Lukas Hofer: “I tattoo the dates of special races.” Lukas Hofer: “I tattoo the dates of special races” Do you remember when we spoke after your victory in Antholz last year, you said that you would come to Sochi with an open soul and heart,

When not training, Italian biathlete Lukas Hofer can be found staying at his family hotel with his sister and her husband near Kronplatz.

My name is Lukas Hofer, welcome to the Alps in South Tyrol, here we are the family hotel Heinz. This is its owner Bruno Wolf, now we will show you the hotel.

Bruno: Let's go upstairs to the bar.

This is my sister Manuela, here is Catherine and her two children - Felix and Anna, and this is their home - hotel rooms.

Manuela: He was a very... how to say in English?... A restless child.

Yes, I was always running and fighting, so I think it was not easy for them.

Manuela: Yes, it's not easy :)

That's it, war! :)

It is no coincidence that Lukas Hofer eventually chose a career as a top athlete.

She was involved in skiing, and Katrin was involved in biathlon for 1 or 2 years. A few years ago they gave it all up, and I'm the only one who plays sports now. I think I should continue in sports, since my parents were active - my mother was a skier and my father was an alpine skier. The whole family is into sports.

In addition to support from his family, he can count on his schoolmates who still follow him.

I'm proud of them, they're in my fan club. When I'm at competitions, they're always with me - here every day in Antholz and Hochfilzen, and I think that's great. They travel all over the world and have fun - I know they love to party. And it must be great to watch the races. And that's good for me because I always know that there is someone nearby who comes with me and watches the races.

When he was young, did you ever think that he could become a top biathlete?

Catherine and Manuela: No:)

A more recent and informative interview with Biathlonum from 01/16/2013:)

Everyone has their own story of their first encounter with biathlon. What is it like for you?

I started doing biathlon in 2000. When I was 4 years old I started skiing, but one day I tried shooting and fell in love with biathlon. So I changed my hobby, because biathlon is more spectacular view sports than cross-country skiing, you never know who will win or lose!

At the end of last season, your result in the World Cup was the best in the Italian team. There's still half the season left. Do you want to be number one on your team again?

Last season was not that good for me, but I will fight to get back to the position I had 2 years ago. It is not important for me to be the best Italian, but I want to be one of best biathletes in the future.

At the 2011 World Championships in Khanty-Mansiysk you won bronze medal in the mass start. Fantastic result– what are your memories of this success and celebration?

The race was one of the best I remember. We celebrated with the team immediately after the race and again later at the disco in Khanty.

The Olympic Games in Sochi are also in Russia. Podium and medal – your main goal?

My training is planned for Sochi. We'll try to be at our best during these Olympic Games Oh. We think this is a great opportunity for us because the racing will be on high altitude, as in Antholz. And I think everyone wants to win a medal!

Maybe success awaits you in the relay race. Anyway, if you could make your own “dream team” for the relay, who would you choose?

Simon Eder, himself in the second stage, Emil Hegle Svensen and Martin Fourcade.

In the photo: World Cup 2010/2011 in Antholz. Happy Italian team (René Laurent Vullermoz, Markus Windisch, Lucky Hofer and Christian De Lorenzi) after finishing second in the relay

You talked about Antholz. Many biathletes call it their favorite biathlon stadium. Which stadium is your favorite?

For me it's also Antholz, because it's sunny there and I'm at home with friends. But the second one is in Khanty, because I like the place and also the track. And one more thing - I like to compete in the evening.

What is your favorite place to train and relax?

This is my house and my girlfriend's house.

What do your rest days look like?

I try to sleep as much as possible. If we're at a gathering, I listen to music, read books, watch movies, or go see the area. At home I also do aircraft modeling and also play the traditional Tyrolean accordion. But usually after racing I try to spend more time with my girlfriend.

We know that biathlon is your life. But what other sports do you like to play?

Mountain running, mountain biking, table tennis and also paragliding.

Quite a few. In this case, nutrition should be very important. We know that Italian cuisine is famous all over the world. We're sure you like it. What can you say about the cuisine of other countries?

Of course I love Italian cuisine! She's one of the best in the world, but I also like to try new things. I like Austrian cuisine because it is almost the same as what we have in South Tyrol, where I live.

Do you cook yourself? What do you like to cook the most?

Yes, when I'm at home I cook a lot for myself! Different dishes, because I can do a lot, but as an athlete I cook a lot of pasta, rice with vegetables.

What about the Italian temperament? Is there something that makes you a little short-tempered, angry or nervous?

It's important to me to have a lot of fun with the team. Sometimes some problems may occur, but this is normal.

What can calm you down in this case?

Music calms me down. I really love music.

