Who is being interviewed in the tractor arena. “I was expelled from Traktor school several times”

The most outrageous, charming and sexy in Russian hockey is a 30-year-old girl named Sonya Gudim. Chelyabinsk radio and TV presenter of Traktor TV, you may know her from hockey broadcasts - Sonya regularly conducts interviews during breaks in Traktor meetings, embarrassing the players with her chic cleavage. Get ready, there are a lot of hot photos in the material.

Sophia calls herself a blogger, journalist, hedonist and exhibitionist - this is how Sonya Gudim’s Instagram is signed, it has just passed the mark of 21,000 subscribers. He runs his own LiveJournal, which can be found under the nickname kiss-my-abs - by the way, one of the most popular live journals in the Ural region. He writes mainly about fitness and a healthy lifestyle. In addition to LiveJournal and Instagram, the girl can be found on VKontakte and YouTube. The theme of the channel is still the same: healthy lifestyle and fitness.

She claims that she graduated from SUSU in 2009, and since 2008 she worked in the newspapers “Telesem”, “Va-Bank”, wrote for the portal chelmusic.ru, then hosted the programs “The Morning Begins” and “Once Upon a Time There Was a Dog” on local television. , worked at Intervolna radio. Since September 2016, Gudim got a job at Chelyabinsk Traktor and began to embarrass hockey players in the mixed zone with her revealing cleavage. In the Urals they decided to take the Italian style, where girls with respectable figures are put in the frame at football shows.

By my own admission, I previously knew about playing with the puck only from the film “Legend #17” and the marriage of singer Pelageya to national hockey player Ivan Telegin. I once confused KHL legend Sergei Mozyakin in the mixed zone, calling him Denis. The fans were furious. But for such outfits she was forgiven for everything. Cool neckline!

But nothing, Sonya gradually got involved: she successfully absorbed hockey tables and lineups, began to remember the faces, names and numbers of players, and watched matches. After a series of defeats for Traktor, in order to stimulate the hockey players, a daring employee promised to broadcast naked if the Chelyabinsk club became the KHL champion. A bold statement!

They say that a couple of years ago Sonya hated hockey

Sonya gained wide popularity during the KHL match “Traktor” - “Spartak”, when she went out to interview the players in such a revealing dress. MDK, Pikabu, Lepra and other mega-popular public pages introduced Sophia to people who were not interested in the KHL. The hot pursuit post written by Sonya took first place in the LiveJournal rating for that day.

How can you concentrate on the game after this?

The girl loves experimenting with clothes, but, by her own admission, appears on camera in modest outfits without a neckline. “To be honest, I dress like a Puritan virgin,” Sonya complained in her LiveJournal. However, that evening Gudim decided to dress brighter - why are the cheerleaders allowed, but Sonya not? And the start of a big home series after all.

It was hard for striker Richard Günge, but he couldn’t take his eyes off Gudim’s chest. Sonya explained such a shot that the Traktor hockey player was simply blinking, but his eyes were watching throughout the interview. Many people simply blush and crumple when standing next to such a beauty.

They say that Sonya in this way knocks the opposing coaches and hockey players out of a winning mood.

I once had a classic outfit: white shirt, black skirt. And then they also cursed: they say, tits. Well, excuse me, I have big breasts, and no matter what I wear, they attract attention. What should I do? Bandage?! – Gudim is perplexed.

Due to the fact that they only take off from the waist up, Gudim sometimes wears something like this for interviews

By the way, Gudim sews all the outfits together with her friend Galina Sinitsyna, and Sofia appears at each match in a new spectacular dress. I was inspired by the clothes of other Match TV correspondents - Natalya Clark and Daria Mironova. A prerequisite is the use of black, red or white thread - the traditional Traktor club colors. Once, after a series of defeats, Sonya even dressed up in military uniform.

“Do you know how I started rooting for Traktor?! I’m incredibly worried after defeats,” Gudim shares his impressions.

At the age of 19, in order not to drop out of university, she got a tattoo, as it was required for the plot. The fact is that the model with the tattoo suddenly fell ill and did not come to the shoot, then Gudim decided to sacrifice her own body and literally in 2 hours got the coveted tattoo with the first design she came across.

By her own admission, 7 years ago she was a plump girl. But then I went to the gym and achieved results.

Loves milk.

And she loves to cook.

Gudim loves photo shoots

Gudim also travels constantly

And why hasn’t Gudim starred in Maxim magazine yet?

