Fedor Emelianenko is a State Duma deputy. State Duma deputy from Chechnya threatened Emelianenko

State Duma deputy, adviser to the head of Chechnya Adam Delimkhanov called the President of the Russian MMA Union Fedor Emelianenko a “dishonest coward” for his criticism of children’s fights at a mixed martial arts tournament, which took place on October 4 in Grozny.

“Emelianenko made a statement in which he criticized the conduct of children’s exhibition fights at the International Tournament “Grand Prix Akhmat 2016” in Grozny. It seems quite strange to me to hear such words from the lips of a person whose moral, ethical and professional image is in deep doubt,” - wrote Delimkhanov on Instagram.

In his opinion, decency and conscience “do not fit into the framework of Fedya’s perception.” As proof, the State Duma deputy recalled the fight between Emelianenko and Fabio Maldonado, the victory in which was “brazenly, vilely taken away” from the Brazilian fighter.

“The entire global sports community witnessed how Fedya, being a shameful loser and severely beaten, used administrative resources and literally stole victory from his opponent. Fedya talks about the need for proper education of the younger generation, but at the same time does not give an explanation why he raised his brother, a drug addict, who beat and raped women,” Delimkhanov added.

He said that he got acquainted with Emelianenko’s life story, learning the details of his early biography. According to the adviser to the head of Chechnya, the future president of the Russian MMA Union “was very afraid and avoided normal guys in every possible way,” so worthy guys never allowed him to see him.

The State Duma deputy also advised Emelianenko to thoroughly study Russian laws and familiarize himself with the concepts of sports ethics, honor and dignity.

“Fedya, remember our telephone conversation well. When you hung up, you didn’t have the courage to speak normally like a man - this is an indicator of your cowardice. In conclusion, I’ll note that no matter who the person is, he will have to answer for every word spoken to my dear ones nephews,” Delimkhanov addressed his opponent.

Thus, Valuev agreed with Emelianenko that children at that age should not participate in competitions according to MMA rules.

Nikolay Valuev: “Every sport is good for a certain age. Fedor absolutely rightly noted that they (the fights) were too early for children, and you can believe the words of a person who really understands this. Fights according to MMA rules include the possibility of finishing off an opponent on the ground; this is unacceptable for small children.”

If minor athletes do enter the ring, then, he emphasized former champion boxing world champion and State Duma deputy, they must use protection, which was not the case in Grozny, TASS reports.

In turn, Valuev’s State Duma colleague Adam Delimkhanov sharply criticized Emelianenko. He said that the athlete “will have to answer for every word” said to the children of Ramzan Kadyrov. At the same time, Delimkhanov emphasized that “Emelianenko’s moral, ethical and professional image raises the deepest doubts.”

Let us remind you earlier that the young children of Ramzan Kadyrov took part in the tournament, which was held in Grozny on October 4. The famous fighter emphasized that athletes under 12 years of age are not allowed to compete according to MMA rules at all, and in Grozny, children not only entered the ring, but also did so without the necessary protective equipment.

To Emelianenko’s criticism already. In particular, the President fight club“Akhmat” emphasized that the children took part in exhibition matches. In turn, Dmitry is in a mixed martial arts tournament.

The statement by the famous athlete and President of the Russian MMA Union Fedor Emelianenko about the inadmissibility of children's fights after the fight of Ramzan Kadyrov's children caused an aggressive reaction. State Duma deputy doubted courage famous fighter, the Akhmat fight club is expecting an apology, and the president of the Chechen Boxing Federation said that Emelianenko’s time has passed. State Duma Deputy Adam Delimkhanov left a long comment on his Instagram. In his opinion, Emelianenko’s moral, ethical and professional image is questionable.

State Duma Deputy Adam Delimkhanov left a long comment on his Instagram. In his opinion, Emelianenko’s moral, ethical and professional image is questionable.

The fact that decency and conscience do not fit into the framework of Fedi’s perception became absolutely obvious to us when the judges from the corrupt department he heads brazenly, in a vile manner, took away a well-deserved victory from the Brazilian fighter Fabio Maldonado. The entire global sports community witnessed how Fedya, being a shameful loser and severely beaten, used administrative resources and literally stole the victory from his opponent.

I really like Fedor Emelianenko, I respect him very much, but I 100% disagree with him in this situation.

In turn, the press secretary of the Russian President Dmitry Peskov said that past battles must undergo inspection by supervisory authorities, Interfax reports.

If this was shown on TV and it corresponds to reality, then, probably, of course, knocking out a child, and even on television, is a reason for the relevant supervisory authorities to become interested.

