Boxing Rope Training Guide.

It is better to perform jumping rope when relaxed because in a tense state more energy is spent on body movements and rotation of the rope. We try to keep the duration of the jumps the same as in the round: three-minute jumps, then a one-minute break. And so on for three approaches, each time increasing the number of jumps in one minute. It is important to distribute the load evenly, for this we gradually set the pace, and do not forget that breaks are needed for the muscles to rest and breathing to be restored, so be sure to take breaks, especially at the initial stage of training.

How to jump rope video


Restrictions on exercises with a skipping rope apply primarily to those people who have health problems. People should definitely consult their doctor before starting such intense training, especially without prior preparation.

Here's what to remember before you start training:

  • prohibited after eating, with a full stomach.
  • It is not advisable to jump rope during migraine attacks.
  • Any heart disease can have an undesirable outcome when doing exercises such as jumping rope.
  • The same applies to all other diseases in which increased pulse and high blood pressure can be dangerous.
  • Diseases of intervertebral cartilage and joints are another limiting factor.
  • Significant excess weight (even second degree obesity) is a huge burden on the joints and heart; jumping rope is not advisable.
  • Varicose veins or a predisposition to this disease. Progression is possible when working with a jump rope.

Among modern sports (and martial arts in particular), boxing has been one of the most popular, spectacular and in demand for decades. A huge number of people around the globe choose boxing - this type of martial arts is excellent both for self-defense in a street fight, and for general physical development and strengthening of the body.

Modern training for boxers (both professional and amateur) includes dozens of different exercises for each muscle group. After all, it is not enough just to learn how to swing your arms correctly - the development of the whole organism as a whole, proper breathing, the ability to take a blow, competent and precise movement, and the ability to control an opponent and the environment are also of considerable importance.

One of the most basic exercises with which almost every training session of a boxer (as well as athletes of many other sports) begins is jumping rope. Although seemingly a child's activity at first glance, exercises with a jump rope for boxers are, first of all, excellent for the athlete's body: it will warm up the muscles, prepare the internal organs for intense work, and speed up the heartbeat and pulse. Jumping rope is an integral part of any warm-up also because it helps to train the correct technique of moving a boxer, develops endurance and coordination. Another undeniable advantage of this projectile is its low cost and availability.

Below we will look at some of the most common training methods with this equipment:

  1. Jumping with knees. It differs from the usual execution only in that you need to raise your knees to your waist. The muscles of the legs, abdomen, buttocks and lower back receive the load.
  2. Legs to the sides. When performing regular jumps, land not with your feet together, but with your feet slightly apart.
  3. "Scissors". The essence is the same as in the previous variation, only you take one leg back and the other forward, alternating them at each jump.
  4. Jumps with rotation on an axis. The essence is clear from the name - perform regular jumping ropes, and for each jump, turn a little in a circle.
  5. Double jumps. Have time to make two jumps while the rope makes one turn.
  6. "Skiing" Perform regular jumps with the projectile in question, but land not at one point, but to the sides of it, alternating between right and left.

The above describes only a few of the huge number of possible exercises using a jump rope. Each option is good in its own way, so try not to be limited in your skill, and regularly learn and hone new movements.