Sonya writes that the cockerel on her blouse conquered Kazan. Something suggests that those around him were not admiring a cockerel.

In this photo it is desperately difficult to look Sonya straight in the eyes

Interview with the head coach of Traktor to the journalist of Business FM Chelyabinsk. The new KHL season begins next week. Traktor's first game is scheduled for August 23 away against Lada Togliatti, and on August 27 the first home game against Avtomobilist Ekaterinburg will take place. The team faces a task from the club president, governor Boris Dubrovsky, to reach the finals of the Eastern Conference. Traktor head coach Anvar Gatiyatulin spoke about preparations for the season and sources of inspiration. You have completed a full season with the team. Can you already be called an experienced KHL coach? Probably with little but valuable experience. When we were preparing for the last preseason, I had nothing to compare with and work on my mistakes. This year I already have a season, and working on the shortcomings was easier. We began to devote more time to the interaction of the team in the “fives”. Of course, last season the key point was playing in unequal lineups, that is, in the majority, and we tried our best here too. Unfortunately, in the preseason it was not possible to play matches with the optimal lineup due to a number of reasons. Alexey Kruchinin was unable to take part in the games due to injury. As for the newcomers, Gilbert Brule came, trained and left for the Canadian national team. Now Paul Szczekhura is there too. That’s why the majority brigade didn’t really work out. But we have a week before the championship, we will try to pay maximum attention to this. In your opinion, what was the worst moment of last season? What didn’t work, what did they do wrong? There were mistakes, and more than one. If we take, for example, the last playoff match against Barys, I probably didn’t have enough experience and confidence. Maybe it was necessary to change the combination, change something, shake up the team. Because it was precisely the emotions that were lacking. It's probably due to fatigue. Everyone had a desire. And here, probably, I had to take a step, turn the game around. Experience is experience. What inspires you as a person, a specialist? First of all, I am inspired by my family, my wife Svetlana, children - Ilya, Artemy, Diana. I try to spend any free time with them, because during the season there is not much time. When I was playing, I spent little time on the eldest child; by middle age I was already finishing my career. And now I’m trying to devote more time. It's very interesting to spend time with my daughter. A completely different experience than with the players? Yes, my family inspires me. Some hockey players relax in casinos and fly to Bali. Do you have any moments that you can brag about? Casinos have never attracted me. This year’s vacation was memorable for me because I spent a whole month with my family. We visited America, the eldest son went to play hockey and watch it. We watched it, watched “Dallas”, visited my friend Stas Tugolukov. Then we went to Orlando to Disneyland. First time for so long and together. Now that the season is upon us again, there will be less time to spend with family. How do you force yourself to maintain discipline, how do you manage to stay in shape? When I first started working as a coach at the Traktor school, I immediately wanted to achieve more in hockey. And when I had the opportunity to work at Polar Bears, it became an incentive for further growth. When you were given the opportunity to lead the Traktor team, you didn’t need any other motivation. I want Traktor to perform as well as possible and please our fans as much as possible. And in our team we have a wonderful team, we always discuss games with the guys, come to agreements, and before the start of the season we gather with the team management. Everything is built on trust. Is it easy for you to punish and put people in their place? I won’t name punishments, we don’t punish, but if any questions arise in terms of the game, we always sit down and figure it out together. We show the player the points where we would like him to add, we listen to the player’s opinion. While there were no conflict situations, we always found a common language. What I want to see from the guys is dedication in every match, in every moment of the game. Yes, things don’t always work out, things don’t always turn out the way we want, but in relation to the matter, there are no complaints against anyone. That is, you are a coach who, first of all, talks to the players and convinces them? A person must understand what requirements are presented to him. We are trying to explain so that he understands and changes in some way. We never convince. We know that each player has his own strong qualities, and our task, mine, first of all, is to create an atmosphere where he will show exactly his best qualities. We don’t want to retrain anyone to play some other hockey, so that the player feels comfortable and thinks only about the game. In my opinion, Traktor is like a huge family, and the coach tries to make every player, even a beginner, a member of the family. Is this your approach? Before signing a contract with a player, I always try to communicate, understand what kind of person he is, and explain what we expect from him. And for me, it’s his human qualities that are important, what kind of team player he is. Let's return to America. You said that your eldest son was at the trial; he is a hockey player. Do you hope that in the future a player with the last name Gatiyatulin will play in the NHL or KHL, do you wish him such a hockey fate? Of course, like many fathers, they want their children to do what they failed and achieve even more. And I'm no exception. But above all, it is important for me that he is a worthy person. If he succeeds in hockey, I will be very happy. I’m talking not only about the eldest, but also about the youngest son and daughter, so that they find themselves in life, a job from which they will enjoy.

