Hot shapers slimming breeches size. Hot Shapers slimming breeches

  • Preparation

  • - Try to choose pot-bellied and large seeds.
  • - Rinse in a colander under running water.
  • - You can fill the seeds with water in containers if they have debris. Empty seeds and debris will float.
  • - The number of seeds depends on how convenient it is for someone to interfere. You can also use a full frying pan.
  • Roasting seeds

  • Place a frying pan (preferably with thick sides and bottom) over high heat and wait for the frying pan to warm up well.
  • Pour half a teaspoon of sunflower oil into a hot frying pan so that the bottom is greased. This is one of the secrets of delicious seeds.
  • Pour the seeds, drained into a colander, onto the frying pan. Prepare a salt water solution. About 40-50 grams of water and a teaspoon of salt.
  • Pour immediately into the seeds. While the water is evaporating, the seeds will be steamed, they will be salted inside and, most importantly, they will “click” easily, the skin will easily come away from the kernel.
  • The heat is high, continue stir-frying.
  • As soon as you see that all the water has gone and the seeds begin to crackle, remove from the heat and continue stirring. You can reduce the heat immediately after this, but it is better to do this gradually. For three such measures to the minimum. Minimum heat will prevent you from miscalculating the moment of overcooking. High heat at the beginning will allow the seeds to fry.
  • It is advisable to constantly taste the seeds over low heat. Some professionals can determine readiness by ear. ;)
  • At the very end, pour 1 tablespoon of sweet water over the seeds (stir 1/2 teaspoon of sugar in a tablespoon of water). The sugar will caramelize and taste delicious.
  • As soon as the seeds are ready, pour them into a clay or glass container and cover for 5 minutes with a clean napkin. The seeds should “arrive”.
  • Bon appetit!
  • Have fun frying!
  • Total cooking time: 19 min.
  • Category:

The homeland of seeds is America. It was from there that they came first to Europe, and then to us. However, only a Russian person was able to make this product truly valuable. And it’s not even about the oil, which is extracted from sunflower seeds. It’s just that such a favorite pastime as cracking seeds appeared precisely thanks to our people. And it's really delicious! So much so that it’s impossible to tear yourself away! The best seeds come from roasting them yourself. I will now tell you how to fry seeds in a frying pan, in the oven and with the help of other modern kitchen gadgets.

There are enough cooking methods - everyone can choose the right one. Some people like them only slightly dried, some like them moderately crispy, some like them salty, and some like them sweet. In general, everyone has their own preferences.

Choosing the right one

Whatever recipe is chosen, the basis for success is primarily in how high-quality sunflower seeds are purchased. The ideal seed should be of medium size, “pot-bellied”, that is, as if inflated, with a thin skin. Color – black. If it is striped, then it is better not to take it - the kernel may be tasty, but the husk is so dense that you are unlikely to enjoy the clicking process. Although there is no arguing about tastes.

When purchasing, you should not be shy and sniff - the aroma of high-quality raw seeds cannot give off sweetness, dampness or any other unpleasant odors.

It would be a good idea to evaluate the taste - here, focus on your own preferences. I love it when the kernel has a slightly sweet taste and a very dense consistency.

By the way, what you don’t have to pay attention to is the presence of impurities in the product. Debris is easily removed.

Let's fry

In a frying pan

The most common way to prepare this crispy delicacy is by frying it in a frying pan. It is better to choose cast iron for these purposes - it holds heat perfectly and heats up evenly.

First, wash the purchased raw treat well. If there is too much debris, then first in a saucepan, then in a sieve or colander under running water.

Afterwards, pour everything onto a towel to drain off excess moisture. At this time the frying pan is heating up.

Reduce heat to medium and add washed sunflower seeds. Stir occasionally to ensure everything cooks evenly.

How long to fry the seeds? This is also a matter of taste. I wait for a slight clicking sound to begin and taste it - the kernel acquires a brighter taste, and its color darkens to a creamy hue. This usually takes 12-15 minutes.

Then I immediately pour the contents of the frying pan into a deep plate and leave for 20-30 minutes. Ideally, until completely cooled. It's better to cover with a towel. There is a little secret - if after frying you put the seeds straight into the refrigerator, it will be even easier to peel them!