On the eve of the start of the new biathlon season, in an exclusive interview with he spoke about training, a new life, paragliding and girls who can win his heart.

- First of all, let's talk about your preparation for the upcoming season. Did everything work out?

Perhaps yes. Completed all the work that I planned. True, in October he suffered a minor shoulder injury during training in Ramsau. I had to take a break from classes for a couple of days. Physiotherapy and proper treatment quickly got me back on track. Now everything seems to be fine. So I'm looking forward to the new season.

- If we talk in more detail about your preparation. Have you decided to make any changes after last year?

Yes, there were certain changes, of course. For example, last year, in the off-season, we trained on roller skis without breaks. Almost before the start of the season. This off-season we decided to do something different. We stopped training on roller skis in September. And I think it was the right decision. In October there was already a meter of snow in Antholz, and I could put on my skis. Now I feel more confident.

- In the upcoming season, the Italian team will compete in red equipment. How do you like it? Do you like it?

Our sponsors decided it would be better this way. I must say that I like the color red too. This is something new and unusual. I am sure that now the audience and fans will definitely notice us!

- This off-season, a new training track was opened in Val Martello. I know that you have already tried it. Share your feelings.

A new track is always good, considering that in Italy, at the moment, we don’t have many places where you can train on roller skis. As for this track in Val Martello, of course, it still needs work - there are several quite dangerous sections there. But this is not critical, since I managed to train there, and, as you can see, I am alive and well. I also think that this track is ideal for training at altitude, intervals and shooting classes. But when you have to cover many kilometers, it’s quite boring. The track is not that long and you have to constantly drive almost in a circle. But overall, I really liked it there.

- Last year was quite successful for you. Triumphant victory in the sprint in Antholz, bronze in the relay at the Games in ...

Of course, these successes have changed a lot. There were more interviews, interest in my person, Italian biathlon in general. All this adds motivation! Last year I dreamed of winning one of the races and it happened in a special place for me - in my native Italy. There were many relatives, friends, and fans in the stands. I already told you, this was a special victory for me. But for me this result was only an impetus for more. Because I know that I am capable of more.

- Now there will be a difficult question. What does Lukas Hofer lack to be the best?

In fact, the question is not that difficult. I am aware of my shortcomings. I need to work on stability. Not just on shooting, or speed, but on ensuring that both of these components are at their best. high level. In other words, we must not allow ourselves to fall to the bottom of the finishing list. And then, after some time they will come good results. I worked a lot this year on the last, finishing lap, concentration on shooting. I really want to see the results of these trainings.

- There is no athlete who would not dream of an Olympic Games medal. You already have it. What did the Games in Sochi change in your life?

To be honest, my life hasn't changed much. I have dreamed of an Olympic medal since childhood. So if something has changed, it’s inside me. This is some kind of absolute joy. But, in general, everything remains as it was before. Friends, family, hobbies, training.

- Really?

Well, okay, if you look at things more globally, I will say that in Italy, even after our success in Sochi, biathlon is still not at all popular. This makes me very upset. It even makes me angry! But this requires joint efforts. Athletes need to work harder, and sponsors and federations need to believe in us and our success, investing more money in this common cause. After all, we cannot even be compared, for example, with how things are in Russia, Germany, France, Austria. We need change, and big change. If they don’t exist, I have no confidence that biathlon will remain in Italy and that it will have a future. But this is a sad topic that worries me very much. Let's talk about something more positive, shall we?

- Then let's go back to the Olympic Games. What was the most striking impression from Sochi 2014?

The real surprise was the organization of the Games. Everything was just perfect! Ten times better than in Vancouver 2010. And one more observation - the fans are simply unreal! Mostly Russians. It was the best support I've ever experienced in my life while racing. Their warmth and positivity simply “carried” me along the distance. It was nice that the stands cheered for everyone without exception, without dividing the athletes by nations and countries. Of course, everyone has their favorites, but I have to say that everyone I met in Sochi was so nice and friendly that this was the highlight of Sochi 2014 for me.

- Do you remember when we talked after your victory in Antholz last year, you said that you would come to Sochi with an open soul and heart, and with a desire to learn more about our country. Did it work?

Well, I already said that Russians are now one of the friendliest nations in the world for me. Thinking about Russia, I always smile. You have an amazing culture. Completely different than in Italy. And this has its own charm. I heard a saying about the mysterious Russian soul. Something like that, right? So, it seems to me that this is the absolute truth. It takes decades to understand your culture, people, their actions. Russia is an amazing country that loves sports, and biathlon in particular. Your athletes have everything for a happy future.

- You said that our cultures are too different. Meanwhile, I know that your hobby alone makes you much closer to us than you think.