On January 22, Traktor beat Avangard away with a score of 3:1 and guaranteed themselves a place in the playoffs. The team went on an Olympic break and plunged into the training process - except for one player. Pavel Francouz went to the Czech national team, becoming the third goalkeeper of the “black and whites” in history to be called up to the Olympics. Before him, Chelyabinsk goalkeepers Sergei Mylnikov and Andrei Zuev went to the White Games - in 1988 in Calgary and in 1994 in Lillehammer.


It was incredible! The Olympics was literally a dream of my childhood, and now - the dream has come true! I have always wanted to represent my country at the Games, so becoming part of the Czech team is a great honor.

The Russian team began preparing for the tournament on January 27. When did the Czech team meet in full force?
We started preparing on January 29th. Only players from the KHL came to the first week of the training camp; later, guys from the leagues of Switzerland and the Czech Republic joined. The atmosphere was very different from the Euro Hockey Tour tournaments. First of all, the duration of the collection differed. We had a lot of time to prepare. Rather, this training camp was similar to the one held before the World Championships.

There are many myths and stories about the Olympic Village. Did anything out of the ordinary happen in Pyeongchang that you can’t wait to talk about?
I’ll say right away that South Korea was a pleasant surprise. This is a beautiful country with nice and kind people. Living in the Olympic Village is very different from staying in a hotel. Naturally, the village has its own atmosphere... and everyone seemed to like this atmosphere.

Out of the ordinary there was a hurricane on the third day of our stay. The wind was so strong that it was almost impossible to walk down the street. Really dangerous weather, scary. True, the hurricane raged for only one day.

Once again, a huge American military plane flew over the village. He walked so low. For a second I thought something serious was happening. Everyone was even a little nervous, but after that nothing happened. The plane was probably there purely for safety reasons.

The IOC did not allow you to perform in a helmet with the image of Czech presidents Tomas Masaryk and Vaclav Havel, iconic figures in the history of the country. What are you going to do with this helmet? Will it end up in your home collection, or will we see it again?
I haven't solved this problem yet. But I still expect to wear the helmet with the presidents. I like this mask, but the rules at the Olympic tournament were too strict. I had to play in simple helmets, but they also looked good.

Did you have jitters before the first match with the hosts of the Olympics?
I think any player had jitters before the first match of the Olympics, no matter who he played with. The fact that we met the owners changed a lot. The arena went crazy! Alas, Korea scored a goal early in the match. It was a cold shower for our team... a very difficult moment. But we pulled through and brought the match to victory.

Roman Horak said after the group stage that the Czech Republic passed the preliminary stage unbeaten thanks to the goalkeeper. Did you feel any special attitude from your partners?
Undoubtedly. I felt that they believed in me, that they saw reliability in me. It's a special feeling. I felt the same way. The guys gave their all on the ice, played selflessly on the back foot and blocked a lot of shots. I would say the recipe for our success in the group is hard teamwork.

From the outside it seemed that you were in a comfortable environment, because the Czech Republic’s game was similar to the Traktor style: counterattacks, concentrated defense and a lot of work for the goalkeeper.
This was partly true. We mostly focused on playing in the defensive zone and minimizing the goals we conceded. Traktor has the same gaming philosophy.

What can you say about the level of the tournament? Can you compare it to the World Cup or even games in the KHL?
It's very difficult to compare. I would say that the level was very close to what we see at the World Championships.

In the match with the Russian national team, the game essentially went to a goal, and the Czech Republic was unable to score first. But overall the match was even. Things turned out differently with Canada, why?
Bronze medal matches are always very specific. It features two disappointed teams trying to put their semi-final failure behind them and secure third place in the tournament. It is important to start a match like this well. Usually the one who starts well is the one who wins. We slept through the start of the game, losing the first period 1:3. Then, in essence, it was all over. We took risks, started playing open hockey, tried to distinguish ourselves and get back into the game. But this course of the match also had a downside - many holes appeared in the defense, and Canada took advantage of them.

Traktor played two test matches to get back into the rhythm of the game. During the same time you played 6 games. We can say that you are out of rhythm and haven’t switched off
I somehow didn't think about it. In any case, I am sure that the entire team is 100% ready for the playoffs. We are all professionals, both players and coaching staff. We know what we are doing, so there are no concerns about the team's readiness for the playoffs.