When preparing for a competition, an athlete usually adds new exercises to their regular training that help develop explosive force. For this purpose, interval training with jumping in breaks is prescribed, but everything is determined based on the individual training plan of a particular athlete. For training to proceed correctly, the boxing rope must be carefully selected. There are several ways to choose it: 1. Measure the length of the rope. Take one end of it in your hand, and the other must reach the floor. This length will be the most optimal for you. 2. Length that suits you personally and is correct. Take the ends of the rope in your hands and stand with both feet in the middle. Pull it, if its handles touch your armpits, then it suits you. If you choose a longer rope, it will be harder for you to perform all your movements, and if you choose a short rope, you will always have to tuck your legs. There are several groups of jumps: 1. Simple. They include: High step - jumps carried out from the right foot to the left, while raising the knees to the waist. Scissors - legs spread back and forth when jumping, Bell - legs together while jumping, move forward and backward. Alpine skier - jump with feet together, and then begin jumping to the sides, but the upper body remains in an upright position. Half-turns - only the knees turn when jumping, the whole body up to the waist does not change its position, thus burning fat in the waist area well. Full turns are the same as in the previous type, only without the middle jump. Crossing legs with the letter X - begins with jumping “legs together”, then alternates jumps with legs to the sides, crossed, and then legs to the sides again. Forward shuffle - first jumping “legs together”, and then one leg is thrown forward, then the other. These are all typical jumps for boxers. Back shuffle - the leg is bent at the knee, alternating legs are performed, in the most difficult case - when the heels hit the buttocks. Cossack - legs together, and then a dance movement is performed when the athlete first touches the heel in front, and then behind. Jumping with a backward rotation of the rope - feet together, shoulders down, this workout trains the arms, shoulders and posture. Crossing arms – jump – crossing, second jump – raising arms. Swing in different directions - the rope is held in two hands, the hands are at waist level, the handle must be held parallel to the floor; when jumping, you cannot jump “inside” the rope. Then we rotate it to the side, outside, next to the body. To the sides – inside – we alternate swings in different directions, one jump – and bring our legs together, and our arms open to the sides” inside the rope. 2. Speed ​​jumps. This type of jumping is characterized by increased intensity. At an accelerated pace, you can perform all the simplest jumps, the most difficult of which is a double jump, that is, several turns of the rope in one jump. Execution technique for double jumps: the lesson begins with simple jumps, and after several regular jumps the transition to double-speed jumps is made. These jumps are performed like regular ones, but when performing them, you should push harder and jump higher. The number of such jumps depends on the level of training of a particular athlete. The fact that the boxing rope is very effective has been proven by the repeated victories of such fighters as Ernesto and Muhammad Ali.

The jump rope for boxers is one of the most effective sports equipment. If you don’t use it, then without realizing it, you are giving an advantage to the enemy. Among the positive properties of working with a skipping rope, it is necessary to note:

  • Increases endurance.
  • Footwork improves.
  • Impact power increases.
  • The productivity of the respiratory system improves.
Many boxers say that the jump rope is the best training discovery for them. Often, beginning athletes actively work on their paws and bag during training, after which they move on to sparring. At first, jumping rope seems like a waste of time to them. This is especially true in cases where the first coach does not force you to work with this sports equipment.

As a result, the athlete begins to believe that working with a skipping rope is a waste of time. But as soon as he decides to start copying the training process of a professional athlete, everything changes exactly the opposite. Most often, they use a jump rope during warm-up and cool-down. Let's take a closer look at the main advantages of jump rope in boxing and martial arts.

Improved footwork

This is the most obvious advantage, which is of great importance in all types of martial arts. For most beginner boxers, 75 percent of their footwork is running, with the remaining 25 percent coming from plyometrics, non-running exercises, etc. However, none of this can sufficiently improve lower limb coordination. You should remember that high-quality footwork practically does not depend on their physical condition. The most important point here is coordination.

If you think that running will help you develop your legs, you are greatly mistaken. Even if these workouts are carried out actively, you won’t be able to do anything serious with your legs. A similar problem occurs in plyometric exercises, working with weights. All these movements are monotonous and do not allow you to feel your feet. At best, you will significantly improve the physical fitness of your lower extremities, but you will not be able to control them sufficiently.

The situation is different with the jump rope. When jumping, you are forced to watch your feet. The more tricks you perform with this sports equipment, the faster your coordination and attentiveness develop. As a result, you will be able to control your footwork in the ring, which is extremely important for winning. Remember - only the development of coordination helps to improve footwork during a fight.

