CrossFit is an effective training program for everyone. CrossFit at home - L-pose and hand push-ups

April 3, 2017

The topic of crossfit is now incredibly popular, which is why more and more boxes are opening in every city and region. However, this cannot always be considered a positive aspect. Why? Because with this sport the same story is repeated as with bodybuilding: there are many trainers, there are few professionals. And since an experienced and understanding coach is needed in CrossFit more than in any other sport, it is best to gradually expand the scope of your knowledge and understanding of the basics.

Simply put, the “be your own coach” attitude in this sport looks pretty good and will at least avoid problems in cases where you are unlucky and end up with a bad or inexperienced coach.

That's why we'll start by looking at the 10 best exercises for CrossFit. Moreover, the best are not in terms of their popularity or frequency of use in various WODs, but precisely in the effectiveness that they can provide you.

So, it doesn’t matter whether you are a beginner or an experienced athlete, THESE CROSSFIT EXERCISES WILL ALWAYS HELP YOU PROGRESS IN ALL TYPES OF ACTIVITY AND IN ALL CHARACTERISTICS, so try to include every movement in your training program.

How to spot a bad CrossFit trainer?

Before we begin to analyze the movements and exercises themselves, we will briefly consider how to “test” your trainer for professional suitability. The basis for this “test” is the opinions of top-class athletes, as well as coaches of performing athletes.

This is important only because inexperienced and incompetent trainers will burden you with completely unnecessary work, and even if the indicated 10 exercises are present in your training, it will not be in the form in which they should be.


  • Not interested in your nutrition and diet in general;
  • Gives you difficult WODs from the first days;
  • Doesn’t monitor your technique (and doesn’t emphasize that this is the main condition in all exercises outside of competition);
  • Promises to give a heavy load from the first week, mentioning famous CrossFit symbols (Pooka the Clown and Uncle Rhabdo);
  • Constantly provides different complexes (excluding adaptation and progression in specific physical work);
  • Does not develop all qualities separately (strength work, aerobic work, gymnastics, etc.).

In this case, it is better to look for other CrossFit gyms, because you will not only lose time, but you may also end up with some injuries or worsen your health.


Important Notes

  • You need to understand that CrossFit exercises have a specific goal.

Each movement either prepares you for a more difficult movement or provides the necessary level of training. For example, kettlebell swings are a great way to prepare you for other hip-dominant movements, resulting in you being able to perform basic weightlifting.

  • The next important condition is that your workouts should not consist only of CrossFit complexes.

Of course, to an inexperienced athlete it may seem that the whole of CrossFit is a series of chaotically selected exercises that change with each new workout in order to ensure the golden rule of this sport - “a CrossFit athlete is ready for any type of load.” However, this is an erroneous opinion; more precisely, it is applicable only in the case of competitions and performances at them.

Progression is based on the principle of adaptation and specialization. Simply put, to become stronger at something, you need to progress. For example, if you want to improve your results in the push press, you need to not only do the push press itself, trying to reach heavier weights, but also perform other exercises that will improve your results (front squat, kettlebell swings, etc.).

By doing a random set of exercises, you deprive yourself of the ability to track progress. This is very good for losing weight, but bad for developing such fundamental qualities as strength and mass.

  • Finally, it is worth noting that CrossFit complexes are often criticized for not following the correct techniques.

For example, bodybuilders do not approve of pull-up styles such as butterfly or kipping, classical weightlifters find errors in the technique of performing pushes and jerks, etc. However, most often these are not mistakes, but the specifics of performing CrossFit movements, which allows you to achieve better results (more repetitions, more rounds, faster execution time).

During normal training, you should try to devote time to basic technique, that is, only strict pull-ups, that is, pure weightlifting movements, etc.



Top 10 Exercises in CrossFit

We're done with theory and let's move on to practice.

It’s worth noting right away that these CrossFit exercises will look more like 2+8, because the first 2 movements have great value and usefulness in terms of their impact on overall development.

Therefore, this is worth considering, especially if you are taking your first steps in this sport, mastering CrossFit for beginners.

1. Burpee

Many top-division athletes, especially those who came to CrossFit from weightlifting and other strength sports, simply hate this exercise. And yet, they recognize it as almost the most important.

This is the best movement for developing endurance, which has almost no analogues in its functionality.