In November, there were reports in the Russian press that you were dissatisfied with your playing time at Traktor. Czech national team coach Josef Jandács also spoke to the media. Now that the Olympics and the regular season are behind us, admit it, the Czech national team deliberately resorted to an information dump to resolve the goalkeeper issue before the Olympics.
I’ll say right away that I don’t know what was said and written in the Russian media and the Internet. Personally, I didn’t complain about playing time because I respect Anvar Gatiyatulin and his decisions. Yes, I understood that if I didn’t play, I was losing my chances of getting into the Olympic team of the Czech Republic. The national team headquarters probably thought the same thing, and they were looking for a solution.

That period of the season was the hardest for me, but that’s part of hockey, part of professional sports.

During the Olympics, the Russian press compared you to Dominik Hasek. Hasek himself also noted your game. Does Hasek’s attention and words mean anything to you personally?
I didn't actually read the press during the tournament, so this information is fresh to me. I think no one can be compared to Hasek. No one will ever be as great as him. In Nagano, he and that team did incredible things. Hasek was the greatest goalkeeper of his era, and he will remain so forever.


When Traktor hockey players are asked what the “black and whites” main trump card is in the playoffs, they also talk about their great goalkeeping team. What can you say about this?
I will say that our main advantage is team play! We know how to unite and act as one. If we continue in the same spirit, we will achieve success.

In previous interviews you said that the rotation between you and Vasily Demchenko is beneficial and stimulates growth. Is it staying that way, or do you now prefer to be the undisputed number one?
I think the “competition” between us took both of us to the next level. We have been playing side by side for three years, so the rotation benefits both us and the team. Of course, everything has its pros and cons, but we see that rotation works. After all, it’s always good to have two goalkeepers capable of playing number one. If an injury occurs, one will replace the other. In addition, Vasya and I are holding the trap in different hands: I am in the right, Vasya is in the left. This chip can be used correctly and, for example, confuse your opponent in shootouts.

Traktor didn't start the season the way he would have liked, but soon picked up the pace and finished the season at almost the same level as a year ago. When did the turning point happen and everything started to come together for the “black and whites”?
It's always hard for a team when the start of the season doesn't go well. But the season lasts more than one month, and at the very beginning you cannot say how it will all end. Look, now those teams that were spectacular at the start - Kunlun and Barys - are going on vacation. I think the management played an important role in our success - they didn’t panic, they showed us that they believed in the team and trusted the coach. He did his job on the bench, and we played for him on the ice.

What regular season match do you remember most?
The New Year period, when Traktor celebrated its birthday, stuck in my mind. The arena was roaring, we were winning. It was great!

How do you like the final balance of power in the East? Much tighter and more competitive than a year ago?
Each team from the top eight had good and bad periods of the championship. In the end, it turned out that there is not much difference in the “points scored” column. I would add that in sports everything is possible. Every team has a chance. Yes, there are super strong teams in the league, which include the entire Russian national team, but they can also be beaten.


When you came to Traktor, Martin Ruzicka was your guide in the city and the club. Did you take on a similar role when meeting Nick Bailen, Linus Videll and Richard Gunge?
For me, everything was somewhat different, because it was my first year in Russia. Everything was new. Nick, Richard and Linus have been in the league for a long time. They know what's what. Paul and I showed them around the city and introduced them to everyone. We helped them settle in, and, in my opinion, they are happy with Chelyabinsk.

After three years in Chelyabinsk, what do you like most about the city?
I live next to Gagarin Park and I like to walk there. There are some good restaurants in the area, and we have dinner there periodically. When you get comfortable in the city, you feel more confident. Life becomes easier.

The rising star of Russian hockey, Vitaly KRAVTSOV, told SE about the most difficult conversation with his father, about how he almost ended his career, and about the agreement between teammates if a clash arises on the ice.


The morning after "Tractor" finished the season, we come to an agreement with Vitaly Kravtsov Meet at 8:10 a.m. at the coffee shop in the arena.

She works from 8.30,” I remind you, as a person who knows the schedule of such establishments very well.

Kravtsov thought about it and wrote something to someone.

But I don’t work in the library either,” he smiled. - The door will be opened for us at 8.10.

Kravtsov should already play for the Polar Bears on Friday.

Is 45 minutes enough for us? - he asks. - I was released from rolling, but I’ll still go for a ride.