Increases endurance

According to many professional athletes, jumping rope is one of the best ways to increase endurance. There are several explanations for this. Let's start with the fact that thanks to the jump rope you can simulate a large number of exercises. You can perform sprints, jump to different heights, squat, etc. The jump rope practically does not limit your body movements. At the same time, there is an excellent opportunity to quickly change the intensity of the training, its speed and rhythm.

The second reason to choose a jump rope is its ability to increase productivity. It is important to understand that this is a technical, not a physiological issue. When you jump rope, you perform a large number of repetitive movements with a high rhythm. The result is improved muscle memory, coordination and technique. Most professional fighters have little interest in the quality of, say, a running program or a strength training program. In the market, the one who has more endurance and better footwork often wins.

Improved sense of rhythm

The jump rope is an excellent exercise for training fighters, as it perfectly imitates the rhythm of a fight in comparison with other exercises. When working with this sports equipment, you are in constant motion and maintain attention. The main problem for boxers who do not use a rope is that they are not used to being in constant motion.

A jump rope can improve your attention and you won’t “fall asleep” during a fight. In the ring, as a result, you will be able to quickly avoid blows and counterattack. In addition, high attentiveness allows you to remain calm in difficult situations that constantly arise during combat. If you start working with a jump rope, you will be able to maintain the required rhythm even in the absence of active movement.

Strength increases

You might be surprised to learn that jumping rope can significantly increase your striking power. We have already noted above that during training with this sports equipment, you have to perform a large number of repetitive movements at high speed in accordance with a certain rhythm. As a result, your body gets used to performing at its best, and this skill affects your swing.

In addition, you will increase not only the power of your attack, but also the power of all movements. This fact is also associated with increased productivity and coordination. A professional trainer can tell with complete confidence whether a fighter is working with a jump rope only by observing his movements in the ring. When you start training with a jump rope yourself, you will be able to evaluate it yourself. There is a huge difference between a fighter with a natural shuttle and a boxer who performs a shuttle that uses a lot of energy.

Rules for choosing a jump rope for boxing and martial arts

Let's answer the question of how to choose a jump rope for boxing and martial arts. We've put together a short overview of the different types of jump ropes that should help you make the right choice.

High-speed plastic jump rope with handles attached at right angles to the cable

This is an ideal equipment for representatives of all types of martial arts. A thin cable is attached to the handles at a right angle and is able to rotate quickly. As a result, you are able to maintain the required rhythm. The handles are thin and fit perfectly in the hand. All you have to do is focus on the rope and perform various tricks.

The right angle between the cable and the handles not only allows for higher rotation speeds, but also protects against twisting. Thanks to the ideal resistance, the jump rope allows you to maintain the necessary rhythm and quickly improve coordination. Unfortunately, this type of jump rope is extremely rare in regular stores, and you can order it on the Internet.

Plastic licorice jump rope

Another great choice for boxers. This is the most common and cheapest type of jump rope available at any sporting goods store. Their only drawback in comparison with the type of sports equipment considered is their lower rotation speed and shorter service life. This rope is great for performing basic movements, but is less suitable for double jumps.

PVC jump rope

The presence of bearings in the handles should, in theory, allow the projectile to rotate more evenly. However, in practice, a lot of problems arise when it is necessary to change the length of the cable. The main problem with this sports equipment is the stretching of the cable and at high speeds of rotation you can easily lose the rhythm.

Jump rope with leather rope

We do not recommend that fighters use jump ropes with thick leather cables and wooden handles. They will not allow you to develop sufficient speed during exercise, and if it is knocked down, the sensations will be extremely unpleasant.