Peculiarities: It is important to note that burpees must be performed in a power style, that is, observing ideal technique and clarity of movements.

In competitions, a “cheating” option is often used, which allows you to save a little effort and perform the movement more economically or quickly. But during training, you should pay maximum attention to technique, because burpees are needed to develop strength, endurance, coordination, etc., and not for a beautiful number on the board with the number of repetitions performed.

2. Thrusters

This exercise from CrossFit has migrated to other sports and is rightfully considered almost the most functional when it comes to strength work.

It combines two of the biggest movements: squats and overhead presses. Moreover, thrusters unusually load the muscles of the core and back, since the body is forced not only to maintain balance, but also to transfer momentum when moving from the legs to the arms.

Features of thrusters, like crossfit exercises: Many people do their thrusters incorrectly, which reduces their overall effectiveness. It is important to remember that this is an explosive movement during which you must quickly stand up, transferring momentum from your legs to your arms. Also, the movement should be seamless and reminiscent of a school relay race, when one participant, after completing his distance, passes the flag to the next.


  • Take the barbell to your chest and fix it;
  • Sit down quickly, but do not fall due to inertia;
  • Rise up in one powerful movement;
  • Extension of the arms and lifting the barbell overhead should only begin when you stand up; in no case should you begin to lift the barbell from the chest while you are standing up.

3. Kettlebell swings

This movement can hardly be called just a CrossFit exercise; rather, it found its popularization in this discipline, although in fact it was the main one in kettlebell lifting for many decades. It is completely simple and can be performed by anyone by choosing the right weight of the kettlebell.

It also uses almost all the muscles of the body, and most importantly, it perfectly prepares your muscles for other, more complex types of movements (especially with pelvic abduction).

Peculiarities: Most often, CrossFit for beginners cannot be imagined without this movement. However, it must be done correctly, which determines its overall effectiveness.

  • First, try to make powerful movements with your pelvis, because this is where the momentum for the entire exercise originates (your arms act more like ropes that hold the kettlebell).
  • Secondly, never lift the kettlebell above your head; this is a serious mistake that reduces the effectiveness of the swing. The highest point should be the level of your chin.



4. Squats with a barbell.

This movement has become the basis and foundation for any strength sport and CrossFit is no exception.

It provides a lot of “bonuses”, such as maximum hormonal response, development of strength and coordination, strengthening of the core muscles and a basis for further weightlifting movements, which will be much easier to master.

Features of squats with a barbell as a crossfit exercise: It is important to forget the rules of bodybuilding “before parallel”. If you are protecting your knees and want to get the maximum benefit from the exercise, then you need to sit in a full squat, that is, as low as possible.

It will also gradually increase your stretching, which is very necessary in CrossFit (in all TA exercises).

  • Don't forget to alternate classic squats with front squats and try to work with heavy weights and low repetitions (to develop strength, it is ideal to perform 5-6 working sets of 3-5 repetitions in the style: 5 5 5 3 3 3).

5. Deadlift.

Everything is simple here, the basis of CrossFit strength exercises is weightlifting. That is, you will be taking weight off the floor a lot and often, which requires a strong back, stabilizers and certain skills. In this matter, you cannot do without the deadlift, which is the springboard for performing all movements, from cleans to snatches.

Peculiarities: In this exercise, the standard rules apply: arching the back, perfect technique, working with heavy weights.

  • Of course, you should avoid the “lifting” style, where the main goal is to pull maximum weight, for which some tricks are often used.
  • You should also try to alternate your grip (regular or mixed grip), as well as the style of execution (classic or sumo).

CrossFit exercises cannot be imagined without this movement.

Pull-ups are about a strong back, shoulders, arms, forearms, and part of a huge number of WODs and benchmarks.

What can I say, in the “main” WOD of CrossFit Fran, one of the two movements is pull-ups, although it uses alternative techniques that allow you to do it faster and with more repetitions

Features of pull-ups as crossfit exercises: You should always start with classic pull-ups.

The phrase "easy" should never be applied to this movement. Is it easy to do 20 strict pull-ups? Start doing them with additional weights. Difficult? Change your grip.

  • However, starting with kipping and butterfly is a terrible mistake and most often leads to injury and lack of progression.
  • Therefore, remember - only strict pull-ups in training, alternative styles are applicable as technique development, and not a basic movement.



