Home credit bank reliability. Home Credit Bank— Information about the Bank

2 based on 183 votes this month Reviews Deposits News Rating

Deposit and lending rates Home Credit Bank

Min. loan rate - 12.5%

Max. deposit rate - 8%

Main state registration number: 1027700280937 Assets, billion rubles: 350 Issuance and acquiring of bank cards: MasterCard Int., VISA International, United Payment System, Local Card HCF Bank Home Credit Bank official website: http://www.homecredit.ru/ Single free phone: 8 495 785-82-22

Limited Liability Company Home Credit and Finance Bank is one of the largest retail credit organizations operating in the modern Russian banking market. The bank was established in 1990 and at the time of opening was called Technopolis. The bank has had its modern name since 2002, from the moment of its purchase by the Czech financial group Home Credit Group. The group's strategic focus is universal retail services. The main source of financing for the bank is raising funds from individuals on deposits. The bank's assets are dominated by the loan portfolio, which accounts for almost 90 percent of net assets, of which 80 percent are loans to individuals, and the rest are loans to enterprises and legal entities. At the beginning of 2015, Home Credit Bank was in twenty-eighth place in terms of net assets in the list of the largest Russian banks.

In Russia, the banking group began geographic expansion in 2003. And at present, the regional network of Home Credit and Finance Bank currently includes seven branches, 40 credit and cash offices, more than two hundred additional and almost a thousand operational offices in various regions Russian Federation. The bank's ATM network includes more than a thousand devices. The bank's clients are almost thirty million people, these are holders of deposits, plastic cards and borrowers under various credit programs. As for the POS loan market, Home Credit Bank is confidently and consistently among its leaders. The strategic direction of the bank’s activities is to strengthen universalization, while the management of Home Credit Bank strives to maintain its position in the retail lending market, conquered by the bank in 2009. The bank issues and accepts plastic cards in most major international payment systems.

Third Party Ratings and Rating Agencies

Expert RA
Fitch B+
S&P B+
Min. car loan rate
Min. mortgage rate

Latest Reviews of Home Credit Bank

I came to the branch several times to get a refund for a card payment I made by mistake. Ultimately, I had to close the topic because... SMS messages began to arrive stating that the issue had been submitted for consideration and would be resolved before such and such a date. Then a new SMS with a new deadline. I came to the department three times, they did something there, they called somewhere, but to no avail. In the end, only I, of all the participants, was interested in resolving the issue. With home credit, this apparently means the client “first of all”

parhomenkoartem, 12.01.2017 Link

The bank is disgusting! Interest rates on “card” loans exceed 50%!!! Bank representatives do not enter into any negotiations! Despite the decision of YOU that it is illegal to charge interest for maintaining an account (an imposed service that the client does not receive (a requirement of the central bank), a violation of the consumer protection law), they continue to charge them monthly!

Boris, 21.05.2016 Link

I've been using Home Credit services for a couple of years - a credit card, to be precise. Somehow it happened that I lost the card. I was worried, of course, but when I called, they assured me that they had blocked it immediately, so no one had time to use it. Three days later they called and said we could come and pick it up. new map. So I was pleased with everything.

Igor, 15.04.2016 Link

I have been using the services of Home Coedit Bank for a long time and I seemed to like everything. But recently the credit limit on my credit card was reduced by half and without warning. Imagine my surprise when, when making a purchase, I received a payment refusal from the bank. This circumstance is a direct violation of the contract. I wrote a complaint to the bank, but after two weeks the customer department did not react at all. So I’m going to close the card here and open it at another bank.

Olesya, 10.06.2015 Link

Deposits Home Credit Bank

07/22/2019 Home Credit Bank changes deposit rates
The rate on the “12 month” deposit in rubles is set at 7% per annum. A deposit can be opened at a bank branch. The minimum deposit amount is 1000 rubles...
12/28/2018 Home Credit Bank increases the rate on the “Profitable Year” deposit
From November 8, 2018, Home Credit Bank is increasing the rate on the “Profitable Year” deposit in US dollars. The rate is set at 2.5% per annum. You can open a deposit via Internet banking or at a Home Credit Bank branch...
09/16/2018 Home Credit Bank launches new deposits
The line of ruble deposits will be supplemented by two new deposits: “ Quick income» for a period of 6 months and a rate of 6% per annum. “Savings account for new clients” with a rate of 7% per annum and a period of 2 months. 03/29/2018 Home Credit Bank increases the rate on the Savings Account deposit
From March 22, 2018, the rate on the Savings Account deposit increases to 6% per annum. The deposit can be opened at a branch or in the Internet bank, the deposit period is 2 months, the minimum amount is 1000 rubles... 02/23/2018 Home Credit Bank launches the “Savings Account” deposit
From February 22, 2017, clients of Home Credit Bank can open a new ruble deposit - “Savings Account”. Interest rate - 5.5% per annum, term - 2 months. A deposit can be opened at a branch or in Internet banking...