- So they released me.

How can I play in the evening if I don’t go for a ride? Yesterday I sat with the guys for a little while, listened to the speeches, and then went home. We need to prepare for the matches.

Throughout the playoffs, the club and partners protected Kravtsov from interviews. They say not to relax, not to catch the “star”. It seems to me that they were just playing it safe.

- You yourself treated all the prohibitions with humor. But they refused to talk to the press.

It was good for me. Concentrated more on the game. But after the fourth match with Ak Bars, I still talked. They ask, what are your expectations from the next season? I answer that, most likely, I will stay, maybe. And in the headlines: “Kravtsov is not going to North America.” The difference is big.

- These are all editors.

I think that silence did me good, and my partners constantly reminded us why we had gathered.

- Alexey Kruchinin constantly talked to you.

Always reminded me to keep a cool head. When I scored in the first playoff match against Neftekhimik in overtime, I thought I was the king. Haha. But then it turned out that I could do something else. Alexey and I communicate constantly. But I wouldn’t say that there are any secrets there.


- Is it difficult for a young hockey player when they constantly write that he has broken this or that record?

Not difficult, but really nice. You look at the list of players whom you “moved” or almost caught up with, and there are Alexey Yashin, Evgeny Kuznetsov, Evgeny Malkin. This is all serious.

- Covers?

A little different. Sometimes you go out on the ice and think: I’m 18 years old, if I don’t score anything, then no one will say anything to me. But then you realize that you can do more. And when you can’t realize the moment, you start to freak out. You can, but you don't. Moreover, people nearby say: “He’s nervous.”

- Are you nervous?

Someone responded: “Why should he be nervous, he’s already scored so much.” It's all funny.

But I saw how in the last match with Ak Bars you didn’t score, came to the bench, threw away your stick, and picked up another one.

Yes, I was just showing it.

- Funny.

In fact, I was upset. I had to score, I really wanted to help the team. But I generally try to restrain my emotions. If he didn’t score, okay, that means the chance wasn’t one hundred percent.

- Personally, your series with Kazan didn’t turn out very good. Were you worried?

You can benefit the team in other ways. I tried, earned myself removals. I don’t think that I completely failed it just because I didn’t score points. The other guys shot. It didn’t work out not only for me, but for the entire team. All three of us were worried, but we still tried very hard.

- In the third match, Alexander Sharov fell ill.

And we were also worried about this. Still, the trio broke up. But they installed Marcel Sholokhov and everything seemed to work out.

- Marcel is very angry on the ice.

Angry dog, that's what we sometimes call him. He's great.

- It seems to me that you lack toughness. And you could show yourself, after all, you were busy.

No, if necessary, I can play with my body and stand up for myself. But I don’t want to run around angry on the ice. I don't get any pleasure from this.

- Were you on the verge of a fight?

One day we were playing with Jokerit, something happened, and Oliver Lauridsen rushed at me. And he is healthy, under two meters. He pressed me against the glass.

- And you?

Lesha Kruchinin shouts: “Don’t start, don’t answer, don’t.” It seems that everything is over. I saw this Oscar after the game, when they came to spin the bikes. T-shirt XL tight, muscles. But I don't get into fights.

- Even in the match with Neftekhimik, they didn’t try to provoke you.

They drove around there, saying that this young man was smiling, now we’ll put him out. But everything remained threats. As a unit, we agreed that if someone is attacked, we immediately fly into the crowd all together and push each other. It happened once. We arrived and all three of us started pushing the opponent. They won't delete everyone.

- It turns out that kudo does not help in hockey?

Only when we start fighting Sharov in the hotel room. But with Kruchinin it’s useless. He takes the choke.


- Okay, the most important question is: will you leave or stay? I don't need a definitive answer. I want to understand the logic.

I'll have to see how the draft goes. A lot depends on this. Who will choose? How will the interview go? In reality, we can only talk about this topic after the draft. Today the situation is to stay in Russia. But this is now.

- Are the agents putting pressure?

They call, write. Mainly through my father. Evgeny Kuznetsov wrote here, offering his agent. But everything is fine with my agents. There is Russian, there is overseas. I trust both of them, and this is important. You know, I'll tell you a story about agents. There is a young Russian hockey player to whom a foreign agent says before the draft: “Come, you will train with me, the training camp will cost so much.” The hockey player tells him, I don’t have that kind of money, where does it come from? So what do you think? Instantly it spread across America: “He doesn’t want to play in the NHL.” This hockey player then gets a call from a serious NHL club, they say, it’s a pity that you don’t want to play in North America, we were ready to select you in the draft. And he doesn’t understand what we’re talking about at all. He calls the agent, but he doesn’t answer the phone. Trust is important in this matter, and I trust mine.