7. Bench press.

This exercise may not be the most popular in CrossFit, but it is unparalleled in its effectiveness for developing strength throughout the shoulder girdle. Although CrossFit complexes almost never include bench presses, this movement cannot be ignored during training.

Features of the bench press as a crossfit exercise: try to perform the bench press in an exclusively forceful manner, working with heavy weights (at least 60% of the maximum maximum load).

  • The width of the grip is also very important, it should be neutral, that is, no wide grips from bodybuilding, the position of the hands on the bar should provide good amplitude and allow you to squeeze out a lot of weight.

8. Handstand push-ups.

This is a complex gymnastic movement that requires a lot of preparation and strength in the shoulder girdle and arms. You can often find advice that CrossFit workouts should include push-ups and other strength exercises to develop shoulder girdle strength, but this is an extremely controversial statement.

The fact is that when performing such push-ups, all muscles are involved, including stabilizers, which allow the body to maintain balance, therefore these exercises have slightly different tasks.

Therefore, it is better to start aiming for pure handstand push-ups as early as possible, because this movement will require a long preparation, which often consists of several exercises.

Peculiarities: You should not immediately try to do such push-ups, this is a very traumatic movement. Try to start by doing partial push-ups with your feet resting on a cabinet or bench, gradually increasing the angle of inclination until you can achieve at least 5-10 clearly performed movements.

Also use fillers to reduce the amplitude until you master the classic type of push-ups.

Handstand push-ups as a crossfit exercise: video

The second video can be watched from 5.30 time 😉




In CrossFit training, jumping, as they say, is both important and necessary. They are used in some complexes, can often be used at different stages of competitions, and simply perfectly develop important characteristics.

Jumping is most often divided into cardio work to improve conditioning (repeated jumps on a stand in any variation), as well as a more powerful style, when jumping with a powerful explosive movement is performed.

Most often, deep squat jumps are used as the most effective CrossFit exercise for developing explosive leg strength.

Features of jumping as a crossfit exercise: you need to clearly distinguish between power jumps, where you need to push your body into the air as much as possible using the strength of your legs, and regular multi-repetition jumps, where the emphasis is on developing endurance. Most often, the latter are represented by jumping onto a platform, a hill, or over a barbell or any other obstacle.

Jumping on a stand as a crossfit exercise: video


10. Push and jerk.

Some people may find it strange that such important movements, which are clearly on the list of the most important and common movements, are at the end. However, any experienced lifter or coach will tell you that these are the most difficult types of movements.

They combine many other exercises and are essentially a compilation of your training.

If you break the push into components, it will be at least 5-6 exercises, therefore it is much more profitable to perform one movement than several of its parts. On the other hand, if you perform a clean and jerk without preparation, you run a very high risk of injury. More than any other movement.

Therefore, even though these exercises are almost the most common in CrossFit, you need to move on to them with serious physical training, preliminary training of the technique in each of the “links” of the movement, and also under the supervision of a trainer.

Peculiarities: Everything is simple here, you need to master these movements under the supervision of a specialist. If you try to do everything yourself in the mirror, then 90% of the time your technique will be incorrect, which will lead to the risk of injury and reduced effectiveness.

Crossfit exercises, video: Clean and jerk


Finally, I would like to note that the base of CrossFit exercises is much larger than in any other sport. However, not all movements can provide fundamental training and development of important qualities. For example, until you master the deadlift, lunge, clean and other exercises, you will not be able to even perform a clean and jerk. There will be no technical or strength training for this.



The same goes for squats. The single-leg squat is not listed, although it is often used in CrossFit.

This article deals only with the basic exercises of CrossFit, and not the various branches.

If you can develop sufficient leg strength, then you will quickly be able to do single-leg squats; if you make progress in pull-ups or thrusters, you will master other exercises much faster, simply because you will become stronger and more resilient.

The exercises that we have reviewed can be easily perceived by you as home CrossFit or CrossFit for beginners, where the most important basics are presented, without which further training is simply impossible. Therefore, try to rely on basic and basic exercises, this is the fastest way to master the entire array of CrossFit movements.

A training system such as CrossFit has recently become more and more popular. Combining a large number of areas, CrossFit allows you to get in good physical shape, lose all excess weight, and tighten your muscles in a short time. CrossFit includes three types of exercises: cardio (running, swimming, etc.), gymnastics and bodyweight exercises, as well as strength training, which involves the use of weights. There are different CrossFit programs, and everyone can choose the best one for themselves depending on their goals and preferences.