Home Credit Bank news

06/09/2018 Recommendations for the safe use of cards during the 2018 World Championship
We remind you that during the 2018 FIFA World Cup you must especially carefully follow the recommendations for the safe use of bank cards... 11/23/2017 Home Credit Bank is giving a year of free service on Black Friday
Home Credit Bank makes a gift for Black Friday. Customers who issued credit cards with “Polza” Gold from November 24 to 26 will receive a year of free service... 06/19/2016 Fitch confirmed the rating of Home Credit Bank at B+ and improved its outlook to “stable”
Home Credit and Finance Bank LLC announces that the international agency Fitch has confirmed the issuer's long-term credit rating at B+ and revised its outlook from "negative" to "stable"... 06/3/2016 Improve your leadership skills with Home Credit Bank
Imagine: how great would it be to get to a master class with some famous and very authoritative person, without spending a lot of money on an entrance ticket? We at Home Credit Bank also thought about this... 05/20/2016 Home Credit Bank adjusts rates on currency debit cards
From May 26, 2016, Home Credit Bank is reducing rates on debit cards opened in foreign currency. For Visa Gold cards (in US dollars) the rate is set at 1% per annum. For MasterCard Gold cards (in euros) the rate is set at 0.5% per annum...

Banks are circulatory system any state. Therefore, special attention is always paid to their activities.

Legal entities and individuals strive to predict the scenario for the further development of each large credit institution in order to decide on the choice of bank for cooperation. For this purpose, there are a number of official assessments and ratings. In this article, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the position that one of the largest financial companies, Home Credit and Finance Bank LLC, has among Russian banks.

According to the Banki.ru portal

In the financial rating, updated on December 1 of the past year, according to the popular Russian portal Banki.ru, HKF Bank LLC is located on the 38th line in terms of net assets. Since November 2015, Home Credit has lost one position and dropped from 37th line, reducing its financial indicators by 0.97%. Also, the Banki.ru website regularly publishes a national rating, in which, as of December 1, 2015, the bank in question is positioned in 28th place with 32.5% of positive reviews.

According to this indicator, he is included in the Top 50, which the portal calls “ major league" Among the good ratings are reviews of the professionalism and politeness of the employees, and the possibility of obtaining a loan for young borrowers without a credit history. The most common complaints are about the availability of insurance when applying for a loan and interest rates. According to Banki.ru, Home Credit Bank ranks 716th in terms of net profit, ahead of banks such as Gazprombank JSC and Rosselkhozbank JSC. It is the leader in the number of loan products issued to consumers for 181,365 days. In terms of the total number of loans with different amounts and loan terms – 10th place. In terms of the volume of deposits received from individuals – 13th position.

Rating of international and national agencies

The opinion of reputable rating agencies is important for assessing the reliability of a bank’s activities.

LLC "HKF Bank" has the following indicators:

  1. In June 2015, the international rating center Moody’s Interfax Rating Agency rated Home Credit Bank Baa1, which means moderate credit risk. This assessment is valid to this day.
  2. On November 18, 2015, the no less influential international agency Fitch Ratings assigned Home Credit Bank a B+ rating. This indicator characterizes the bank as an organization with significant credit risks, but at the same time having reserves to “stay afloat”. The bank's financial obligations with such an assessment are fulfilled, but stability depends on external and internal economic factors.
  3. In the rating of the international agency “Standard & Poor’s” last time the B+ grade was recorded on September 1, 2011. At that time, S&P considered Home Credit Bank an institution with a high risk of credit risks, but it fulfilled its financial obligations in full.
  4. At the beginning of 2016, HCF Bank LLC was not represented in the ranking of well-known Russian analytical centers: Expert RA, National Rating Agency, AK&M, RusRating. On June 22, 2015, it took 10th position among Russian banks that effectively use Internet banking, according to the Expert RA agency.