In the oven

Roasted seeds cook just as well in the oven. Everything is exactly the same - wash, dry and pour onto a baking sheet. Remove and stir every 2-3 minutes. Remove the sample after 10 minutes.

For a long time I could not figure out at what temperature to fry the seeds. If it’s too high, they’ll burn; if it’s low, the process will be delayed and it won’t turn out very tasty. In practice, it turned out that the optimum is 160-180 degrees. In this case, the seeds should be sprinkled in a layer of 2-3 cm. If there is convection, then turn it on at the end for 30-40 seconds.

After that, take it out, pour it into a container, cover with a dry towel and leave until it cools completely.

You can add unrefined sunflower oil to the seeds in a frying pan or baking sheet. I like to drizzle it a little halfway through frying to make the crisps more flavorful. If you add fat at the beginning, it will burn. Excessive amounts of oil are also bad - the seeds will not be able to absorb everything, and eating them will not be very pleasant.

Fry with salt

If you like salted seeds, add salt when frying.

It is better to take finely ground salt and add it in the middle of frying, immediately after the sunflower oil. By the way, salted seeds are fried with the addition of oil - fat in this case acts as a connecting link.

There is a way that allows you to fry salted seeds without oil. Dissolve 0.5-1 tsp in 100 ml of ordinary water. salt. Pour this solution into the seeds 2-3 minutes after the start of frying. Stir occasionally. The water will evaporate, but the taste will remain.

Watch the video:

If the seeds are peeled

You can fry already peeled seeds both in the oven and in a frying pan. It's even easier with this product. Pour into a container and, stirring, fry until cooked over medium heat. If desired, you can add salt 2-3 minutes before the end of frying.

It takes less time to cook without husks - after 5-7 minutes you can turn it off. For those who like it crispy, you can keep it a little longer, just remember to stir.

By the way, you should not use the refrigerator method for purified delicacies - the kernels will become more fragile due to a sharp temperature change.

Now about the pumpkin brothers

White pumpkin seeds are a wonderful delicacy. And, of course, they are fried too. The process is almost the same - pour in an even layer, stir and fry until cooked. There is no need to just add oil. Salt - optional.

If you just took pumpkin seeds from the pumpkin itself, then before frying you need to wash them thoroughly and dry them for several days.

Personally, I like dried, rather than toasted, white seeds. That's why I prefer to use the oven. I set the temperature to 150 degrees. It may take about 20 minutes.

How else can you cook seeds?

Modern kitchen gadgets are also great for making delicious roasted sunflower and pumpkin seeds.

How I fry is written in one of the articles.

You can also use a slow cooker. In this case, it is important to set the mode and remember to stir. In mine, the “frying” mode is suitable.

The only caveat is that you cannot cook salted seeds with water in the multi. As you know, the inner coating of the bowl cannot withstand sudden temperature changes that will occur when water is added.

Let me summarize. You can fry delicious seeds in several ways and with the help of any kitchen assistants. The main thing is to choose a high-quality raw product and find your favorite recipe.

Once upon a time, our ancestors grew sunflowers exclusively as an ornamental plant to decorate their garden plots. But over time, people began to extract sunflower oil from it and after some time they simply began to eat the seeds. Today, many people love to crack the delicious seeds of this plant, but the problem is that they will only taste good if they are properly fried in a frying pan. And since many simply do not know how to fry them correctly, or simply do not know how to do it, they buy the seeds in the store. But the purchased option is not always good, as everyone has probably had the opportunity to see.

There is an opinion among people that eating seeds is a bad habit. But the opinion of official medicine is the opposite; doctors, on the contrary, recommend eating them for liver and heart diseases. vascular system. The use of seeds is also recommended for people who have suffered infectious diseases and serious bodily injuries.

Seeds can help with a problem that so often affects many teenagers. They also contain a lot of zinc, which actively promotes the removal of various harmful substances from the body, especially cholesterol.