State Duma deputy and cousin of Ramzan Kadyrov Adam Delimkhanov promised the President of the Russian MMA Union Fedor Emelianenko that he would answer for his words spoken to the children of the Chechen leader.

Adam Delimkhanov published an angry statement against Emelianenko on his Instagram page, accompanied by a photo with the sons of Ramzan Kadyrov, taken during the high-profile Grand Prix Akhmat 2016 tournament in Grozny.

Regarding official statements, Delimkhanov wrote: “I want to officially declare with full responsibility that we have held, are holding and will always hold those fights that we consider necessary, without violating the legal regulations of the organization sporting events».

The deputy also expressed doubts about the moral, ethical and professional image of Fedor Emelianenko. According to the deputy, he had a telephone conversation with the president of the MMA Union, but he cut it off by hanging up. “Fedya, remember our telephone conversation well. When you hung up, you didn’t have the courage to talk normally like a man,” Delimkhanov wrote about this.

In the appeal, the deputy said that Emelianenko and the judges from his department “brazenly, in a vile manner, took away a well-deserved victory from the Brazilian fighter Fabio Maldonado.” He also noted that the head of the Russian MMA Union talks about educating young people, while his own brother is a drug addict, “who beat and raped women.”

In his angry post, the State Duma deputy said that he had made inquiries about the life of Fedor Emelianenko and his youth. “...I learned that as a child he was very afraid and avoided normal guys in every possible way. Decent guys from authoritative and respected circles never allowed Fedya to approach them because of his complete inconsistency with genuine male concepts and values. Severe psychological consequences are reflected in his behavior today,” concluded Adam Delimkhanov.

“In conclusion, I would like to note that no matter who the person is, he will have to answer for every word spoken to my dear nephews! Allahu Akbar!” the State Duma deputy concluded his message.

A scandal in the fighting community arose after an exhibition fight between the sons of Ramzan Kadyrov during international tournament"Grand Prix Akhmat 2016" in Grozny. The eldest son of the Chechen leader, 10-year-old Akhmad, knocked out his opponent 14 seconds into the fight. The head of the MMA Union in Russia, Fedor Emelianenko, was the first to condemn this situation, for which he was criticized by the organizers of the competition, the Akhmat club and a number of Chechen wrestlers and politicians. The discussion resulted in a heated public debate.

BISHKEK, Oct 6 – Sputnik. Deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation from the United Russia party Adam Delimkhanov accused the President of the Russian MMA Union Fedor Emelianenko of cowardice, who condemned the holding of children's fights at the mixed martial arts tournament in Grozny, writes RIA Novosti.

On Tuesday, the ten-year-old son of the head of Chechnya, Ramzan Kadyrov, Akhmad won by knockout in a fight in 14 seconds. His two other sons, Eli (9 years old) and Adam (8 years old), also defeated their opponents in exhibition matches in weight categories up to 27 and 35 kilograms, respectively. The President of the MMA Union of Russia Fedor Emelianenko fights with the participation of children and stated that athletes under 12 years of age are not allowed to compete according to MMA rules at all.

“I would like to officially declare with full responsibility that we have held, are holding and will always hold those fights that we consider necessary, without violating the legal regulations for organizing sporting events. And I advise Fedya to thoroughly study Russian laws, familiarize himself with the concepts of sports ethics and honor and dignity. Fedya, remember our telephone conversation well. You hung up, you didn’t have the courage to talk like a man, this is an indicator of your cowardice,” Delimkhanov wrote on his Instagram page.

A deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation said that it was strange for him to hear criticism from a person “whose moral, ethical and professional image raises the deepest doubts.”

“The fact that decency and conscience do not fit into the framework of Fedi’s perception became absolutely obvious to us when the judges from the corrupt department he heads brazenly and vilely took away a well-deserved victory from the Brazilian fighter Fabio Maldonado,” he noted.

The head of the Akhmat fight club, Abuzaid Vismuradov, the organizer of the tournament in Grozny, which included fights among children, declared as “demonstration”, also responded to criticism from Emelianenko.

"For some reason, Fedor Emelianenko didn’t like it. The question is: who is he to evaluate our tournament and fights? Maybe he’s just consumed by envy? Because the Grand-Prix Akhmat 2016 Final is recognized by many the best tournament in the history of Russian MMA, but he was not invited here,” Vismuradov wrote in Instagram.

Also, the fighters made sharp criticism of Fedor Emelianenko, without hesitating offensive expressions mixed martial arts Beslan Ushukov, Khabib Nurmagomedov, Khusein Khaliev, Abubakar Vagaev, Mikhail Malyutin, General Director of the Republican sports club"Akhmat" and the President of the Boxing Federation of the Chechen Republic Valid Edilov.