Official reporting

According to the report for the 3rd quarter of 2015, published on the bank’s official online page, the economy of Home Credit Bank was unprofitable for the reporting period. Expenses exceeded income by 10,655,516 thousand rubles. But, according to analytical materials from the Banki.ru portal, the bank will be able to reduce its loss ratio as early as 2016 by reducing contributions to reserve funds and even achieve a slight profit.

About the bank's activities

The clients of HCF Bank LLC in Russia are about 31 million people. Priority areas of activity are consumer lending in cash or through the issuance of credit cards.

For legal entities there are salary projects and deposits. The bulk of loans issued to the population are for payment for goods and services. The minimum rate on cash loans from a bank, according to information from the official website, is 19.9% ​​for a period of 12–60 months and an amount from 10,000 to 850,000 rubles. In addition, the bank cooperates with the largest sellers of furniture, electronics, household appliances and jewelry, as well as with fitness service providers. When purchasing goods from bank partners, credit systems “0-0-12” and “0-0-24” are available. Credit card rates from 29.9% to 49.9% with different conditions lending and bonus programs. Deposit rates range from 9.8% to 11.91% depending on the type of deposit.

In 2013-2014, HKF Bank LLC ranked second after Sberbank of Russia PJSC in terms of the number of offices and representative offices. Based on the results of an analysis of their activities, many turned out to be unprofitable. For this reason, optimization began in 2014. In 2015, the number of offices was more than halved, and almost half of the employees were laid off. At the same time, the number of ATMs has remained virtually unchanged. In this regard, rumors about the possible cessation of the bank’s activities were actively spreading online. In fact, it successfully passed all checks and continues to actively operate in the field of banking services, maintaining the required level of liquidity. Through these measures, as RBC reports, the bank intended to reduce losses and develop Internet banking.

Bank reliability rating 2017 (data from the Central Bank)

The top 100 banks in Russia in terms of reliability in the current version of 2017 has undergone changes due to license revocations, layoffs and acquisitions, so we present to your attention the updated official rating of banks in terms of reliability according to the Central Bank. At the beginning of 2017, the Central Bank of the Russian Federation updated the statistics and list of banks occupying first places on its website.

The methodology for allocating seats takes into account reporting data in Form 101, 123, 135, as well as credit ratings from Moody's and Expert RA:

  • Assets
  • Issued loans
  • Deposits

January, 2017, thousand rubles

December, 2016, thousand rubles.

Difference, %

Sberbank of Russia

22 683 024 956,00

22 606 604 681,00

VTB Bank of Moscow

9 462 035 421,00

9 959 296 564,00


5 154 059 526,00

5 267 761 099,00

3 148 754 529,00

3 207 540 431,00

FC Otkritie

2 817 870 773,00

2 951 554 494,00


2 802 482 746,00

2 760 244 338,00


2 458 447 294,00

2 341 836 861,00

National Clearing Center

2 310 056 873,00

2 039 319 172,00

Moscow Credit Bank

1 454 783 713,00

1 363 786 529,00


1 327 405 045,00

1 311 290 450,00

UniCredit Bank

1 213 680 015,00

1 283 127 686,00

1 165 424 642,00

1 182 581 108,00


BM-Bank (formerly Bank of Moscow)

Rost Bank

Bank "St. Petersburg"


Bank Uralsib

Moscow Regional Bank


Russian Standard

Ural Bank for Reconstruction and Development

National Bank "Trust"

Russian Capital

All-Russian Regional Development Bank


Absolut Bank

Moscow Industrial Bank


Nordea Bank



Home Credit Bank

Transcapitalbank (TKB)

Orient Express Bank

Tinkoff Bank



Bank of Savings and Credit Service

Rosgosstrakh Bank


Asia-Pacific Bank

Post Bank



Credit Europe Bank

National Settlement Depository


Cetelem Bank

Uniastrum Bank

Rusfinance Bank

Renaissance Credit




Russian National Commercial Bank


Bank Finservice



Kuban Credit


Baltic Bank

Metcombank (Kamensk-Uralsky)



BNP Paribas Bank


International Financial Club

Deutsche Bank

BCS Investment Bank

Banca Intesa

Credit Agricole CIB




Toyota Bank


International Bank of St. Petersburg (IBSP)


Bank name


Absolut Bank


Bank "Avers"



Bank "Agroros"


KB "Agrosoyuz"