Oh, you're talking about playing the accordion (Laughs). In our country, by the way, it is called “Tsiakorgl”. Playing it is truly my most favorite and important hobby. The only thing better than sports and paragliding. That's what I really love! Everyone should try this at least once in their life. This is an unforgettable experience. Together with three of my friends, we even organized a small team called “Team AschtJoch”. We have our own Facebook page where we post the best photos and videos from our flights. I will be glad if one of my Russian fans comes to watch, read and talk about paragliders.

- By the way, do you know that after the Games you got a lot of fans in Russia?

Seriously? Female? I never would have thought... (Laughs)

- By the way, tell me what a girl should be like to interest Lukas Hofer?

First of all, a girl must respect herself and know her worth. She shouldn't change to interest a man. What else... So, an easy-going and friendly character is also important. I should have fun with her. It'll be great if she can make me laugh! She must have a good sense of humor. I like active girls so that we can have fun together, go to different interesting places. My life is full of energy and a girl should be comfortable living in such a rhythm. I'm not at all difficult person. I will say more, it’s easy with me. But the things I described above are very important to me. Well, if you are also interested in external data, then I love girls with an athletic figure. But that's not the main thing. Charisma is important to me!

Interview site

Lukas Hofer: "I write dates into the tattoo special races"

Olympic medalist Lukas Hofer, after finishing the sprint at the World Cup in Hochfilzen, spoke about how the race turned out for him, as well as the strength of the Italian team spirit and his hobbies. Hofer had one penalty each in the prone and standing events and finished twelfth in the sprint.

– The race was not bad, I managed to maintain the pace throughout all three laps. The way I missed on the prone happens sometimes, but the miss on the stand was really a very stupid mistake and it made me very angry with myself today. If I had one less mistake, I could have been in the top 5. Tomorrow's race could go either way, and I'm very happy about that - I'm not too far behind first place, and there are plenty of opportunities tomorrow. Overall, the race today didn't go very well for me.

– My form is quite good, I was a little surprised in Pokljuka – I didn’t expect to be at such a good level now. The last training camp in Shushen was difficult for me, it was also difficult at home, so I was a little afraid of the first races. But now I'm happy that so far everything is working well. This means my form will improve in the coming weeks, I'm looking forward to that.

– Which component did you work on the most?

– This year my main goal is to increase the rate of fire. Last season I lost a lot of time shooting, especially prone. I try to focus on the rate of fire, especially on the prone, repeating what I did in the summer. The races up to today were going well. I am very pleased with my training in this component in the summer, I will try to maintain these results in the future, especially at the World Championships in Antholz.

– Your coaching staff has been updated, how do you like working with the new coaches?

– I got to know the new coach Andrea Zattoni a few years ago, when he was a skier. He is very young and motivated, he is only two years older than me. This is very interesting for me, his way of thinking coincides with mine - he is very active, he wants to be in the air all the time, to run, to run even faster. I was very pleased with his appointment and I have confidence in him. He managed to lead me to good shape at the beginning of the season, that means he's a great coach.

– The Italian national team is famous for its team spirit. Is there anything that could cause you to quarrel and turn away from each other?

- It would be very difficult (laughs). We see each other so often during the season, I think much more than we see our girls and boys. We are a big family, we joke all the time. Of course, sometimes we get angry at each other, but that's normal. Of course we have a relay team, but other races also show our team spirit and what makes us a team.

– Your most famous hobby is paragliding. You sometimes take other biathletes with you to fly. How does this happen - do you invite them or do they ask for it themselves?

“Usually they ask me themselves, because I wouldn’t want to force anyone to come with me.” Flying is not something that people usually do, it is completely different. Therefore, those who would like to fly should ask me about it. Then I will be very happy to fly with those who want it. I especially remember the flight with Kaisa Mäkäräinen this year. Her boyfriend asked me about this, it was a surprise gift for her birthday. In the summer she was at a training camp in Antholz, and we went on a flight. I always enjoy moments when I can show someone my passion. Sometimes it is a little scary at the starting point, but during the flight the smiles become wider and wider, and during the landing it is a special moment for them.

– You have a large tattoo on your back, which you constantly add to. Tell us about it if it's not too personal.

- Fine. This is an inscription in Chinese, different words that show my character in sports. There are also twenty stars that were originally empty. Dates appeared in some of them - these are the dates of special races and good places. For example, the first personal victory at the World Cup, the first victory in the relay, mixed relay, medals. I want to save these stars for special important dates. In general, the author of the tattoo design is my little nephew. One day I dozed off lying in the sun outside and he started drawing while sitting on my back. I thought, “Why not?” I asked one person to finalize the design on the entire back, and that’s how my tattoo came about.