To fry the seeds, you should choose a cast iron frying pan; it is on it that the seeds can fry well. Before you start frying them, the seeds should be thoroughly rinsed in cold water. This is done in order to wash away the coloring substances from them, due to the presence of which we get our hands dirty when we eat the seeds. After washing, they need to be dried a little in a colander.

First, just one frying pan is heated over the fire and, when it is warm enough, all the seeds are poured onto it. The seeds must be constantly stirred; this can be done conveniently with a wooden spatula. After some time, they will begin to crackle, and at this moment the pan is removed from the heat, and the seeds are stirred for some more time. After a couple of minutes, return the pan back to the heat and continue mixing the seeds together. Then they take it back and repeat everything in chronological order. This process is repeated at least three times, after which the seeds are tasted; if they are not yet ready enough, the process is repeated one more time.

When you are sure that all the seeds are ready, they should be poured onto a wooden surface and smoothed out in one layer. Cover the top of the seeds with a cotton towel and allow to cool for about ten minutes.

In addition to this method, the seeds can be fried with salt. To do this, do everything as usual, only the washed seeds are thoroughly mixed with coarse salt, and they begin to fry over the highest heat. As the moisture contained in them evaporates, the fire becomes smaller. At the moment when the seeds are completely dry and the fire is at its lowest, sprinkle vegetable oil on top of the seeds. The calculation of the proportion should be as follows: take three teaspoons of oil per kilogram of seeds. The seeds are kept on the fire until fully cooked, stirring alternately and finally poured onto a towel in which they are kept for 20 minutes.

Store-bought sunflower seeds cannot be compared to home-made roasted sunflower seeds in taste! And, besides, you often come across bitter and rotten seeds in the store, and dirty ones at that!

Look at your hands, after you eat the purchased seeds, how much dirt remains on them! Of course, many unscrupulous manufacturers do not wash them. Do you want to swallow so much dirt? After all, you can deliciously fry the seeds yourself by first washing them.


1 Buy raw sunflower seeds at the store; they should be medium-sized and quite plump.

2 Rinse them under cold water. If you want salted seeds, then leave them in salt water for 30-40 minutes. Then drain the water and place the seeds on a towel to dry, otherwise they may not fry.

3 Heat the pan. Add the seeds and fry over high heat. Stir occasionally to prevent them from burning and remove any debris.

4 When the seeds begin to click in the pan, reduce the heat and stir them often. Try a few seeds, if they are raw, continue roasting.

5 If the seeds are already ready, then transfer them to another bowl, otherwise they will be overcooked while the pan is cooling.

The frying process will take no more than 15 minutes! And as a result, you can enjoy the amazing taste of homemade seeds!

Today, in almost any store you can buy roasted sunflower seeds, with different additives and flavors. Despite this, many continue to fry sunflower seeds on their own. There are different ways to prepare grains: in the oven, in a frying pan, in the microwave, etc. Not only sunflower seeds, but also pumpkin seeds are popular.

The seeds of sunflower, pumpkin, watermelon and some other crops have not only a pleasant taste, but also many beneficial properties for the human body. They can be purchased in stores or prepared independently at home. Not all lovers of these snacks know how to fry the seeds so that they do not burn, but are sufficiently cooked, since even this simple process has its own nuances. Proper preparation of the product also has some secrets, taking into account which you can get aromatic seeds with rich taste.

Selection of seeds

Before frying watermelon seeds, pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds or sunflower seeds, you need to know how to choose them so as not to acquire rotten, small or old seeds.

The right choice can be made using the following tips:

  • It is better to make purchases in food markets;
  • needs to be carefully considered appearance goods, assessing the amount of dirt, debris and damaged grains;
  • try pouring some specimens into your palm and touching them, checking for emptiness;
  • give preference to medium-sized seeds.

Using these rules when choosing a product, you will purchase a quality product that will be easy to prepare and enjoyable to use.


Before baking any seeds in a frying pan, oven or microwave, you need to prepare them well.

Such activities include:

  • the first step is to remove foreign matter;
  • place the raw seeds in a colander;
  • to rinse them thoroughly, stir the mixture under running water;
  • then spread the seeds on a towel and let them dry a little.