Asia-Pacific Bank



ActiveCapital Bank

Bank "Alexandrovsky"








Bank Aspect


KB "Association"




Bank Acceptance



Bank "ZhilFinance"

Bank of Kazan

Bank Premier Credit

Bank Saratov


Bank BelVEB


Best Efforts Bank


Bratsk ANKB


Investment Bank "VESTA"






KB "Vologzhanin"




Grand Investment Bank





JSCB "Derzhava"


J&T Bank


Eurasian Bank


Euro-Asian Investment Bank




JSCB "Zarechye"


Zemsky Bank






Kama Commercial Bank








Credit Ural Bank






Bank "Levoberezhny"



International commercial bank


Interregional Industrial and Construction Bank


Moscow Petrochemical Bank


Moscow-Paris Bank




Municipal Kamchatprofitbank


JSC National Standard



Nevsky Bank




KB "Novopokrovsky"




Bank "Pervomaisky"



Plus Bank

Bank "Prime Finance"







Bank "RESO Credit"

Russian Capital Bank




AB "Russia"




Royal Credit Bank









Bank "St. Petersburg"



Northern Credit







Bank "Snezhinsky"


Bank "Solidarity"






Bank "Taatta"

















Khakass Municipal Bank








Expert Bank








KB "Unistream"



The list of the best included ten banks, which together account for 60% of the total assets of the entire Russian banking sector. Considering their special importance for the Russian economy, even in the most difficult times The Bank of Russia intends to keep them afloat.

10. Promsvyazbank

For the third year now (since 2014), Promsvyazbank has been among the systemically important banks. In terms of assets and deposits, it is in the top 10, but in terms of loans it is in the second ten. The total amount of funds is 1.33 billion rubles.

9. Moscow Credit Bank

Let's hope that the disastrous advertisement on the theme of Santa Claus and a bad mother, which caused a storm of indignation at the end of 2016, will not greatly affect the bank's reputation in the eyes of the population. In the meantime, MKB is in the top ten both in terms of assets and in terms of loans and deposits. The total volume of assets is 1.45 billion rubles.

8. National Clearing Center

A subsidiary of the largest Russian exchange holding company, Moscow Exchange, was included in the list of key banks according to the list of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation only at the beginning of 2017. The main area of ​​activity is clearing on the foreign exchange, commodity, derivatives and precious metals markets. Compared to last year, the volume of NCC assets increased by 13.28% and amounted to 2.3 billion rubles.

7. Alfa-Bank

The only completely non-state bank, which is among the banks that are especially important for the Russian economy, by all indicators is successfully emerging from the crisis of the banking system. True, users complain about the abundance of imposed services for which they do not receive full information. The total volume of assets is 2.5 billion rubles.

6. Rosselkhozbank

Initially, Rosselkhozbank was planned as a kind of Sberbank No. 2, only for agricultural organizations. Its sole shareholder is the federal agency Rosimushchestvo. However, according to the rating agencies Moody’s and Fitch, the bank’s outlook is rather “negative”. The volume of assets is 2.8 billion rubles.

5. FC Otkritie

Otkrytie represents the holding of the same name, which is one of the largest financial groups in the country - its total assets amount to more than two trillion rubles. Otkrytie FC has a net worth of 2.8 billion rubles.

It is no wonder why VTB 24 is one of the most important, reliable and systemically important banks in Russia - after all, the owner of 61% of its shares is the regulator, the Central Bank. The total volume of assets is 3.14 billion rubles.

3. Gazprombank

Third place in the top 100 Russian banks in terms of reliability in 2016-2017 is occupied by Gazprombank. As you might guess from the name, it is mainly aimed at oil and gas clients, and, judging by the reviews, the service for individuals is not particularly comfortable. The value of assets is 5.2 billion rubles.

2. VTB (formerly Bank of Moscow)

One of the most significant events in the banking sector in 2016 was the takeover of one of the largest banks, Bank of Moscow, by VTB Bank. Despite the problems after the redistribution of Bank of Moscow shares, which necessitated the assistance of the Deposit Insurance Agency, in general this operation looks profitable for VTB. It is expected that 2017 will put everything in its place. The total size of assets is 9.5 billion rubles.

1. Sberbank of Russia

The first position in the 2017 bank reliability rating, according to the Central Bank, is, of course, occupied by Sberbank, the undisputed leader for many years now. The heir to the USSR savings banks, founded in 1922, lives and prospers - he is currently

Banks are the circulatory system of any state. Therefore, special attention is always paid to their activities.