- But they still call?

I don’t like it when people start painting something right away. I myself know what to do after the draft, and a lot depends on it. I will choose where and when to leave. I’m telling you, I trust my current agents, and it’s not in my rules to rush around.

- One young hockey player from Russia told me that he would only go to the AHL. No junior leagues.

I agree here. Why go to the junior league after playing adult hockey? This is already a step back. You can grow in adult hockey.

- In the NBA, young people are showered with money before the draft, hoping for a second contract. Did they try to buy you?

No. But now I have a very calm attitude towards money, I understand perfectly well that it will all come, and at my age there is no need to think about money. Can you tell me what my salary is?

- Tell.

But I'm contractually prohibited from speaking. I'll just say that it's not a very large amount, but I don't care.

- Another important question - you can be sold to SKA or CSKA.

And I can't do anything about it. The club has the rights - they can sell me anywhere. What is there to think about - nothing depends on me.

- Do you want it?

So they won’t even ask me. I will tell you only one team where I never want to end up - Dynamo Moscow. It would probably be wrong to tell in an interview why this happened, what exactly happened. But I don’t want to go there under any circumstances. And I won't go.

- But do you like playing in Russia? Do you feel like you are growing as a hockey player?

At first I didn’t like it as much as I do now. At first they didn’t give me what I wanted. Anything happened. I wanted to play in the majority, and right away, but they held me back. I could spend two or three shifts, and then I was put on reserve duty. All of this was incredibly infuriating. One time I lost my temper, called the agent and said that I wanted to leave immediately. And he told me: “Calm down, go get some sleep and we’ll talk in the morning.” Good advice, in the morning you perceive everything differently. But they started to trust me at the club. One day they call me into the coaching room. Well, I think they’ll send me to Chelmet now. And the coach explains to me that in the next match I will be in the majority and play here. I was inspired by all this, of course.

- The coaches know better.

There's another question here, too. In North America, for example, it is important to develop players so that after some time you have a decent team with strong hockey players. But with us they immediately demand results and can fire you if you trust the youth, but are at the bottom of the standings.

- I can imagine how many “friends” you have now after such a playoff?

Oh, you can't even imagine. People they haven’t seen for several years call: “Bro, I always believed in you. I can borrow money.”

- Ha ha.

People I haven't seen for a long time. It's all funny.

- Maybe they really believed?

Yes, even at the Traktor children’s school sometimes they didn’t believe in me, they expelled me several times. They were either put in the first link, or removed to the fifth. One coach once said, you’re not good at attacking, play defense. And I was a defender for six months. Then I come up and say: “Can I play better in the center.”


As a child, you often traveled from Vladivostok (Kravtsov was born in this city - SE note) to Khabarovsk by train. Most interesting trip?

I went to Khabarovsk because there was no artificial ice in Vladivostok. But the most disturbing trip was not along this route.

- Which one?

With my father in the car. He scolded me very much for the way I played. He threatened to take him back home. I put on my headphones - he rips them off. I really thought we’d really go back now. I'll do something else.

- Is it true?

Yes, but there was a very serious conversation there. And then I think about what I should do in Vladivostok, I don’t have any friends there anymore. But my father swore very much.

- Is this when you told him that your task is to enjoy hockey?

Yeah. When I told him this, he got really angry. I looked at him, it became scary. I think we need to dodge now and run away somewhere. But then it all went away for my father.

- Now the girls are not giving you access.

Here I am completely calm. Not an internet fighter. You know, I'm a firm believer in dating a girl who doesn't know you're a hockey player. I'll tell you one more story. A girl writes to me on Instagram, she is 13 years old.

And I say, "Oh." I say, how old are you, why are you writing. And she asks me what the salary is, what car. Calm down, I answer, look at your age.

- Nightmare.

I am sure that Kruchinin will find a girl for me. He is right and will find me the right girlfriend. But in general now I don’t think about all this.

- You said that you corresponded with Evgeny Kuznetsov. Are you in a relationship?

We corresponded not long ago. I asked what kind of injury he had, he replied that it was nothing serious, he slightly injured his arm. He wished me to play well against Ak Bars and catch a couple of matches. But we lost, apparently he won’t write again.