifics of skating - hockey players have to perform many movements at different angles relative to the center of the body. For example, lateral movements are an integral part of the technical arsenal of both field players and goalkeepers. Additionally, like the standing single-leg long jump, this test can identify imbalances between limbs in the ability to produce power in that particular movement.

The negative aspect of this technique is the increased level of injury - the test places a high load on the groin area during push-off and on the knee joints when landing.

To perform the test, you must have a measuring tape.


The subject places his right foot with the inner (adaxial) side of the foot towards the start line, holding the second in the air. Then he raises his hands up, after which he smoothly but quickly lowers his hands down to the right, bends his right leg at the knee and hip joint, leaning forward and to the left so that the shoulders are in front of the right foot, and the hip joint is above the toe.