On a frying pan

How to properly fry sunflower seeds so that cooking at home does not cause any difficulties? The process is familiar to many housewives and is characterized by its simplicity, although it has some minor features. The classic method is frying in a pan. Snacks become tasty, but do not lose their beneficial properties.

For this method, the seeds do not need to be dried first, but then the first time they need to be cooked covered in a hot frying pan. After two minutes, remove it and reduce the heat. It is recommended to constantly stir the product to avoid burning or undercooking of individual specimens. About ten minutes will be enough to cook a small amount of sunflower grains to cover the bottom of the pan. But you can accurately judge the readiness of the snack when the seeds begin to crackle. Then they should be placed on a flat plate and covered with a towel for a quarter of an hour, after which the seeds are ready for use.

With salt

Many snack lovers prefer to eat them salted. At the same time, the taste of the grains changes and becomes more intense.

Pour the prepared seeds into a hot cast-iron frying pan, distributing them in an even thin layer. Evaporate excess moisture for about three minutes, then add a spoonful of sunflower oil and salt the product. Frying the seeds is carried out at medium heat intensity with constant stirring. The seeds and salt will be ready after 10-15 minutes, after which they are covered with a paper towel so that they can infuse and soak.


You can roast pumpkin seeds in much the same way as sunflower seeds. If you use a recipe for cooking in a frying pan, you first need to heat it with vegetable oil, and then drop the seeds, cleaned of dirt and debris, into it. They should cover the bottom of the pan in one layer. Cooking time over low heat is approximately twenty minutes, and the product must be stirred regularly to prevent the seeds from burning. If desired, you can add salt. The golden color of the shell indicates the readiness of the snack. For the taste and aroma to become special, snacks must cool well.

In the microwave

Is it possible to roast seeds in the microwave? Pumpkin or sunflower seeds can be cooked not only in a frying pan, but also in the microwave. The method is quite fast and easy, so it is often used by snack lovers.

For roasting, a special container is used, into which a small batch of beans is placed. The power mark of the device should be about 750 W. After two minutes of cooking, the product is removed, mixed and put back into the microwave. Such procedures are carried out around four times. To determine readiness, you can taste the seed.

How long should you fry pumpkin seeds in the microwave so that they are ready, but not dry? Five minutes at maximum power will be enough, but the product should be left to cool in the device itself. It is also recommended to fry pumpkin seeds, first pouring oil and sprinkling them with salt.

In the oven

How to fry seeds in the oven so as not to spoil their taste and not end up with a dry snack? Bake at a temperature not lower than 180 degrees. Place parchment paper on a baking sheet and scatter the beans in an even layer. It is necessary to rinse the seeds first, but drying is not necessary. Some recipes include soaking in a salt solution, but this recipe is only suitable for amateurs. In order to mix the seeds, just remove the baking sheet, let them cool a little, and then return them back to the oven.

Frying time in the oven takes about twenty minutes.

Oven-baked seeds do not acquire a roasted taste, they simply become dried out.

The grains of some crops are used as food and are a source of vitamins and microelements beneficial to humans. But not everyone likes eating them raw, so you can learn how to deliciously fry the seeds to make them enjoyable to eat. There are recipes for cooking using various kitchen appliances, but the tastiest and most fried seeds are obtained in a frying pan. In addition, you can use salt to give the snack even more richness. One more important factor is right choice a product on which the quality of the final snack will depend.

Sunflower seeds, fragrant, fatty, potbellied - a favorite delicacy purely Russian. Clicking them is so wonderful in moments of relaxation. If you try to buy seeds in any other country, no one will understand why they are needed. Abroad, they are sold exclusively in pet stores. And in Russia there is a great variety of all kinds of seeds in any grocery store! And in the markets you can easily buy fried ones by weight in cups.

But no matter what different seeds are sold in bags and glasses, fried with your own hands according to your taste is still better. Of course, it is much easier to buy ready-to-eat seeds in the store. But yours tastes better. And frying them is not at all difficult.