Here are a few more types of jump ropes that are completely unsuitable for boxers and representatives of various martial arts:

  1. Shells costing over $40- The only complaint about them is the high cost. They are primarily designed to perform effective tricks, but boxers don't need that.
  2. Beaded- in general, a good sports equipment, but it requires quite a lot of energy to rotate.
  3. Jump ropes with steel cable- the main complaint is that they rotate very easily. As a result, it will be difficult for new fighters to control the rhythm.
  4. Jump ropes with thick rope- difficult to rotate, which makes them unsuitable for double jumps.
  5. With thick handles- they force you to concentrate on the handles, not on the rhythm of work.
  6. Weighted jump ropes- some athletes read that using this apparatus can improve hand function. However, in practice this does not happen, but developing coordination and a sense of rhythm becomes more difficult.
Another important point when talking about how to choose a jump rope for boxing and martial arts is the length of the sports equipment. If you step on the middle of the rope with your foot, its handles should reach your armpits. Beginning boxers can use a slightly longer bar to reduce stuttering. However, over time you will have to shorten the length of the cable.

How should a boxer train with a jump rope?

We recommend working with a jump rope every day for half an hour. If you get tired and catch the cable, just stop, put your feet up and continue training. Breathing should be smooth and calm. If you have not worked with a jump rope before, you will probably get tired quickly. Ignore this and work for 30 minutes. At first this time period may seem like an eternity to you, but the body adapts quite quickly. The more tired you are, the faster you will progress.

Here are some useful tips to help you make your workout more effective:

  1. Breathe through your nose.
  2. Land on your toes, slightly bending your knees.
  3. Your back should be straight throughout the entire session.
  4. To improve your rhythm, you should perform short but quick jumps.
  5. You need to rotate the cable with your hands, not your shoulder joints.
  6. Striking the cable on the ground can help you maintain a good rhythm.
  7. When resting, don't stop, just walk around.
  8. If you feel pain in the calf muscles, you should stop exercising to provoke the development of inflammation of the periosteum.
  9. Try to jump as short as possible so as not to waste energy.
In conclusion, I would like to remind you that there is simply no worthy alternative to working with a jump rope in boxing. Only thanks to this projectile can you improve your footwork and develop a sense of rhythm.

For more information about boxing ropes, features and mistakes of training on it, watch the video below:

For everyone who trains in the boxing section in Moscow, endurance, punching power and good footwork are important. An interesting fact is that exercises with only one equipment help to achieve this: a jump rope. Let's talk about this in more detail.


Often, athletes attending training sessions at the club neglect one simple exercise: jumping rope. They believe that this is a waste of time and prefer to just run or even go to the gym. A boxer needs strong legs so he can move quickly around the ring. And you need stamina to survive the battle to the end. But jumping ability and agility are also important in order to not only jump back in time, but also dodge the blow.

All famous boxers begin their training with this apparatus; it is for them instead of a warm-up. And novice athletes visiting should listen to the opinion of their coach and be sure to do jumping rope. This way they will be able to increase their endurance, because they can diversify this exercise and make it interesting. For example, jumping on one leg or two, fast and slow, high and low, etc.

If you go to class and jump rope for only 10 minutes a day before training, you can improve your technique. The muscles will remember every movement and this will come in handy during a fight, when you need to bounce off a blow. By the way, the ability to rebound from a blow in time and not get tired at the same time needs to be learned; it is not inherent in everyone.


What benefit will jumping bring, which at the very beginning seems boring and ineffective?

  • Increases endurance;
  • Footwork improves;
  • The blow becomes stronger;
  • The boxer gets less tired when carrying out a series of attacks;
  • Breathing improves;
  • The athlete becomes more rhythmic.

By regularly performing this exercise, the boxer becomes more attentive, resilient, he does not panic and does not waste his energy. At the same time, he learns to look closely at something all the time, which means he will be less distracted in the ring.

Proper execution

When working out in a club and deciding to jump rope regularly, remember a few simple rules. They will allow you to achieve the desired result quickly. The main thing is not to panic and not to give up. When performing the exercise it is important:

  • breathing through the nose;
  • landing only on your toes (knees should be bent);
  • keep balance;
  • twist the rope with your hands (shoulders and forearms should remain motionless);
  • do not jump high (more energy is wasted);
  • stop if there is pain in the calf muscles.

Do this exercise for at least 30 minutes a day.