Basic exercises in CrossFit

The CrossFit training program is always based on exercises that are considered basic for this area. However, their combinations may differ. CrossFit includes both bodyweight exercises and strength training with weights.

The bodyweight exercises that are the basis of CrossFit are:

  • Squats and their various variations: classic, on one hand, with legs apart, with legs narrowly set, and so on.
  • Jumping to a low height: bench, step, stool, after jumping back to the floor.
  • Lunges. They involve taking a wide step forward from a standing position, and then returning to the starting position.
  • Back extensions. To perform this exercise, your legs must be secured. The back should be relaxed, hands behind the head. From this position, raise your back to the same level as your legs, and then return back. Thus, the abdominal muscles are pumped.
  • Burpee. An exercise that has become a CrossFit classic. It starts with a lying position, then a push-up is performed, and then a jump out of it with a clap above your head.
  • Upside down push-ups. For this exercise, you need to stand on your hands next to a wall or other support so that your body weight is transferred to it. Next, push-ups are performed with the head touching the floor.
  • Jumping rope. In CrossFit they have some differences. During one jump, the rope needs to be rotated twice, so the jumps will be higher.

The CrossFit program also includes some exercises with weights. There are five of them in CrossFit:

  • The familiar rope pull-up and other exercises with it.
  • Dips.
  • Ring pull-ups.
  • Pull-ups on the bar.
  • Exercise "corner". To perform it, you will need a support, which can be bars, rings, and so on. You need to raise your legs straight, forming an angle of 90 degrees and stay in this position for a few seconds.

Lifting both legs may be difficult at first, so you can start by lifting one leg at a time.

CrossFit programs: some examples

The program proposed above is for beginners, but the complexes that you will find below already require a certain level of training. It is advisable to have experience lifting weights, so these are suitable CrossFit programs for men

  • 1 km track running;
  • 100 pull-ups;
  • 200 push-ups;
  • 300 squats without weights;
  • 1 km track run.
  • three rounds of squats with kettlebells, barbells and dumbbells for 21, 15 and 9 repetitions.
  • pull-ups with the same number of approaches and repetitions.
  • Squats with weights, dumbbells and a barbell - 5 circles 100 times.
  • In this case, you need to take a break every minute and do 5 burpees.

In accordance with this program, you will have ten approaches in total. The first one starts with 10 repetitions, and each subsequent one will have one less repetition.

  • deadlift with a barbell;
  • barbell clean;
  • Bench press with a barbell with a medium grip.

Each exercise will be repeated seven times. Each approach contains 15 repetitions.

  • kettlebell swing;
  • barbell clean;
  • jumping onto a box or platform.
CrossFit training program in the gym

The Crossfit training program will differ depending on where you practice - in the gym or at home. The first option is better in terms of the fact that there will be a trainer nearby who will help you choose the right complex and will track your results. Also, the gym already has all the necessary equipment that will help you perform the exercises.

Consider a three-day program. On the first and third days, the exercises will be similar.

First you need a warm-up which may include running, jumping, clapping overhead or spreading your legs. Each exercise should be performed for at least thirty seconds. There should be no breaks during this. 3-4 approaches are performed, and each next one should be performed at a faster pace than the previous one.

Main part may include such exercises:

  • shuttle run;
  • running with high knees;
  • classic squats;
  • squats with high jump.

A training program for men often involves the use of weights: the same squats can be performed with dumbbells or a barbell, which will increase the load on the muscles.

The exercises are performed as during warm-up - for 30 seconds without a break. There should be three approaches in total. At the end of the workout, cool down for several minutes. It may include bending, lunging, various stretching exercises, and so on.

Second day will be dedicated to cardio training. It should not include breaks and lasts no more than 25 minutes. You also need to warm up first, as in the previous day. The main part of the lesson includes the following exercises, which are performed for at least 30 seconds and in several approaches:

  • shuttle run;
  • kicking at an imaginary target;
  • sprint - very fast running in place, then several squats, and again running in place with knees raised.
  • high jump from a lying position, squatting, then high jump again and returning to the starting position.

The third day repeats the first.

Features of the CrossFit program at home

One of the advantages of CrossFit is that you can do it at home. The CrossFit training program in this case may differ depending on the development of what qualities and what muscle groups you will focus on.