How to fry sunflower seeds in a frying pan

To buy seeds for roasting at home, you need to go to the market. You need to look for individual private traders who sell raw seeds by weight. You can also buy them in some grocery stores, but they often don’t have a selection of varieties and there is no information about their origin and freshness. But sunflower seeds are primarily grown to produce oil. Saturated with vegetable fat, they quickly lose their taste and begin to smell like rancid vegetable oil. Therefore, it is better to buy seeds from your aunt at the market. She will probably have several varieties.

Selection of seeds. Small, very dark seeds are best suited for frying. These are grown in the south of Russia and Ukraine. Saratov, Volgograd, Rostov, Krasnodar black pot-bellied, almost round, smelling of oil - the best. And of course, the seeds must be freshly harvested, so it is better to buy them from September to January at most. Then it may happen that the seeds will be stale and tasteless, especially if they have been stored incorrectly all this time.

Asian seeds are light and large. They are good because they have a large core size. But they don't taste like butter. These seeds are drier, although beautiful. Well, the taste, the color...

How to properly roast sunflower seeds at home

To ensure that the pleasure of cracking the seeds does not leave your hands and lips black, the seeds need to be washed. They do this by pouring them into a colander and placing it under running cold water. It is not recommended to rinse in a bowl, as the seeds may absorb excess water and will not fry well.

After washing, pour onto a kitchen towel folded in half to drain off the moisture. Now prepare a frying pan, preferably an old cast iron one or just one with a thick bottom. It is better not to use thin or enameled ones, since it is difficult to adjust the heat on them. Under normal conditions, the seeds can quickly burn, while remaining uncooked inside. With low heat, there is a risk that the seeds will not ignite, but will dry out and become less tasty. Heat a dry, clean frying pan well. After this, reduce the heat to medium.

Place the seeds on a hot frying pan. There shouldn’t be a lot of them, but just enough so that they can cover the bottom with a layer of about 3-4 cm. Otherwise, they won’t cook well.

When frying, you need to continuously stir the seeds so that they heat evenly. Therefore, it is better to do this with a wooden spoon with a long handle so that your hand does not get hot.

After a couple of minutes, the seeds will begin to crackle and click - this is the moisture coming out from inside the seeds. As soon as the cracking stops, you need to remove the pan from the heat, stir a little more and taste several different sized seeds. A frying pan with a thick bottom will not cool down so quickly, so the frying process will not stop during this time, but the heating will decrease somewhat, which will prevent the seeds from burning.

Try this until the taste reaches the desired result. If the seeds are fried so that you can eat them right away, then you need to pour them out of the frying pan not into a plate, but in one layer, scattered sparsely on a white sheet of paper or cloth. Then they will just cool down. And if you remove them a little before they are ready, then put them in a deep container covered with newspaper or parchment and cover it on top. Slightly under-heated seeds will “reach” from their own heat inside the package.

How to roast seeds in the oven and microwave

If you need to fry more seeds than will fit in the frying pan, you can do this in the oven. Scatter the seeds on a baking sheet in a layer of no more than two cm and place in the oven at a temperature of no more than 150-160 degrees. There is no need to stir constantly, like in a frying pan, and it won’t work. It is enough to do this every three minutes, moving the seeds from top to bottom, and from the far edge of the baking sheet to the near one. This will ensure even heating.

How to fry in the microwave

If you need to fry a few seeds, no more than a glass, then this can be done in a microwave oven. Pour the seeds into a deep plate without gold metal decorations and place in the oven at full power for 7 minutes. Stir from the bottom and edges of the plate to the middle every minute, and more often towards the end of frying. The fact is that the microwave heats up more strongly around the circumference, so when stirring you will have to swap the middle with the edges. When cooking in a microwave oven, your hands will not be hot, and the process will be faster.

If the seeds are not fat enough, this is easy to fix. Pour a few drops of unrefined sunflower oil, about a teaspoon, into the frying pan where the seeds are laid out for frying. Don’t be afraid that the oil will burn and the seeds will be greasy. If oil is added in moderation, it will be absorbed into the seeds, into their peel and only add flavor. Stir quickly and constantly so that the oil does not spill to the bottom of the pan, but remains on the seeds all the time until it is completely absorbed into them. The next process is normal. Such seeds with oil will be fragrant, shiny and bright black in color.

