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Good afternoon, Khozyaystvo newspaper. Please tell us how to correctly follow the technology for making canned food in an autoclave at home. river fish. For example, silver carp, and not only.

Sincerely, N. Ovsyannikov, Krasnodar region, Dinskoy district, st. Vasyurinskaya

Answered by our reader, a fisherman with 23 years of experience, Andrey Batakov. The autoclave is designed for preserving meat, fish, poultry, vegetables, fruits at home with maximum preservation of nutrients and the natural aroma of the product.

Autoclaving Jars filled with one or another product according to the recipe and sealed hermetically are placed in the autoclave in layers, jar on jar, up to the neck (do not forget to put a wooden grid or rag on the bottom of the autoclave). Fill with water, which should cover the top of the jars with a layer of at least 2 cm. Close the lid of the autoclave and tighten the bolts. After this, air is pumped into the autoclave using a pump (can be a car pump) to a pressure of 1-1.8 atm. and visually (using soapy water), as well as by ear, check the tightness of the connection.

By the way, creating a pressure in the autoclave of up to 1-1.8 atm. necessary to preserve the cans placed in it, since when heated, a difference in pressure is formed in the autoclave itself and inside the cans.

After this, we heat the autoclave. We heat to a temperature of 110° C, and the pressure increases. From the moment the temperature reaches 110° C, time is noted and the jars are kept for 50-70 minutes (the temperature should not exceed 120° C, so keep an eye on it). This heat treatment mode achieves not only the taste of canned food, but also the death of pathogenic organisms.

Afterwards, the fire is completely removed, and the autoclave is left to cool to a temperature not exceeding 30 ° C. Heating is carried out before the sterilization stage, depending on the types of products. When the temperature reaches 112-116° (the pressure on the pressure gauge will be 2.6-4.8 atm.), we detect the moment the sterilization begins. Sterilization time for products (when loading 0.5 l jars):

  • stewed chicken – 30 minutes;
  • beef, lamb, pork, green peas – 60 minutes;
  • fish in oil or tomato sauce – 45 minutes;
  • pickled mushrooms (1 liter jars) – 35 minutes.

Fish fried in oil

Ingredients for one 0.7 liter jar: fish (without head and entrails) – 700 g, salt – 7.5 g, black peppercorns – 4 pcs., 2 bay leaves, 22 g vegetable oil.

Wash lids and jars thoroughly. Cut the fish into pieces weighing 50-80 g, fry in vegetable oil. Place pepper and bay leaf at the bottom of the jar. Mix the fried fish with salt, place the raw material tightly in jars up to the shoulders, not reaching the top 2-3 cm. Roll up the lids and turn on the autoclave.

Fresh fish is cleaned and cut into pieces, placed in jars. Salt, spices, bay leaves and peas are added to taste. Fill with oil 1.5-2 cm below the neck of the jar, close with a twist-off lid or Euro-lid. We load the jars into the autoclave, pour in water, close and heat to 120 C. After 40 minutes, turn off and, once the pressure is equalized, open and take out the finished canned fish.

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A home (household) autoclave is a device that allows you to very quickly prepare home canned food.

The advantage of an autoclave is its ability to raise the cooking temperature from 100 to 120-125 degrees Celsius. This is achieved due to excess pressure during operation of the autoclave. The cooking time for canned food is significantly reduced, allowing more nutrients and vitamins to be preserved, and homemade autoclave recipes do not require additional preservatives (vinegar, citric acid, salt or sugar).

Cooking in an autoclave takes place in an airless space in hermetically sealed jars.

Types of autoclaves for canning

  • without pre-pressure (sterilizers);
  • with forced injection of excess pressure.

In autoclaves that do not require air injection, special clamps (cassettes) for cans are necessarily used. Place the finished jars on a metal plate and press them with another plate on top, securely fixing them so that the lids of the jars do not come off during cooking in the autoclave.

When preparing homemade recipes in an autoclave with forced injection of excess pressure, you don’t have to clamp the jars. It is enough to seal the jars hermetically and pump the required pressure into the autoclave using a conventional pump. Due to the fact that it will be higher than the pressure in the jar, the lid will not be torn off.

Autoclave device

An autoclave is a kind of tank with a hermetically sealed lid, handles and mandatory attributes:

  • thermometer;
  • monometer;
  • nipple for pressurizing;
  • valve to relieve excess pressure during cooking;
  • drain hole.

Canned food in an autoclave: is it better gas or electric?!

The main question when buying an autoclave is the source of its heating. If you have a gas or regular electric stove, then an autoclave in the form of a regular cylinder with a lid and sensors is suitable. Its design is very simple, the price is low, it is durable and easy to maintain.

If you don’t have a gas or electric stove, you will have to use more “advanced” examples of canning autoclaves with a built-in electric heating element, usually about 2 kW.

“Gas” devices without a built-in heating element

The size of the autoclave depends on the volume of the cylinder. An example is the Belarusian “Novogas”:

Height (cm)

Number of 1 liter cans (pcs)

Number of cans of 0.5 liters (pcs)

How much meat can be placed at one time (kg)

From the factory, the autoclave is delivered to the consumer in bubble wrap, with all sensors turned inside the lid.

Neck diameter - 12.5 centimeters. The device contains a passport and an additional gasket (rubber ring). At the bottom of the cylinder there is a stand for jars.

Heating of a 24-liter autoclave to 4.5 atmospheres at 25 degrees Celsius is achieved in approximately 2 hours. Cools completely in 10-12 hours. After cooling, the residual pressure must be gradually released; the autoclave cannot be opened immediately.

There is one “difference” between almost all Belarusian autoclaves: they arrive at their destination with chipped paint on the cylinder. These areas will need to be painted over to prevent the metal from rusting during the canning process.

Electric autoclaves

The concept is the same as that of gas ones, the only significant difference is the presence of a built-in heating element (heating element). Electric autoclaves are usually made from stainless steel.

Autoclaves with ECU

Autoclaves with an electronic control unit (ECU) no longer have pressure and temperature sensors on the lid; they only have a pressure regulation mechanism - a bleed valve. The ECU is attached to the wall of the device and regulates the operation process.

After installing the cans in the prepared autoclave and closing it, you just need to select a cooking program on the computer, or set your own parameters. After setting the program, the water will automatically heat up to the set temperature and maintain it according to the programmed duration.

There is no longer a tap on the drain hole in the device with an ECU - water will begin draining automatically after preparing canned food according to the specified program.

Preparing for work

Most units require some precautions before placing canned food in a pressure canner. After placing the jars for cooking in the autoclave, filling them with water and pumping the air to 1 atmosphere, lubricate all the mounting points of the sensors, valve and nipple with soapy water. If the connection is loose, bubbles will form and the problem areas will need to be re-screwed.

Preparing canned food in an autoclave is a very fast and not troublesome process. For farmers who raise animals for meat, a home autoclave will be very useful!