Here is a sample lesson plan for two days.

  • Day.1. 10 push-ups, 15 squats, 6 pull-ups. Next, you need to alternate the exercises, performing approaches until failure.
  • Day 2. Run 400 meters, 6 pull-ups, 17 dumbbell raises. We also perform in a circle until failure.

This is a sample program that is also accessible to beginners. To ensure that the exercises bring only benefits, consider the following: recommendations:

  • Fatigue during CrossFit should be greater than during other workouts.
  • Don't expect very quick results.
  • Choose exercises that will work all the muscles in your body.
  • There should be no breaks between exercises.
  • You can add more variety to your program by using new exercises every day.

During your workout, try not to drink too much water.

For weight-bearing exercises at home, you can use dumbbells, kettlebells, or a barbell. One thing will be enough - the selected apparatus can be used for squats, bench and standing presses, and other strength exercises. For cardio exercise, the simplest jump rope will be useful.

Programs for men often include pull-ups. Their can be done on uneven bars and horizontal bars. However, if they are not available at home, you can show your imagination and use, say, a couple of chairs or a tree branch. For walking, you can use a regular bench, and weights can be replaced with bottles filled with water.

There are simple programs that can be used by complete beginners. One of them is “ Cindy" which includes 5 pull-ups, 10 push-ups and 15 squats. These exercises make up one approach. In a twenty-minute workout, you need to do as many approaches as you can and have time. There should be no breaks between approaches - this is very important. Once you finish squatting, you should start pulling yourself up again.

You can shorten your workout to 12 minutes, if a full-fledged complex is not yet within your capabilities. Then the program will include one pull-up, four push-ups and seven squats. Also in circles, naturally.

You can also alternate between 10 push-ups, 10 sit-ups and 10 air squats. You need to do five such rounds as quickly as possible.

CrossFit programs can be very different. You can replace some exercises with others, adjusting the workout to suit you in order to develop exactly what you need, because everyone’s CrossFit goals are different: some want to specifically lose weight, others want to tone their body, and so on. Ideally, you should entrust the preparation of the program to an experienced specialist.

We invite you to watch a video with CrossFit programs.

CrossFit programs on video

CrossFit is a very intense, functional training. which is based on constantly varying functional movements performed with high intensity. CrossFit is based on the method of interval and circuit training.

Below is an example of an outdoor CrossFit training program that is performed with your own body weight and does not require additional equipment. This complex is for girls only, training your legs, buttocks and so that you are fit, dry, resilient and strong. With the help of the CrossFit program, we develop all 10 physical qualities of a person. The meaning of CrossFit is the rejection of specialization, a person must perform well all types of physical activity - weightlifting, weight training, cardio training (running, rowing, cycling), you must also be dexterous, accurate, have good coordination, balance and endurance.

This complex will be without equipment, and it is aimed at training the cardio-respiratory system, training endurance, strength, speed, coordination and balance. We will combine cardio exercises - running with 10 repetitions " burpee».
Burpee is an exercise we took from the armed forces.

We use the circuit interval training method in CrossFit. We perform the exercises without rest (if you are prepared), if you are still at the beginning of your sports journey, then you can rest between exercises from 1 minute to 2 - 3 minutes. It is advisable to reduce your rest as you prepare.

We perform the exercises one after another, you cannot jump over exercises (perform the next exercise if you have not completed the previous one). Perform 1 intense circle.

List of exercises in the CrossFit training program:

Burpee technique

    1. Sitting emphasis.
    2. Half lie down, lie down completely.
    3. Sitting emphasis.
    4. Jump + clap and jump with feet off the floor until the body is fully straightened

Crossfit push-ups

    1. While lying down, place your hands wider than shoulder width.
    2. We perform push-ups and lie down completely on the ground and rise up (if it is difficult for you to perform the exercise with a given technique, then you can perform push-ups with a wave).
    3. When doing push-ups, when you lay your palms on the ground, lift your palms off the floor, then put them back down and press your hands up.
    4. Our task is to completely touch the floor with your stomach (for those who are weak and cannot yet do this exercise, you can use a simplified technique - push-ups with emphasis on your knees, but also follow the technique of performing the exercise).
    5. The repetition is counted only when your chest completely touches the floor.