How to fry seeds with salt

You can add a little salt to the seeds when frying in the oven or in a frying pan. You should definitely use coarse, non-iodized salt. Just remember that with salt they will fry faster. The salt heats up well and will “share” the heat with the seeds. With this method, you can just put slightly undercooked seeds in a container with paper. Thanks to the hot salt, the seeds will continue to heat up inside the paper and will come out like they came out of a stove.

This way you can fry not only sunflower seeds, but also pumpkin seeds. As you can see, frying sunflower seeds in a frying pan is not difficult, but the taste and aroma are guaranteed to be excellent. But this is precisely what the Russian people value so much in the fascinating activity of cracking seeds.

In the microwave fry the seeds - at full power (800 watts).

In the oven Fry the seeds over low heat, stirring occasionally.

In a frying pan fry the seeds over low heat.

How to fry seeds in a frying pan

1. For frying, select large pot-bellied seeds.
2. For 2 cups of seeds, prepare 1 tablespoon of sunflower oil and 1 teaspoon of salt.
3. Rinse the seeds thoroughly in a sieve to remove dust and debris, shake slightly to drain the water.
4. Place the frying pan on medium heat, add wet seeds - there can be several layers of seeds in the frying pan, about 4-5.
5. Distribute the seeds over the entire surface of the frying pan, dry with constant stirring to remove moisture, 3-5 minutes.
6. Pour in the oil, add salt and stir.
7. Fry, stirring constantly with a wooden spatula, for 12-15 minutes.
8. The finished fried seeds will crackle a little - after such sounds you can remove the frying pan. Check the seeds for readiness to taste: the finished peeled sunflower seed will be pale yellow in color and crispy to the bite.
9. Cover the pan with a paper towel and leave for 10 minutes.

How to roast seeds in the oven (without oil)

1. Wash 2 cups of seeds in a colander and dry with a paper towel.
2. Preheat the oven to 200 degrees.
3. Sprinkle the seeds on a baking sheet in one layer.
4. Place the baking tray on intermediate level oven, heat for 7 minutes.
5. Remove the baking sheet from the oven, stir the seeds.
6. Place the baking sheet in the oven at a level above average, heat for 7 minutes.
7. Turn off the oven and leave the seeds in it for 20 minutes.

Before frying, you need to sort out the seeds from pebbles and plant debris.

To prepare well-salted seeds, dilute the salt in water (50 milliliters of water per 1 teaspoon) and add to the seeds at the very beginning of frying: as they cook, the salt will be absorbed into the seeds and the water will evaporate.
- You don’t have to add oil to the frying pan, then the seeds will taste a little drier. Thanks to the oil, the seeds are fried at high temperatures, making them crispier, fattier and more aromatic. It is also important that using oil allows you to salt the seeds without adding water.

The seeds burn instantly from strong fire. To properly prepare the seeds for the first time, carefully monitor the smoke: a light smoke indicates that the seeds are almost completely ready, but a strong smoke indicates that the seeds are starting to burn. You should remove the pan from the heat and try the seeds. Also keep in mind that the fried seeds will fry for a couple of minutes due to the internal temperature.

How to roast sunflower seeds in the microwave

1. Rinse the seeds and dry them a little (about 10 minutes) in a sieve.
2. Place a glass of seeds in an even layer on a wide plate and add salt.
3. Place the plate in the microwave and microwave for 1 minute at a power of 800-1000 W.
4. Mix the seeds and leave for another 1 minute. Repeat the procedure 5 times.

How to fry seeds in a slow cooker with oil and salt

1. Pour 2 cups of sunflower seeds into a colander and quickly (the water should not be absorbed) rinse under running water.
2. Pour the seeds onto a paper towel and dry.
3. Place the seeds into the multicooker bowl.
4. Dry for 10 minutes on the “baking” mode.
5. Open the multicooker, add 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil and mix the seeds.
6. Fry for another 10 minutes on the “baking” mode.
7. Open the multicooker, add 1 teaspoon of finely ground salt, mix the seeds.
8. Leave the seeds in the multicooker for 10 minutes on the “keep warm” mode.
9. Pour the seeds onto a waffle towel, wrap and let cool.