Legal entities and individuals strive to predict the scenario for the further development of each large credit institution in order to decide on the choice of bank for cooperation. For this purpose, there are a number of official assessments and ratings. In this article, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the position that one of the largest financial companies, Home Credit and Finance Bank LLC, has among Russian banks.

According to the Banki.ru portal

In the financial rating, updated on December 1 of the past year, according to the popular Russian portal Banki.ru, HKF Bank LLC is located on the 38th line in terms of net assets. Since November 2015, Home Credit has lost one position and dropped from 37th line, reducing its financial indicators by 0.97%. Also, the Banki.ru website regularly publishes a national rating, in which, as of December 1, 2015, the bank in question is positioned in 28th place with 32.5% of positive reviews.

According to this indicator, he is included in the Top 50, which the portal calls the “major league.” Among the good ratings are reviews of the professionalism and politeness of the employees, and the possibility of obtaining a loan for young borrowers without a credit history. The most common complaints are about the availability of insurance when applying for a loan and interest rates. According to Banki.ru, Home Credit Bank ranks 716th in terms of net profit, ahead of banks such as Gazprombank JSC and Rosselkhozbank JSC. It is the leader in the number of loan products issued to consumers for 181,365 days. In terms of the total number of loans with different amounts and loan terms – 10th place. In terms of the volume of deposits received from individuals – 13th position.

Rating of international and national agencies

The opinion of reputable rating agencies is important for assessing the reliability of a bank’s activities.

LLC "HKF Bank" has the following indicators:

  1. In June 2015, the international rating center Moody’s Interfax Rating Agency rated Home Credit Bank Baa1, which means moderate credit risk. This assessment is valid to this day.
  2. On November 18, 2015, the no less influential international agency Fitch Ratings assigned Home Credit Bank a B+ rating. This indicator characterizes the bank as an organization with significant credit risks, but at the same time having reserves to “stay afloat”. The bank's financial obligations with such an assessment are fulfilled, but stability depends on external and internal economic factors.
  3. In the rating of the international agency Standard & Poor’s, the last time a B+ rating was recorded was on September 1, 2011. At that time, S&P considered Home Credit Bank an institution with a high risk of credit risks, but it fulfilled its financial obligations in full.
  4. At the beginning of 2016, HCF Bank LLC was not represented in the ranking of well-known Russian analytical centers: Expert RA, National Rating Agency, AK&M, RusRating. On June 22, 2015, it took 10th position among Russian banks that effectively use Internet banking, according to the Expert RA agency.

Official reporting

According to the report for the 3rd quarter of 2015, published on the bank’s official online page, the economy of Home Credit Bank was unprofitable for the reporting period. Expenses exceeded income by 10,655,516 thousand rubles. But, according to analytical materials from the Banki.ru portal, the bank will be able to reduce its loss ratio as early as 2016 by reducing contributions to reserve funds and even achieve a slight profit.

About the bank's activities

The clients of HCF Bank LLC in Russia are about 31 million people. Priority areas of activity are consumer lending in cash or through the issuance of credit cards.

For legal entities there are salary projects and deposits. The bulk of loans issued to the population are for payment for goods and services. The minimum rate on cash loans from a bank, according to information from the official website, is 19.9% ​​for a period of 12–60 months and an amount from 10,000 to 850,000 rubles. In addition, the bank cooperates with major sellers of furniture, electronics, household appliances and jewelry, as well as fitness service providers. When purchasing goods from bank partners, credit systems “0-0-12” and “0-0-24” are available. Credit card rates from 29.9% to 49.9% with various lending conditions and bonus programs. Deposit rates range from 9.8% to 11.91% depending on the type of deposit.

In 2013-2014, HKF Bank LLC ranked second after Sberbank of Russia PJSC in terms of the number of offices and representative offices. Based on the results of an analysis of their activities, many turned out to be unprofitable. For this reason, optimization began in 2014. In 2015, the number of offices was more than halved, and almost half of the employees were laid off. At the same time, the number of ATMs has remained virtually unchanged. In this regard, rumors about the possible cessation of the bank’s activities were actively spreading online. In fact, it successfully passed all checks and continues to actively operate in the field of banking services, maintaining the required level of liquidity. Through these measures, as RBC reports, the bank intended to reduce losses and develop Internet banking.