Crossfit air squats

    1. Starting position – feet shoulder-width apart, toes slightly turned to the side, keeping the body straight, taken forward, head raised.
    2. Sigh - we squat, lower our pelvis below the level of our knees and press on our heels, after which we exhale and, straining our buttocks, rise up.
    3. We then make sure that we have a deflection in the lower back, the stomach is pulled in, we pull the pelvis back and press on the heels.
    4. You cannot lean on your toes, you cannot lower your head down and you cannot round your back.
    5. A repetition is counted only if the amplitude of the squat reaches below the level of the knees.

Crossfit front squats

    1. We take weights (a ball, a bag, a stone, a bottle of water, any object that is not large and has weight).
    2. We lift the weight in front of us, without lowering it to our chest, and slightly move our elbows forward.
    3. We perform a squat, stretch our elbows forward and, as we exhale, rise up.

Crossfit lunges

    1. Hands on the belt, take a step forward, then bend both legs at the knee, the back leg almost touches the floor, but do not rest the knee on the floor (2 cm from the floor).
    2. The front leg is bent at the knee at an angle of 90 degrees, pressing on the heel.
    3. We distribute the body weight between the front and back legs.
    4. We tighten our buttocks and stand up.
    5. We take the second step with the other foot and climb up in the same way.
    6. Keep your feet shoulder-width apart, look forward, and keep your back straight.

cross fit sit-ups

  1. Starting position – lying down, feet on the floor, hands on top.
  2. As you exhale, we rise up and touch our feet with our palms, after which we lie down in the starting position.
  3. Execution speed is accelerated.
  4. A repetition is counted only when your shoulders touch your hips and cross the line of the hip joint. And if the hands touch the feet, the back and hands completely touch the floor.

There is an opinion that CrossFit is an activity only for brutal men, and that girls will greatly increase their muscles due to the CrossFit program, but this is not so.

The CrossFit program is a workout in which we do not achieve muscle hypertrophy, we train all 10 physical qualities of a person.

Video about crossfit training program

Crossfit is a fairly young type of competitive sport and one of the most popular training methods in recent years. Former American gymnast Greg Glassman worked for more than 20 years to create a new competitive discipline. The result of his work was the opening of the first CrossFit gym in 2001 in California, which became the starting point for the development of the CrossFit movement in the USA and around the world.

Founder of Crossfit - Greg Glassman in the company of CrossFit athletes

Today, thousands of specialized gyms operate under the CrossFit program, and it is used by many law enforcement agencies and emergency services to train personnel. CrossFit exercises are also used in the training programs of the Canadian Armed Forces and the Royal Danish Life Guards. CrossFit is also widely popular among many American football players and mixed martial arts (MMA) fighters.

For the most part, CrossFit consists of already known movements borrowed from other sports - weightlifting and athletics, running, fitness, gymnastics. Taken together, these exercises help develop the functional qualities of athletes, such as strength, speed, endurance, coordination and much more.

Take a look at a selection of 39 exercises used in Crossfit training and competition:

10 Basic Moves You Need to Perform CrossFit Exercises

The movements presented below are necessary as a basis, after mastering which it will be much easier and, most importantly, safer for you to perform technically more complex CrossFit exercises.

Air squats | Air Squat

Front Squats - Front Squats | Front Squat

Overhead Squats | Overhead Squat

Snatch Balance | The Snatch Balance

Standing Press | Shoulder Press

Press press | Push Press

Push Shung | Push Jerk

Deadlift | Deadlift

Sumo Row to the Chin | Sumo Deadlift High Pull

Medicine Ball Chest Raise | Medicine-Ball Clean

Basic CrossFit exercises (29 videos)

The CrossFit exercises presented below are used directly in full CrossFit training and competitions:

Kettlebell swings | Kettlebell Swing

Burpee | Burpee

Pull-ups | Pull-up

Emissions/Thrusters | Thruster

Walking Lunges | Walking Lunge

Ring push-ups | Ring Dip

Squat barbell snatch | Snatch

Ball throws | Wall Ball

Pull-ups to rings | Ring Row

Push-ups | Push-Up

Rowing | Rowing

Single leg squats - “pistols” | Pistol

Cleans | Clean

Kipping leg raises to the bar | Kipping Toes-to-bar

Double Jump Rope | Double-under

Strict exits on rings | Strict Muscle-up

Strict handstand push-ups | Strict Handstand Push-up

Standing Dumbbell Press | Dumbbell Press

Dumbbell Shvung Press | Dumbbell Push Press

Dumbbell snatch from the floor | The Dumbbell Power Snatch

Hanging dumbbell snatch | The Dumbbell Hang Power Snatch

Hanging dumbbell squat snatch| The Dumbbell Hang Snatch

Standing up with dumbbells| The Dumbbell Hang Power Clean

Taking dumbbells into a squat position |

Rope climbing | Rope Climb

Important: before performing exercises whose technique is unfamiliar to you, you should definitely ask for advice from an experienced trainer. This will greatly help you avoid injury and speed up the process of achieving the desired result.

Classic list of CrossFit exercises...

It has long become a new popular sport. What can we say, because every year popular sports brands such as Reebok hold CrossFit championships. Not long ago, CrossFit was developed as a universal sport that could quickly improve the endurance of athletes, and today every second athlete already dreams of doing it.

CrossFit is simple, accessible, and incredibly effective. It’s not just that he earned worldwide love and popularity in a short time.

There is no repetitive “circuit training” involved. Instead, come up with something of your own. Visitors to CrossFit sections crawl out of the gym every time. Every time something new happens. No repetitive training. After all, there is plenty of load to choose from.

the site presented 46 classic basic exercises in crossfit, which have become the main features of CrossFit:

1 Jumping rope - single, double and triple

2 Jumping over a barbell - jumping over a barbell with two legs (usually performed with push-ups or burpees) 3 Rowing machine exercises 4 Running: speed or warm-up 5 Squats with your own weight and straight arms during the squat itself 6 Hyperextension is a classic back exercise in bodybuilding - lifting the torso on a machine 7 Gymnastic exercise on the horizontal bar 8 Gymnastic exercise on rings 9 Jumping with two legs onto a pedestal 10 Burpee – fall-push-up, squat-jump 11 Pull-ups on the bar - can be power, swinging or butterfly 12 Pull-ups (sit-ups) – from a lying position on your back, legs bent, raise your body and touch the floor or toes in front of you 13 Envelope - simultaneous lifting of arms and legs. The best abdominal exercise is from a lying position. Legs and arms should touch each other 14 Raising your torso with abs on a hyperextension machine 15 Hand push-ups 16 Walking on your hands 17 Raising the knees to the elbows on the horizontal bar 18 Raising toes to the bar 19 L-pull-ups - pull-ups with legs straight in front of you 20 “Pistol” - squats on one leg with straight arms in front of you 21 Classic push-ups 22 Ring push-ups 23 Horizontal push-ups on rings - an exercise similar to regular push-ups on the floor, only your hands rest on rings hanging low above the floor 24 Power lifting on a rope (with and without legs) 25 Classic barbell bench press 26 Squats with a barbell on your shoulders 27 Throwing a ball into the floor, into a wall - intense throws of a medicine ball into the floor, wall, giving it maximum acceleration 28 Barbell clean - lifting the barbell from the floor to a semi-standing position (like a deadlift), barbell on the chest 29 Raising the barbell to the chest and pushing - similar to the previous exercise with a vertical release of the barbell overhead - military press 30 Cluster - an exercise similar to a barbell clean, but the barbell is accepted in a small squat and then thrown overhead 31 Deadlift 32 Farmer's walk - walking with weights in your hands 33 Front squats are squats with a barbell on the front. 34 Pulling - lifting a barbell from the floor, giving it acceleration, to a position overhead 35 Swings - swinging kettlebells from the floor and overhead 36 Overheads - weightlifting classic - overhead squat 37 Standing power press - standing barbell chest press, without squatting 38 Standing push press (shvung) - throwing the barbell up from the chest 39 Lifting a sandbag (sandbag) onto your shoulder 40 The barbell snatch is a classic version of a weightlifting exercise. 41 Barbell row to the chin from a sumo rack - legs spread wide, hands holding the bar with a medium or narrow grip 42 Flipping a huge tractor tire or something larger - lift and flip the tire lying on the floor 43 Thrusters – barbell on the chest, legs in a sitting position. We get to our feet and throw the barbell over our heads 44 Thrusters with weights - similar to the previous exercise, only in the hands of weights 45 Lunges – deep leg lunges 46 Throwing a medicine ball at a target - from a squat position with the ball in front of the chest, we straighten up and throw the ball up